
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, July 23


The Loopy-O
Hello O-Fam! It's Tuesday! For real. For some reason, I woke up and thought it was Saturday. Don't ask me why, it just felt that way.
It looks like it rained all night, thank goodness. I can hear the rain dripping off the trees and boy oh boy, we needed a good soaking rain. On yesterday's hike, we traveled along the stream where we had the macroinvertebrate field trip rotation. The stream was a small trickle up top but the bottom section was almost completely dry. I think we are supposed to get some more showers passing through today and I hope that we do. Tomorrow's field trip has a stream study component and I'm not sure how we will do it if there isn't any water in the stream.

Yesterday's field trip was perfect for me- very low-key with only 13 kids attending. The hike was easy and my knee hurt on the decline but it didn't need icing when I got home. whew! I gave a heads-up to the camp director that I might not be able to do the big hike next week. I should be fine but don't want her scrambling to cover me at the last minute.

Not much happening in my world today. I am picking up groceries, then dropping three pairs of shoes off at the UPS store on my way home. It's Tom's birthday but he and the crew are going out to dinner. We'll celebrate here next Sunday. I should come up with a plan for something to do so I don't get bored. But what??
I am open to ideas! LOL

What good things are on your schedule today? Have a great one!


The Loopy-O
@tanteva how was your ketchup spaghetti?
(Other than gross, obviously)

@BrightEyes what a wild dream about working at the college! Glad you were able to sleep in even though the dream was strange.
Did you get to sit outside at all? I sure hope so. Fresh air is magical.

It is cloudy and much cooler this morning, we actually had a few sprinkles of rain yesterday.
Sweet!! It's fab to hear that a bunch of us are finally getting some rain. How is the weather looking for tomorrow's hike? *fingers crossed for ya!*

Ummmm......... are you my twin?????? I can trip over a shadow! Its my super power. I
HA!! Same here. I can trip over air. *giggles*
The amount depends on so many things, how many fish entered the river, did you catch the right tide, did your tongue hang out right while concentrating.
Like this? :tongue3:
Thanks for filling me in on how the fishing limits work. It's very different than a lot of the catch-and-release fishing people do here.

The humidity was a bit better when I walked this morning! Clouds and misting rain and all! ;)
The humidity here was awful yesterday but I'll take it when it comes with rain. Good job walking! Are you starting to notice a big difference in your pace and/or heart rate? Keep it up! :cheer:

Re: BritBox-- I wish we had extra money to get that subscription. We watched a bunch of British Crime shows that were on BBC America (Broadchurch was one of my faves) and they are so refreshing that they solve crimes without having to chase after and shoot people like they do in all of the US shows.

@bcgal00 Your days are jam-packed, no wonder they fly by so quickly. How is my Taz doing in the heat? I adore the LO that you posted of him, I think I saw it yesterday on my FB feed. He has the sweetest face ♥
It seems like you are feeling so much better and more energetic (if that is possible) so whatever you are doing with your diet and activity levels you are on to something good. :)

Time to feed the dogs, J has found her bowl and is running around the LR with it in her mouth. :runningdog:



Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm heading to the park in a few minutes, then will stay indoors most of the day aside from going to play cards for a few hours this afternoon. Have to figure out something for dinner. I think the guys are coming to work on the deck roof today but b/c of the heat, who knows. If they come, then no BBQ burger for Darrell for dinner, maybe hamburger casserole. I will have a buddah bowl with beef flavored TVP grounds with maple bacon spice, rice, greens, tomato and an egg. I put a siracha sauce overtop. We watched the finale for The Rookie last night. Love that show. Still haven't caught up with House of Dragons and also have Big Brother to catch up on. I don't like to fall behind on that one b/c then I always hear spoilers on social media about it.

@faerywings Glad your knee is not doing too bad and that you are being careful. Taz hasn't been coming to the park most days. He's happy to just hang out in the yard or inside. He does love to come to the park with the stream though. They get filthy and wet, they love it :) I'll probably head there in the next day or two.

I'm going to check emails and get off the computer so Remi and I can head out. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Quick in and out. Getting ready to go to lunch with Mark.
Been working on Erin's Color Play this morning! Oh! What color! And such a huge, beautiful collection! I want to play with it some with my ATC's.
We went to a revival service at the church that is an hour away from us.....where I take the ladies to the widows' meeting. So we got back late last night and I was too tired to walk today! Shame on me! We are going again tonight. The young man preaching is a ball of fire! And very sound doctrinally!
OK. Gotta go! HAGD!

The hike was easy and my knee hurt on the decline but it didn't need icing when I got home. whew!
YAY! So glad the knee is getting better!
It's Tom's birthday
Tell Tom we said happy birthday!
What good things are on your schedule today?
Going to lunch with Mark, scrapping, back to church tonight!
Broadchurch was one of my faves
LOVED that show!
Are you starting to notice a big difference in your pace and/or heart rate?
I did 2 miles yesterday in about 35 minutes. So, it just depends on the humidity level/temp as to how fast I walk! But 35 minutes for 2 miles was pretty good.....IMHO! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I'm heading to the park in a few minutes, then will stay indoors most of the day aside from going to play cards for a few hours this afternoon. Have to figure out something for dinner. I think the guys are coming to work on the deck roof today but b/c of the heat, who knows. If they come, then no BBQ burger for Darrell for dinner, maybe hamburger casserole. I will have a buddah bowl with beef flavored TVP grounds with maple bacon spice, rice, greens, tomato and an egg. I put a siracha sauce overtop. We watched the finale for The Rookie last night. Love that show. Still haven't caught up with House of Dragons and also have Big Brother to catch up on. I don't like to fall behind on that one b/c then I always hear spoilers on social media about it.

@faerywings Glad your knee is not doing too bad and that you are being careful. Taz hasn't been coming to the park most days. He's happy to just hang out in the yard or inside. He does love to come to the park with the stream though. They get filthy and wet, they love it :) I'll probably head there in the next day or two.

I'm going to check emails and get off the computer so Remi and I can head out. HAGD everyone.

beef flavored TVP
What does TVP stand for?
The Rookie last night
Yes! Good show! We finished binging about a month ago!


This is going to be a "do nothing" day. Yesterday just after I got out underwear from the dresser before my shower, I turned and tangled my feet... started falling but managed to get my left arm up and caught myself with that hand against the door opening to the bathroom. The right arm pushed up against the folding screen.... so managed not to fall down and kept from smashing my face into the door jamb. Just scared myself silly as I leaned against the door opening and caught my breath. Well, this morning my left shoulder blade and shoulder/arm/hand are all very sore and it hurts to raise my left arm very much. Going to take a hot shower then sit on the chair massager and see if that eases the aching. Will see if I can reach to rub some asper cream on the shoulder blade.

Got word last evening that Son-in-law is home from hospital and doing okay. Pathology report said no infection in the bone!!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
We actually had rain 3 of the last 4 days. Hasn't added up to more than a half inch but I'm crossing my fingers that the pattern has changed.

I worked on pages from our April trip to Disney with the kids & grandkids. One day finished, four to go. I'm probably making a mistake by not having figured out a consistent pattern and style beforehand, but I suppose I can live with at least having facing pages coordinate somehow. I'm sure I'm a worse critic than anyone else in the family will be. I always scrap in 12x12 but usually for these one-occasion books I'll have them printed 8x8 and I'm sometimes disappointed that they look too small, even when I remember to use a larger font for the type. So I haven't decided yet whether to spend the extra $$ to print the larger size. It will probably just depend on my mood the day I order, and whether I can find someone with a discount. Maybe there will be some end-of-summer sales.

There's a kid doing his eagle scout project by putting some benches and signs on the greenway. Since I'm the president of the group that maintains them, that makes me the customer, or whatever they call it. It's a lot of communicating back and forth -- I'm sure we could do that work ourselves with less effort but I guess this is how I support kids learning, right? So he expects to be finished this weekend and I'll have to go out and inspect it all. Maybe I can do it all on my bike.

@AK_Tracy Are you catching salmon in those nets? Do you have to compete with the bears?


Well-Known Member
For some reason, I woke up and thought it was Saturday.
I thought it was Sunday. I woke up thinking will the alarm go off and do I still have time to get ready for church. Crazy. I had to stop and think, what did I do yesterday? Yep, I did housecleaning and laundry. Must have been Monday so yep to day is Tuesday.
Like this? :tongue3:
Thanks for filling me in on how the fishing limits work. It's very different than a lot of the catch-and-release fishing people do here.
Yep, hold your tongue just like that and you'll catch more fish. We've done catch and release too and its fun but this season is just for filling the freezer/canner. We might go line fishing this week and that will be a limit of 3. Much easier to let hubs clean them all :floorlaugh:

@BrightEyes I am so glad you were okay Kay. That sounds painful. Definitely a day to rest up for you. Wonderful report on SIL and that there was no infection.

@Terri M Yes, we are catching salmon. Its an AK thing for filling the freezer. No we dont usually have to compete with bears when dipnetting where we do but there are many places where we rod n reel (line fish) that you go armed as there are brown bears fishing too. We wont be going to that area this week though as its full of tourists. And we will be in a boat, that helps keep you off shore where the bears are located. Hopefully we will get more photos this time LOL

Okay, its a do nothing day until I meet my friend for "coffee" which will actually be water since its after she's off work. But for now, time to refill the Grumpy mug with more coffee. Have a wonderful day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good late morning ladies... I slept in until 7:30 it must be because the temps are much cooler, I slept like a baby!! Then Heather called right after I got on here and so I had to delay this post until now. Talked with her and the boys for over an hour, then got some brunch and did my morning chores. Got a phone call from the window/door place and they are finally coming to install the new screen door and glass insert with mini blinds in our house and new screen doors for the in-laws on the 2nd of August, finally!! It will be good to get those jobs done. Now we just need to hear from the guy who is replacing our fence and find out when that job will done. Its going to be a very expensive summer for us, but it sure will be nice to get these projects done. Next year will be getting the vinyl replaced on the decks Ughh!! We have never lived in a house as long as this one, so we never had to deal with all these renos before :crazy: its a new experience for both of us LOL.

Not much happening in my world today. I am picking up groceries, then dropping three pairs of shoes off at the UPS store on my way home. It's Tom's birthday but he and the crew are going out to dinner. We'll celebrate here next Sunday. I should come up with a plan for something to do so I don't get bored. But what??
I am open to ideas! LOL
So nice to not have much happening for you today, but of course my suggestion to you would be to get a challenge layout done :giggle4: but then I guess I should follow my own advise!! Say Happy Birthday to Tom from us!!

Good morning ladies. I'm heading to the park in a few minutes, then will stay indoors most of the day aside from going to play cards for a few hours this afternoon. Have to figure out something for dinner. I think the guys are coming to work on the deck roof today but b/c of the heat, who knows. If they come, then no BBQ burger for Darrell for dinner, maybe hamburger casserole. I will have a buddah bowl with beef flavored TVP grounds with maple bacon spice, rice, greens, tomato and an egg. I put a siracha sauce overtop. We watched the finale for The Rookie last night. Love that show. Still haven't caught up with House of Dragons and also have Big Brother to catch up on. I don't like to fall behind on that one b/c then I always hear spoilers on social media about it.
Sure hope that your temps cool down a bit Rae!! It is much cooler here and it sure is nice to have the break from the scorching temps!! Hope that your deck gets finished today! Your Buddah bowl sounds delicious!!

Been working on Erin's Color Play this morning! Oh! What color! And such a huge, beautiful collection! I want to play with it some with my ATC's.
I will have to check out all the colour play kits today, I am really far behind with scrapping but actually got a page done yesterday and need to upload it to the gallery. Hope you have a lovely lunch with Mark today!!

Well, this morning my left shoulder blade and shoulder/arm/hand are all very sore and it hurts to raise my left arm very much. Going to take a hot shower then sit on the chair massager and see if that eases the aching. Will see if I can reach to rub some asper cream on the shoulder blade.
Oh my goodness Kay!! I hope that you are ok and that the aches and pains from your almost disastrous fall subsides quickly!! The body goes through quite the shock when something like that happens, sending you gentle healing hugs today! Also glad to hear that your SIL is doing well and that there is no infection in the bone!

We actually had rain 3 of the last 4 days. Hasn't added up to more than a half inch but I'm crossing my fingers that the pattern has changed.
How nice to get the rain!! Wish we could get some!! We had a few drops the other day, but it hardly even wet the road in front of the house, this will be our 4th or 5th year of summer drought.
Okay, its a do nothing day until I meet my friend for "coffee" which will actually be water since its after she's off work. But for now, time to refill the Grumpy mug with more coffee. Have a wonderful day!
I have a do nothing day today also, so I hope to get some scrapping done. I also need to refill my grumpy mug with more coffee, its time for a second cup for sure!!

Ok I will get my page uploaded to the gallery, it did not meet any of the criteria of any of the challenges so its a page done just because!! Have a wonderful day everyone! :cowwaving:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Today, I am recovering from bleacher butt and bunny lung. Metal bleachers when wearing shorts do not a good combo make. Yesterday began with the gym, a PT appointment for dry needling on my back, hair and nail appointment, and picking out a few photos for another layout. Hubs and another one of his sisters had a meeting with the lawyer because they will be executors of trust being set up. Another sister decided to come along too , but didn't want to ride with them because she had errands to run, that turned out to be bringing trouble making brother along, why she had to sneak behind their backs is beyond me. The lawyer let them have the room after the meeting & apparently hubs and the first sister had a come to Jesus meeting with the other two. That's not the source of my bleacher butt, just the pain in my butt. at 2 we went to the county fairgrounds to see 4H project judging results, and grands had all blue ribbons and a couple special merit awards. Dgs earned a trip to State Fair with one of his photos and just missed with wood project unless someone decides not to go. Bunny show & bleacher butt started at 4. Now if you've never been to a bunny judging, you don't know what you're missing, bleacher butt for one thing, unless you've sat on metal bleachers watching paint dry. She and her stepbrother were in a bunch of different categories so that made it more interesting & one of the vendors with onion rings was open, so onion rings made in fresh oil, YUM. The show was over a little after 7. That's a lot of bunnies getting stroked, flipped, prodded in their "nether" regions to see which parts they had. I have never been that in close and personal with a bunny's nether region & have no idea who has which or what and I've led a good life regardless, or , and this drives me nuts... irregardless. It must not be as blatantly obvious as some species because a couple of bucks were discovered in a doe category & a couple of does were in the buck category. They were heard singing "mare-zy dotes & doe-zy dotes, and little landsy didee." That's what I thought it was when I was a kid. It was after 8 when we got home and I was too tired and full of bunny, sawdust, pig , chicken, & goat dander to care even to make popcorn . Did manage to make it home with poopless shoes though, and with an ark filled with more than 2 of each aforementioned animal, that's not easy to do. We had a real gourmet supper, hubs had cheeze its , I had oyster Crackers, an paired with a nice raspberry wine. This morning I did recent financials, went out to water and some long delayed dead heading. It was warm & humid. The yellow brick road was now the brown and dry flower stem road so I cleaned up all of that & I'm sure I released enough pieces & parts to pave next year's road. I'm on my second load of laundry & need to make Rice Krispie bars for the lake, time-honored tradition. Dgs, cute little face would be in mine every morning at the crack of dawn with, Nana, it's time to make coffee. Then he'd get 2 rice krispie bars, study the size, give me the smaller one & we'd go out and sit in the wooden swing by the lake and chat. It was our alone time & he was always very stealthy so as not to wake his sister. Well, enough babbling, I need to go get my krispies sticky.