
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, January 30


The Loopy-O
Good morning!!
Is it really only Tuesday?? Yesterday felt like it was an entire week of boredom rolled into one. Even having the day to myself, figuratively speaking, I feel like I got nothing accomplished.
Gary is still feeling awful and slept the entire day on the sofa. This is the worst I've seen him in a long time. His mood *seems* to be better or maybe it's only he isn't awake long enough for him to be irritable. He started his week of Tindamax yesterday so who knows what's going to happen. I asked if he should wait a week but he said as long as he felt awful he might as well get it over with. Wish both of us luck and calmness.
Meanwhile, I am on my last day of Tindamax and not even a tiny herx or flare-up. WHEW!!!!!
The only thing I've noticed has been the intense dreams. Last night I thought I was awake and someone whispered in my ear that my mom died. Then I actually woke up and my heart was pounding. Medicine, stress, maybe both- either way I'm glad that I am sleeping deeply enough to dream, but perhaps some dreams of flowers and bunnies would be a decent change of pace?

Two more days of clouds and mist and then the sun should be out for a few days. Please let it be dry enough for the hikes this weekend. *fingers crossed*

Since I didn't get as much done around here yesterday (taxes- shmaxes) I'm going to give that all another try. I had the afternoon to scrap if I wanted but I had nothin' - maybe this afternoon will bring some mojo along with it.

Hugs and love to you!


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever I saw a weather headline that said the West Coast was getting a "Pineapple Express Atmospheric River." I don't think that they could choose which phrase to use so they included both ;)
Your Gary is going to love (sleeping in) the recliner, it sounds wonderful! Did you have any luck finding a gift for Heather?
That's a bummer about the Cowboys- my BIL, brother, and BFF are Cowboys fans and were disgusted with the way they played.
I am proud of you doing Pilates and yoga! Good for you!! :cheer: I totally bailed and have been disappointed with myself. Once I get out of a routine, I struggle to get back into it, especially this time of year. Maybe I can start again, I used a Habit Tracker to get me going last year, so maybe I can find that again, give it another try.

@BrightEyes This must be the season for vivid dreams. I'm LMBO that you didn't want to wake up so you could see the end of the play LOL!
That's too bad about the SK book. If you end up reading the Barbara Davis books, LMK what you think. Cheryl enjoyed The Keeper of Happy Ending too IIRC. They start slow but as the stories unfold, they become much more engaging. And I like the touch of sappiness too. (See, I don't only read books about missing kids and murders LOL)

@Cherylndesigns What a wonderful way to put that scrapping Chuck's photos makes you fall in love with him all over again. :lovey3: It's not corny at all, it's beautiful.

@vickyday On yuck. :( Hopefully, this passes quickly for you and your headache is gone by now. Rest and lots of fluids- that is what Dr. Faery orders. Feel better!
And you too @bcgal00

Wishing everyone who stops by a wonderful day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It has actually stopped raining for a bit this morning and the mist is hanging over the lake, it is kind of spooky looking out there. I slept until almost 8am, so I am feeling a bit discombobulated this morning. You would think I would be feeling well rested, but like rest of you I have been having non stop dreams all night long and so my sleep has been very broken, waking up after every dream. I don't have to much going on today, except going to Best Buy to pick up the gift I got for Heather's birthday and then I need to get the parcel with her gift, card and t-shirts for the boys out in the mail. Hopefully it arrives in time for her special day! Here is the t-shirt that I worked on for Hunter yesterday, it took a lot of time and layers of heat transfer vinyl, but I love how it turned out and hopefully he will love it also!
@faerywings - That sucks that your Gary is feeling so terrible!! There has to be something out there in the Universe that will make him feel well again!! I hope that you and I and Kay can start getting some half decent sleep without the dreaming!! Most of mine I don't remember, but man I hate those ones when you think someone is whispering in your ear!!! YIKES!! those ones really bother me!! I did find a gift for Heather, I got her some new wireless earbuds, she likes to listen to audio books or music while she is vacuuming or doing other housework and she was telling me how much she would love to listen to some music while she is lying in bed at night so I thought that would be a good gift for her. Hope you can get back into your routine of yoga again, it is hard to start up once you get away from it, but it will make you feel so much better! I hope that the weather improves for both of us but we are in for a ton more rain, so I am thinking that the hike might be a very soggy one tomorrow, if it even happens.

Ok I better get into the shower before Heather calls, I hope that everyone who happens by has a good day! Sending hugs to you @Cherylndesigns and healthy feel better vibes to @bcgal00 and @vickyday . Waving to you @BrightEyes hope you are having a day scrapping the day away!! :cowwaving:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. My headache is gone, I think I had a touch of a virus maybe and not surprised b/c I've been under stress (just haven't talked about it). I will be a bit spotty about coming around for awhile. My life never seems to go as planned or expected. I am having some problems with D and not sure how things are going to play out. I've been scrapping a bit but mostly out with the dogs and binging shows. I know some men don't handle retirement very well and I think D is one of those. HIs moods are getting worse (I have overlooked and tried to smooth things over but am getting tired of doing that) and I am worried about us. It'll work out or it won't and time will tell. I won't be discussing it any further, just wanted to let you know why I might be sporadic in my online presence.

It's been warm the last few days (in the 50's) so it's a nice reprieve from the cold. It should last until next wkend when temps will drop again. Crazy weather.

I finally got to the naturalist bird group outing last Wed and am looking forward to this week, it'll be warmer so will be a nice hike. We are going to the same park tomorrow, just at a different spot. The park has about 60 miles of trails and paths and is almost 15 square miles.

Time to get outside with the dogs. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning all.

It's bright and sunny here and is 58 right now, going up to 61! SO nice out right now - after the last couple of weeks, we're ready for that.

Chris, I'm sorry Gary is still feeling terrible but happy you had no bad side effects. I know you're ready for the hike. Yes, it's only Tuesday - thanks for reminding me. It has been so wonderful scrapping pictures from years ago. I just scrapped a page from some old pictures my sister sent me, too. They must have been taken around the early 2,000;s, We were all out on the beach at night, so the backgrounds were all black. I pumped the color up and blended them on black paper. They looked pretty good. It's me, my sister, Steph and Payton (my niece). My sister had a treasure trove of old pictures of all of us. I used it for the Sweet Doll's Color Play.

Trudy, what an adorable T-shirt. Hunter will love that.

I'm going to go and get me some more tea and get cleaned up. We have to go to the funeral home today - we couldn't make it yesterday because Adrienne was slammed with her job. I said "what's one more day"? Now the "fun stuff" will start since we'll have the death certificates. GM Pension/Social Security/Medicare/etc. all that "fun stuff". UGH. At least I have Roger to help me navigate these waters.

Waving and sending hugs to everybody. :grouphugyay::waving3:


Well, I ended up sleeping in because I read until 1:30AM!!! It was one of the earlier Pern books that I got last Saturday. So I did a quick run in here but didn't post as I had to get my shower/dressed. Was over at the Used Book store just after they opened at 10AM and retrieved my DVD Notebook!!! What a relief to have it. Several of the ladies at the book store were commenting on organized it was and understood how scary it must have been when I realized it was missing. Of course, I ended up getting a couple more DVDs and another paperback. Took a bag of books to the Senior Citizen Center and picked a couple of books there. Then over to the Post Office and Public Library. That library is always coming up with things to stir interest. This week - it is "Take A Book For A Date". The books are covered in red/white wrapping paper with a note giving a hint of what the book is about - Adult-Romance-Mystery-etc. You check it out without unwrapping it. Oh, I did get "Keeper of Happy Endings". Her other book was checked out.
Stopped at WM to get some milk and saw my grandson who works there. Haven't seen him in 3 months... so it was nice to give him a big hug. Finally got home at 1:30 and grabbed a sandwich. Think I am ready for a nap now...:floorlaugh:
