
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, January 21


The Loopy-O
It. Is. Too. :censored: . Cold.
Just opening the door to let the dogs out this morning was like breathing in icicles. And J had to be her typical butty-self and not want to go past the door jamb/past the top step/walk past the snow shovels. Below zero temps and I had to spend hours cajoling her to walk three feet. Hours, I tell ya!
(We really need that drama emoji so you all know when I am being over-the-top dramatic. Which is almost always ;) )

I'm not being dramatic right now, I am being 100% serious. I love my new dentist and office. When I was looking for a dentist in my new plan, their name kept coming up in recommendations on FB. My local FB page is probably the same as everyone else's, mostly one large complaint page. But not this, I only saw only good things. I loved that I could make an appt online, plus submit all of the paperwork that way. Automated email/text alerts. Loved that too. Yesterday I signed off here, went in the shower and no sooner was I out, I got a text from the office saying that they were opening at 11 am, would like to come in later? For someone who is a procrastinator plus doesn't like to talk on the phone, doing all of this online/texts was a godsend. No excuses!

The office is literally 5 minutes away. Even having to make the left turns.
So far is all wins for me.
Capping it off, the dentist was awesome. He does the initial cleaning/exam to get a baseline. Before he started, he took a bunch of medical history and connected it to dental health. Now I understand why the Actonel (osteo med) can cause issues with teeth. It's not the teeth themselves that are affected, it is the healing of the bone that doesn't work correctly. If I need a tooth extraction or implants, I have to come off of the Actonel for three months or it won't regrow properly.
My gums are good, no cavities, and the previous fillings are all stable. Yahoo!

Now that wrote three paragraphs about my dentist, are you bored yet? :p

I have to pick up my groceries this morning (more left turns grrrr) and that is it. Caitlyn starts her Hell Week(s) at work. Today is the first day of the new semester and she is jam-packed with appts for the next 2-3 weeks. I asked her what she wants for dinner so she has something to look fwd to at the end of the day.
I scrapped a few pages and a few are for upcoming releases so I can't upload them just yet. But I'm glad I'm getting some little sparks of creativity back. I think I'm going to set aside some time to work on lesson plans today, that always makes me feel productive.
Other than that, I am working hard at staying warm!

Wishing everyone a fab day!
My goodness, I read my posts from yesterday and I'm surprised no one asked if I needed a wellness check. Talk about excessive typos! Even using a spell checker, I was more incoherent than usual.

Case in point:
6-7'..... should that have been inches " ?
Yes, I am overly dramatic but not by that much! :rotfl:
I hope that your back and car both made it through the day without aggravating you too much. Sam has the same issue with her check engine light-- for years it has been in and out of the shop and only stays off for short periods of time. The mechanic says there is nothing wrong with the engine, it's the computer system.
Please tell me that you waited for Mark to do the laundry it your back wasn't 100%.

I may make this another PJ day... reading and relaxing... and giving the back a chance to improve. May pop back in later today and do a bit of pre-release scrapping.
It's brutally cold by you too so PJ Days are perfect options. Might as well be comfy when you are scrapping. Hope that the back massager is doing its trick and you are feeling better today. I'm sure the weather isn't helping so take good care!

@JeanneMN I am not sure if you'll see this before you head out but have a wonderful and stress-free trip! Put all of your cares and worries in a box and leave them under your bed at home. Have the Minions that you left in MN to guard your house shake the box often and maybe those stresses will get annoyed and skip town.
My hope is to come back from Key West refreshed in mind, body , & soul. I need to regain my sense of humor and that's impossible not to do around my cousin. I know when we get back mid February, Wendell won't give me a moments peace until taxes are done, he'd have me start on the plane if he could, so I plan-to start here again in March. I apologize if this is TMI but knowing you are here and Ona and Chris's understanding, you've been my life preserver.

We love you and want you to be happy again. Have wine and laughs and sunshine and your cousin- together they will help you feel like yourself again. Big hugs, my friend!

I found out that my ladies group does an indoor walking routine for an hour, so I'm going to join in on Wed morning and then we all go for the Wed coffee meet-up. I've been going for coffee but not the walk b/c I thought they were outside and I was going to wait for warmer weather. I'm going to bingo tonight with friends and Jen is going to come along. D is heading to the hotel this afternoon to spend the night with his buddies from the coast and will come home tomorrow afternoon. For my dinner, I am going to make devilled eggs to have with leftover ramen noodle coleslaw salad and will roast parmesan garlic green beans.
You are non-stop!! The Energizer Bunny of activities! :wehaveawinner:

Have a wonderful today with the walk/coffee.

@taxed4ever You look gorgeous in your avatar!
I have been feeling pretty blue these last couple of days, missing my brother and still trying to comprehend how this accident could have happened. I know that time will make the pain lessen a bit, but for now it just kind of hits me like a ton of bricks quite a few times
I cannot imagine. That it makes *no sense* must make it incredibly difficult to understand and accept. Please know we are always here if you need to vent, cry, or question the meaning of it all. :hug3:
My Gary got me a felt puzzle mat for Christmas and I am not sure how I feel about it. It made it harder to slide the pieces around and there were a bunch of times I moved one piece and the whole section pulled away. Since we left the puzzle out, I didn't have a chance to roll it up.
Hope that you had a wonderful day and that Heather and kids are staying warm too!

My first time jumping in here so here goes! It's cold here in mid-Missouri. Currently 10 feels like -2. I have the day off due to the MLK holiday so I'm at home with my husband and the fireplace is roaring. I am the scorebook keeper for the Calvary Lutheran High School basketball teams and we have games to night. This, of course, means that I will have to get out in this cold weather. The sun is showing itself here this morning but it is not expected to warm up past 13 today. All the snow and ice we receive a while back still hasn't melted. I hope everyone has a fabulous day!
Welcome to the Mad House section of the O!
The quick rules run down--
Post when and what you like. I usually post "personals" every day but you don't have to. This is a no-pressure zone.
There are no other rules.

The rest of the group can let you know if I missed any "rules" but they'll mostly tell you to stop in and have fun.

It's so cold by you and I hope that it warmed up a little bit at least before you went out last night.
I'm glad the temps dropped first so it wasn't heavy wet snow you got and that Tom was there to shovel. But please dont send it, melted snow then refroze just means more ice and I have plenty of that!!!! :giggle4:
Ooops, too late. That moose finally showed up and I gave him the box of snow. Dump it out when he gets there and if it is yellow- you know what to do (or do not LOL)
NASCAR would be fine since I'm guessing there aren't any stop signs and oncoming traffic. If I have right of way, I'm allll good!

I wish we were at 33*! It's 1 right now, The Real Feel is -8* Brutal.
Funny---I noticed how much lighter it looked outside this morning with the snow reflecting light. I never paid it much attention but it must make a huge difference with your days being so much shorter.

I need to get going, it is going to take me 5 hours to bundle up and warm my car before I head to the store.

19* feels like 10 Brrrrr! I hate the thought but I have to go outside! I have to go to the bank and make the church deposit! I don't want the money in my house longer than necessary!

I slept in til 8:45, waking up from a crazy dream about people from my last job. I overslept in the dream, couldn't get my butt in gear. Lost my phone and couldn't find the right number to call my supervisor from the phone book. The pay phone and phone book were sitting in the middle of some huge, high table and was barely reachable. The numbers I found to call all went to voicemail to people I'd never heard of or had passed away! Next thing I remember I had to park a great distance away from the job site.... downtown (the job was not in town, in reality) .... when I finally got to work EVERYONE was in a panic, including my supervisor! And even though my desk was right in front of his in the dream, he didn't notice me come in. I tried to get his attention to ask him if we could talk but it was like I wasn't there! That's when I woke up!

How weird! I don't usually remember dreams!

Im stiff again this morning so I'm sitting on the heating pad at my back in my recliner. I told Ilene to give me an hour with the heat and I'd call her back to let her know whether we would be getting together for lunch and then working on a puzzle at her house.

The sky looks like snow! But from what I've heard we will probably not see much snow but it is going to remain very cold! Double Brrrr!

Went to lunch with Mark yesterday. I wanted soup so we bought a sandwich and soup combo and shared it. He ordered a side of onion rings and an extra drink. The vegetable soup was wonderful and really hit the spot!

Got Mark's laundry done yesterday afternoon. I got the shirts, socks and underwear washed and dried and folded the socks and underwear before he got home and he took care of drying his shirts and washing and drying his pants for me. What a guy!

I fixed breakfast for supper last night. Bacon, scrambled eggs and biscuits. Yum!

Ok. I need to move around and see how my back feels after the heat has been applied.

Have a great day!
It. Is. Too. :censored: . Cold.
Just opening the door to let the dogs out this morning was like breathing in icicles. And J had to be her typical butty-self and not want to go past the door jamb/past the top step/walk past the snow shovels. Below zero temps and I had to spend hours cajoling her to walk three feet. Hours, I tell ya!
(We really need that drama emoji so you all know when I am being over-the-top dramatic. Which is almost always ;) )

I'm not being dramatic right now, I am being 100% serious. I love my new dentist and office. When I was looking for a dentist in my new plan, their name kept coming up in recommendations on FB. My local FB page is probably the same as everyone else's, mostly one large complaint page. But not this, I only saw only good things. I loved that I could make an appt online, plus submit all of the paperwork that way. Automated email/text alerts. Loved that too. Yesterday I signed off here, went in the shower and no sooner was I out, I got a text from the office saying that they were opening at 11 am, would like to come in later? For someone who is a procrastinator plus doesn't like to talk on the phone, doing all of this online/texts was a godsend. No excuses!

The office is literally 5 minutes away. Even having to make the left turns.
So far is all wins for me.
Capping it off, the dentist was awesome. He does the initial cleaning/exam to get a baseline. Before he started, he took a bunch of medical history and connected it to dental health. Now I understand why the Actonel (osteo med) can cause issues with teeth. It's not the teeth themselves that are affected, it is the healing of the bone that doesn't work correctly. If I need a tooth extraction or implants, I have to come off of the Actonel for three months or it won't regrow properly.
My gums are good, no cavities, and the previous fillings are all stable. Yahoo!

Now that wrote three paragraphs about my dentist, are you bored yet? :p

I have to pick up my groceries this morning (more left turns grrrr) and that is it. Caitlyn starts her Hell Week(s) at work. Today is the first day of the new semester and she is jam-packed with appts for the next 2-3 weeks. I asked her what she wants for dinner so she has something to look fwd to at the end of the day.
I scrapped a few pages and a few are for upcoming releases so I can't upload them just yet. But I'm glad I'm getting some little sparks of creativity back. I think I'm going to set aside some time to work on lesson plans today, that always makes me feel productive.
Other than that, I am working hard at staying warm!

Wishing everyone a fab day!
So glad you like the new dentist! That's half the battle right there!
Poor Cait! Glad she has a loving family to end a hectic day with!
Trying to stay warm here, too! We're a bit warmer than you, however!
My goodness, I read my posts from yesterday and I'm surprised no one asked if I needed a wellness check. Talk about excessive typos! Even using a spell checker, I was more incoherent than usual.

Case in point:

Yes, I am overly dramatic but not by that much! :rotfl:
I hope that your back and car both made it through the day without aggravating you too much. Sam has the same issue with her check engine light-- for years it has been in and out of the shop and only stays off for short periods of time. The mechanic says there is nothing wrong with the engine, it's the computer system.
Please tell me that you waited for Mark to do the laundry it your back wasn't 100%.

It's brutally cold by you too so PJ Days are perfect options. Might as well be comfy when you are scrapping. Hope that the back massager is doing its trick and you are feeling better today. I'm sure the weather isn't helping so take good care!

@JeanneMN I am not sure if you'll see this before you head out but have a wonderful and stress-free trip! Put all of your cares and worries in a box and leave them under your bed at home. Have the Minions that you left in MN to guard your house shake the box often and maybe those stresses will get annoyed and skip town.

We love you and want you to be happy again. Have wine and laughs and sunshine and your cousin- together they will help you feel like yourself again. Big hugs, my friend!

You are non-stop!! The Energizer Bunny of activities! :wehaveawinner:

Have a wonderful today with the walk/coffee.

@taxed4ever You look gorgeous in your avatar!

I cannot imagine. That it makes *no sense* must make it incredibly difficult to understand and accept. Please know we are always here if you need to vent, cry, or question the meaning of it all. :hug3:
My Gary got me a felt puzzle mat for Christmas and I am not sure how I feel about it. It made it harder to slide the pieces around and there were a bunch of times I moved one piece and the whole section pulled away. Since we left the puzzle out, I didn't have a chance to roll it up.
Hope that you had a wonderful day and that Heather and kids are staying warm too!

Welcome to the Mad House section of the O!
The quick rules run down--
Post when and what you like. I usually post "personals" every day but you don't have to. This is a no-pressure zone.
There are no other rules.

The rest of the group can let you know if I missed any "rules" but they'll mostly tell you to stop in and have fun.

It's so cold by you and I hope that it warmed up a little bit at least before you went out last night.

Ooops, too late. That moose finally showed up and I gave him the box of snow. Dump it out when he gets there and if it is yellow- you know what to do (or do not LOL)
NASCAR would be fine since I'm guessing there aren't any stop signs and oncoming traffic. If I have right of way, I'm allll good!

I wish we were at 33*! It's 1 right now, The Real Feel is -8* Brutal.
Funny---I noticed how much lighter it looked outside this morning with the snow reflecting light. I never paid it much attention but it must make a huge difference with your days being so much shorter.

I need to get going, it is going to take me 5 hours to bundle up and warm my car before I head to the store.

Ha! That's what our mechanic told us. Nothing wrong with the engine, thank goodness! The problem is the car will not pass the inspection with the engine light on. Do you all have to have inspections done before you can renew the tags every year? Another money racket!

Yes, I let Mark dry and hang his work shirts and wash and dry the 2 loads of work pants. I washed the socks and underwear and shirts and dried and folded the socks and underwear.
Good Morning O
Can we please please please trade weather????? Its still mid 30's and suppose to get warmer!! Tomorrow and Thursday were suppose to be 39!!! HELLO Its still January! We aren't suppose to see 39 until late March. Not amused.

Now that wrote three paragraphs about my dentist, are you bored yet? :p
Yeah, so glad you like the dentist!!! As Vicky said that's half the battle!!
I wish we were at 33*! It's 1 right now, The Real Feel is -8* Brutal.
Funny---I noticed how much lighter it looked outside this morning with the snow reflecting light. I never paid it much attention but it must make a huge difference with your days being so much shorter.
See!!!! Snow matters! Its beautiful and adds a bit of cheer and light to the day.
Im stiff again this morning so I'm sitting on the heating pad at my back in my recliner. I told Ilene to give me an hour with the heat and I'd call her back to let her know whether we would be getting together for lunch and then working on a puzzle at her house
Glad you were careful with the laundry. Hope the heat helps and you can puzzle the day away.

Not much happening here today. Just watching the ice melt and refreeze in a smooth glass top of slip and slide. I get to stay home so that's a huge plus. Off to get more coffee.
Morning O friends, it is another sunny but very cold morning! Seems the whole country is under a polar vortex right now. We seem to be just on the edge of it and not getting the really cold weather that the middle and eastern parts of Canada are now experiencing. Heather called yesterday and the boys were off school, because of the cold temps and snow squalls. Hopefully they are all back at school today! Tomorrow's hike is near by, but it is so very cold out and I am concerned about how icy it will be. I will see how it looks tomorrow and decide in the morning if I will go on this one or not. It's rated a 3C which is harder than last weeks hike, lots of climbing and that is where I am worried it will be slippery with the frosty dead leaves underfoot. Anyway I managed to get my siggie and avi changed and started working on a layout, but man my mojo is really on vacation and I struggle with it! Where is that darn drama emjoi?? I am off to get eggs at hope farm at some point this morning, then a few groceries to pick up so I can get some baking done for DH's lunches. I will be over the moon happy when he is retired and I don't have to make lunches for him anymore!! :claphands::dancing6:dance4. I hate making lunches!!!!

I'm not being dramatic right now, I am being 100% serious. I love my new dentist and office. When I was looking for a dentist in my new plan, their name kept coming up in recommendations on FB. My local FB page is probably the same as everyone else's, mostly one large complaint page. But not this, I only saw only good things. I loved that I could make an appt online, plus submit all of the paperwork that way. Automated email/text alerts. Loved that too. Yesterday I signed off here, went in the shower and no sooner was I out, I got a text from the office saying that they were opening at 11 am, would like to come in later? For someone who is a procrastinator plus doesn't like to talk on the phone, doing all of this online/texts was a godsend. No excuses!
Wow! That is great that your new dentist makes you so happy!! My dentist is amazing too , but I still don't like going :giggle4:. I get txt reminders about my appointments and they also call if there is an opening earlier if I want to come in. So nice not to have to remember when my appointments are!
cannot imagine. That it makes *no sense* must make it incredibly difficult to understand and accept. Please know we are always here if you need to vent, cry, or question the meaning of it all. :hug3:
Yes, most of the day I am ok, but then it hits me like a ton of bricks!! I will never see my wonderful brother again!! It really still makes no sense at all, but drownings are not uncommon in Shri-Lanka, the waves and under tow must be brutal there??
slept in til 8:45, waking up from a crazy dream about people from my last job. I overslept in the dream, couldn't get my butt in gear. Lost my phone and couldn't find the right number to call my supervisor from the phone book. The pay phone and phone book were sitting in the middle of some huge, high table and was barely reachable. The numbers I found to call all went to voicemail to people I'd never heard of or had passed away! Next thing I remember I had to park a great distance away from the job site.... downtown (the job was not in town, in reality) .... when I finally got to work EVERYONE was in a panic, including my supervisor! And even though my desk was right in front of his in the dream, he didn't notice me come in. I tried to get his attention to ask him if we could talk but it was like I wasn't there! That's when I woke up!

How weird! I don't usually remember dreams!
I slept in until almost 8:30 this morning and I have had many dreams like the one you experienced last night. You must be very worried about getting the deposit for the church done or something?? Perhaps that is the reason behind your crazy dream? HOpe that the heat helps with your back and that you get to spend some time with Ilene today!

Well I hear my phone going off so Heather must be calling BBL :waving3:
So I'm staying with my brother and sister-in-law in Florida; they live close to my Mom, who moved to an independent living place last summer so she doesn't at the moment have a guest bed. But since she has 2 bedrooms I think between me and my sister, who visits from Missouri, we will work out some kind of pull out or fold down option. Because it's pretty miserable staying here. Not to go into details but the level of cleanliness is not one I'm comfortable with. Anyway, since her condo still hasn't sold, I did a walk-through of it with my sister on the phone and we targeted a few things that will make it a little more attractive. What I learned yesterday -- you can get pretty new appliances really cheap at the used appliance store. So I'll be back there this afternoon awaiting delivery of a "new" washer and dryer to replace the rusted ones that mom left.

It's cold for south Florida, but certainly not uncomfortable. Fortunately it will warm up by next week when we do our bike tour across the state. I am a bit worried about the pipes back home, but I can keep tabs on the heat because we have a "smart" thermostat. I think it will be fine unless the power goes out.

I hope to get some time today to work on a couple photo pages. Oh, btw, my granddaughters got the photobook from our Disney vacation and I got 4 thumbs up (2 per kid) so I guess they like it. Keep warm!
Quick in and out this morning. Have to work on a couple of CT LOs today. Hope the back holds up to sitting at the desk to get them done. Yes, it was frigid this AM... 5*F but felt like -1*F at 7:30AM.... No wonder we had a Artic Alert for last night into noon today!!!

I took most of yesterday off... letting the back recover while reading and vegging in the recliner. Nuked barbeque pork (for sandwich) at lunch and a frozen meal for supper so no standing or cooking. When I don't feel up to par, I usually re-read my favorite authors. Read 3 books by Suzanne Brockman (one I had not read before) and then was looking for one I thought she had written.... couldn't find it!!! Grrr!!! Finally dawned on it me it was "True Devotion" by Dee Henderson. Both authors wrote about Navy Seals and the characters' names were similar... no wonder I was confused. I will finish reading it this morning as I let the massager (with heat) work to relax the back,
Yesterday was the first day in almost 4 weeks that I had a day all to myself. No crazy family holiday drama, no hubs working at home, no MIL to entertain, no teenager... just me, my book and the silence. It was bliss!
Today, it's supposed to reach 35C (95 F google says).
Jess and I are heading to the city. She wants to share with me all the places she discovered while walking around with her friend last week.
Time for coffee. HAGD!
Morning O friends, it is another sunny but very cold morning! Seems the whole country is under a polar vortex right now. We seem to be just on the edge of it and not getting the really cold weather that the middle and eastern parts of Canada are now experiencing. Heather called yesterday and the boys were off school, because of the cold temps and snow squalls. Hopefully they are all back at school today! Tomorrow's hike is near by, but it is so very cold out and I am concerned about how icy it will be. I will see how it looks tomorrow and decide in the morning if I will go on this one or not. It's rated a 3C which is harder than last weeks hike, lots of climbing and that is where I am worried it will be slippery with the frosty dead leaves underfoot. Anyway I managed to get my siggie and avi changed and started working on a layout, but man my mojo is really on vacation and I struggle with it! Where is that darn drama emjoi?? I am off to get eggs at hope farm at some point this morning, then a few groceries to pick up so I can get some baking done for DH's lunches. I will be over the moon happy when he is retired and I don't have to make lunches for him anymore!! :claphands::dancing6:dance4. I hate making lunches!!!!

Wow! That is great that your new dentist makes you so happy!! My dentist is amazing too , but I still don't like going :giggle4:. I get txt reminders about my appointments and they also call if there is an opening earlier if I want to come in. So nice not to have to remember when my appointments are!

Yes, most of the day I am ok, but then it hits me like a ton of bricks!! I will never see my wonderful brother again!! It really still makes no sense at all, but drownings are not uncommon in Shri-Lanka, the waves and under tow must be brutal there??

I slept in until almost 8:30 this morning and I have had many dreams like the one you experienced last night. You must be very worried about getting the deposit for the church done or something?? Perhaps that is the reason behind your crazy dream? HOpe that the heat helps with your back and that you get to spend some time with Ilene today!

Well I hear my phone going off so Heather must be calling BBL :waving3:
LOVE your new siggie!
I got the deposit done, LOL! Not sure about that weird dream!
I did get to spend time with Ilene today. Ruby Tuesday had their sandwich meals on sale for $5.99 for a burger and fries! So that is where we went and I picked up one for Mark for his supper! We worked on the puzzle at her house for a while and then I came home. I had to run to the drug store first to pick up Mark's Ozempic.
OK, time for a funny story and the church deposit.
Remember I mentioned that I took the deposit yesterday on MLK Day, forgetting the bank would not be open?
Today, I pulled into the "bank" parking lot.....still no cars in the parking lot! So I drove around the building to the "drive thru" window. There was a car parked in the "drive thru" so no cars could get through. I continued to drive around the building. Saw 2 cars and a man dressed in a nice suit getting out of one of them. So I thought, well, they must be open. Maybe they just don't have someone to cover the drive thru window today. I drove back to the front of the building. It was pretty dark inside, but I could see lights on. So I parked the car to take the deposit inside. Walked in to a very low-lighted sitting area, but I didn't see a customer counter. So I continued to walk into another seating area. Soon the man I saw getting out of the car came in and asked if he could help me. All of a sudden it hit me.....I was in the funeral home instead of the bank, which is next door! I laughed and told the very polite man what I had done. He said, "Well, you will have a funny story to tell at dinner time tonight!"
HA! Boy! Did I ever feel dumb!
OK, time for a funny story and the church deposit.
Remember I mentioned that I took the deposit yesterday on MLK Day, forgetting the bank would not be open?
Today, I pulled into the "bank" parking lot.....still no cars in the parking lot! So I drove around the building to the "drive thru" window. There was a car parked in the "drive thru" so no cars could get through. I continued to drive around the building. Saw 2 cars and a man dressed in a nice suit getting out of one of them. So I thought, well, they must be open. Maybe they just don't have someone to cover the drive thru window today. I drove back to the front of the building. It was pretty dark inside, but I could see lights on. So I parked the car to take the deposit inside. Walked in to a very low-lighted sitting area, but I didn't see a customer counter. So I continued to walk into another seating area. Soon the man I saw getting out of the car came in and asked if he could help me. All of a sudden it hit me.....I was in the funeral home instead of the bank, which is next door! I laughed and told the very polite man what I had done. He said, "Well, you will have a funny story to tell at dinner time tonight!"
HA! Boy! Did I ever feel dumb!
Oh my that's funny!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you but he was right. You do have a funny story to tell at dinner!!!
@vickyday that's hilarious! :floorlaugh:

Here's another funny story for everyone too. You all know my back has been hurting. The other day, Mark very confidently told me I have a PT appt on Tuesday at 4:30, and he has one another day this week. Ok, great! I leave work early to get to this appt. They did not have me on the schedule! Well, when Mark confidently told me I had an appt, he was giving me his appt, and he made a new one for himself. But he didn't tell the office!!! :floorlaugh: They wouldn't see me, because I would be a "new patient", needing a longer appt time than Marks was scheduled for. T.h.a.t. is the difference between men and women! They can't see me until Mid February, so I'm not going to pursue it. In the end I got off work early and therefore still got home early, despite the detour to PT, so it's all good.

In more serious news, Belle got word today that she'll start her new job at 8 am Thursday morning. Woo Hoo!! :dancingbfly:Only trouble is, she's in Michigan right now and will need to drive home in this deep freeze tomorrow. It's about 11 hours. So please pray for her safety. I have faith the Lord will bring her home safely, but still prayers are appreciated.

It's snowing here right now, I'd be surprised if we get much, we are on the very western edge of the this front. But it is sticking and it's 20 degrees right now, so It will be slippery in the morning.

Hope everyone stays safe in this cold! @AK_Tracy I'll keep an eye out for any extra snow for you.
Checking in from the couch. I'm feeling measurably better tonight, not full speed, but maybe 75% - that's good, right? At least, I feel like logging on and checking some things on the board. Hope all of you are staying well - trust me, you don't want this!!!