
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, February 4


The Loopy-O

Avast and ahoy! Today is the parrrr-ty.
Am I ready?

Will I be? I sure hope so, but I am going to need a bunch of Advil if I hope to accomplish everything.
I spent almost the entire day in the kitchen and I only made two things- jerk chicken and the coconut cream pie. By dinner, I was cranky and POTS-ing big time.
I am getting more birds at the feeder and that made me super excited! Also impressed with myself, I was able to ID them. Male and female cardinals, dark-eyed juncos, titmice (holy h*** they are cute!), Carolina wren, and I am pretty sure I saw the back end of a starling.

I should get rolling-- so much to do and so little brain capacity.

Good morning scrappers
We had a fabulous time at the Neil Diamond impersonator concert. 12 of us filled a whole table and we were VIP's so right in front. Sometimes he sounded like the real ND all in all he did a great job. We all had fun.
Thats awesome!! I went to see a community theater production of Rent a few months ago and I was nervous that they wouldn't live up to my standards (Yes, I am a Rent-Snob). It was amazing and so much fun. Glad that you had a great time too, aside from the bratty lady kicking the table. WTH?
I hope the electric co isn't being too much of a PITB and everything is finished soon.

h good, you recognized the crazy you were speaking above!!!!! :floorlaugh: I thought maybe you needed me to come post bail at the looney bin. Worse case, pick the pink straight jackets. Its prettier :giggle4:
I would love pink with sparkles, please.
Was it 4th time the charm for your car? Hope it was!

I'll have nine games to keep the book for both Friday and Saturday. That's my quick update before I go back to listening about State Procurement processes. Have a great day!
That's a lot of games! And they must be much more exciting than State Procurement Processes :D

Happy Monday everyone! We have a winter wonderland here this morning! Our first snow of winter and its still coming down.
The first snow and it's February? Wow. I hope that the roads were ok for your Gary to get home.
Ok what have you done with the real Chris!! Should we call the police? Have you been kidnapped??
:rotfl: Seriously, I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, wishing for snow. :crazy:

Good morning ladies. My GF is coming over this afternoon so we can call the tour company to book our trip. We'll all ask questions to be sure of all details before we pay the money. I can't wait to get this confirmed.
The good thing is that when we go on the polar bear tour the weather will probably be warmer than here.
This is so exciting! Were you able to get everything booked?
I'm crossing my fingers the weather is exactly what you need it to be to see the bears without freezing too much.
Awesome that the brownies were yummy!

J needs to go out, I hope to BRB.
She has been worse than usual with listening and refuses to come back inside. So I might be a while; :rolleyes:
Morning, all. What a change... stayed above freezing last night/this morning. Already reached 50*F at 9:30AM and heading for 70*F!!! :wow: Think I will air the house out this afternoon and may turn the ceiling fans on!!! :fan: Won't be dressing in the sweatsuit today...:floorlaugh:
I am going to console myself that at least the sun is out earlier each morning, temps are still stuck in the 20-30* range. That is still much better than a couple of weeks ago so I can't- but will :p - complain.
Great to hear that you are feeling better!

Had a great weekend with the family. The weather was pretty nice, too! We played lots of games, ate lots of food, shared lots of hugs and kisses.....my kind of family gathering! I wish my deceased hubby could see his beautiful family now!
Wonderful photo of a wonderful family. I like to think that your DH is watching over you all ♥
This reminded me of the year the tornados went through the midwest in 1974. My dad was collecting the softball-sized hail balls and putting them into the freezer.......until the tornado came over the hill behind our house and he had to run for his life!
Wow, now *that's* a story!!!
Sorry that you aren't feeling any scrap mojo. Me neither. :(

Yes! I think you have the same as my sister and as my friend. I looked at the IG link you shared and the bird feeder was in the video and it looked like their, so I think it's the same! Now that I am home in NJ, if I see my sister out there I can talk to her in IN through the mic.o_O And, yes! We've yelled at the squirrels too through it and my friend's husband does also. :rotfl:
If you try that mic bit with your sister, you have to tell us if it worked!
Scott has some very funny pictures of the squirrels and a deer that got caught on camera. All of this is making me super excited about the summer and my hummingbirds too.

Time to get to cleaning/decorating/cooking. And costuming too! Hopefully, I will remember to take pictures this time around. I forgot at last year's party. Usually, the kids are good about getting some so I'll make them share :cameraclick: :p
Morning everyone, the snow plow woke me up this morning, my gosh we have over 2 feet of snow this morning!! The trees look so pretty and I was surprised that my DH made it out of the neighbourhood and got to work ! However that means I am without my vehicle again today. Oh well who wants to go out when there is that much snow to deal with?? Not me! I got all my jobs done that I needed to do here at the O yesterday and by the time I was done, I was in no mood to do any scrapping, so I did some baking instead and made some cauliflower wraps and a big pot of hamburger soup. I have started reading Diana Gabaldon's newest Outlander book "Go tell the bees that I am gone". My sister gave me the hardcover version and my god its thick and heavy!! So I sat down and started on that in the afternoon. Normally I have listened to her books on audio, but I thought what the heck its winter and I don't have much else going on so why not read this one. Today I will attempt to work on a page and then I should make some Zucchini Cheesy bread. Less than two months until I won't have to worry about baking things to put in my Gary's lunches HOORAY!! I am so sick of making lunches!! Ok nothing else interesting going on in my life today, so on to personals.

I am getting more birds at the feeder and that made me super excited! Also impressed with myself, I was able to ID them. Male and female cardinals, dark-eyed juncos, titmice (holy h*** they are cute!), Carolina wren, and I am pretty sure I saw the back end of a starling.
How lovely that you are getting so many birds at your new feeder!! I just adore the cardinals and wish we had them here!! We have lots of titmice and you are right they are so flippin cute!! So are the chickadees!! I hope you have a wonderful time at your pirate party!! I also hope that you remember to take lots of photos!! Perhaps that will bring your mojo back to you??

Good morning ladies. My GF is coming over this afternoon so we can call the tour company to book our trip. We'll all ask questions to be sure of all details before we pay the money. I can't wait to get this confirmed.
Ok how did I miss this?? Where are you and your GF going??
Next I want to make homemade almond flour crackers.
Me too!! I have wanted to attempt this for some time, just never get around to it! Let me know how they turn out please!
Had a great weekend with the family. The weather was pretty nice, too! We played lots of games, ate lots of food, shared lots of hugs and kisses.....my kind of family gathering! I wish my deceased hubby could see his beautiful family now!
Such a beautiful family photo!! I too like to think that your hubby is watching over all of you and is so happy and proud!!

Ok its time to turn the heat up and then get on with the day! Have a lovely Tuesday everyone! :waving3:
Good Morning!!!!

I spent almost the entire day in the kitchen and I only made two things- jerk chicken and the coconut cream pie. By dinner, I was cranky and POTS-ing big time.
Aw I am sorry! POTS-ing isn't fun at all!!!! I hope today is a wonderful day and your party tonight is a blast!! And YES take photos!!
I would love pink with sparkles, please.
Was it 4th time the charm for your car? Hope it was!
Okay, pink with sparkles ordered. If you ever beg for snow again I will have it ready!!! As for the car, we shall see. They didn't call and say sorry this time and when I called she said after a frantic search they found where my parts were stored and it should be done today.

my gosh we have over 2 feet of snow this morning!!
WOW!!!!!! Thats a good bit of snow! Slight envy but too much to do this week that I am thankful its all around you and not me.

Today is haircut and should be fun as granddaughter is getting her first salon cut today. Cant wait to see how she does. I finished all but one challenge. AJ is done. Now I will have to do as Trudy suggested and do it all again. If this busy week allows. LOL Part of why I did it quick is things are crazy for February. Off to get more coffee.
Have a wonderful day.
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Avast and ahoy! Today is the parrrr-ty.
Am I ready?

Will I be? I sure hope so, but I am going to need a bunch of Advil if I hope to accomplish everything.
I spent almost the entire day in the kitchen and I only made two things- jerk chicken and the coconut cream pie. By dinner, I was cranky and POTS-ing big time.
I am getting more birds at the feeder and that made me super excited! Also impressed with myself, I was able to ID them. Male and female cardinals, dark-eyed juncos, titmice (holy h*** they are cute!), Carolina wren, and I am pretty sure I saw the back end of a starling.

I should get rolling-- so much to do and so little brain capacity.

Party hardy!!!
holy h***
HA! I'm pretty sure those 2 words shouldn't be together! ;) :giggle4:
I am going to console myself that at least the sun is out earlier each morning, temps are still stuck in the 20-30* range. That is still much better than a couple of weeks ago so I can't- but will :p - complain.
Great to hear that you are feeling better!

Wonderful photo of a wonderful family. I like to think that your DH is watching over you all ♥

Wow, now *that's* a story!!!
Sorry that you aren't feeling any scrap mojo. Me neither. :(

If you try that mic bit with your sister, you have to tell us if it worked!
Scott has some very funny pictures of the squirrels and a deer that got caught on camera. All of this is making me super excited about the summer and my hummingbirds too.

Time to get to cleaning/decorating/cooking. And costuming too! Hopefully, I will remember to take pictures this time around. I forgot at last year's party. Usually, the kids are good about getting some so I'll make them share :cameraclick: :p
Thank you! The Lord surely blessed me with a wonderful family! I like to think that, maybe DH is not exactly watching over us but that he can at least feel the love! There are no more tears in heaven and I know he would be brokenhearted at a few of the things that are/have happened in the family!

I did get the CP challenge #1 done yesterday! :woohoo:
Morning everyone, the snow plow woke me up this morning, my gosh we have over 2 feet of snow this morning!! The trees look so pretty and I was surprised that my DH made it out of the neighbourhood and got to work ! However that means I am without my vehicle again today. Oh well who wants to go out when there is that much snow to deal with?? Not me! I got all my jobs done that I needed to do here at the O yesterday and by the time I was done, I was in no mood to do any scrapping, so I did some baking instead and made some cauliflower wraps and a big pot of hamburger soup. I have started reading Diana Gabaldon's newest Outlander book "Go tell the bees that I am gone". My sister gave me the hardcover version and my god its thick and heavy!! So I sat down and started on that in the afternoon. Normally I have listened to her books on audio, but I thought what the heck its winter and I don't have much else going on so why not read this one. Today I will attempt to work on a page and then I should make some Zucchini Cheesy bread. Less than two months until I won't have to worry about baking things to put in my Gary's lunches HOORAY!! I am so sick of making lunches!! Ok nothing else interesting going on in my life today, so on to personals.

How lovely that you are getting so many birds at your new feeder!! I just adore the cardinals and wish we had them here!! We have lots of titmice and you are right they are so flippin cute!! So are the chickadees!! I hope you have a wonderful time at your pirate party!! I also hope that you remember to take lots of photos!! Perhaps that will bring your mojo back to you??

Ok how did I miss this?? Where are you and your GF going??

Me too!! I have wanted to attempt this for some time, just never get around to it! Let me know how they turn out please!

Such a beautiful family photo!! I too like to think that your hubby is watching over all of you and is so happy and proud!!

Ok its time to turn the heat up and then get on with the day! Have a lovely Tuesday everyone! :waving3:
Thanks, Trudy! I am very blessed, indeed! Just can't figure out why the Lord decided I needed ANOTHER husband who can't hear! :giggle4:
Good Morning!
YAY! Taxes are done!!! But since we had to dip deeply into my IRA last year, we owe.....but not like I was expecting! So, all total, with the refund we get back from the State, we owe just over $600. So, unless Trump does some major revamping of the inflation, I guess we will continue to draw off of my IRA. The Lord has been gracious and has replenished all that was taken out over the year! Thank You, Lord!

Woke up with IBS issues today. This, too, shall pass (literally and otherwise ;) ) if you know what I mean!

We took the car back to the mechanic last night. I'm sure he was dreading facing that car again today! The engine light was off for about a day and a half the last time before it showed it's ugly head again.....so I'm praying MAYBE he will figure it out for good this time! We shall see!

So, being without a car means Ilene will need to come to me! We are planning to get together tomorrow since my belly is messed up today. She will drive her van here, I will take over the driver's seat (I love her, but her driving scares the BGBs out of me!). We plan to eat breakfast at a little diner near here. I will probably stop and pick Mark up on the way. He loves eating breakfast there, too. Then we will come back here and play Qwirkle until she has to leave to get ready for church.

I did get Challenge #1 done yesterday. Today I really need to work on my ATCs. That being said, I'm outta here!

Have a wonderful afternoon!
@AK_Tracy and @taxed4ever all this talk of snow makes me shiver. Waiting to see scrapbook pages!

@faerywings so glad the birds are showing up, it's always so exciting to get new birds. I have many different birds and will be putting out hummingbird feeders this week to get them ready for migration up to you.

Well yesterday they finally finished putting our new power cable in. Took all day but it is so nice to not have a cable across the patio.
My monarch habitat has changed and most of them are in chrysalis or at the top getting ready to make chrysalis. Only 4 still eating.

@faerywings I hope you take pictures of your party...it sounds like so much fun. Ahoy ye matey!!!

@bcgal00 Good luck with your travel plans, it sounds wonderful.

Off to PT soon so throwing low country boil in crockpot so it will be ready when Jay gets back from the board meeting.
Good morning ladies. I have been busy with dogs, coffee and am reading "Where They Last Saw Her". I can't put it down, need to find out how it ends.

Tomorrow will be a few degrees warmer and then the temps will warm up a bit so it'll be ok to get out for walks with Remi. I'm sticking to the backyard for today with her. We'll head over to play euchre in a bit and have a feeling it will be a smaller group today. I feel that some may choose to stay warm at home rather than venture out.

Today is laundry and something with hamburger for dinner...??? not sure yet.

@taxed4ever Trudy - we are booking our trip to Churchill Manitoba this fall for a polar bear expedition for a week. D and I are going and a GF is coming along too. Her and I are also going on a guided wkend trip in May to photograph the sharp tail grouse courtship dance at a private wildlife sanctuary in northern Alberta. Two fun adventures booked so far!

@faerywings Enjoy the party!

@vickyday Feel better soon.

@BoatLady I had to google "low country boil", it sounds delish!

@AK_Tracy Have fun at the salon.

Got to get laundry and get the pups outside. HAGD everyone.
Morning..... Afternoon??... :floorlaugh: Boy, did the time fly by this morning. Slept in until after 7:30 AM and woke up to a fabulous day. It was 40*F and heading up - it is in the 60's already!!! The sun is shining and hardly any wind is blowing!!! Yes, I did open the house up yesterday afternoon - so nice to let it air out! May do the same later on today. I am in the mood for enchiladas for supper. :pleasantry: Of course, I could eat them nearly every day... Just checked and the sauce is thawed out. Too bad I don't have any guacamole to have with them.

Spent this morning scrapping. Got the LO made with FWP kit this week... and realized it was right to use for the Week 1 Art Journaling challenge. So 2 LOs done and uploaded!! :yesss: Now, if I could just find what kit I want to use for my new siggy. The winter siggy I have now seems wrong since it is so spring like here.

I pooped out yesterday before I got to the chores I had planned... ended up in the recliner reading. I dug out the JD Robb - Eve Dallas series - and am re-reading them starting with #1... am halfway finished with book 2. I forgot how much I enjoyed this series. It has been long enough since I read them (15+ years) so they are like reading new books. Yes, I think I have all but 2-3 of them. :floorlaugh:

We are back from our trip to Florida and I am so hoping life will get back to a leisurely pace after November-December-January travels and events. I did manage to do 3 layouts in January so I got a 10% coupon; I was surprised because I had forgotten there was a tier below doing six. Nice surprise!

We had fantastically perfect weather for our bike ride across Florida. Biked a bit over 200 miles in five days. Then on the Auto Train home. I love riding the train home. I was so tired of just doing stuff and interacting with people by the time I got home I think I've slept about 15 of the last 24 hours. It was fun to see friends from previous tours on the ride, but it did mean a lot of socializing and that's hard on this old introvert. DH isn't much help, as he's getting more and more deaf. He just sits there most of the time. I can't imagine how it would be without the hearing aid.

The NY Times had a new thing this morning. They show you a piece of art work and challenge you to look at it for 10 minutes. You can scroll around and zoom in and out. I thought it would be hard, but I used my 10 minutes before I knew it. I thought it was really helpful for my scrapbook pages. I was noticing how certain parts of the picture drew your eye, and it was a triangular shape (I tend to forget about that) and there were areas of viney, leafy fill that work a lot like the elements I can put on a page. I also noticed how the colors worked together, making some pop and draw your eyes in a certain way. Then you can read how a museum expert explains the art, and what is happening, etc. Anyway, I though someone here might like to try it, so I got a gift link here
We are back from our trip to Florida and I am so hoping life will get back to a leisurely pace after November-December-January travels and events. I did manage to do 3 layouts in January so I got a 10% coupon; I was surprised because I had forgotten there was a tier below doing six. Nice surprise!

We had fantastically perfect weather for our bike ride across Florida. Biked a bit over 200 miles in five days. Then on the Auto Train home. I love riding the train home. I was so tired of just doing stuff and interacting with people by the time I got home I think I've slept about 15 of the last 24 hours. It was fun to see friends from previous tours on the ride, but it did mean a lot of socializing and that's hard on this old introvert. DH isn't much help, as he's getting more and more deaf. He just sits there most of the time. I can't imagine how it would be without the hearing aid.

The NY Times had a new thing this morning. They show you a piece of art work and challenge you to look at it for 10 minutes. You can scroll around and zoom in and out. I thought it would be hard, but I used my 10 minutes before I knew it. I thought it was really helpful for my scrapbook pages. I was noticing how certain parts of the picture drew your eye, and it was a triangular shape (I tend to forget about that) and there were areas of viney, leafy fill that work a lot like the elements I can put on a page. I also noticed how the colors worked together, making some pop and draw your eyes in a certain way. Then you can read how a museum expert explains the art, and what is happening, etc. Anyway, I though someone here might like to try it, so I got a gift link here
Oh boy, I really have to change my signature!
We took the car back to the mechanic last night. I'm sure he was dreading facing that car again today! The engine light was off for about a day and a half the last time before it showed it's ugly head again.....so I'm praying MAYBE he will figure it out for good this time! We shall see!
Wanna go car shopping??? They had to take the headliner off my car (twice before today) and wouldn't you know today they notice the rubber seal around the glass is cracked too! Huh now we gotta order more parts!!! I felt bad for the lady when she had to call me. I could hear the embarrassment in her voice.
Well yesterday they finally finished putting our new power cable in. Took all day but it is so nice to not have a cable across the patio.
YEAH so glad that cable is no longer there to trip you up. Has to feel good knowing its all taken care of now.
am reading "Where They Last Saw Her". I can't put it down, need to find out how it ends.
Oooohhhhh, gonna have to look this one up. I love a book that cant be put down.
JD Robb - Eve Dallas series -
I remember reading the first couple of this series. Was creepy future fun. I think I stopped cause I was waiting for the next book and forgot to go back.
Biked a bit over 200 miles in five days.
Holy cow Terri!! That's a lot of biking!!!! Glad you had a train to take back.

Salon was great. Feel sassy again LOL I love when she thins my hair and takes the heaviness out. The sun is shining and its a beautiful day!
Late coming in today but I only have a quick update. No word on hubby's job yet. In other news, our English Cream Golden Retriever who currently lives with our son and his fiance will more than likely be put down tomorrow. He is in very bad health and unfortunately not much more can be done. His 10th birthday is today. I haven't had much time to read today but I hope everyone had a good day. See you tomorrow.
Wanna go car shopping??? They had to take the headliner off my car (twice before today) and wouldn't you know today they notice the rubber seal around the glass is cracked too! Huh now we gotta order more parts!!! I felt bad for the lady when she had to call me. I could hear the embarrassment in her voice.

YEAH so glad that cable is no longer there to trip you up. Has to feel good knowing its all taken care of now.

Oooohhhhh, gonna have to look this one up. I love a book that cant be put down.

I remember reading the first couple of this series. Was creepy future fun. I think I stopped cause I was waiting for the next book and forgot to go back.

Holy cow Terri!! That's a lot of biking!!!! Glad you had a train to take back.

Salon was great. Feel sassy again LOL I love when she thins my hair and takes the heaviness out. The sun is shining and its a beautiful day!
Oh Brother! Yeah! Let's go car shopping.....you comin' here or am I comin' there? ;)