
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, February 25


The Loopy-O
Good morning! How are you doing today?

I feel like I am running behind schedule this morning. Let's see if Faery can keep her ramblings to a minimum. (Don't take that bet LOL)
We had a successful maple sugaring field trip yesterday! dance4
We finally collected some sap too. It was a *big* group of kids, 18 kids ranging from 4-11. It was a little chaotic at times, mostly when we made s'more with them but that is to be expected. A little chilly, a lot noisy, and a little bedlam-- but worth it when the kids tell you at the end that they have more fun every time they come.

OTOH, I am aggravated again about the weather which is the *biggest* downside to my job. :D
I went to bed last night with my HS lesson all set. we were going to go over the 10 Essentials for hiking, make little first aid kids, and hit the trials for some shelter building and fire building-- basically trying out the farro rods to make sparks.
And now it might rain.:rollingpin1:

I'm checking three different weather sites (OH! That must be why I am running late LOL) and they all say different times when it might happen.
Iy yi yi!

Time to feel my dogs. BRB!
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oh, the birds are starting to sing! I love that sound, spring is getting closer. *fingers crossed it sticks* :flower:

@BoatLady What a fun travel-inspired menu. After I had Caitlyn, I had pretty severe PPD. Gary and I went to Jamaica for a long weekend and when we got back I tried to make "Jamaica Nights" to keep my head in a positive space-- I even got Red Stripe beer to with the Jerk Chicken and Mango Salsa :D
I would love to come and help you with the planting and the caterpillars. Hope you had fun and congrats on finishing the PT!

it is NOT like a large shopping mall!!! The Air Force Base is like a town...
LOL! You'd think with all of the seasons of NCIS I have watched, I would have a little more imagination about military bases :lol23:
Hope you had a wonderful lunch and the fresh air and sunshine felt amazing.

We had a good visit with my SIL Veronica and her daughter Nicci last night. So strange to go to their house and not have my brother greet us at the door. I sure miss that smiling face and wonderful big hugs!! Lots of tears and lots of catching up, my poor SIL has lost a lot of weight and is looks exhausted!! So thankful that her daughter is their to help her through this!!
Oh, Trudy how your heart must break over and over. :hug3: Does your niece live nearby too or is she here for a while to be by her mom?
And to add to the grief-- such awful news about Sharon's man. 60 is way too young. Cancer sucks.

What is his job? I remember he wanted to move closer to the house but I dont know if I ever knew what he does for work. Hopefully he gets the clearance he needs to actually start soon.
Tom is a tattoo artist and piercer. He had been with the old shop for six years and it wasn't giving him any opportunity to grow. This new shop seems to have a lot more possibilities for him including getting the shop APP certified -- don't ask me, I don't know anything about APP other than it is a special certification for piercers.
I am not sure what time you are leaving for the surgery so if I am not back here before you go, I am sendign all good thoughts to you. If you can pop in to let us know that you are ok, we'd appreciate it but we understand if it's not possible I'll do my best to not worry 'bout you tooo much ;)
Yesterday we went to a winery, planning to play a game at an inside table, but the deck was open and was on the sunny side of the building, and it was so deliciously warm we were able to sit outside and look at the mountains. It's supposed to be mid 50s today so I'm biking again! Finally! David outside bringing order to the yard. I have every hope we've turned the corner on this awful winter.
What a fabulous day! I bet you feel like a new person coming out of hibernation. :)
Please share your page in this thread so we can see it!
I was getting the random stink bug in my house over the winter, , they are a stinky pain. I hope you can get rid of them easily.

Tracy-- GMTA!
Oooohhhhh. would love to see the layout. You can post here in the comments. Just make it a small screenshot and share it.

@bcgal00 Your bracelet is amazing! What kind of stone/bead is that, the color is beautiful. I am in awe that you crocheted the wire too. I have a hard enough time with yarn. Good luck with the application to the shop!
Have a fun time at the lunch, your dip sounds yummy!


@vickyday was it weird doing food shopping in the store? You were busy all day!
What spices did you put in the soup? I like coleslaw but I am not sure how I feel about cabbage soup :D.
The yellow on the sparrow's face was so much brighter than I imagined from seeing pics on the internet. Scott has been going to a brand new, locally owned backyard birding store and the next time he goes in, he is getting me a bag of the spicy seed he uses.
Until then, I am dealing with the squirrels as best I can. :rantonoff:

Yesterday, Jaida slipped out the front door to chase after them. Oops!

Time to get my day started especially if I am distracting myself with the different weather forecasts.
Good morning! How are you doing today?

I feel like I am running behind schedule this morning. Let's see if Faery can keep her ramblings to a minimum. (Don't take that bet LOL)
We had a successful maple sugaring field trip yesterday! dance4
We finally collected some sap too. It was a *big* group of kids, 18 kids ranging from 4-11. It was a little chaotic at times, mostly when we made s'more with them but that is to be expected. A little chilly, a lot nosy, and a little bedlam-- but worth it when the kids tell you at the end that they have more fun every time they come.

OTOH, I am aggravated again about the weather which is the *biggest* downside to my job. :D
I went to bed last night with my HS lesson all set. we were going to go over the 10 Essentials for hiking, make little first aid kids, and hit the trials for some shelter building and fire building-- basically trying out the farro rods to make sparks.
And now it might rain.:rollingpin1:

I'm checking three different weather sites (OH! That must be why I am running late LOL) and they all say different times when it might happen.
Iy yi yi!

Time to feel my dogs. BRB!
I'm glad the HS was a success yesterday! Just remember, there is some purpose for the rain! If nothing else, if it weren't for the rain we wouldn't enjoy the sunshine so much! :hug4:
oh, the birds are starting to sing! I love that sound, spring is getting closer. *fingers crossed it sticks* :flower:

@BoatLady What a fun travel-inspired menu. After I had Caitlyn, I had pretty severe PPD. Gary and I went to Jamaica for a long weekend and when we got back I tried to make "Jamaica Nights" to keep my head in a positive space-- I even got Red Stripe beer to with the Jerk Chicken and Mango Salsa :D
I would love to come and help you with the planting and the caterpillars. Hope you had fun and congrats on finishing the PT!

LOL! You'd think with all of the seasons of NCIS I have watched, I would have a little more imagination about military bases :lol23:
Hope you had a wonderful lunch and the fresh air and sunshine felt amazing.

Oh, Trudy how your heart must break over and over. :hug3: Does your niece live nearby too or is she here for a while to be by her mom?
And to add to the grief-- such awful news about Sharon's man. 60 is way too young. Cancer sucks.

Tom is a tattoo artist and piercer. He had been with the old shop for six years and it wasn't giving him any opportunity to grow. This new shop seems to have a lot more possibilities for him including getting the shop APP certified -- don't ask me, I don't know anything about APP other than it is a special certification for piercers.
I am not sure what time you are leaving for the surgery so if I am not back here before you go, I am sendign all good thoughts to you. If you can pop in to let us know that you are ok, we'd appreciate it but we understand if it's not possible I'll do my best to not worry 'bout you tooo much ;)

What a fabulous day! I bet you feel like a new person coming out of hibernation. :)
Please share your page in this thread so we can see it!
I was getting the random stink bug in my house over the winter, , they are a stinky pain. I hope you can get rid of them easily.

Tracy-- GMTA!

@bcgal00 Your bracelet is amazing! What kind of stone/bead is that, the color is beautiful. I am in awe that you crocheted the wire too. I have a hard enough time with yarn. Good luck with the application to the shop!
Have a fun time at the lunch, your dip sounds yummy!


@vickyday was it weird doing food shopping in the store? You were busy all day!
What spices did you put in the soup? I like coleslaw but I am not sure how I feel about cabbage soup :D.
The yellow on the sparrow's face was so much brighter than I imagined from seeing pics on the internet. Scott has been going to a brand new, locally owned backyard birding store and the next time he goes in, he is getting me a bag of the spicy seed he uses.
Until then, I am dealing with the squirrels as best I can. :rantonoff:

Yesterday, Jaida slipped out the front door to chase after them. Oops!

Time to get my day started especially if I am distracting myself with the different weather forecasts.
The main reason I did the "personal" shopping yesterday was because my order wasn't huge and I felt like my body needed the movement! Plus it motivated me to just get out of the house!
Here's the spice mix ingredients. This makes about 2 tablespoons:
1 tsp. sweet paprika
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dried minced onion
3/4 tsp. fine sea salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. ground tumeric
1/4 tsp. dried thyme
1/4 tsp. smoked paprika

You won't be sorry about getting the spicy seeds to ward off the squirrels! Mine still play out in the yard, but they know the feeders are off limits to their taste buds! I love watching them play.....but messing with my bird feeders is a ...:hahano::hahano:
Good Morning!
Got into the low 60s yesterday! WOOHOO! It is a chilly 35 out now but promises to be upper 60s this afternoon!
Going to spend the day with Ilene. Have to take the car back to the shop tonight. He has a new computer board ordered and someone coming tomorrow to program it. Fingers crossed this takes care of the problem.....whatever the problem is!
The cabbage soup was DELISH!!!
That's it for me!
We are forecast to get into the 60's today, too! I love hearing all the warming temps out there! This afternoon David and I are going to take a walk on a new path the county has opened up along the Rivanna River. I'm so glad that the city and county are working toward opening up areas along the river. Because the place was settled in the 1700s, most of the riverfront is taken up with old warehouses and other industrial uses, since they used the river for their equivalent of the interstate highway, but it could be such a fantastic venue for parks, restaurants, theaters, and such. Yet another project that I won't live to see the end of but at least I can see the start.

@AK_Tracy You asked for my ineligible Carol W challenge page, so here it is. I'm trying to find a level of blurring to protect the children's privacy but still give an idea of expressions. I don't know if it's possible. Journaling says, "On winter break, the girls stayed home while Daddy worked from home that week. On Wednesday Eleanor made lunch for everyone: sheet pan BBQ chicken and veggies."

Good morning ladies. It's euchre day at the club and then we'll be going for games and dinner at a friend's home. Won't be home until later tonight. Jen will be here to take care of the dogs.

Busy day.

@AK_Tracy Leaving for the first surgery? Did I hear that right? Good luck.

@faerywings That sucks about the rain. No idea what the beads are, I only know they aren't acrylic/plastic as I only buy gems/stones/glass.

I have to go, no time to sit around, I need to shower/dress and get Remi out. HAGD everyone.
Good Morning!

A little chilly, a lot nosy, and a little bedlam-- but worth it when the kids tell you at the end that they have more fun every time they come.
This is so wonderful!!! Of course they have fun each time. You make the most fun field trips! Makes me want to join in.

Tom is a tattoo artist and piercer. He had been with the old shop for six years and it wasn't giving him any opportunity to grow. This new shop seems to have a lot more possibilities for him including getting the shop APP certified -- don't ask me, I don't know anything about APP other than it is a special certification for piercers.
I am not sure what time you are leaving for the surgery so if I am not back here before you go, I am sendign all good thoughts to you. If you can pop in to let us know that you are ok, we'd appreciate it but we understand if it's not possible I'll do my best to not worry 'bout you tooo much ;)
Oooooohhhhhh a tattoo artist. How fun. I am in awe of what they create on skin and the detail that can be accomplished. I'm glad he can be closer to home and this shop will allow him to grow.

Have to take the car back to the shop tonight. He has a new computer board ordered and someone coming tomorrow to program it. Fingers crossed this takes care of the problem.
Ugh I hope this computer fixes all the little things so you can get inspections done. What a nightmare this has been for you guys.

You asked for my ineligible Carol W challenge page, so here it is.
Oh Terri, thank you for sharing. Its an adorable layout. I love the torn paper you used to journal. It fits so perfectly. The girls are adorable and so proud. The blur was good, could still see their smiles.

I have to go, no time to sit around,
:giggle4: The motto of your life :giggle4: Sorry, it made me giggle knowing how much you get done in a day. You would make a 20 year old tired with all the fun and running around you do.

I leave tomorrow morning for surgery. Two flights, three airports, family dinner and then Thursday Morning is the big day. Today I will pack my bag and get things ready to go. I did log into O on my phone so I can up date you all afterwards, probably Friday.
Need coffee, didn't sleep well. Have a great day!
Morning, gals. Been busy scrapping some Color Play LOs... getting ready for the big Color Play sale that starts late Thursday when the newsletter goes out and runs until Monday.

Yesterday was such a wonderful day visiting with my niece and her hubby and DD#3 most of the day. So glad I did all the cooking on Sunday. I did put the peach cobber together yesterday morning and it went into the oven just after everyone arrived. It was a relaxed day catching up on how they were doing and news about other family members they had visited with on their way here. They will be here in town for the next couple of days. They have been seeing the sights on the way here... Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, and Meteor Crater. They hope to ride the tram to the top of Sandia Mountain one day. He has a work day tomorrow and today is their shopping/stock up at Costco. Then they will be on their way to my sister's before heading back 'home' in South Dakota.

I will be having enchiladas as there was plenty of left-overs. :claphands: I need to freeze the extra peach cobber. Already have 5 enchilada sauce containers in the freezer. Nice to have a stockpile of frozen dinners again. I will be making some apple crisp some time this week.... have apples that need to be used up soon. DD#3 was telling us about the bean/pork soup she fixed on Sunday... now my mouth is watering for it.

I need to get dressed as they may be dropping back over this afternoon. BBL
Good Morning!

This is so wonderful!!! Of course they have fun each time. You make the most fun field trips! Makes me want to join in.

Oooooohhhhhh a tattoo artist. How fun. I am in awe of what they create on skin and the detail that can be accomplished. I'm glad he can be closer to home and this shop will allow him to grow.

Ugh I hope this computer fixes all the little things so you can get inspections done. What a nightmare this has been for you guys.

Oh Terri, thank you for sharing. Its an adorable layout. I love the torn paper you used to journal. It fits so perfectly. The girls are adorable and so proud. The blur was good, could still see their smiles.

:giggle4: The motto of your life :giggle4: Sorry, it made me giggle knowing how much you get done in a day. You would make a 20 year old tired with all the fun and running around you do.

I leave tomorrow morning for surgery. Two flights, three airports, family dinner and then Thursday Morning is the big day. Today I will pack my bag and get things ready to go. I did log into O on my phone so I can up date you all afterwards, probably Friday.
Need coffee, didn't sleep well. Have a great day!
I certainly hope so!
Good Morning!

This is so wonderful!!! Of course they have fun each time. You make the most fun field trips! Makes me want to join in.

Oooooohhhhhh a tattoo artist. How fun. I am in awe of what they create on skin and the detail that can be accomplished. I'm glad he can be closer to home and this shop will allow him to grow.

Ugh I hope this computer fixes all the little things so you can get inspections done. What a nightmare this has been for you guys.

Oh Terri, thank you for sharing. Its an adorable layout. I love the torn paper you used to journal. It fits so perfectly. The girls are adorable and so proud. The blur was good, could still see their smiles.

:giggle4: The motto of your life :giggle4: Sorry, it made me giggle knowing how much you get done in a day. You would make a 20 year old tired with all the fun and running around you do.

I leave tomorrow morning for surgery. Two flights, three airports, family dinner and then Thursday Morning is the big day. Today I will pack my bag and get things ready to go. I did log into O on my phone so I can up date you all afterwards, probably Friday.
Need coffee, didn't sleep well. Have a great day!
Prayers for safe travels and great results with the surgery!