
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, February 18: Yes, it is Snowing AGAIN Edition


The Loopy-O
Gah!!! Really, enough is ENOUGH!!! More snow! Delayed opening here. So far. :-(
Nah, it should be ok. It is supposed to stop around 11am then warm up a bit. *hopeful* But dang! I don't know what the plows can even *do* any more. Side streets are all down to one-lane width. You can't see around corners b/c the piles are so high. Just to make a turn, you have to be halfway into the road. We broke two more scraper/brushes yesterday too. :faint:

Same old story from me again too. Spent well over an hour on the phone with both medical and pharm departments on my health insurance to find out the coverage of the PICC and abx. Then I wrote an enormous email containing the info to my dr. One part of the ins. has to give Prior Auth to the PICC part, another for the abx (I read over their requirements for PA, it is sooooo NOT going to happen *eye roll*) and then a third place for the Durable Goods part (dressing changes, tubing, saline).
And since I called/emailed.... *crickets* I didn't really expect anything yesterday but my appt is for tomorrow AM. I really wish I knew if it was going to be covered. Any part of it. (Just watch, they will cover the dressage changes -- alcohol swabs, and band aids, but nothing else :pound:)

So I am not all that happy with the health care industry. /understatement. Then, I get a call in the afternoon from my GP. They got the paperwork for my surgery and need to schedule an appt before they will sign off on it. Where is my little head-banging dude??
Oh!! Here he is!

My day tomorrow looks like this:
Kids to bus at 6.45. Drive to hospital for 7.45 appt. (MAYBE!!!!). Drive home, be at work by noon. come home, shower and get to dr's appt at 3pm. Just to have them say, sure you can have part of your boob lopped off. ahhhhhh!!!!!!

No sanity left!!!!!!

Man, oh man, you all must hate coming in here and hearing all of my ranting. I hate hearing it inside my head. But a Wise Ogre once said-- "Better out than in." hee-hee!!!!!

On the bright side.... if the snow stops early enough and the roads are good, I still hope to see my mom today, maybe even for a little bit.

Tip on Tuesday:
Today is National Drink Wine Day!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- hope your weather is ok! I took some pics of the icicles yesterday with my phone. They were hanging down from one level to the next. Just crazy-big. Hope you were able to get out and get some pretty pics!

Nancy- I see you are in the same boat as us-- the snow banks are almost as tall as me LOL Hope you are enjoying your hockey. Well, duh, of course you are!!

I hate those kinds of mornings Trudy! Did the rest of your day get better? Hope so!

Hi Sara, hope you got some good sleep!

Love and hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
Chris. Damn. what a stinking mess with this healthcare stuff. it's like i don't even know what to say. and the sad thing about it is that what you said about them covering the band-aids but not the procedure is probably true. someone i knew once had an operation and the doctor's fee was covered, but the HOSPITAL fee wasn't. for some reason that i STILL can't figure out. the doctor was not associated with the hospital, but the hospital was OK. but not in combination. WTH??
so WHY was the doctor operating in that hospital? beats me. and, yes. this is apt: :frusty:

in honor of the Wine-Drinking Holiday, here's this
if you've ever read The hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you'll recognize the name right away. this gave me my first Laugh of the Day. Trudy, THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing that emoticon link!

Laurie, NICE PIX!! how nice that you can see the "lovely" in this. this morning is about the end of my rope with the weather. i've had it.

4+ inches of snow and still snowing sideways. we went to DC on Sunday, and they've got a bit of a mess down there. people can't understand that they actually need to SHOVEL the part of the street where they park. my son had shoveled for his wife's car, but there was no place at all for us to park. so Hubby spent about two hours shoveling out a spot for us. then shoveling DS's back patio. then we came home to having to shovel out the driveway. again. then this morning DH was out there shoveling the latest. and i will obviously have to get back out there later today to get rid of the snow that's fallen since he left for work. GAAAAAAH!!!

i'll try to stop back later. sorry i'm not being better with personals. i'll try harder today! :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning and for me Chris the snow seems to be winding down. I think maybe an inch just enough to cover all the ice and dirt. It is to get near 40 by me so that should mean melting. Yes I am enjoying my hockey - the gold medal game is set for the women with it being Canada and USA again. Trudy should be an exciting game. I did go out and walk yesterday. It was chilly but the worst is the unshoveled sidewalks. This is my pet peeve! I don't know how children can walk safely to school but maybe kids don't walk to school anymore LOL. I have been decluttering my iPhoto library. I have so many photos that I just decided while watching Olympics I would back up and then delete. I got rid of over 800 photos from just the first 4 months of 2012. Today I will tackle more of 2012.

Chris I dont understand insurance companies at all. I have paid in so much for so long that when I want something covered it seems that with all I have paid in just pay it back out. They have been using my money so give it back when I need it. I feel like insurance companies have forgotten what they are for it is to help us pay not to penny pinch. I hope Chris you can get this all figured out!

Laurie your photos are beautiful. I like them all!

Trudy sorry your day started out so badly! Hopefully it improved as time when on. I watched the ice dancing too. The pair that danced to Swan Lake (Russian I think) was one of my favorites. The Americans and Canadians were so close. Wow it really sounds like your DD had a great birthday.

Sara waving hi!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Ok. I got a good night's sleep and I have chocolate chip waffles sans syrup and coffee. I'm feeling better. I don't know what it was last night. But I hurt, hurt, hurt. My ankles, hips, back, shoulders, head....I was kind of wiped! But feeling better this morning. Maybe it's because of our schizophrenic weather. I feel so bad for all of you trapped under the snow, but in some way...at least you know what you're getting. We had freezing drizzle that made everything crazy slick yesterday - like everyone on our side of the street slide backwards out of the driveway...you could see it in the tracks of the snow - and then it go to 54 and melted everything. Maybe that's why my body hurts.

Chris - At what point are you going to move to Canada? LOL And I say, if you've had the s&%$# luck that you've had, you can drink wine whenever you want!

Laurie - those are beautiful. I like the third and the 8th the best. The sun reflections are cool.

Phylis (and about everyone else...) This song is for you - "Everyday I'm shovelin'" (sang to the tune of "Everyday I'm shufflin'" though I don't actually know the words to that) Ummm...at least it's good exercise?

Ok ladies - I'm off to school. Have an excellent day today!


Well-Known Member
Oh Nancy! You posted while I was posting. LOL

It's awesome you enjoy all that hockey! And I'm so jealous about the decluttering. I seriously need to do that. I also have the intention of creating a "Best of Ben" album so that when I need good pics of him, or when he gets to HS graduation, it's not that hard!! :)

Enjoy the day!


Well-Known Member
I got rid of over 800 photos from just the first 4 months of 2012.
crikey! well, decluttering is always good. it seems i'm taking fewer and fewer photos these days. and the quaity is pretty bad, too! :pout:

Sara, well. we don't always know what we're getting. that's the really crappy part of our winter. it seems like the last few storms have included some of that "delightful" sleet stuff. i keep telling myself: at least we'll have a lot of water in the well this summer!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning "O" cranky's yes I mean all of you, that includes me too!! This winter better end soon so we can have some good posts here in the morning again!! I am not dealing with the snow and sleet that you all are, but the :rain: and the wind is getting on my nerves!! Waiting for the huge trees around our house to uproot and fall on our house! :fear: Third storm in the last couple of days and more to come this week. The weather gods are angry at all of us !! One good thing about this deluge of :rain: is that the mountains are getting tons of :smow: Mount Washington had so much that they could not get back down the mountain and lots of people got stuck there for the night. So they are digging out their cars to get home.

Chris - I sure hope you get everything figured out for your health care issues!! Really when are you moving to Canada?? Another snow day :mmph: just another bit of added stress to your day! You really have to try to find a way to keep this stress away from you right now, (easier said that done!!) but stress is not going to help you out at all! :hug: I have a furnished suite you can move into!! :becky:

Laurie - those photos are wonderful! It is one of the few things that I do miss about the winter in the prairie! Hope your day is going well!

Phylis - Happy Wine Day!! So glad you are getting a kick out of the smileys! Sometimes I just look through all of the them and giggle!! Thats awful that your DH has had to do so much shovelling ! He must be sore by now! How are the Grands!! Hope you had a great time with them! I am getting anxious to see my Grands again too! Will be heading out to Ontario at the end of May, but that seems like such a long time from now!

Sara - Hope that you are feeling better now and the hurts have gone away! It probably is the weather! It can do funny things to the body!! Sounds like your driveways get like ours in the winter, its quite hilarious to watch everyone back down the slippery slopes in the mornings when we do get snow! I have been wanting to delete all the photos off of my phone and the cloud too!! Just not really sure how to do it yet. But someday when I find the time I will figure it out! Gosh there are some awful pictures on there!! LOL

Nancy - Don't blame you for being mad at the neighbourhood for not shovelling!! Someone could get hurt badly and I really hope that its not you!! Yes Canada and the U.S. in the finals should be a great game, but totally what we all expected!! And that skating team you like is my favourite too, they are going to be the ones to watch for !!

Ok everyone, hope that you have a better day than I did yesterday! What a bunch of cranky old farts we are :becky: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy, i had to laugh at your description of us. i just got back from grocery shopping and searching for a metal snow shovel. honestly, if someone was following me around, they would have thought i was nuts. i kept saying things out loud when no one was around to vent my annoyance. crabby is RIGHT!! hope all your trees stay upright! it must be so nice to basically have a choice to go to the snow or not. yes, go UP the mountain. NO, stay down at sea level. and all within a few miles. where i live it's pretty much all UP, though to the east it's a bit "upper." so everybody gets the snow, and some get it worse. another big problem around where i live is "lake effect" snow. having basically 5 oceans just north of where i am tends to do stuff to the climate here. although they're all pretty much frozen right now, so a lot of the moisture we're getting is coming from the southwest or west. so STOP IT, west and southwest!! :rant:

the sun is shining now. ha. look fast.... :hurt:


Well-Known Member
did i mention i was shoveling today for an hour and a half before i could get out of my driveway to go grocery shopping? yep. was.