
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, December 26


The Loopy-O
Happy Boxing Day!
We used to have a boxing smilie- Pretend that it is right here. ~>_____

A super quick one from me this morning. I went to bed a little after 8 pm last night, woke up at 3 am, tossed a while, and fell back asleep until 7.30. Yet- Still so exhausted.
How was everyone's holiday? Mine was weird, long, stressful *and* thoughtful, happy, and fun at the same time.
Christmas Eve was typical ridiculousness with the family and the cousins. LMBO the entire time. Gary wasn't feeling the best and on the way home, he snapped at me in front of the kids, and that put all of us in a cranky mood. I was still pissed when I woke up. :angry4:
Scott came over and we did gifts and breakfast and then I was off and running making the food. My ILs were coming early and I was running late. They were in the house for maybe 10 minutes when my brother called to say that he tested positive for Covid. That set off a flurry of phone calls and texts to the entire family and extended family that we saw the night before. Scott was at Sara's with the 2-week old baby. My ILs were googling on their phones about incubation and all that. No one knew what to do. Meanwhile, I had the psychosomatic reaction of suddenly having symptoms. (If you ever taught little kids, watch the teachers after they get wind of a student having lice. *Everyone* is consumed by itching!) Sam came over for an hour, wore an N95, and stayed far away from everyone. My parents had already been with my brother for b-fast and came up anyway. But everything felt "off." YKWIM?
No one ate much so I have lots of leftovers. Sent some of the broc rabe pasta home with my dad. I had no idea my mom doesn't eat broc rabe. She has never had it and assumes she wouldn't like it. :upsidedownbanana:

I didn't take one picture. So much for getting new material to scrap. :/

Today is going to be me trying to get some stuff in the house tidied. That's it.

I hope that you all have a wonderfully restful and relaxing day!


@faerywings What a sad way to start Christmas Day... So sorry about your brother getting Covid and not realizing it until the whole family was exposed! I feel your sadness and frustration and fully understand that you had a psychosomatic reaction of suddenly having symptoms. :hug2: Hoping that no comes down with Covid!


Love my O Family!
Happy Boxing Day!
We used to have a boxing smilie- Pretend that it is right here. ~>_____

A super quick one from me this morning. I went to bed a little after 8 pm last night, woke up at 3 am, tossed a while, and fell back asleep until 7.30. Yet- Still so exhausted.
How was everyone's holiday? Mine was weird, long, stressful *and* thoughtful, happy, and fun at the same time.
Christmas Eve was typical ridiculousness with the family and the cousins. LMBO the entire time. Gary wasn't feeling the best and on the way home, he snapped at me in front of the kids, and that put all of us in a cranky mood. I was still pissed when I woke up. :angry4:
Scott came over and we did gifts and breakfast and then I was off and running making the food. My ILs were coming early and I was running late. They were in the house for maybe 10 minutes when my brother called to say that he tested positive for Covid. That set off a flurry of phone calls and texts to the entire family and extended family that we saw the night before. Scott was at Sara's with the 2-week old baby. My ILs were googling on their phones about incubation and all that. No one knew what to do. Meanwhile, I had the psychosomatic reaction of suddenly having symptoms. (If you ever taught little kids, watch the teachers after they get wind of a student having lice. *Everyone* is consumed by itching!) Sam came over for an hour, wore an N95, and stayed far away from everyone. My parents had already been with my brother for b-fast and came up anyway. But everything felt "off." YKWIM?
No one ate much so I have lots of leftovers. Sent some of the broc rabe pasta home with my dad. I had no idea my mom doesn't eat broc rabe. She has never had it and assumes she wouldn't like it. :upsidedownbanana:

I didn't take one picture. So much for getting new material to scrap. :/

Today is going to be me trying to get some stuff in the house tidied. That's it.

I hope that you all have a wonderfully restful and relaxing day!
Well, I sure hate to hear that your holiday ended on a sour note! Praying no one else gets COVID and that your DH is in a better mood today, but sorry he was feeling bad on the holiday! :hug4:


Love my O Family!
Good Morning All,
Quick in and out as I am heading to my daughter's house to hang out with her and the girls. We will be crafting and I will be showing Hannah how to use the sewing machine her Great Grandma passed on to her this weekend.

Mark has gone to Lowe's and Home Depot for materials to work on finishing the doors and windows to the cabin before everyone comes in in about 3 weeks.

Hope y'all have a wonderful day!


Woke up to bitter cold - 21*F but the wind chill makes it feel like 15*F!!! :brrr::brrr::brrr: It might make it out of the 30's by late afternoon. So glad I have the new fleece PJs and sleep socks. Did I mention that DD#1 brought me an extra thick fleece set of PJs when she came?? Guess I will be using them this week.

Sis called me early yesterday morning before she headed over to have Christmas dinner with brother-in-law and family. She also sent me a link to the Christmas Eve program that she sang in... a 120+senior choir plus full orchestra! Wow... what a beautiful program. This is the 3rd year she has been in it. Heard from the kids, too. Was LOL over the Christmas text messages they were all sending to everyone. Great-granddaughter was posting photos of their tree with presents, then them opening them, and playing some silly games with the whole family. I ended up scrapping a couple of pages and read some.

Well, it is back to 'normal' life... I need to get the :laundry: done and:sweeping2: a bit. I exchanged the Christmas wreath for the regular one on the front door - so the house is back to 'normal'. Less than a week until 2024 is here!!! Sure hoping that the New Year will be much better for everyone. Need another :coffeedrinker:then will get busy on the chores. HAGD


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning. This year was just "off" for a lot of people. Braden and his gf came down late yesterday afternoon and even Sarah said that. Not sure what it is, well, I am, but I won't get into it today. It's so many things.

Our dinner at Adrienne's was delicious, but no silliness like we usually have. Chuck didn't feel like going, for one thing. Alyssa was sick and grumpy. We didn't take pictures like we usually do, either. So, I'll have no Christmas Day pictures to scrap. Adrienne took one of us all sitting around the table and I took a picture of the big box of gifts that Aly brought up. It was SO cute and she had something for everyone. She makes candles and jewelry now, so most of us got her homemade gifts. She got me the most beautiful bottle of wine - it's called "Cobalt" and the bottle is cobalt blue glass. It will be a keeper, for sure. She made Chuck a beautiful plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies, which he will enjoy. She also made us 3 candles and one of them has crystals on it. Here's the box full of gifts that Aly brought. She's teeny tiny - not even 5' tall. The box was bigger than she was. After dinner, we all came to our house so they could spend some time with Chuck.


Kay @BrightEyes your weather is about 20 degrees colder than ours. It's 45 here. It was 60 day before yesterday. No rain today and the sky is trying to brighten up.

Chris @faerywings lots of people have had to cancel plans because of covid and other ailments. Seems like it always rears it's ugly head around the holidays. Sorry Gary was grumpy and snapped at you. Ho ho ho. :elf5: Your Christmas Day sounds a little like ours.

Vicky, your Christmas sounds normal. I bet Hannah is thrilled with the sewing machine.

Gotta run - I need to get dressed - and my stomach is growling. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Happy Boxing Day!
We used to have a boxing smilie- Pretend that it is right here. ~>_____

A super quick one from me this morning. I went to bed a little after 8 pm last night, woke up at 3 am, tossed a while, and fell back asleep until 7.30. Yet- Still so exhausted.
How was everyone's holiday? Mine was weird, long, stressful *and* thoughtful, happy, and fun at the same time.
Christmas Eve was typical ridiculousness with the family and the cousins. LMBO the entire time. Gary wasn't feeling the best and on the way home, he snapped at me in front of the kids, and that put all of us in a cranky mood. I was still pissed when I woke up. :angry4:
Scott came over and we did gifts and breakfast and then I was off and running making the food. My ILs were coming early and I was running late. They were in the house for maybe 10 minutes when my brother called to say that he tested positive for Covid. That set off a flurry of phone calls and texts to the entire family and extended family that we saw the night before. Scott was at Sara's with the 2-week old baby. My ILs were googling on their phones about incubation and all that. No one knew what to do. Meanwhile, I had the psychosomatic reaction of suddenly having symptoms. (If you ever taught little kids, watch the teachers after they get wind of a student having lice. *Everyone* is consumed by itching!) Sam came over for an hour, wore an N95, and stayed far away from everyone. My parents had already been with my brother for b-fast and came up anyway. But everything felt "off." YKWIM?
No one ate much so I have lots of leftovers. Sent some of the broc rabe pasta home with my dad. I had no idea my mom doesn't eat broc rabe. She has never had it and assumes she wouldn't like it. :upsidedownbanana:

I didn't take one picture. So much for getting new material to scrap. :/

Today is going to be me trying to get some stuff in the house tidied. That's it.

I hope that you all have a wonderfully restful and relaxing day!
Oh no, Chris!! What crap! This stupid Covid virus can ruin your entire Christmas spirit!! You put so much effort into making the celebrations a success, prepared so much and then this! Let's hope no one gets sick! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that! Take a rest to regain your strength and then start the new year!
Big hugs to you and your family! :hug4: