
Daily Ooo's: Thursday September 8


The Loopy-O
Rain rain go away!!!!!!!!!! It is just pouring here again. If it rains any more my house is going to float away- like a combo of Wizard of Oz and Titanic :?

Well, I always wanted an indoor swimming pool- now I have one. My basement!

I have to make this quick, since I had some posting to do on Facebook. We have a special designer into starting today. I *think* most of you know who I am talking about *wink wink* but just in case you don't....
Check this out! Spotlight on........ (coming Thursday, Sept. 8, by 9 a.m. CST)
Be patient, all of the details will be coming along soon. I am the early bird here.
Have a fun day!

Temptation on Thursday
I want to blow off working today and have fun here at the O!


lOve the O!
Morning Chris, I tried to sleep in, because I stayed up till one am watching tv while I wished I had internet or that I could get out of the magnetic chair (that is my name for my husbands recliner- because once you sit in it, it holds you there for the rest of the night) I also finished reading a thriller on my tablet. So I am tempted to turn and run, but alas I must clean and do laundry and call the phone company- we still have a land line and the lightening that killed my router killed my phone line. I also need to order propane for our winter heat-which leads me to bill pay. I will end the day with 1 1/2 hours of ballroom dance practice. We will be practicing our Viennese waltz routine done to our wedding song. Well, off to check the rest of the O and welcome our new designer. Not only did she bring great designs, but a whole lot of new wonderful friends!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Laurie - ballroom dancing! So cool! I always wanted to learn, but I'm a bit uncoordinated and my husband has about FOUR left feet. *sigh* so no dancing for me!

Chris, you must have sent some rain our way, because it's wet and COLD here today!

As for me, day started wonderfully, ahem. After the girl screaming for an hour straight last night in bed, the boy woke up screaming that he wanted to keep sleeping. I got them both out the door and four hours later went to pick them up again. The boy had stopped screaming during his time at KIGA and picked right up where he left off the moment I walked in the door, only this time it was: I want to STAY-AY! PLE-ASE Mommy! I didn't get to PLAY-AAAAAAY! and he kept it up ALL THE WAY HOME.

So I'm a bit tired...however, vanilla pudding is cooling on the counter, so maybe I'll have happy kiddos in a bit. :)


Well-Known Member
good morning all...poppin on before all my kiddos are off to school...well i have to take helena....wooot....
then when i come home i gotta clean my kitchen....never did clean up after dinner last night...oops!! haha
today i dream of a morning where all my kids wake up in happy mood and get ready for school without fighting with each other or me.....maybe one day that dream will come true *sigh*


lOve the O!
So Kristy- you have children who wake up on the wall side of the bed (picture banging into wall)! My one son did that all the time- not bump his head, but wake up grumpy so I just started asking him if he woke up on the wall side of the bed!

Amber- I was not always coordinated- one spin used to make me dizzy, but after 3 years of 1-2 times a week practice, I can now balance on 3" heels and do 2 spins in a row. It was my wonderful husbands idea ( the only time he gets to truly be in charge he says!) and really is a workout!


Well-Known Member
hey, there. well, here i am sitting in the middle of chaos in my house. the insulation guys are gone, now i have to put everything BACK where it was before we had to empty closets and move furniture. is 9 a.m. too early to start on the new bottle of Merlot?:partywine


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning Ladies!!! I had a long post in here yesterday with personals for everyone and now I don't see it anywhere?? I must have previewed it and then forgot to submit it :hurt: I hate when I do things like that!!! Oh well another work day for me and then hopefully I will get a nice long walk in sometime also. Another sunny hot day today, summer decided to come very late for us out here on West Coast. This weekend will be spent at either the lake or the river hopefully swimming as we have not been doing much of that this summer, the water was just too cold. Now that summer has finally arrived the temps of the water are just right horray!! Better late than never right?

Have to get ready for work so will try to do personals later. Have a great Thursday everyone!! :wave:


Cupcake Ninja
Popping in to say hello!

Never too early for a bottle of Merlot!!!!

Chris - maybe you can kayak over here to my house soon? This is ridiculous! My pool is saltwater and because of the amount of rain we've gotten, it can't keep up with generating the salt into chlorine and it's turned a nice lime hue now (with leaves). Hey - my pool looks like a MOJITO!!!!

Oh and NO! I didn't know your Dad goes to the hatchery!! OMG seriously-my parents house is RIGHT THERE on Pequest Rd - in fact your Dad might know my Dad! Will PM you to talk more about this because how funny would that be??

Laurie - we have propane also rather than gas because our street is very old and is by itself. The price for propane in NJ is insane so I wonder if it is where you are also? Some of my neighbors pay OVER $5 a GALLON for it. I pay for the whole year in one lump sum so I can get a discount but I still pay $3.59 a gallon. Ugh that just burns me up.

Trudy - ugh! Hate when that happens! Enjoy your weekend though - sounds fun!

Amber - that pudding sounds good-great idea for a rainy day!

Kristy - can't help you there on the waking up thing but do your kids like to dance? I sometimes wake mine up by blasting music from my office with songs they like and sing during the day (I Gotta Feelin' and Dynamite are good ones to get them moving!). So you blast the music and then go into their rooms singing and dancing and that's how you wake them up - sounds goofy but it will put you in a good mood too :)


Well-Known Member
lol suezee omg my 10yr old would KILL me she is just like me...not a morning person at ALL!!!! i think its cause they have to be up so early...i wake them up at 6:45am!!! they are out the door and on the bus by 7:30....so i can't totally blame them for being grumpy....but ohhh well....i only got less than an hour with their grump butts in the morning LOL


lOve the O!
Suzy- don't kill me- but I am paying 2.15 but with my size tank- it will still cost over $700 to fill and I will have to do this at least 2+ times this year. The supplier warned that if we did prepay, our price most likely will go down, but it would not if you prepay, so I am going to pay as I go. I rarely have the heat on over 65 between 7am/pm due to being at work so that is how I try to play the game and save - like you ever really beat the system.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies!!!
Doing some housework this morning... oh the joy of it all! LOL...

Iain's mother is in town... Unannounced... LOL... but she's totally devoted to Iain right now and isn't actually visiting us so much as just her... Which is good because she hasn't seen her mom since the accident.

Hope everyone has a great day!

P.S. Pudding always makes the day better! :D


lOve the O!
mmm pudding- tapioca

Terra- want to come do my housework? I have been procrastinating- guess I better get at it

Sally- got my mail- oh the goodness- gotta get the studio back together so I can play- too bad it is still stuffed in my son's bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, somehow not a lot got done this am, but I did some digital buying, and thinking about one of the challenges.

I also had a discussion re a group treasury with dh that clarified some of the confusion about how money is allocated. Other than that I am getting ready to write a volunteer newsletter and then do some of the ongoing digital sorting that seems to come up when I go to buy a product and see....aha, I have it and it IS lurking somewhere on my computer! :noidea: Each time I think I have finally cleaned and organized my computer fully, I find another corner of hidden stuff.

I thought I'd get to the physical sorting of my studio but it's still muggy and that is not the weather I like to work in. :drama: I feel that the rest of the day may involve reading a book instead! (The Power of One which I'm lovin'.)


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone. Just felt like I should come for a visit. I see some familiar faces and it pleases me that the "O" is still growing and packed with talent! I still do some digital work and I have enjoyed browsing the gallery, beautiful work by all of you. I hope all our old friends are well and doing fine.
George Gibson


...loves her some "O"
OHhhh George!!! hugs!! Kaylea and I were talking about you and Taylor when K was down here for a visit! (only good things, of course!!) I think of you guys often!! Let us know what is going on with that gorgeous daughter of yours and you!! :)


...loves her some "O"
Laurie!!! that was super super fast!! Maybe you guys can send some rain down here that fast!! Did you guys see the smoke that was hovering over Houston??? that's 3 hours away from the bulk of the fires! crazy! crazy!!!


Cupcake Ninja
Suzy- don't kill me- but I am paying 2.15 but with my size tank- it will still cost over $700 to fill and I will have to do this at least 2+ times this year. The supplier warned that if we did prepay, our price most likely will go down, but it would not if you prepay, so I am going to pay as I go. I rarely have the heat on over 65 between 7am/pm due to being at work so that is how I try to play the game and save - like you ever really beat the system.

OH WOW! $2.15?!?! LUCKY!!!!

I used to think electric was expensive - until I moved into a house heated by propane!

Wow again - geesh you are lucky!