
Daily Ooos: Thursday, September 19


The Loopy-O
Good morning!
:couchhide: <~ me

Whatever cold is going around, I want *nothing* to do with it. Sam, Scott, and now Gary have all gotten it. I refuse to get sick. Refuse to. That is how it works, right? I just put my foot down and say "No way, germs."
Poor Gary is feeling awful- he took a covid test to be on the safe side and it is negative. Thank goodness. Whew! He canceled his LLMD appt which was smart and now I don't have to spend the day next to him coughing his head off. I switched my vax appt to the morning and will run my errands right after that. I hope TJ Maxx has some cute spooky things that I can get for Caitlyn's b-day. If not, I have no idea what to get her. I should be back home around lunchtime. Pleasepleaseplease don't let me have a bad reaction... although if I do, it is the best time for it. I still have plenty of leftovers so no need to cook. I'll get the laundry running before I leave the house and I have plenty of things I can do at my desk if I am tired.

Other than everyone having a cold, (*knocking wood so I stay healthy*) it's been good here. Busy with this and that kind of stuff. I scrapped my first wedding page- one of many. The rats have been super sweet and adorable when I take them out. They have been giving me little baths nonstop. Rats groom each other like cats do so I have been getting lots of kisses and licks from them. And the chuckling- bruxism/grinding their teeth is a sign of contentment- is off the charts. I sent some videos of them to Caitlyn and Tom which made them happy to see.

Any fun plans today by you? HAGD!


The Loopy-O
I have very close relationship with them and my DIL also. I am very lucky. I still get together either our son's first wife and an old girlfriend of his...Great relationship with SIL and other grandchildren too...I have a very wonderful life.

As far as Caitlyn's wedding gown..take it to a cleaners they will clean it, pack it in an acid free paper and box to preserve it. We did that with my daughters...the cleaners that preserved Kristine's said it was the heaviest he ever did...loaded with beads and sequins with long train. It's not a cheap process but so worth it.
That's so incredible, family is important to me too.
I know Caitlyn said something about needing the dress to get cleaned, she spilled something on it during the dancing LOL I should get my dress done too, not that I expect to wear it but what else do you do with it? Clean it and stick it in the attic, I guess. :D

I gave my usual safety talk at the beginning, and then 15 minutes later I was being driven to urgent care because instead of paying attention to the trail as I walked down the hill, I tripped over a rock. Turns out I broke my right wrist. I will be having surgery on Friday, but in the meantime, and I’m sure after that, I am dependent on my left hand, and I am ridiculously clumsy with my left hand.
Oh no!! that's awful! Good luck with the surgery tomorrow and I hope that you heal quickly! During one of the field trips, I was talking about how the rocks and sides of the stream were slippery and wouldn't you know what happened right after? Skidded all the way down and fell on my butt!
I end up with all kinds of phrases in my messages like “hush I’m talking to the computer.”
I apologize for laughing at this!!! :floorlaugh:
I hope that everything goes well so you can enjoy your vacation. MIL broke her leg right before a trip to Ireland and was in a boot with crutches and a wheelchair for parts of it. She still had a blast but missed seeing a few things and kissing Blarney Stone :p

@taxed4ever Yippeee for the nice weather for kayaking and hiking. The best thing ever is having Linda (and your ILs LOL) move next to you ♥

@BrightEyes LOL-ing at the reading until you can't see straight again. I downloaded "Identity" by NR last night and am a few chapters in. Have you read that one yet?
Good luck with your knee, I hope that it settles itself down soon.

@vickyday Sounds like a wonderful day with Ilene, Jo, and games!

@AK_Tracy I'm going to be asking for some of that rain here if it doesn't do that on its own. It was supposed to rain from Tuesday night on and now it isn't. We are at Stage 1 Campfire Restriction which is going to put a damper on some of my lesson plans. hmmph. :/
That's fantastic that you can be calm and quiet and not have it make you bonkers. It's not in my nature even when I know I need to chill out. Drove my family crazy after my surgeries and on IV meds, I'd be washing dishes hooked up to an IV pole. God forbid, I asked for help.... :rolleyes1:
Its going to be a great day though and I have all my spoons for the moment. Thankfully I can putter around and not have to hurry when cooking. I tell all my helpers, I putter, I start early so I can take a break as needed
:hug3: So happy that the day started well and I hope with every fiber of my being that you kept all of your spoons!

@JeanneMN I'm so sorry that things are so upside down with your DH's family and his mom. How is she doing? Nothing serious *fingers crossed*
I hope that a little laughing gas at the dentist gave you a mini "soma" vacation (I recently re-read A Brave New World, hence the soma reference.)

@Cherylndesigns Are your arms exhausted after washing your hair? I know you'll understand this-- When I was getting my hair done for the wedding, I teased Caitlyn about how long it would take me to find all of the bobby pins the hairdresser used. Two days later, I found the last one. And that was *after* brushing it out :rotfl:
You are allowed to be scattered, you have had a lot of stuff going on-- hang in there, take those deep breaths, and know we have got your back



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning O friends! The fog is lifting off the Lake, but the temps are pretty cool this morning. Looks like the sun will be shining for the afternoon. My hike yesterday was lovely, but poor Linda got stung by a hornet about 5mins into the hike. OUCH!!! Good thing the hike leaders always carry a first aid kit, so we gave her some ointment for the stinging burn and some Benadryl for the swelling, she continued on like a trooper! It must have really hurt though!! Two others took a fall right at the end of the hike on a slippery section, but no one was hurt. Other than the mishaps the trail was beautiful around Beaver Lake, so pretty and so many mushrooms everywhere! Lots of Turkey Tail mushrooms and even some Chanterelles. One of the ladies on the hike turned 60 and so we sang Happy Birthday to her and another lady made a cake for everyone to enjoy at a picnic table at the trailhead. Linda and I turned down the cake as we wanted to go have lunch at Jake's On the Lake and we sat outside and enjoyed the view of where the river and the Lake meet up. Now famous for Pink being there after a concert she put on in Victoria LOL.
We did not see anyone famous :giggle4: . Today I hope to stay at home and just putter around working on a page and doing some other fun things in my craft room. MIL has asked me to come over and help her bake a cake for the upcoming Harvest Fair that her church puts on. Ok gotta run for bit as Heather is calling SYL!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning everyone! Its quiet in here today. Must mean everyone is taking it easy and relaxing.

Whatever cold is going around, I want *nothing* to do with it. Sam, Scott, and now Gary have all gotten it. I refuse to get sick. Refuse to. That is how it works, right? I just put my foot down and say "No way, germs."
Vitamin D and C!!!! My doc said most Americans are low on these two and so now I take D at breakfast and bed, every 12 hours along with C cause its the unknown wonder drug. Not a doc, duh :giggle4: so take it with a grain of salt. But I found when my family upped our C and D intake we got less sick. Still happens but not as often and it use to. Glad its not Covid.
:hug3: So happy that the day started well and I hope with every fiber of my being that you kept all of your spoons!
For the crazy busy day, it was amazing. I probably had 2 spoons when I got home, which is amazing. I wore my compression pants which was great but oh I was so hot. I need to get compression socks though as my feet had such swelling and hurt more than normal. But yeah for not being so totally wore out I couldn't move.
Today I hope to stay at home and just putter around working on a page and doing some other fun things in my craft room.
I hope youre able to get your slow day and and play in the craft room. Turn your phone off so no one can bug you.:heartpumppink:

@MariJ and @faerywings stop reading here. You wont want to see what I say next :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Today is gonna be a slower day (recovery day) and I'm looking forward to it being a slow sit on couch most of the day day. Beautiful sunrise this morning but 34*. Termination dust is thick on the mountains, which means approx 4-6 weeks and we should have snow.

Just an FYI cause I know Termination Dust is odd........
Termination dust is the term used almost exclusively in Alaska for the earliest new snowfall in a year, specifically, snow on top of mountains. The “dust” part of the name comes from the fact that the first snow is always light and doesn’t immediately produce large snowcaps. It may not last very long at all, since it’s not hard-packed snow.The “termination” part comes from the fact that its appearance traditionally signifies the end of the summer. It is a sign that winter is coming soon and preparations must begin.

Its a sourdough term for the end of summer and time to head back south or really start winter prep. The clouds finally moved on and I could see the snow yesterday on the mountains. Its a touch more than dust since we couldn't see the first dusting but todays temps confirm yep its coming.

Have a wonderful day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
I am back after a very long face time chat with DD. Her son Mason is home with whats sounds like the flu :sick: vomiting etc. Hopefully the rest of the family does not get it!

@faerywings - I saw your first wedding layout, its beeeutiful!!! I am looking forward to many more!!
Poor Gary is feeling awful- he took a covid test to be on the safe side and it is negative. Thank goodness. Whew! He canceled his LLMD appt which was smart and now I don't have to spend the day next to him coughing his head off. I switched my vax appt to the morning and will run my errands right after that. I hope TJ Maxx has some cute spooky things that I can get for Caitlyn's b-day. If not, I have no idea what to get her. I should be back home around lunchtime. Pleasepleaseplease don't let me have a bad reaction... although if I do, it is the best time for it. I still have plenty of leftovers so no need to cook. I'll get the laundry running before I leave the house and I have plenty of things I can do at my desk if I am tired.
I am so sorry that your Gary is not well and I hope your foot stomping keeps the germs away!! Probably a good idea to switch up your Vax appt. hopefully you are free from any bad side effects! I think we should be getting our next shots on the 1st of October, but haven't gotten a notice yet. Good luck finding something cute and spooky for Caitlyn's Birthday, when will the newlyweds be home from their honeymoon?
Today is gonna be a slower day (recovery day) and I'm looking forward to it being a slow sit on couch most of the day day. Beautiful sunrise this morning but 34*. Termination dust is thick on the mountains, which means approx 4-6 weeks and we should have snow.
Thanks for the info on the Termination dust, it makes sense actually! Do you go away to somewhere a bit warmer in winter?? We are headed to Ottawa for Christmas this year and DH announced to me last night that we should go somewhere warm in February Hooray!! dance4 we haven't gone anywhere warm for a holiday in a very long time!

It is quiet in here today, hoping everyone is doing well and busy with fun things!!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
:couchhide: <~ me

Whatever cold is going around, I want *nothing* to do with it. Sam, Scott, and now Gary have all gotten it. I refuse to get sick. Refuse to. That is how it works, right? I just put my foot down and say "No way, germs."
Poor Gary is feeling awful- he took a covid test to be on the safe side and it is negative. Thank goodness. Whew! He canceled his LLMD appt which was smart and now I don't have to spend the day next to him coughing his head off. I switched my vax appt to the morning and will run my errands right after that. I hope TJ Maxx has some cute spooky things that I can get for Caitlyn's b-day. If not, I have no idea what to get her. I should be back home around lunchtime. Pleasepleaseplease don't let me have a bad reaction... although if I do, it is the best time for it. I still have plenty of leftovers so no need to cook. I'll get the laundry running before I leave the house and I have plenty of things I can do at my desk if I am tired.

Other than everyone having a cold, (*knocking wood so I stay healthy*) it's been good here. Busy with this and that kind of stuff. I scrapped my first wedding page- one of many. The rats have been super sweet and adorable when I take them out. They have been giving me little baths nonstop. Rats groom each other like cats do so I have been getting lots of kisses and licks from them. And the chuckling- bruxism/grinding their teeth is a sign of contentment- is off the charts. I sent some videos of them to Caitlyn and Tom which made them happy to see.

Any fun plans today by you? HAGD!
Well, if it is the same cold bug that is going around here, you feel better after the first couple of days. So sorry everyone has it! I hope you don't get it! The tickle in the throat that causes you to cough AFTER the cold is probably worse than the actual cold! Aggravating!


Love my O Family!
That's so incredible, family is important to me too.
I know Caitlyn said something about needing the dress to get cleaned, she spilled something on it during the dancing LOL I should get my dress done too, not that I expect to wear it but what else do you do with it? Clean it and stick it in the attic, I guess. :D

Oh no!! that's awful! Good luck with the surgery tomorrow and I hope that you heal quickly! During one of the field trips, I was talking about how the rocks and sides of the stream were slippery and wouldn't you know what happened right after? Skidded all the way down and fell on my butt!

I apologize for laughing at this!!! :floorlaugh:
I hope that everything goes well so you can enjoy your vacation. MIL broke her leg right before a trip to Ireland and was in a boot with crutches and a wheelchair for parts of it. She still had a blast but missed seeing a few things and kissing Blarney Stone :p

@taxed4ever Yippeee for the nice weather for kayaking and hiking. The best thing ever is having Linda (and your ILs LOL) move next to you ♥

@BrightEyes LOL-ing at the reading until you can't see straight again. I downloaded "Identity" by NR last night and am a few chapters in. Have you read that one yet?
Good luck with your knee, I hope that it settles itself down soon.

@vickyday Sounds like a wonderful day with Ilene, Jo, and games!

@AK_Tracy I'm going to be asking for some of that rain here if it doesn't do that on its own. It was supposed to rain from Tuesday night on and now it isn't. We are at Stage 1 Campfire Restriction which is going to put a damper on some of my lesson plans. hmmph. :/
That's fantastic that you can be calm and quiet and not have it make you bonkers. It's not in my nature even when I know I need to chill out. Drove my family crazy after my surgeries and on IV meds, I'd be washing dishes hooked up to an IV pole. God forbid, I asked for help.... :rolleyes1:

:hug3: So happy that the day started well and I hope with every fiber of my being that you kept all of your spoons!

@JeanneMN I'm so sorry that things are so upside down with your DH's family and his mom. How is she doing? Nothing serious *fingers crossed*
I hope that a little laughing gas at the dentist gave you a mini "soma" vacation (I recently re-read A Brave New World, hence the soma reference.)

@Cherylndesigns Are your arms exhausted after washing your hair? I know you'll understand this-- When I was getting my hair done for the wedding, I teased Caitlyn about how long it would take me to find all of the bobby pins the hairdresser used. Two days later, I found the last one. And that was *after* brushing it out :rotfl:
You are allowed to be scattered, you have had a lot of stuff going on-- hang in there, take those deep breaths, and know we have got your back

Well, the day with Ilene and Jo didn't happen. I woke up at 4:30 this morning with a terrible headache and sick to my stomach! WHAT!!! Give me a break! So I took Tylenol and went back to bed. At 8 I didn't feel any better so I canceled my day with Ilene. Took some more Tylenol and laid back down. Couldn't go to sleep, so I started working on my August Monthly Review and my daily ATCs. Got those done and then started a Bike ride spread. By 11 I was beginning to feel better. So I made some lunch (leftover baked spaghetti from Sunday). The headache is just about gone. The stomach is OK, too. I told Ilene, depending on what Mark may have planned, I may see her then.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! Its quiet in here today. Must mean everyone is taking it easy and relaxing.

Vitamin D and C!!!! My doc said most Americans are low on these two and so now I take D at breakfast and bed, every 12 hours along with C cause its the unknown wonder drug. Not a doc, duh :giggle4: so take it with a grain of salt. But I found when my family upped our C and D intake we got less sick. Still happens but not as often and it use to. Glad its not Covid.

For the crazy busy day, it was amazing. I probably had 2 spoons when I got home, which is amazing. I wore my compression pants which was great but oh I was so hot. I need to get compression socks though as my feet had such swelling and hurt more than normal. But yeah for not being so totally wore out I couldn't move.

I hope youre able to get your slow day and and play in the craft room. Turn your phone off so no one can bug you.:heartpumppink:

@MariJ and @faerywings stop reading here. You wont want to see what I say next :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Today is gonna be a slower day (recovery day) and I'm looking forward to it being a slow sit on couch most of the day day. Beautiful sunrise this morning but 34*. Termination dust is thick on the mountains, which means approx 4-6 weeks and we should have snow.

Just an FYI cause I know Termination Dust is odd........
Termination dust is the term used almost exclusively in Alaska for the earliest new snowfall in a year, specifically, snow on top of mountains. The “dust” part of the name comes from the fact that the first snow is always light and doesn’t immediately produce large snowcaps. It may not last very long at all, since it’s not hard-packed snow.The “termination” part comes from the fact that its appearance traditionally signifies the end of the summer. It is a sign that winter is coming soon and preparations must begin.

Its a sourdough term for the end of summer and time to head back south or really start winter prep. The clouds finally moved on and I could see the snow yesterday on the mountains. Its a touch more than dust since we couldn't see the first dusting but todays temps confirm yep its coming.

Have a wonderful day!
Alaska is a place I would love to visit.....but I would not want to live there!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info on the Termination dust, it makes sense actually! Do you go away to somewhere a bit warmer in winter??
We do not go anywhere. We use to visit my dad in AZ in January but we haven't done that since 2011. I'm not a fan of -20*F but I do love winter and cross county skiing, snowmachining (snowmobile for the lower 48), and plowing so I dont mind not leaving. UNLESS I am unable to do the fun stuff then its super hard to survive winter but that doesn't happen often.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy although termination dust sounds interesting, I'm glad I don't have to worry about it here in Virginia! We do sometimes see snow on the top of the Blue Ridge, but it generally just means we'll be a little chilly down here.

I suppose I have reconciled myself to left-handed computing for a while. I have switched the buttons on my mouse and enabled voice to text on my computer. It actually does a better job than my phone in interpreting what I say, so I have also moved my texting over to the computer. I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 8:30 AM, and I anticipate that I will heal quickly. Just because I have to.!

I spent a few hours this afternoon working on a scrapbook page but it is very tiring and slow with one hand. Maybe I will get better at it with practice. Meanwhile, the trails crew is the beneficiary of the local car show on Saturday, so I am trying to make sure everyone is organized to help out with parking and selling tickets and etcetera.

When I dictate trails crew my machine types trail screw:eek3:
I think that's why Facebook won't let us use our whole name as our identifier!


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy although termination dust sounds interesting, I'm glad I don't have to worry about it here in Virginia! We do sometimes see snow on the top of the Blue Ridge, but it generally just means we'll be a little chilly down here.

I suppose I have reconciled myself to left-handed computing for a while. I have switched the buttons on my mouse and enabled voice to text on my computer. It actually does a better job than my phone in interpreting what I say, so I have also moved my texting over to the computer. I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 8:30 AM, and I anticipate that I will heal quickly. Just because I have to.!

I spent a few hours this afternoon working on a scrapbook page but it is very tiring and slow with one hand. Maybe I will get better at it with practice. Meanwhile, the trails crew is the beneficiary of the local car show on Saturday, so I am trying to make sure everyone is organized to help out with parking and selling tickets and etcetera.

When I dictate trails crew my machine types trail screw:eek3:
I think that's why Facebook won't let us use our whole name as our identifier!
Oh Terri,
Youre suppose to be taking it easy!!! Not selling tickets etc on the day after surgery!!! Oh my friend. The auto correct of voice on trail crew is so funny!!!! I told a friend to stop sucking up and my phone used an f instead of S. Was very thankful it went to that friend cause we could laugh. Hope youre able to catch all the typos before it sends.