
Daily Ooos: Thursday, October 3


The Loopy-O
Hello hellooooO! :waving3:

Guess what?
My "quiet(ish)" morning yesterday turned out to be not so quiet after all. Shocker, eh? ;)

My morning was easier than Caitlyn's though. Her laptop died the night before so she already was on the wrong foot. She got in her car to go to work and it won't start. She takes my car to work and Gary and Tom check out hers. The battery is corroded. They can't get it out so I call AAA. While AAA is on its way they were able to remove it, so hopefully all the guy needs to do is pop in the battery and take the bad one away. Go to go, right? Naaaah.
The battery the guy brought doesn't fit. We cancel the service and he leaves. Tom tries to finagle his car from behind Cait's so he can get to work. Scott and Sam popped in so Scott drove Gary to the auto parts store. A "simple" fix turns into two hours of back and forth.
Meanwhile, I was trying to schedule all three of my Radiology appts. (all done, not on the same day but I tried). The next three weeks are jam-packed with appts. :/ Then, I accidentally pushed my chair into my desk, which knocked a plaque into a glass, which shattered *everywhere.* Shards of glass on the desk/floor/chair/throw blanket.
Cleaned for my friend and thank goodness, didn't break anything - or drop anything on my toes- while I was there.
I made vegan asparagus risotto in the IP last night. I was going to cook it on the stove and then bailed on that. It might not taste as good in the IP but sure was good enough. And I didn't have to stand over it and stir. That was the deciding factor. :nod1:

This morning I am going to get a yoga session in and then finish prep for the Apples lesson plan. And I have to figure out what Gary should do about dinner. I'm thinking chicken and chick'n sandwiches. I can mix up some coleslaw too.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day ahead!


The Loopy-O
@mimes1 Yikes, 12 hours is a lonnnnng day at work. You must have been exhausted when you got home. I am shocked, shocked I say! that Mark is overdoing things a little bit. :giggle4:

As far as the blood work from yesterday, everything was within normal range except the cholesterol and LDL....still high but coming down from the last check in April! The B12 was way high this time, so I am sure she will be backing me off of that.
Fantastic news!!
I hear you about Amazon, I love it and hate it at the same time. But you cannot beat the convenience of it. Good luck transferring all of the photos and may none of them get corrupted in the process :praying2:

Dentist visit was 4 1/2 hours
OMG! That's a long time to be in the chair but it sounds like it was worth it. Look on the bright side-- 4 hours of laughing gas :dancingbfly:
I never heard of rhubarb wine, what does it taste like? I don't think I have ever had rhubarb in any form.
"Nana makes wine in her bathtub".

Darlin' you were BORN to do this!
Thank you!! I am feeling unsure of myself this morning. Like-- my plans are good for a regular preK program but a nature homeschool-- I am worried I am trying to do too much teaching and not enough exploring. If that makes sense.

Its going to be a beautiful sunny day, but a bit on the cooler side for our hike this morning. SIL Linda is tagging along on this one. Its one of my favourite hikes to Holt Creek and Linda has never been there, so it will be a new hopefully good experience for her. I am sorry not be able to do personals today, unless I can pop in here after the hike.
How was the hike? Are you starting to get fall color by you? Any photos?

Well, its a little cooler today, 28* and the lake is covered in fog and the sun is just starting to show. Its stunning and crisp. We should get up to 50.

As for DSD, yeah, I been bad and click click click cha- ching! When you add it all up, I'm around $15 so far and darn it, I had $5 to spend. :giggle4: But it was on sale so I had to! I've been better than in the past though and only buy it if I really will use it not just cause its on sale.
Tooooo cold! Nope, don't think I like hearing about that one bit. Nuh-uh!
Think about how much money you have saved if you had bought those items at full price. Ca-ching!

Good afternoon ladies. I just wanted to check in to make sure everyone is doing ok. @faerywings I have loved seeing the wedding pictures! What a wonderful looking family you have! I am so happy for you and so excited that you are doing something that fills your soul with this new job.
LINDA!!! You're here! ♥
You promised you weren't going to disappear so it is nice to see you! (next time don't be gone so long, please :prettyplease:)
Is this the longest time you haven't physically seen your kids? I bet your arms itch when you think about hugging them again. I am glad that everyone is doing well too :hug2:

@Terri M yay for sun and yah for Lisbon!! :dancing6:
have a wonderful trip and I cannot wait to hear all about it!
Take it easy when you knit, it's a good idea to make the pot holders, no one will notice or care if they are shaped more like triangles than squares :D

Jeanne, my SIL will be celebrating for Snoopy, she is a huge Peanuts fan!


Terri M

Well-Known Member
All packed. All tickets printed. After lunch we'll drive to Dulles environs and find someplace for a light, early dinner. No sense paying airport prices for a meal if we don't have to, and given the time of our flight if they serve us anything it will be 11:00 pm. I hope to take off and fall right to sleep. My personal resolution for the trip is REMEBER TO TAKE PICTURES!!

Still seeing reports coming in from the Helene devastation. Interesting article this morning about whether people should have been ordered to evacuate but that's a hard call for a lot of families. I'm so glad I don't have to make that decision. The world is changing for sure.

I made vegan asparagus risotto in the IP last night. I was going to cook it on the stove and then bailed on that. It might not taste as good in the IP but sure was good enough. And I didn't have to stand over it and stir. That was the deciding factor.
I didn't know you could make risotto in the IP! We love it but I refuse to stand there stirring it. I'll have to give that a try when we get back home. I'm trying to reduce our meat consumption, but not vegan so cheese is a tasty addition.


Love my O Family!
Hello hellooooO! :waving3:

Guess what?
My "quiet(ish)" morning yesterday turned out to be not so quiet after all. Shocker, eh? ;)

My morning was easier than Caitlyn's though. Her laptop died the night before so she already was on the wrong foot. She got in her car to go to work and it won't start. She takes my car to work and Gary and Tom check out hers. The battery is corroded. They can't get it out so I call AAA. While AAA is on its way they were able to remove it, so hopefully all the guy needs to do is pop in the battery and take the bad one away. Go to go, right? Naaaah.
The battery the guy brought doesn't fit. We cancel the service and he leaves. Tom tries to finagle his car from behind Cait's so he can get to work. Scott and Sam popped in so Scott drove Gary to the auto parts store. A "simple" fix turns into two hours of back and forth.
Meanwhile, I was trying to schedule all three of my Radiology appts. (all done, not on the same day but I tried). The next three weeks are jam-packed with appts. :/ Then, I accidentally pushed my chair into my desk, which knocked a plaque into a glass, which shattered *everywhere.* Shards of glass on the desk/floor/chair/throw blanket.
Cleaned for my friend and thank goodness, didn't break anything - or drop anything on my toes- while I was there.
I made vegan asparagus risotto in the IP last night. I was going to cook it on the stove and then bailed on that. It might not taste as good in the IP but sure was good enough. And I didn't have to stand over it and stir. That was the deciding factor. :nod1:

This morning I am going to get a yoga session in and then finish prep for the Apples lesson plan. And I have to figure out what Gary should do about dinner. I'm thinking chicken and chick'n sandwiches. I can mix up some coleslaw too.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day ahead!
Momma said there'd be days like that.........you're welcome! ;)
I hope today is smooth sailing! :hug4:


Love my O Family!
All packed. All tickets printed. After lunch we'll drive to Dulles environs and find someplace for a light, early dinner. No sense paying airport prices for a meal if we don't have to, and given the time of our flight if they serve us anything it will be 11:00 pm. I hope to take off and fall right to sleep. My personal resolution for the trip is REMEBER TO TAKE PICTURES!!

Still seeing reports coming in from the Helene devastation. Interesting article this morning about whether people should have been ordered to evacuate but that's a hard call for a lot of families. I'm so glad I don't have to make that decision. The world is changing for sure.

I didn't know you could make risotto in the IP! We love it but I refuse to stand there stirring it. I'll have to give that a try when we get back home. I'm trying to reduce our meat consumption, but not vegan so cheese is a tasty addition.
Have a wonderful time!


Love my O Family!
@mimes1 Yikes, 12 hours is a lonnnnng day at work. You must have been exhausted when you got home. I am shocked, shocked I say! that Mark is overdoing things a little bit. :giggle4:

Fantastic news!!
I hear you about Amazon, I love it and hate it at the same time. But you cannot beat the convenience of it. Good luck transferring all of the photos and may none of them get corrupted in the process :praying2:

OMG! That's a long time to be in the chair but it sounds like it was worth it. Look on the bright side-- 4 hours of laughing gas :dancingbfly:
I never heard of rhubarb wine, what does it taste like? I don't think I have ever had rhubarb in any form.


Thank you!! I am feeling unsure of myself this morning. Like-- my plans are good for a regular preK program but a nature homeschool-- I am worried I am trying to do too much teaching and not enough exploring. If that makes sense.

How was the hike? Are you starting to get fall color by you? Any photos?

Tooooo cold! Nope, don't think I like hearing about that one bit. Nuh-uh!
Think about how much money you have saved if you had bought those items at full price. Ca-ching!

LINDA!!! You're here! ♥
You promised you weren't going to disappear so it is nice to see you! (next time don't be gone so long, please :prettyplease:)
Is this the longest time you haven't physically seen your kids? I bet your arms itch when you think about hugging them again. I am glad that everyone is doing well too :hug2:

@Terri M yay for sun and yah for Lisbon!! :dancing6:
have a wonderful trip and I cannot wait to hear all about it!
Take it easy when you knit, it's a good idea to make the pot holders, no one will notice or care if they are shaped more like triangles than squares :D

Jeanne, my SIL will be celebrating for Snoopy, she is a huge Peanuts fan!

I've had a few that would not transfer for whatever reason! But, I'm letting it go.....which is huge for me, LOL!


Morning, all. Slept in until 7:30AM this morning. It is 55*F now but going back up into the 80's. Only 2 more days until the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival starts on Saturday. 10 days of hot air balloons filling the skies in the early mornings!! Keeping my fingers crossed that they come over my neighborhood so I can get some photos (they normally do). Which reminds me I need to charge my camera battery, BTW, if you want to see it - it will be live on FaceBook (around 7:30AM MT). Next Thursday will be "Special Shapes" day - when most of the special shape balloons will be launched along with the lots of other balloons. This is always a fun time of year.

DD#3 will be coming over this morning. DD#1 left a bunch of her non-gluten foods here that I won't be able to eat up before it goes bad and DD#3 and family (6 of them) can. Glad to pass it on to her. DD#3 and her hubby have been busy on projects around their house. Glad she is taking time off to come for a short visit today. Talked to DD#1 yesterday... she saw her foot doctor and will need surgery on her broken foot/ankle after all. He said it could wait a bit. So they are talking about after the New Year. DD and hubby will be swapping bedrooms with their daughter and her hubby just after the holidays. DD#1's bedroom is on the 2nd story (long staircase to go down) and their daughter's room is on the 1st floor. Better all around to get the swap done before she has surgery.

I ran a few errands yesterday... but forgot to stop at the hardware store for the heater/AC filter... I bought a set of sweat pants and tops but when I tried them on last evening - the pants are too long and the top too big! Oh, well... will take them back for a refund. I really need sweatpants with elastic or cuffs at the ankle. Should have taken the time to try them on at the store...

Need to get dressed as DD is on her way. Back later to do personals.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Been busy this morning.
Up at 8.
Cooked up some hamburger with onion, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Also made some Jasmine rice in the rice cooker. Mixed all of that together with some tomato sauce. Washed, cut the tops off, prepped the green peppers Ilene gave to me yesterday. Stuffed the meat mixture into the peppers and put them in a baking dish. Popped a lid on and tucked them into the fridge. I will bake them for supper tonight. I had tons of the meat mixture left over because the peppers were very small. So I am sure Mark will eat on that throughout the weekend! Or I'll buy a few more peppers, stuff them and freeze them for later.
Next up, prepped an iron pot with Crisco for the seasoning process. It is in the oven as we speak.
Mark called asking to do lunch, but I had to turn him down. My stomach is iffy. I've only put water and bone broth on it so far.
After this I am determined to catch up on my ATCs from my daily devotions!
After that I will work on transferring more pictures from CDs to EHD.
If you haven't taken a look at the Poems & Lyrics challenge yet, you need to do so! Everyone is being so creative with the poem I provided for inspiration! You will love it, I assure you! It has something in it for everyone! Advertising over! ;)
Time to close for now!
Have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... well as per usual, my afternoon got away from me and I did not get in here to catch up with everyone. I did spend a very long time getting the rest of the coupons out and winners notified, why that took so long? Who knows? It might have been the fact that I kept day dreaming about starting my Calendar and thinking of all the beautiful kits I would love to have. Anyway I am sorry for not doing personals yesterday! Yesterday's hike was lovely, no bee stings and no one fell so that is a plus!! The colors are really starting to get vibrant on the trees and the sunshine was warm on our faces, it is a very pretty hike but lots of roots to watch out for so that you don't trip. So we stopped a few times to just take in our surroundings. I ran a few errands after getting back and dropped the mail off to the in-laws, had a little chat with MIL who was in her sewing room working on some Christmas Quilts. Her happy place! This will be my last quiet day as DH has his flex friday off. We are going to go look at cars, he seems to think we should get a new one. I am happy with my CRV, but it is getting old. Not looking forward to finding out how much car prices have gone up!! :eek2:.

My "quiet(ish)" morning yesterday turned out to be not so quiet after all. Shocker, eh? ;)
LOL ya I know exactly what you mean!! Poor Caitlyn did not have a great start to her day, but thank goodness you could lend her your car! Hopefully your Gary can get her laptop to work again?? Too bad that AAA did not bring the right size battery! I hope that you did not cut yourself on any of the glass, it is amazing how some things can shatter into a billion pieces like that! I still find little pieces of glass on my kitchen floor, remnant's of something broken months earlier. I did take a few photos on the hike and yes the fall colors are really getting vibrant now, I hope to get a layout done with the photos soon.

you need to listen to Helen Reddy singing I Am Woman and go for it.
Thanks so much now I have that song rambling around in my head!! Ha, Ha, just kidding and I love your Minions that is me too at 3am trying to go back to sleep, but wondering if the Hokey Pokey is really what its all about. :crazy:
All packed. All tickets printed. After lunch we'll drive to Dulles environs and find someplace for a light, early dinner. No sense paying airport prices for a meal if we don't have to, and given the time of our flight if they serve us anything it will be 11:00 pm. I hope to take off and fall right to sleep. My personal resolution for the trip is REMEBER TO TAKE PICTURES!!
Have a wonderful time on your trip!! Enjoy every moment and yes for goodness sake take lots of photos!! I am envious and wish I could tag along on your holiday!!
Morning, all. Slept in until 7:30AM this morning. It is 55*F now but going back up into the 80's. Only 2 more days until the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival starts on Saturday. 10 days of hot air balloons filling the skies in the early mornings!! Keeping my fingers crossed that they come over my neighborhood so I can get some photos (they normally do). Which reminds me I need to charge my camera battery, BTW, if you want to see it - it will be live on FaceBook (around 7:30AM MT). Next Thursday will be "Special Shapes" day - when most of the special shape balloons will be launched along with the lots of other balloons. This is always a fun time of year.
I slept in until 7:30 also, must have been all that fresh air yesterday! How exciting to be able to see those beautiful balloons!! Sure sounds like you will have a busy day today! Enjoy your visit with your family!
Been busy this morning.
OMG you really have been busy this morning! I love stuffed peppers, and so does my Gary, we have them quite often, like a whole meal all stuffed into one bright pepper package. Sorry your tummy is iffy today, probably a good idea not to do lunch with your Mark today. I hope it feels better by the end of the day!

Ok I need more coffee and then I am getting started on my Calendars and yes @faerywings I did see that Natalie has her Calendar Collection for 2025 out, so I am doing a happy dance! :dancing6:. Have a wonderful day everyone! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning. Its much warmer today :floorlaugh: 35*

Guess what?
My "quiet(ish)" morning yesterday turned out to be not so quiet after all. Shocker, eh? ;)

My morning was easier than Caitlyn's though.
I am shocked!!!! Totally fall down shocked!!!! (not). What a morning for poor Caitlyn. I hope the rest of her day goes much better.
I hear you about Amazon, I love it and hate it at the same time. But you cannot beat the convenience of it
Ummmmm the only convenience to amazon is click anything at the same location. Wanna know how fun it is, try buying up here. They send it on a boat and it can take up to 3 weeks to get here. Thankfully they are working on improvements and putting a hub in AK but still, its not same day or even next day.
All packed. All tickets printed. After lunch we'll drive to Dulles environs and find someplace for a light, early dinner. No sense paying airport prices for a meal if we don't have to, and given the time of our flight if they serve us anything it will be 11:00 pm. I hope to take off and fall right to sleep. My personal resolution for the trip is REMEBER TO TAKE PICTURES!!
Have a wonderful time Terri!! Dont over use your wrist/hand and take lots of photos!
Only 2 more days until the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival starts on Saturday. 10 days of hot air balloons filling the skies in the early mornings!!
This will be fun. Hopefully none land on your house! Or the neighbors house! Or any house! A friend went years ago and had a blast seeing all the balloons. I cant imagine how it must be in person.
Good Morning,
Been busy this morning.
Up at 8.
My goodness Vicky! That is a busy morning. Bet it felt good to get all that done though.
The colors are really starting to get vibrant on the trees and the sunshine was warm on our faces, it is a very pretty hike
I love fall for that reason. The beautiful leaves and things and the sun still warm yet you can get out and enjoy the day without being over hot.

Today is ...... yeah not slow. Have to run to PT and then its family dinner. Today would have been my dads 79th birthday. Its crazy to me that he would have been that old and that he's been gone for so many years (13.5) Tonight for the first time we are celebrating his birthday with Pina coladas, his favorite drink. So hopefully the sun will be shining and we can all stand on the porch with our drink and take photos.

Okay, before I think too much and cry, need to get more coffee and look at layouts. Have a wonderful day!