
Daily Ooos: Thursday, October 26


The Loopy-O
Hello O-Fam!
How are you doing this morning? I woke up in a panic thanks to a nightmare I only remember bits and pieces about. I guess I have more on my mind than I want to admit. One of the things I am trying to figure out is how to best get to my parents today. My brother sent me a traffic alert last night that there are going to be closures on a section of the road I take into their town. I lived in Denville until I got married and my parents still live in the same house when I was born. But damned if I know what the names of the roads are. I can get around the town with my eyes closed (don't worry, I won't *actually* drive that way hahaha) but tell me that a road is closed at the intersection of x and y? No clue where that is.
Is anyone else the same way with local street names?

The weather was wonderful in the afternoon yesterday and I spent and hour and a half raking the yard which is most likely 90% covered with leaves again this morning. After I get my dad settled at the hospital, I am going to pick my mom up and wander around the town. Although... now that I think of it, the road closures run straight through the town center. Maybe we will go somewhere else to wander around.
Scott is coming over this afternoon and staying for dinner. Sam works late on Thursday so he can do laundry and eat for free :D I hope that I'll get time to visit with him a bit if not, I am all ready for the hike he is leading on Saturday.

That's it! HAGD!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes That's wonderful that you are getting your energy and pain levels to where they should be. One increasing and the other decreasing and hopefully, they will stay in the right direction. I don't; know if I shared this here, but I was joking the other night that it was nice that Scott moved out because he always complained when I made soup for dinner. I made soup three times last week. :rotfl:

@tanteva yeah, that is what I meant-- chicken soup with fake chicken. I am not crazy about lentils myself. The salsa soup sounds delish! I bet with some tortilla chips crumbled on top would be good too.

@LSlycord ((((((hugs))))))))) I am so sorry that you are in a funk. Not surprising, you've been going through a lot. The waiting and not knowing what Mayo recommends must be unsettling but ITA, if it was something critical/emergency they would have gotten to you on the first day meeting with the board. Did they call yet?
yay for Shaun's grades! That's fantastic and hopefully will keep the momentum for him for second half classes. Any news from his dr about the cyst?

@taxed4ever :jawdrop2:

SNOW??????? AH!!!!!!!
I am guessing it is all melted but still. Yuck! We are close to record high temps in NJ/NYC. Saturday is going to be close to 80 in the city. If I didn't have to take my dad to the hospital, I'd tell my mom we should run down the shore for a long lunch on the beach LOL
Hope you got all of the LOs done and to the way you envisioned them.

@vickyday How was your orthopedist appt go? Hope good news all around.
Oh yes, let Mark take care of you while you can :D

@Cherylndesigns I am breathing a sigh of relief for Chuck and you know what- it is 100% for not having a roommate! Thank goodness! Hahahaha!!
So glad that all of the kinks that popped up the last few days are getting settled too. I was in the shower the other day and Gary was yelling and yelling but of course, I couldn't hear him. I turned off the shower and he was yelling that the shower was leaking everywhere. Thank goodness he was able to take the pipe apart and fix it. That feeling you had with Ava-- I know exactly how you felt.
Casey is the sweetest! You have such a wonderful support system.



Love my O Family!
Hello O-Fam!
How are you doing this morning? I woke up in a panic thanks to a nightmare I only remember bits and pieces about. I guess I have more on my mind than I want to admit. One of the things I am trying to figure out is how to best get to my parents today. My brother sent me a traffic alert last night that there are going to be closures on a section of the road I take into their town. I lived in Denville until I got married and my parents still live in the same house when I was born. But damned if I know what the names of the roads are. I can get around the town with my eyes closed (don't worry, I won't *actually* drive that way hahaha) but tell me that a road is closed at the intersection of x and y? No clue where that is.
Is anyone else the same way with local street names?

The weather was wonderful in the afternoon yesterday and I spent and hour and a half raking the yard which is most likely 90% covered with leaves again this morning. After I get my dad settled at the hospital, I am going to pick my mom up and wander around the town. Although... now that I think of it, the road closures run straight through the town center. Maybe we will go somewhere else to wander around.
Scott is coming over this afternoon and staying for dinner. Sam works late on Thursday so he can do laundry and eat for free :D I hope that I'll get time to visit with him a bit if not, I am all ready for the hike he is leading on Saturday.

That's it! HAGD!
I heard or read one time many years ago that women tend to know landmarks, not street names. and for the most part I am the same as you. I know the main roads to a destination but not the "alternate routes" to get to the same destination. And if NJ is like NC, the road crews seem to always be messing up the direct paths to where I want to go, lol!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
NEVER AGAIN will I take being able to type with 2 hands for granted! By the time I get half way through pecking out my thought, I have forgotten what I was trying to say and have to read what I just pecked out to remember what I was saying! OY VEY! And computer keyboards should work the same as the phone.......auto-cap after a period and give you the top symbol on the key automatically if you hold the key down! At least google capitalizes my I's! Those are my handicap complaints for today, lol!

Now for the good news from the orthopedic doctor visit yesterday [is it just me or do the doctors seem to be getting younger and younger! Has anyone else noticed that?].

X-rays were taken of the wrist. The bones appeared to be in the same place as the ER doc in Alabama moved them back to. They re-splinted the wrist and I made an appointment for same time and place next week. X-rays will be done again to see how the bones look and discussion will take place at that time to determine if surgery is needed. If not, they will cast it. The wrist is very bruised and swollen but since the bones have stayed put this long, they will probably continue to remain and heal. The two main bones of the arm were not actually "broken" but damaged, moved and chipped. I will use the diagram below to explain what happened. This diagram is for a right hand, however. it is my left wrist that sustained the injury. So the movement of my bones was opposite to my description below [I guess that is clear as mud, lol].


So when I caught myself when I fell, the radius and ulna went one way and the hand bones went the other way. This movement fractured the outside of the Radius. So that "corner" of the radius bone is messed up. And even though the radius and ulna have been moved back into place the corner of the radius is still messed up and not as "smooth" as pictured. I don't know why there is a possibility of the bones moving. Maybe because the integrity of the radius has been compromised?? I didn't think to ask.

Of course, since I am a scrapper, I asked my son to get a picture of me laying on the gym floor waiting on the ambulance.....


You can see how the radius and ulna are "inside" the hand bones. I couldn't lie flat on my back with the L1 compression fracture so I had someone bring me the chair. The other young guys who surrounded me when I fell are the guys my son normally plays pickleball with. One of them gave me his hoodie to rest my head on. I told the guys to continue their games but they insisted on staying by my side with my son and Mark.

Anywho..... I am getting along ok. The doctor stopped the hydrocodone I was taking and told me to take Tylenol and ibuprofen as needed instead. I'm good with that. My back is pretty stiff still and I have to keep my wrist elevated or it swells like crazy but I'm not in too much pain. My wrist was sore when I woke this morning, but after 2 Tylenol I'm ok.

Prayers and thoughts still appreciated, especially that the bones will stay put and no surgery will be required.

Hugs to all.


Morning all. Well, plans have changed. My niece let me know that they had a wheel come off their trailer and bounced across 4 lanes of traffic... didn't hit any other vehicles, thank goodness!! The assembly where the tire had been was leaking oil and smoking but no fire. They were so lucky that it didn't cause a crash! They found a suspension dealer in Elk City, Oklahoma so they are heading there this morning. Since that takes them east of us, it doesn't look like they will be back-tracking to visit with us. Sorry about that but so thankful that they were okay and no one was injured. Their rig is a truck pulling a trailer and towing a car.
Needless to say - that was quite a shock to wake up to this morning.

@faerywings That is a bummer that the normal route you take to your parents is blocked off today. UGH... Hope you are able to find a way around the blockage to get to him in time to take him to the hospital.

I heard or read one time many years ago that women tend to know landmarks, not street names. and for the most part I am the same as you. I know the main roads to a destination but not the "alternate routes" to get to the same destination. And if NJ is like NC, the road crews seem to always be messing up the direct paths to where I want to go, lol!
I guess I am not the usual... I know the road names and various ways of getting around town. That comes from moving around with DH to many different towns. I would drive around each one several times to get oriented and learn the different streets/routes. Since DH was gone to sea a lot of the time, it was up to me to know how to get around.

Vicky, Yes, typing one-handed is the pits but so glad you are able to let us how you are doing. Thanks for the update on what happened and what happened with your hand. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a swift healing.


Well-Known Member
Wow @vickyday, that is quite a sight! I need to go back and re-read to find out what you did. Last time I saw anything from your son's house, it was that beautiful view off the front porch of his house. Glad that you were able to get into an ortho and it sounds like things are as good as can be expected considering the circumstances. Hope that you aren't going to need surgery...but even a cast is going to be limiting. Ugh...I really don't think that this aging thing is for the faint at heart. I'm thinking of you as you have to alter everything that you do. I hope that you are right handed since the injury is to your left hand. Still incredibly inconvenient!


Well-Known Member
Good morning @BrightEyes. I am so sorry that your niece won't be able to visit. I know how much you were looking forward to that. But wow! What a blessing that the tire didn't hit anyone and there were no accidents. That must have been quite scary! I'm sure that it helps reduce the disappointment of not seeing your niece, knowing that you have some good times ahead with your sister.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... it is very chilly but no more snow thank goodness! Most of it melted away by mid afternoon. I went to the pool after DH brought the CRV home for lunch and he took his truck back to work. Turns out that 1:30 in the afternoon is a great time to go to the pool. There was hardly anyone there and I had a whole lap lane all to myself. I did manage to get two of the three layouts that I started completed and will work on another today. Then I will have to get them in the gallery, hopefully nothing sidetracks my day and I can get that done this morning. Other than that I have nothing on my plate, perhaps I should get out for a bit of a walk and collect the mail at the mail box. Had very nice facetime calls from all of the grands as they received their parcels and were so happy with all of the goodies that I sent to them. I sure do miss those sweet faces and all the hugs and snuggles!!

@faerywings - Yes I am the same as you, I have no idea what the names of all the streets are here. I know the street that I live on and a few others, but thats it!! I cringe whenever anyone who is new here asks me how to get to somewhere downtown, I have to tell them landmarks as I have no clue what the street names are LOL. My Gary on the other hand knows every single street and side road by name. I hope you can figure out the best way to get to your Mom and Dad's today, if you look at google maps it should take you around all of the closures shouldn't it?? I totally depend on google maps when I drive to a new hike, I am very directionally challenged :giggle4: . How nice that Scott will be joining you for supper tonight, hope he gets all his laundry :laundry:done while he is there and that you get to have a nice visit with him!

@vickyday - Ouch your poor hand! I hope it heals well and you will soon be back to two handed typing! My DH broke his scaphoid bone in his left hand (he is left handed) the dr. told him it would take a very long time to heal, because there is not much blood flow around that bone to help the healing process. I wonder if you will ever consider playing pickle ball again LOL. My brother has had so many injuries playing that sport. I have always wanted to try it, but then I hear of all the injuries and I back off of the idea.

@BrightEyes - Oh my goodness that is a miracle that no one was hurt by that flying tire!! Your niece must have been terrified!! I am sad for you that they will not be making the visit to your place, but happy that they are all ok and will back on the road again soon. Good for you for knowing all the names of the streets when you moved around so much, yes the fact that your DH would have been away for so long, kind of made you have to know your way around! You are a very strong and independent woman:lovey3:

@LSlycord - I hope that you have heard something from the dr. today and that you are in a bit of a better mood also! It really does suck to not hear about what is going on with your health! I still have not heard anything about my x-ray, but I suppose that no news is good news ??

Heather is calling so I gotta go! Have a great day ladies!!


Love my O Family!
Morning all. Well, plans have changed. My niece let me know that they had a wheel come off their trailer and bounced across 4 lanes of traffic... didn't hit any other vehicles, thank goodness!! The assembly where the tire had been was leaking oil and smoking but no fire. They were so lucky that it didn't cause a crash! They found a suspension dealer in Elk City, Oklahoma so they are heading there this morning. Since that takes them east of us, it doesn't look like they will be back-tracking to visit with us. Sorry about that but so thankful that they were okay and no one was injured. Their rig is a truck pulling a trailer and towing a car.
Needless to say - that was quite a shock to wake up to this morning.

@faerywings That is a bummer that the normal route you take to your parents is blocked off today. UGH... Hope you are able to find a way around the blockage to get to him in time to take him to the hospital.

I guess I am not the usual... I know the road names and various ways of getting around town. That comes from moving around with DH to many different towns. I would drive around each one several times to get oriented and learn the different streets/routes. Since DH was gone to sea a lot of the time, it was up to me to know how to get around.

Vicky, Yes, typing one-handed is the pits but so glad you are able to let us how you are doing. Thanks for the update on what happened and what happened with your hand. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a swift healing.
Thanks so much, Kay!:lovey3:


Love my O Family!
Wow @vickyday, that is quite a sight! I need to go back and re-read to find out what you did. Last time I saw anything from your son's house, it was that beautiful view off the front porch of his house. Glad that you were able to get into an ortho and it sounds like things are as good as can be expected considering the circumstances. Hope that you aren't going to need surgery...but even a cast is going to be limiting. Ugh...I really don't think that this aging thing is for the faint at heart. I'm thinking of you as you have to alter everything that you do. I hope that you are right handed since the injury is to your left hand. Still incredibly inconvenient!
Thanks so much, Linda! I just posted a link to my blog that will update you ... and includes pictures, lol!
I agree! Getting old isn't for the faint of heart!
Yes, everything happened after the beautiful view I posted.


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... it is very chilly but no more snow thank goodness! Most of it melted away by mid afternoon. I went to the pool after DH brought the CRV home for lunch and he took his truck back to work. Turns out that 1:30 in the afternoon is a great time to go to the pool. There was hardly anyone there and I had a whole lap lane all to myself. I did manage to get two of the three layouts that I started completed and will work on another today. Then I will have to get them in the gallery, hopefully nothing sidetracks my day and I can get that done this morning. Other than that I have nothing on my plate, perhaps I should get out for a bit of a walk and collect the mail at the mail box. Had very nice facetime calls from all of the grands as they received their parcels and were so happy with all of the goodies that I sent to them. I sure do miss those sweet faces and all the hugs and snuggles!!

@faerywings - Yes I am the same as you, I have no idea what the names of all the streets are here. I know the street that I live on and a few others, but thats it!! I cringe whenever anyone who is new here asks me how to get to somewhere downtown, I have to tell them landmarks as I have no clue what the street names are LOL. My Gary on the other hand knows every single street and side road by name. I hope you can figure out the best way to get to your Mom and Dad's today, if you look at google maps it should take you around all of the closures shouldn't it?? I totally depend on google maps when I drive to a new hike, I am very directionally challenged :giggle4: . How nice that Scott will be joining you for supper tonight, hope he gets all his laundry :laundry:done while he is there and that you get to have a nice visit with him!

@vickyday - Ouch your poor hand! I hope it heals well and you will soon be back to two handed typing! My DH broke his scaphoid bone in his left hand (he is left handed) the dr. told him it would take a very long time to heal, because there is not much blood flow around that bone to help the healing process. I wonder if you will ever consider playing pickle ball again LOL. My brother has had so many injuries playing that sport. I have always wanted to try it, but then I hear of all the injuries and I back off of the idea.

@BrightEyes - Oh my goodness that is a miracle that no one was hurt by that flying tire!! Your niece must have been terrified!! I am sad for you that they will not be making the visit to your place, but happy that they are all ok and will back on the road again soon. Good for you for knowing all the names of the streets when you moved around so much, yes the fact that your DH would have been away for so long, kind of made you have to know your way around! You are a very strong and independent woman:lovey3:

@LSlycord - I hope that you have heard something from the dr. today and that you are in a bit of a better mood also! It really does suck to not hear about what is going on with your health! I still have not heard anything about my x-ray, but I suppose that no news is good news ??

Heather is calling so I gotta go! Have a great day ladies!!
Well, even though I hurt myself playing, I "plan" to try again in about a year! I do know to pray that my son doesn't get injured as he plays!


Love my O Family!
Morning all. Well, plans have changed. My niece let me know that they had a wheel come off their trailer and bounced across 4 lanes of traffic... didn't hit any other vehicles, thank goodness!! The assembly where the tire had been was leaking oil and smoking but no fire. They were so lucky that it didn't cause a crash! They found a suspension dealer in Elk City, Oklahoma so they are heading there this morning. Since that takes them east of us, it doesn't look like they will be back-tracking to visit with us. Sorry about that but so thankful that they were okay and no one was injured. Their rig is a truck pulling a trailer and towing a car.
Needless to say - that was quite a shock to wake up to this morning.

@faerywings That is a bummer that the normal route you take to your parents is blocked off today. UGH... Hope you are able to find a way around the blockage to get to him in time to take him to the hospital.

I guess I am not the usual... I know the road names and various ways of getting around town. That comes from moving around with DH to many different towns. I would drive around each one several times to get oriented and learn the different streets/routes. Since DH was gone to sea a lot of the time, it was up to me to know how to get around.

Vicky, Yes, typing one-handed is the pits but so glad you are able to let us how you are doing. Thanks for the update on what happened and what happened with your hand. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a swift healing.
So sorry to hear of the news about your niece and that they will not be visiting, but so glad to here they, no anyone else, were injured in the trailer mishap!


Well-Known Member
@taxed4ever well I am so glad to hear that the snow is melted. I cannot imagine your surprise when you woke up yesterday morning! Glad that you found the "sweet spot" at the pool! I know how much you enjoy your afternoon swims! And I can't believe that you haven't heard anything about your hand...but, yet, I can believe it! Glad that the grands loved their packages!


Well-Known Member
@faerywings ok...I have somehow missed the purpose of your dad's surgery but I'm guessing that it is outpatient...my fingers are crossed. And that the road construction didn't cause too much stress in your drive this morning. It will be fun to have Scott stop in for supper and laundry...will Cait be home too? Glad to hear about your upcoming hike and I think that the job is going to work out and that is really the best news!


Well-Known Member
Ok...I'm here to report on my continuing saga. I did hear from Mayo Clinic yesterday. They want me to have open heart surgery to repair the valve. They want me to meet with the surgeon to discuss the potential of a mini-sternotomy...about a 3-4 inch incision rather than 8-9 inch. However, they have not addressed my preference for a TAVR except to tell me that they think I am so young I should have open heart. There are a couple of things that would prevent me from having the TAVR (which is about a week of recovery time with one night in the hospital). First if I had multiple severe artery blockages. -- Fortunately, I do NOT have any. Second, if my bicuspid valve is shaped so badly that they don't think that they can get a round valve to fit. Last, if I am young (for a heart patient 66 is young) and the valve will need another TAVR in 8-10 years and I may need to do OHS then and I won't be in as good of shape as I am now.

Well number 1 is definitely not an issue. If number 2 is a problem, they haven't shared that. Because all they want to talk about it number 3. I have explained that, because I am young (66), I still have kids in college and I carry the family's health insurance. If I need a week or 10 days of recovery time, I'm sure my company won't bat an eye. If it is 4-6 weeks or longer, I will be replaced at my job. And because of my age, I will need to go back on Medicare fully and find private insurance for the rest of the family. But they don't want to discuss anything but my age.

So, I told them that I didn't want the appointment with the surgeon right now. Instead, I'm getting my records sent to Cleveland Clinic (arguably #1 in the country) for review. If they say the same thing, then I guess it is OHS...but I hope that they will at least listen to me and explain what they see as the downside besides my age.

Definitely discouraging...


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon my lovelies.

I just got home from running errands and visiting with Chuck. He's much better than he was last night. He's still fighting the "things" they want him to do - he IS in there for rehabilitation, but he wants them to leave him alone. I can't get through to him, but told him he'd get out a lot sooner if he cooperated a bit better. Roger will be home Sunday and he's the only one that Chuck will listen to, so I hope he can make him see that he needs to do more. He's just never had to march to anybody else's drummer before and I understand it's very difficult. I always stop at the nurse's station on my way in and they were giving me an earful today.

Yes, Chris, @faerywings Heaven help us if he hadn't gotten a private room. I'd really had my hands full then. About the roads and streets - I'm terrible. Problem here is there are so many roads with the same name. They are just labeled with different directions. The town we live in is actually called 3 different names. DUH. We use one of them, but when you look on a map, there are two others. I don't even try to figure that stuff out. We have torn up roads everywhere too and joy, joy, joy they're putting in round abouts which nobody knows how to use. I call them "Roller Derby". Hope you figure out the road situation.

Yes, we have a great support system here - our own little clan, that we've built up. I'm going over to Casey's Saturday night for a little Halloween party - Adrienne and Roger won't be home til Sunday, so I think it will be fun and something different to do. Everybody is "Halloweening" Saturday night.

Linda @LSlycord I can't believe that you're possibly have OHS! My dad had that years ago, but I haven't known anyone else, personally, who has had that done. I'm sure they've fine tuned it since his, but his was pretty serious. I just hope and pray that they are able to go the other route. I don't know what to say - I was sure hoping that it wouldn't come to this for you. Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers to you.

Vicky @vickyday sounds like you did it up right and of course, you had to have a picture of you laying on the floor waiting for the ambulance. You'll definitely want to scrap that. When the ambulance pulled up in front of our house it was the first time I didn't want a picture. It was a sickening sight and I didn't want any reminders of that. Believe me, I will always see it in my head. Hope your next appointment is positive and you don't need surgery.

Kay, your niece and her husband were beyong being watched over when they didn't hit anything. How terribly frightening that must have been - I can't even image; especially pulling what they were pulling. It stinks that they won't have time to come to visit, but what a blessing.

Trudy, @taxed4ever I can't believe you've had snow already. It's 76 here right now, but is supposed to drop over the weekend. It rained all night and we needed it.

Hugs to everybody.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon my lovelies.

I just got home from running errands and visiting with Chuck. He's much better than he was last night. He's still fighting the "things" they want him to do - he IS in there for rehabilitation, but he wants them to leave him alone. I can't get through to him, but told him he'd get out a lot sooner if he cooperated a bit better. Roger will be home Sunday and he's the only one that Chuck will listen to, so I hope he can make him see that he needs to do more. He's just never had to march to anybody else's drummer before and I understand it's very difficult. I always stop at the nurse's station on my way in and they were giving me an earful today.

Yes, Chris, @faerywings Heaven help us if he hadn't gotten a private room. I'd really had my hands full then. About the roads and streets - I'm terrible. Problem here is there are so many roads with the same name. They are just labeled with different directions. The town we live in is actually called 3 different names. DUH. We use one of them, but when you look on a map, there are two others. I don't even try to figure that stuff out. We have torn up roads everywhere too and joy, joy, joy they're putting in round abouts which nobody knows how to use. I call them "Roller Derby". Hope you figure out the road situation.

Yes, we have a great support system here - our own little clan, that we've built up. I'm going over to Casey's Saturday night for a little Halloween party - Adrienne and Roger won't be home til Sunday, so I think it will be fun and something different to do. Everybody is "Halloweening" Saturday night.

Linda @LSlycord I can't believe that you're possibly have OHS! My dad had that years ago, but I haven't known anyone else, personally, who has had that done. I'm sure they've fine tuned it since his, but his was pretty serious. I just hope and pray that they are able to go the other route. I don't know what to say - I was sure hoping that it wouldn't come to this for you. Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers to you.

Vicky @vickyday sounds like you did it up right and of course, you had to have a picture of you laying on the floor waiting for the ambulance. You'll definitely want to scrap that. When the ambulance pulled up in front of our house it was the first time I didn't want a picture. It was a sickening sight and I didn't want any reminders of that. Believe me, I will always see it in my head. Hope your next appointment is positive and you don't need surgery.

Kay, your niece and her husband were beyong being watched over when they didn't hit anything. How terribly frightening that must have been - I can't even image; especially pulling what they were pulling. It stinks that they won't have time to come to visit, but what a blessing.

Trudy, @taxed4ever I can't believe you've had snow already. It's 76 here right now, but is supposed to drop over the weekend. It rained all night and we needed it.

Hugs to everybody.
So sorry your Chuck was having a bad day. I hope Roger can convince him to do better so they will release him. Sending you hugs. Its probably good you are keeping busy with errands.
Yes, I will definitely be scrapping my mishap!


Love my O Family!
Ok...I'm here to report on my continuing saga. I did hear from Mayo Clinic yesterday. They want me to have open heart surgery to repair the valve. They want me to meet with the surgeon to discuss the potential of a mini-sternotomy...about a 3-4 inch incision rather than 8-9 inch. However, they have not addressed my preference for a TAVR except to tell me that they think I am so young I should have open heart. There are a couple of things that would prevent me from having the TAVR (which is about a week of recovery time with one night in the hospital). First if I had multiple severe artery blockages. -- Fortunately, I do NOT have any. Second, if my bicuspid valve is shaped so badly that they don't think that they can get a round valve to fit. Last, if I am young (for a heart patient 66 is young) and the valve will need another TAVR in 8-10 years and I may need to do OHS then and I won't be in as good of shape as I am now.

Well number 1 is definitely not an issue. If number 2 is a problem, they haven't shared that. Because all they want to talk about it number 3. I have explained that, because I am young (66), I still have kids in college and I carry the family's health insurance. If I need a week or 10 days of recovery time, I'm sure my company won't bat an eye. If it is 4-6 weeks or longer, I will be replaced at my job. And because of my age, I will need to go back on Medicare fully and find private insurance for the rest of the family. But they don't want to discuss anything but my age.

So, I told them that I didn't want the appointment with the surgeon right now. Instead, I'm getting my records sent to Cleveland Clinic (arguably #1 in the country) for review. If they say the same thing, then I guess it is OHS...but I hope that they will at least listen to me and explain what they see as the downside besides my age.

Definitely discouraging...
Oh rats! I personally think it should be your decision ! I can understand your discouragement! Prayers for you! :hug4: