
Daily Ooos: Thursday, October 19


The Loopy-O
hey there, lOvelies! Did you all make it over the hump on Wednesday and are racing towards the weekend? :runningdog:

Somehow I did, in spite of one more piece of crumminess. Guess what came for me in the mail?
Jury duty summons.
As if my day couldn't get any more irritating. *grumbles*

My day consisted of me staring at my computer- first trying to figure out why my escrow account was so off. Last year, there was a $53 shortage. My taxes and insurance increased but I can't see how it went up by that much. I guess a couple hundred dollars here and there adds up. I contacted the mortgage company to see if I could pay half of the lump sum and then spread the rest over the 12 months. Waiting to hear back from them.
On the slightly positive side, I got the paperwork in the mail with the health insurance access code. So that was good. I guess. I picked out my health insurance plan, signed all of the forms, and am waiting to hear from the company itself to pay my first premium. Yay. :/ Then I submitted my Juror Questionnaire and need to find out if anyone has a laptop that I can borrow or buy an external webcam. I don't know if any other states do it this way, but in NJ jury selection is done through Zoom. I know three people who have done that just since the summer and they all agree it's madness. OTOH, that might be easier than having to drive to Paterson.

My poor head was spinning!

The other thing that had my head spinning was a weird mix-up with my grocery order. Somehow, I ordered two packs of toilet paper. Same brand but different counts. One was 8 mega rolls and the other was 12 ultra mega rolls. I have more TP in my house than I know what to do with. If there is another lockdown and TP shortage, I'll be able to sell it on the black market and *still* have plenty for myself :lol23:

One last bit of news is that my dad has the biopsy scheduled for next Thursday. I might end up going down to give him and my mom a hand. The procedure is on the 4th floor of the hospital and my mom doesn't go in elevators. At all. That's a lot of walking and stairs for her so if they need me, I'll go.

Scott's coming over today and hopefully, we can squeeze in a hike. I think he is staying for dinner.
Maybe I will get some of the loose ends of paperwork figured out too.



The Loopy-O
Scott called just now, and I am meeting him at his house for a hike at 1.30. So excited. :)

@BrightEyes You really enjoyed The Crown! How many seasons did you watch in the last week?? LOL!
read or re-read a book and visualized it so clearly that you think it was made into a movie
I've been having this problem with the Outlander Series. I can't remember which season we watched on DVD or which books I just listened to. I thought that the latest season was on DVD at the library, brought it home, and then realized that we had seen that one. It's a total jumble in my mind. (Not that it takes much! LOL)
I wish it still felt like summer here. It has been damp and chilly for days. Today should be sunny and 60 but 80*-- you know me, that is when I am happiest :D
I hope that RSV vax was ok and you didn't have any side effects. Rest up so you will be in perfect health for your niece's visit ♥

@bcgal00 !!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! I am sending you good selling and buying and cruising vibes! :sparkles1:
Enjoy the trip and hopefully, by the time you are back, all of the housing stuff will be moving forward for you!! WOW!!!

@taxed4ever Did you end up going to the pool? You have been so busy it seems like it has been hard for you to get back into your routine. That's fantastic news that your arm isn't hurting and I hope the Dr calls with the X-ray results. I know it is usually "no news is good news" with medical tests but I prefer to hear it one way or the other.
Woah! That is a winner with your package mailing! The kids are all going to be super excited when they get them.
Isn't that the truth-- family and money are probably 99% of everyone's worries.

@pachimac I feel awful for DD's generation. Everything is so expensive and hard to find jobs. Hope she can figure out her next steps soon.
BTW- I loved your Blog post! the first line:
Are you ready to be introduced to my best scrapping friend – Art Journaling
cracked me up :giggle4: You'll always fit in here, your work is incredible!

@Cherylndesigns Fantastic news about Chuck! I am so glad that he was able to sit up for that long. I bet you would be more concerned if he wanted you all to stay and visit and chat. That would be out of character, right? LOL! I hope that he gets stepped down into a regular room soon. How long will Steph be able to stay?


Not sure I like waking up so early in the morning... had a restless night. Kept waking up then dozing back off. Covers on then off and then back on most of the night. I arrived about 30 minutes early for the RSV vax - and got right in as they were not busy. OUCH!!! This one hurt more than the other shots I got this fall. Good news is no fever with it... bad news is the arm is really sore. Wouldn't you know... last evening I got out a Tylenol pill and laid it on the place mat so I could get some water. Yep... found it laying there this morning!!!

@faerywings Oh, no... jury summons!!! Just what you don't need right now.

@bcgal00 Keeping my fingers crossed that the sale on the house goes through this time!! You will be hopping when you get back from the cruise.

@Cherylndesigns Good news that they got Chuck sitting in the chair for an hour. That is a step along the road to recovery.

@taxed4ever Whoo-whoo on saving the cost of mailing the packages!! We don't have anything like that here in the states.

Sorry this is so short but it hurts when I type. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Got back from the conference last night and are planning to head out again at 10 so I will be quick.
I was calculating in my mind what could stay in the car for our trip today when I realized.....as we were pulling into the driveway....we had left our hanging clothes in the closet at the hotel! :banghead:
Oh well. They are replaceable. Just an excuse to go shopping!
Ok. Hopefully we do better this trip, lol!
Have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! Another grey drizzly day, but no complaints! The Lake and rivers are all filling up so that is wonderful! The salmon run should be going on now that the salmon can finally make it upstream. I got a page started for the template challenge yesterday, just have to finish it off and get it posted this morning. Not sure what else to do today, hopefully I can get out for a walk later this afternoon. Perhaps I will pop in to see SIL Linda and see what she has been up to for the past week. Hoping to get in at least one day on the lake with the kayak, we will see if it ever stops raining LOL. The other day I stopped at my sister Wendy's and had a coffee with her and her granddaughter popped in with her new baby. Yes my sister is a great grandma :eek2: she is only one year older than me. It makes me feel very old! The baby is the sweetest little thing!! Her name is Everly and I got to hold her and cuddle with her for a long time! So nice to hold a new baby again!! I should have gotten my sister to take a photo, but we were so wrapped up in baby snuggles we forgot. Anyway not much else happening here so I will get on with personals and then get another cup of coffee.

@faerywings - Sorry that you are scratching your head over the increase in your payments, so frustrating!! Guess it shouldn't be surprising, seems like everything has increased in price right?!! How great that you are meeting Scott for a hike today! I wish I could go with you! You are right I seem to be having a hard time getting back into routine, but I am bound and determined to get busy with my Calendar making today if it kills me!!! Ugh on the jury duty call, I used to get them all the time when we lived in Saskatchewan, but lucky me I couldn't go because my husband was RCMP and could have been the arresting officer or involved in the case in some way.

@BrightEyes - Darn on the arm hurting! That's too bad that you did not take the pill you had put out for yourself! I am not looking forward to my shots this year, the guy who gave them last year was brutally awful at giving shots and man did he ever jab us!! I had the same kind of sleep last night, tossed and turned and was too warm, then too cold, seems that happens every second night for me. Hope that the pain in your arm gets better today!

@Cherylndesigns - Great news about Chuck!! I hope he gets to come home very soon!

@vickyday - Ohhh nooo you left your clothes behind?? Perhaps if you call the hotel they will ship them back to you??? My DH is so anal that he checks the room about 20 times before we leave, to make sure nothing is left behind LOL. Now you are heading off again this morning, such a busy lady!!

Ok I will get the bed made and grab another coffee and then finish off my layout. I hope you all have a super day! :cowwaving:


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
@faerywings you said:
I feel awful for DD's generation. Everything is so expensive and hard to find jobs. Hope she can figure out her next steps soon.
BTW- I loved your Blog post! the first line:
Are you ready to be introduced to my best scrapping friend – Art Journaling
cracked me up :giggle4: You'll always fit in here, your work is incredible!

Thank you for the compliment! I really do love scrapping! And right now AJ is my jam!

I know! All her friends are having a really hard time finding jobs. I keep telling them all that even though it is really hard work and it sucks, most fast food restaurants are still hiring. They do NOT want to work food service. I don't blame them, but you gotta do what you gotta do!! I was sentenced to 8 years on and off at Wendy's through high school and college!!

I have tried Outlander a few times and I just can't get into it. Maybe I'm just not that time period kind of person.

I could not sleep for the life of me last night. I had gone to Cafe Rio for pork nachos (YUM!!!!) and they just stuck with me all night long. I was burping and afraid I might burp up stomach juice, so I was sitting up. Mike is on an overnight at work, so Meli decided to join me in bed. You know what that means: two chihuahuas in the bed too. It's amazing how two little dogs can take up an entire king sized bed and the humans are left hanging off the edge. Then the little buggers woke me up early for a walk. I'm cranky and sleepy.

@vickyday Oh NO!! We did that once but we left our hanging clothes AT HOME and we were on our way for an up and back to my cousin's wedding. We had to quick shop for clothes because all we had was our under garments and what we had on! LOL

@BrightEyes I have done that as well. Or looking at my pills and wondering if I took them or not. Finally I had to get one of those M - S containers so I know for sure. I'm sorry about the sore arm. I wonder why some shots are worse than others.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon, Lovelies.

Steph is working out in the kitchen - gotta love remote jobs! She says she can wrap it up by three, so we'll go to the hospital then. She wants to talk to the same head nurse today and see about setting up home care after Chuck gets home. I'm so glad she's here - she knows how to talk the talk. She said we're going to ask to talk to a Case Manager too. (I hope they have that - it's a wonderful hospital, but we ARE in a rural area. She's really impressed with the staff here, though. Today is Thursday, so she said we need to get on that. I AM worried about his needs when he comes home. Chris @faerywings yes, that would be out of character for him - if he was chatty. He's never chatty. LOL He's chattier with Roger than anybody else that he's been around for a long time. Roger couldn't even get him to chat when they went up last evening, though. Kay @BrightEyes Steph has to leave on Saturday - unless Chuck isn't doing as well as she thinks he should be. I told her that we had everything under control here and she needed to get back home. I've had so many people offer their help - that's such a comfort.

Chris @faerywings I'm so sorry about all of your financial "surprises" - like you need that and then the jury summons. At least they're zoom appearances. I have had to many that I always say I wish I was that lucky with the lottery tickets. I've even had one since we moved our here! They get your name at the license branch, you know. I've managed to get out of all of them, fortunately. The worst one (well, there have been two worst ones) but I had to drive to Downtown Detroit and appear at the Federal Court House! Plus I had to be there at like 8 am. I'm glad you are going to be there for your dad and I don't like elevators either, unless I have NO choice like it's a twenty story building or something.

I'm going to get off here, but thanks for all your concern, love and hugs. Susie, @pachimac hope you can become a regular.



I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Gulp. I just found out the outpatient procedure I'm having tomorrow is about twice the amount of money I thought it would be and we don't have that much in our HSA account to pay for it, so we have to pay cash for some of it. I'm so naive - I thought "procedure" meant "cheaper than surgery", but no. They are putting me under general anesthesia, so that's why it's more expensive. UGH In your kindness, if you'd think of me/pray for me at 2 PST when I have the procedure done, I'd appreciate it.

@Cherylndesigns I'm certainly going to try to be more active here in the chat. :)


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
This happened today.

First snow

When we got home from our trip, this is what we saw:
Apparently a family of mooses has been eating from our pellets. Stoopid animals! We have tons of apples in our trees, and they eat wood pellets.

Luckily, there's been no snow here, that was further south, the pellets were still dry. We've saved most of it, but with Urban having one foot "broken" & me with the inflammation in my wrist, we covered the rest up & will finish it tomorrow in daylight.

I do love all animals, but I was not happy tonight!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Gulp. I just found out the outpatient procedure I'm having tomorrow is about twice the amount of money I thought it would be and we don't have that much in our HSA account to pay for it, so we have to pay cash for some of it. I'm so naive - I thought "procedure" meant "cheaper than surgery", but no. They are putting me under general anesthesia, so that's why it's more expensive. UGH In your kindness, if you'd think of me/pray for me at 2 PST when I have the procedure done, I'd appreciate it.

@Cherylndesigns I'm certainly going to try to be more active here in the chat. :)
That bites the big one, Susie! WHY do they always have to throw these things at us right before the surgery????? I certainly oray for a solution to this. I'm worried right now about all the medical expenses we've accrued and though we have amazing insurance coverage, I'm not sure it pays for the ambulance ride, ER and ICU. It just sucks that we have to worry about all of this on top of the stress of medical procedures and surgeries. Adrienne wanted me to buy a winter coat today and honestly, I want to wait to see what the "tally" comes to for all of Chuck's expenses. We pay an arm and a leg for insurance coverage, but I just don't know.

I'm so sorry that you've been hit with this bad news. Hopefully, you can figure something out. Hugs, my friend.


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! Another grey drizzly day, but no complaints! The Lake and rivers are all filling up so that is wonderful! The salmon run should be going on now that the salmon can finally make it upstream. I got a page started for the template challenge yesterday, just have to finish it off and get it posted this morning. Not sure what else to do today, hopefully I can get out for a walk later this afternoon. Perhaps I will pop in to see SIL Linda and see what she has been up to for the past week. Hoping to get in at least one day on the lake with the kayak, we will see if it ever stops raining LOL. The other day I stopped at my sister Wendy's and had a coffee with her and her granddaughter popped in with her new baby. Yes my sister is a great grandma :eek2: she is only one year older than me. It makes me feel very old! The baby is the sweetest little thing!! Her name is Everly and I got to hold her and cuddle with her for a long time! So nice to hold a new baby again!! I should have gotten my sister to take a photo, but we were so wrapped up in baby snuggles we forgot. Anyway not much else happening here so I will get on with personals and then get another cup of coffee.

@faerywings - Sorry that you are scratching your head over the increase in your payments, so frustrating!! Guess it shouldn't be surprising, seems like everything has increased in price right?!! How great that you are meeting Scott for a hike today! I wish I could go with you! You are right I seem to be having a hard time getting back into routine, but I am bound and determined to get busy with my Calendar making today if it kills me!!! Ugh on the jury duty call, I used to get them all the time when we lived in Saskatchewan, but lucky me I couldn't go because my husband was RCMP and could have been the arresting officer or involved in the case in some way.

@BrightEyes - Darn on the arm hurting! That's too bad that you did not take the pill you had put out for yourself! I am not looking forward to my shots this year, the guy who gave them last year was brutally awful at giving shots and man did he ever jab us!! I had the same kind of sleep last night, tossed and turned and was too warm, then too cold, seems that happens every second night for me. Hope that the pain in your arm gets better today!

@Cherylndesigns - Great news about Chuck!! I hope he gets to come home very soon!

@vickyday - Ohhh nooo you left your clothes behind?? Perhaps if you call the hotel they will ship them back to you??? My DH is so anal that he checks the room about 20 times before we leave, to make sure nothing is left behind LOL. Now you are heading off again this morning, such a busy lady!!

Ok I will get the bed made and grab another coffee and then finish off my layout. I hope you all have a super day! :cowwaving:
Don't you just love the smell of a new baby? And cuddles are so great!
We were going to call the hotel but decided not to even mess with it. The shipping and handling to get them back probably would not be worth it! We'll just buy to replace what was left. I'm OK with that! ;)