
Daily Ooos: Thursday, October 17


The Loopy-O
Good morning!

:brrr: Yup, it is cold here today, 32* and the cars are covered in frost. Caitlyn has been using the remote start and heated seats in her car and I am 100% jealous. I drove her car the other day and the heated seat was heavenly. My car's heat isn't all that great and I'm halfway to work before it really starts to kick in. If I ever get another car, that is something I am going to want.

How was your Wednesday? Mine seemed to fly by. I tidied the house a bit inside and pulled out the tomato plants and scooped the lawn outside. (Good thing I added the location to those activities or you might not have figured out which was done where Bwuhahah!). I cleaned for my friend and then scrapped a LO for Foxeysquirrel's new releases. I did two loads of laundry, called a doctor for an appt, and baked some French bread in the machine. The next thing I knew, it was time for dinner. Life is too much of a blur these days.

I shouldn't complain.
But I will anyway ;)

Today is going to be an interesting one at work. We are starting with Pumpkin Chunkin' and then we might or might not talk about leaves and leaf ID. I have a chromatography experience we will start with and then go from there. I had a game planned but I don't; think we have enough kids to get it moving. I packed straws and we'll do leaf-blowing races (blow through a straw to push the leaves across the picnic table). Leaf rubbings with different media- crayons, chalk, oil pastels. I dunno--our last session made me question what the kids will be interested in. I know that is silly but-- meh. *shrugs* I'll figure it out.

Scott is coming for dinner tonight so that will be a a good way to end the day :love:

Can I ask for prayers/good thoughts/whatever you do for my BFF? She is having a biopsy today and I am worried like crazy for her. Thanks so much!

Hugs to you all!

PS: Sorry if I seem off. I feel "off" so at least you are interpreting me correctly. hehe!


The Loopy-O
Maybe it's the moon's fault for the behavior. Really! I know there were certain times when I was teaching Bible club that the kids were wonky... even the normally good kids!
GMTA! That was the first thing I said when I got home and told Gary about my day, it had that feel to it. And I checked-- the full moon is tonight so wish me luck this afternoon! LOL!
Yes!! I had no idea what a sunchoke was either until the mom said they are also known as Jerusalem artichokes. She said that the Native Americans would plant them along their migration routes so they would have food along the way. I put mine in the planter where the tomatoes were. Supposedly they will spread in the ground too.
That stinks for Mark about all of the health problems. Gary is going through that too, got the call from his endocrinologist last night that his A1C is up and his cholesterol is up.
Have a wonderful time with DS! Have a safe trip and nope- no pickleball for you! haha!

@taxed4ever Did you make it out for a walk? Smart to do a walk instead of a hike with the leaves being wet and slippery. And rainy-- yeah, smart to stay home.
Oh, a pedicure sounds lovely! Have a great time today! That's a fantastic idea to do it every month too.:)

Spoons? What are these magical things called spoons that you speak of? I'm living in my normal of 3 on pain with peaks of 9. Monday for some reason did me in and I didn't do much. Just stood for a couple (4+) with hubs to tile the one wall in the kitchen backsplash. Nothing big. But knees and hips. Yep they letting know. But oh well, life moves on and that's what I do. Pick up the spoons I have and make the best of it without borrowing too many of tomorrows.
Oh sure, standing on your feet for 4+ hours... No biggie :spanking: You know better! LOL!!!
I hope that you made it through yesterday without making the pain even worse. *gentle hugs*

@BrightEyes that illness really wiped you out. I'm glad that you are listening to your boy and taking it easy and sleeping in when you need it. I wish I could keep seasonal clothes down from the attic year-round. I thought maybe I would have room when Scott moved out but then Tom moved in. I'm happier with dragging boxes down from the attic if Caitlyn and Tom are here.

I love getting my feet massaged and for some reason my Gary is not a big fan of doing that :lol23:.
Huhn.... my Gary feels the same. What gives? :floorlaugh:

BTW, how did your visit with your parents go? I've lost out on that - I did see the bit about your dad and his hearing aid, though. How funny that he only wears one - Chuck only wore one contact from the day I met him. Roger only wears one contact, too.
They were pretty ok. They were only together for a while. M dad had to go to PT and we went out for lunch. So limited time for them to get into it.;)
My dad's hearing in the one ear is not fixable with the hearing aid so he only uses it in the "good" ear. My BFF had eye surgery and only needs one contact lens too.
That's so wild that all of the sweaters-- identical no less- were all wrong sizes.
Yikes-- AJ week three is posted-- I have to find time to do mine for week 4. :thud:
Hope that the sun warms the house up but if not, enjoy the fireplace and furbaby snuggles

@JeanneMN MN is having some rollercoaster weather! Is this normal? NJ went through a bunch of years where it would be close to 80* in October. My mom and I would squeeze in a day trip down the shore. We haven't had that in the last couple of years, at least not up in North Jersey.
One of the good sis-in-laws called this morning, she's the popsicle stick size Betty Crocker energizer bunny. She'd made 2 pumpkin pies & an apple pie and wondered if she could bring us a pumpkin pie. She came around 11:30 with a pie and a bottle of wine. Lunch & wine, a good Wednesday.
Does she deliver? :D
Is your hot tub outside? That is one thing I would never understand the thrill of. Soaking in a hot tub when the weather is so cold. :no: I can barely talk myself into getting out of a hot shower even with the heater on.
That's awful for dgd and I hope that she takes your advice and support to heart.
I sent her mom a text and told her to have her listen to I Am Woman tonight, she asked me if it was a podcast :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: My granny panties must be hanging out.
I am gasping for air !!! You are hilarious!!!

Ok, I have to run, Whisky is grumbling at me to go outside.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... just a quick in and out of here today as I need to get dressed and out the door to drive all the way across the street to pick MIL up for our Pedi :giggle4: . Then to Linda's at the bottom of the hill to pick her up. We decided to go to brunch afterwards at a great little place, called Brunch on Third. Hopefully its not too busy and MIL can get in and out without too much trouble. I hope you all have a lovely morning and I hope to pop back in later to catchup with all that is happening here. :waving3:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Did you make it out for a walk? Smart to do a walk instead of a hike with the leaves being wet and slippery. And rainy-- yeah, smart to stay home.
Oh, a pedicure sounds lovely! Have a great time today! That's a fantastic idea to do it every month too.:)
I did make it out for a nice long walk in the sunshine, which was a nice surprise. It rained shortly after I got back and the wind was howling too, so good timing for me!! I bet the kids have a great time with all the activities you have planned for today! Perhaps that full moon is making you feel a bit off too?


Love my O Family!
Good morning!

:brrr: Yup, it is cold here today, 32* and the cars are covered in frost. Caitlyn has been using the remote start and heated seats in her car and I am 100% jealous. I drove her car the other day and the heated seat was heavenly. My car's heat isn't all that great and I'm halfway to work before it really starts to kick in. If I ever get another car, that is something I am going to want.

How was your Wednesday? Mine seemed to fly by. I tidied the house a bit inside and pulled out the tomato plants and scooped the lawn outside. (Good thing I added the location to those activities or you might not have figured out which was done where Bwuhahah!). I cleaned for my friend and then scrapped a LO for Foxeysquirrel's new releases. I did two loads of laundry, called a doctor for an appt, and baked some French bread in the machine. The next thing I knew, it was time for dinner. Life is too much of a blur these days.

I shouldn't complain.
But I will anyway ;)

Today is going to be an interesting one at work. We are starting with Pumpkin Chunkin' and then we might or might not talk about leaves and leaf ID. I have a chromatography experience we will start with and then go from there. I had a game planned but I don't; think we have enough kids to get it moving. I packed straws and we'll do leaf-blowing races (blow through a straw to push the leaves across the picnic table). Leaf rubbings with different media- crayons, chalk, oil pastels. I dunno--our last session made me question what the kids will be interested in. I know that is silly but-- meh. *shrugs* I'll figure it out.

Scott is coming for dinner tonight so that will be a a good way to end the day :love:

Can I ask for prayers/good thoughts/whatever you do for my BFF? She is having a biopsy today and I am worried like crazy for her. Thanks so much!

Hugs to you all!

PS: Sorry if I seem off. I feel "off" so at least you are interpreting me correctly. hehe!
You seem pretty normal to me today! ;)
Prayers for your friend !


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!

:brrr: Yup, it is cold here today, 32*
Im sorry. You're only 1 degree warmer than us!!!
Oh sure, standing on your feet for 4+ hours... No biggie :spanking: You know better! LOL!!!
I hope that you made it through yesterday without making the pain even worse. *gentle hugs*
Yep, yesterday was 6 hours on my feet. Yep, pain. Yep, Normal. Yep, carry on. Yep, 4 spoon day. Think I might have permanently lost a spoon. That's how October is feeling. And I keep getting asked to do more things but they're good things and so I do them. Its "school year" time so this is the normal.
That is one thing I would never understand the thrill of. Soaking in a hot tub when the weather is so cold. :no: I can barely talk myself into getting out of a hot shower even with the heater on.
Ahhhh to be warm and comfy with the cool air on your face, the stars and northern lights swaying overhead. Your hair might freeze but your body is so warm and relaxed. The wine in chilled by the cool night air. Aaaahhhhhh yes! I love visiting my friend when her hubs is gone and we hot tub in winter. Only down side is stepping on snow to walk into the house.
out the door to drive all the way across the street to pick MIL up for our Pedi :giggle4: .
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Thats so funny!!! All the way across the street!!! Have a fun pedi!!!!

Today we pick up our cow (butchered and packaged) and I cant wait!!!! Wont have to run to the store for meat anymore. Woot woot! PT and picking up the cow and then I can come home and put my feet up.

Coffees calling and I must answer! Have a great day!


Morning, Ooo's! Slept good last night and woke up at 7AM... my normal wake-up time.; :yesss: Feeling a bit better this morning. Going to drop-off books at the public library and at the Senior Citizen library. If I am feeling up to it after that, I may stop at the church around the corner and do my early voting. Taking small steps in going out. Took time this morning to scrap a soon to be released LO. Felt good to work on it.

DD#1 calling BBS