All I wanted to do was scrap one page. That was it. I was ready to scrap at 9 am. But then, I had another browser hijacker attack me. And then my tablet driver was not running and needed to be un/re-inatalled (still not working right ugh, but that had been giving me problems before The Crash). All of my Firefox add-ons were not gone and I had to have a few of them so I could navigate the Web w/o cursing too much. Then I realized all of the downloads for the kit I was using were gone. So they had to be re-downloaded, unzipped and all that.
All I wanted to scrap one page. :violin:
But the good news is that I did scrap it eventually and I like how it came out. I should be able to upload it today.
Then I made a gi-normous dinner last night. Yummy! Roast chicken,gravy, stuffing, potatoes, home made bread and spaghetti squash. And if you are looking for an easy way to cook spaghetti squash, OMG-- I found out how! Usually I microwave it until it is soft enough to cut in half then scoop out the seeds and then micro it until it is done. But-- this is soooo much easier. Bring a pot of water to boil. Plop it in, cover and reduce to a simmer. The blog said to cook it 20-30 mins, mine took about 30 to be soft enough. Dump it into a colander and let it sit about 15 mins to cool off a bit. Cut it open, scoop the seeds and then its all ready. A bit of butter and nutmeg and it was delish!
My kids were quite impressed with dinner and so was Gary. Me too. See, I can cook when I have the time. I should quit working altogether and then I can scrap and cook and not worry about anything else. hahahaha!!!
Sadly working today and I need to go get blood drawn to check my liver enzymes. I am back to needing them checked every month again. I guess it is better to get them checked than have liver damage.
Temptation on Thursday:
See paragraph about quitting work