
Daily Ooos: Thursday, November 23: Thanksgiving Edition


The Loopy-O
Because all the world is USA-centric, ;) Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am grateful for you and everyone at the O ♥

I am feeling pretty good considering chaos is gonna descend on the house this afternoon. I don't know how I pulled everything together yesterday and still had time to paint my nails but I did. The one thing I forgot to do was mop the kitchen floor before I started to cook. Didn't matter anyway since I ended up dropping apples on it. I rinsed them off and gave them to the rats who were thrilled! Mouse was so excited that she accidentally dropped her slice off the side of the ledge she was on. I am, of course, assuming that it was accidental. It is quite possible that she dropped it so her sister didn't take it from her because she ran after it on the bottom level darn quick.

The house is quiet for the moment, everyone is still asleep even the dogs. The Trazadone didn't affect J at all. Gary noticed last night that she is limping on both legs now. One more week and then we will have a better idea of what's happening.

Sending everyone big hugs and love!


The Loopy-O
@bcgal00 I am so excited for you! I hope that you are feeling better and will take extra good care of yourself once you are at the hotel xo

@Cherylndesigns It must feel wonderful having everyone home on the compound. Enjoy your day and lots of good wishes that Chuck is able to be with you for a good part of the day. There has to be a game that he can watch/fall asleep in front of at Adrenne's if he gets pooped out :p
Here is the recipe: Enchilada Rice Skillet I increased it by half and it was plenty for the three of us to have two nights in a row and there is a cup left for my lunch today.
I love the idea of a "gang tattoo" for you and your girls bwuahahah!

@vickyday are you typing with both hands??? I hope so!

@taxed4ever Did you end up making the hike?
I am sorry that Heather didn't put an offer on the house. I 100% understand. Interest rates and home prices are awful :(

@BrightEyes Drat! That stinks about the weather not cooperating for your sister. She is coming back for Christmas though? That is going to be here in a flash. Enjoy your time together.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all of our USA friends!! I hope you all have a lovely long weekend!

I did go on my hike yesterday and the fog lifted just as we started in on the trail. So pretty on this hike!! Today my new blinds are being installed and I have been busy clearing off all the things on the counter tops so that nothing is in the way for the installer. I will be doing so shopping around for Christmas gifts for the grands to see if I can score some good deals over Black Friday/Cyber Monday event. Then I hope to do some scrapping, I am very far behind on my Calendar and I am starting to get panicky about it. :bouncing:I need to slow down and just work on it!!

@faerywings -:woohoo: you did it!! You got it all done and now you can just enjoy your Thanksgiving and your family!! :dinner: I hope that J behaves while everyone is there and that next week does not bring any bad news about what is going on with her! I wondered why you would wash your floor before you finished your cooking?? If you are anything like me it would just be covered in crumbs and drips everywhere :giggle4: where is that darn maid when you need her?? :housekeeping:. Have a great time with your family today!! Hope everyone chips in and helps with the cleanup afterwards!!

@BrightEyes - That is too bad that your Sister is not able to stay as long as you would have liked, but nice that you have had this time together! What a great gift you received from her!! I might have to check that one out!

@bcgal00 - Hope that you are able to rest up and get all better while you are at the hotel! How exciting for you to be going to a new house! I always loved moving into a new place and getting things in order and believe me we did it a lot!! LOL.

@vickyday - Hope you are cast free today!!

@Cherylndesigns - Enjoy having everyone with you over this weekend! Hope that Chuck is settled in and comfortable!

Ok I gotta go and get dressed before the installer comes to the house. Have a lovely day everyone!


Love my O Family!
@bcgal00 I am so excited for you! I hope that you are feeling better and will take extra good care of yourself once you are at the hotel xo

@Cherylndesigns It must feel wonderful having everyone home on the compound. Enjoy your day and lots of good wishes that Chuck is able to be with you for a good part of the day. There has to be a game that he can watch/fall asleep in front of at Adrenne's if he gets pooped out :p
Here is the recipe: Enchilada Rice Skillet I increased it by half and it was plenty for the three of us to have two nights in a row and there is a cup left for my lunch today.
I love the idea of a "gang tattoo" for you and your girls bwuahahah!

@vickyday are you typing with both hands??? I hope so!

@taxed4ever Did you end up making the hike?
I am sorry that Heather didn't put an offer on the house. I 100% understand. Interest rates and home prices are awful :(

@BrightEyes Drat! That stinks about the weather not cooperating for your sister. She is coming back for Christmas though? That is going to be here in a flash. Enjoy your time together.

YES! Both hands! WOOHOO!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all of our USA friends!! I hope you all have a lovely long weekend!

I did go on my hike yesterday and the fog lifted just as we started in on the trail. So pretty on this hike!! Today my new blinds are being installed and I have been busy clearing off all the things on the counter tops so that nothing is in the way for the installer. I will be doing so shopping around for Christmas gifts for the grands to see if I can score some good deals over Black Friday/Cyber Monday event. Then I hope to do some scrapping, I am very far behind on my Calendar and I am starting to get panicky about it. :bouncing:I need to slow down and just work on it!!

@faerywings -:woohoo: you did it!! You got it all done and now you can just enjoy your Thanksgiving and your family!! :dinner: I hope that J behaves while everyone is there and that next week does not bring any bad news about what is going on with her! I wondered why you would wash your floor before you finished your cooking?? If you are anything like me it would just be covered in crumbs and drips everywhere :giggle4: where is that darn maid when you need her?? :housekeeping:. Have a great time with your family today!! Hope everyone chips in and helps with the cleanup afterwards!!

@BrightEyes - That is too bad that your Sister is not able to stay as long as you would have liked, but nice that you have had this time together! What a great gift you received from her!! I might have to check that one out!

@bcgal00 - Hope that you are able to rest up and get all better while you are at the hotel! How exciting for you to be going to a new house! I always loved moving into a new place and getting things in order and believe me we did it a lot!! LOL.

@vickyday - Hope you are cast free today!!

@Cherylndesigns - Enjoy having everyone with you over this weekend! Hope that Chuck is settled in and comfortable!

Ok I gotta go and get dressed before the installer comes to the house. Have a lovely day everyone!
YES! Cast free! Replaced with a removable brace which is off as I type this! WOOHOO!


Love my O Family!
So, we are back. Mark is watching football through the back of his eyelids! After this I will see if my sister is available to play Qwirkle online with me.

Yesterday's visit to the ortho resulted in my cast being removed, x-rays taken, and the cast being replaced by a removable brace! THANK YOU, LORD!!! I am typing with BOTH hands without the brace at the moment!

I hope all of you have had a wonderful day with family and friends!

I am thankful for all of you! :heartpumpred: :hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello everybody.

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm stuffed to the gills right now. I do it every year - but heck, we all do. That's what Thanksgiving feast is for. Haha We've been busy all day - getting ready, enjoying a wonderful gathering and food at Adrienne's.

Chris @faerywings hope you had a wonderful day and everybody enjoyed the meal - we didn't have turkey at all this year - I remember you said you couldn't stand to touch one - neither can I. Mom and Grandma always did that - yuck. Thanks for the yummy recipe. Like I said, if it involves bread and cheese, we'll love it and top it off with being fixed in the skillet. Chuck got to come up for awhile and ate pretty well. He wanted to eat more, but he just can't hold much yet. Steph brought him back home and we stayed for awhile. We brought him some desserts, which he was ready for by the time we got home. Someone made an oreo cake, which I figured would be really rich, but it wasn't. He was tickled that we brought him some of that.

Trudy @taxed4ever thanks for asking about Chuck. He was able to be with us for about an hour and a half.

It was SO nice to have so many of us together for this Thanksgiving. We didn't eat until about 6:30 so I'm just getting home and need to do a lot which may or may not get done tonight. But I'm going to whittle away at things. Steph is settling down in the LR on the couch and Asher is in here with me. He's playing on his PS5 with some of his friends. It's so funny to hear them converse. I can hear all of them. They're so funny at this age - all tweens and act so old.

Vicky @vickyday good news about getting your cast off! Chuck's been watching football today - he always watches the Detroit Lions every year and then the guys were also watching other games at Adrienne's. It's Football Thanksgiving. :giggle4:

I'm too tired to look back, but it sounds like your sister didn't make it, Kay @BrightEyes .

I'm wearing out - I'll be back tomorrow, but I'm SO thankful for all of you, too!:hug4::heartpumpred::heartpumpred:
