
Daily Ooos: Thursday, November 16


The Loopy-O
I am not sure what happened this morning but I am running extremely behind schedule. I didn't sleep great, woke up at 4.22, and couldn't get back to sleep. My brain must be sluggish. Sluggish-er. ;)
I barely sat down yesterday, you'd think I would have been able to sleep longer. Maybe I could have if it weren't for W trying to get under the covers in spite of J stretched out on top of them. W paws at me until I lift the blankets up for her. I don't think she understood me the first few times that I told her I couldn't get J to move. Eventually, I grabbed the extra blanket from the headboard and threw it over her and she stopped smacking me and lay down.
I cleaned for my friend and then raked the front yard for an hour and a half. I am scared to look outside and see how many more leaves came down overnight. :hiding2:

I have another busy day ahead. I am starting to cook for Thanksgiving today and will shove it all into the freezer. If I have time afterward I will either make more dog treats or I will scrub the bathrooms. Or collapse. You never know with me LOL

BIG hugs!!!!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes Thanks for that dancing banana! :)
That was the hardest part for me with the AJ challenge, where to start. I am OCD enough that I knew I would need an overarching theme for it. That's too bad that the fingerless gloves won't work for you. If my hands or feet get too cold, I am miserable. I hope that your hands improve.

@LSlycord I saw the news on FB!!!!!! Congrats on becoming a travel agent :tourist:

@vickyday Yes, I used to teach PreK. Working with little ones outdoors is 100% up my alley! I don't know when I will be starting. They have to send me the paperwork to set me up for payroll. They don't run a lot of programs over the winter, maple sap tapping begins in February and then it picks up steam from there. I'll have time to get my feet wet.
When do you go back to the orthopedist for your arm? And your spine?
Did you get your Kohls package, hope everything is comfy and fits :)

@taxed4ever I bet the hike was invigorating in the cold air. I am going to have to get used to that (yikes)
Did lunch with your ILs go ok? I am in denial that Christmas is coming up fast. I am looking forward to seeing your junk journal, don't stress about editing it, we can F-FWD if we have to.
Haha! I think I heard your congrats all that way in NJ LOL!! :partyhorn:

@bcgal00 TY! The job sounds perfect, doesn't it? Low-pressure too.
You are so kind to give out your coats and blankets. Homelessness is a tragedy and one that our governments should be able to alleviate. If they wanted to get to get to the root causes, they could. Hugs!

@Cherylndesigns That's fantastic news about Chuck!!!!!! Every finger and toe is crossed and good wishes are sent that he comes home tomorrow!!! :sparkles1:
Will he need any accommodations or is he good to go?
Ooooh, how was the Sound Bath???? I bet it was incredible, could you feel the sound?
I have a bell/chime thingy that is supposed to have specific sound waves to calm and heal. I used to use that a lot, I wonder where it is now? Somewhere in my room, but now I wonder what I did with it. hmmm. I can hear the tone in my head when I think of it.

Please don't forget to share the link to the lamp if you have it handy :D


I am with you, @faerywings/Chris... woke up at 4AM and couldn't go back to sleep. Gave up and got up at 4:30. Did a debate with myself.. then said I should go ahead and treat myself. So I bought and downloaded PSE 2024!!! It is my birthday present to myself. dance3:banana3::girldance::strawberry: I have PSE 2019 so this is a huge up-grade for me. I still need to upload fonts and other actions into it but that can wait until after Sis' visit next week. Just hope I can find all of the actions since I have moved over to DH's computer. I do have all my fonts in a folder so that should be an easy find and install.

Yes, I did make it to the grocery store early yesterday morning. I think I got everything I need and found some special sales on fruit and produce. I got 2 eggplants and zucchini so will be making that casserole this afternoon. Sis doesn't like eggplant so I will freeze the extra. Glad I went early as it was getting crowded by the time I checked-out.

@Cherylndesigns Oh... such good news that your DH may be coming home tomorrow!! Thanks for showing which fingerless gloves you have. Don't think they will keep my hands warm as they stay cold even with full coverage gloves on. I may get a pair of compression ones to see if that helps when I am typing.

@LSlycord Congrats on becoming a Travel Agent! I missed it on FB so glad that Chris spotted and commented on it.

@bcgal00 So sorry that you are still struggling with the cough/cold while trying to get everything sorted and packed up. How wonderful that you were able to give the coats/blankets directly to the homeless. You have such a caring and sharing heart.

Need another cup of coffee then have a couple of CT LOs that need to be uploaded. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is a sunny but very chilly morning. Yesterday's hike was how should I say... unexpected as a couple of minutes into it, it started to pour rain and we all got soaked!! None of us had our rain gear on because it wasn't supposed to rain!! It wasn't too bad while we were in the dense part of the forest, but ya by the time we were done we were all like a bunch of drowned rats LOL. I have to say though the one part of me that did not get wet were my feet. I don't know if I told you that I got new hiking boots, they are called Hooka's and I just love them, they are light and comfy and apparently waterproof. Here is what they look like, I did not pay that much for them as I got them on a half price sale.
Our lunch with the In- Laws was awkward and frustrating they wanted to go have fish and chips, so we took them to the local fish and chips place. That was great, but they had no idea what to say to us, they were not interested in having much of a conversation with either Linda or myself. We asked them about Christmas plans and MIL shouted out "We are going to Sharon's"!! FIL said and everyone of you are going too. :eek2: :exitroom:. WTH??? it was a simple question, then there was a lot of silence. So I said that we would love to go to Sharon's but not for Christmas morning we would like to go for boxing day if Sharon would be ok with that and then only if the weather was good and we could get over the Malahat. We aren't going to risk our lives to get there. Well MIL wasn't happy about that either. It's not like we were trying to convince them not to go. I know that Sharon has every intention of driving all the way to Youbou to get them and taking them to her place , but she won't be able to do that if the weather is bad either. Oh well we will see what happens. It is frustrating because the last time we were at Sharon's she said she would not go again, its just too hard to get up the stairs and she pulled the banister right off the wall that time. I don't think its been fixed yet :sad2:. Linda and I both came back to my place after we dropped them off after lunch and had a glass of wine. It was a very unhappy and frustrating lunch!! Sorry for the rant!! :rantonoff:. Today I get my hair done and I am going to look for some new warm clothes as I was invited to go to a local clothing store for their VIP sale. I can pick up to 10 items in the shop and get them all for half price. Hopefully there are one or two things that I like.

@faerywings - After our crappy hike and even more crappy lunch, I did not sleep very well last night either. That is too bad that the dogs were keeping you from sleeping I can't imagine how crowded your bed must have been LOL. Hope you get a better rest tonight! You got lots of exercise in raking, sure hope you are not sore from it! Yes there is probably a whole new batch of leaves to keep you busy again today. Hope you Thanksgiving cooking goes well!

@BrightEyes - I am thinking of getting that new PSE, but not sure it will be compatible with this old iMac of mine, but I could possible put it on the iPad Pro?? I will have to check it out for sure! That is a nice birthday gift to yourself!!

@Cherylndesigns - That is fabulous news that your Chuck will be coming home! I bet he will be so happy to be back!!

I need some more coffee then I better get dressed and out the door to go shopping. I haven't liked clothes shopping for quite some time (since the beginning of Covid) but I am looking forward to this trip, its time to get some new things! Have a great day everyone! :bye2:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Just 1.5 wks til we move out of the house and into a hotel for 3 nights and then out to Calgary for 5 nights, then finally into our new home. Right now I'm putting small items into large baggies which makes it easier for the movers to put into boxes and nothing gets lost. I have my camera bags packed which will stay with me, I'm not taking a chance of putting them into the big moving truck. We sold a few pieces of furniture we know we don't want to take with us. It's been busy but everything is getting done. I feel good about the timeline. I wish I wasn't sick but at least I'm a bit better, so should be able to get thru the move. I may see a clinic during our hotel stay in Calgary, since we'll be there 5 days with not much to do.

@faerywings How organized you are for pre-prepping/cooking food for Thanksgiving. I am so happy for you for the new job, you get to ease into it in the new year.

@LSlycord How exciting to become a travel agent and get some perks out of it. Was it a lot of training?

@BrightEyes What a great gift to yourself. I bet you'll see some great upgrades since the older version of PSE.

I need more coffee, will get out with the dogs and then get my day going. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning.

It's 60 and cloudy here boo. I knew the pretty weather wouldn't hold out very long. But Chuck is coming home tomorrow! I've had several phone calls already getting everything arranged. They're on the way right now to set up his oxygen. He's never been on that before, but it helped him so much while he was there that the doctors decided to send it home for awhile. They called and said they were on their way, so I'm just waiting. I told them to call me when they got to the top of the property because it's very confusing to tell somebody how to get up to our houses. We keep saying we're going to put a street sign up, but so far, we havent gotten that done. The road to our house is hard to see because it's kind of an extension of Adrienne and Roger's driveway. Oh well, I'll be outside flagging them down.

Chris @faerywings that sound bath was AMAZING!!! For one hour, we laid on our mats and just let it soak in. Yes, we could FEEL the vibrations. Some were really deep feeling and it was an unusual, but very therapeutic experience. I would highly recomment it and you need to find your bell/chime. That woman had SO many bowls and a couple of them were huge. I bet those cost a pretty penny. She did a wonderful job, too. She didn't talk at all, except right at the beginning then told us to enjoy our "baths". She came around at the end and talked a bit, while we were still laying down. We took pillows and blankets - I laughed and told Ava I felt like we were going to a Lamase Class.

No, Chuck doesn't need any special assistance - no walker, even. Like I said, they did recommend oxygen, which he acquiesced to.

Trudy @taxed4ever what a weird experience with your in-laws. No wonder you and Linda needed a glass of wine. Glad your feet at least stayed dry during the downpour yesterday.

Kay @BrightEyes let me know if you like PSE 2024. I have 2023 and am not sure I need to upgrade. I need to do some more research. I'm still waiting for one that does warping that looks like it should. 23 does it, but it's a PITA and half the time, I don't like it (for frames, I mean). The warp tool is good for other things, though. I'd love for them to include a "fill flash" in the enhanc of filters - I swear they used to offer that. It was sure come in handy sometimes.

I'm going to get off of here and wait for the people to call me so I can tell them how to get up here. I thought they would be here right away, from the way they talked.

HAGD and hugs to all.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Just wanted to drop in and share some good news! Meli went on her first job interview today and she came out with a job! It's 22-24 hrs a week doing customer service at our local Albertson's grocery store. She is so proud and happy! I was expecting it to take a while because all of her friends are having a heck of a time finding jobs and they've been looking a lot longer. Unfortunately they need her to work on Sundays, so we have to figure out how this will affect our family game day and Mass. I guess we will have to switch to going to Mass on Saturday nights. It's important that we still do the game days with my FIL, so that's going to change.

I woke up yesterday with a tickle in my throat, and it progressively got worse. I now have a head and chest cold. I found out that my SIL was sick last week but said she was SURE it was allergies, but now both Dad and I are sick. She and Dad both took a Covid test, so I'm sure it's not Covid.

This weekend is the Formula One Race here in Vegas, so we are filled to the brim with visitors and travelers. They ran out of "parking" spots for the private planes flying in, so they are diverting them to Arizona to park!!! I'm actually quite excited to see the race this weekend, but I'm staying as far away from the strip as possible to avoid the mahem!

@Cherylndesigns I'm so happy to hear that Chuck is coming home!!!!! My cousin came home on O2 for a while too and it really helped him to get his rest and ease back into life at home.

@bcgal00 You must be getting so excited to get to the new house!! We expect pictures!!!

@faerywings You are so good!! I never plan ahead for cooking and T-day always takes me by surprise and I'm cooking and preparing all morning, then I'm exhausted when it comes time to eat.

I'll have to go back and read from the 15th to see what I've missed.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Susie @pachimac that stinks that you're sick now, but hurray for Meli's new job! Too bad she will have to work on Sunday, but better to get her foot in the door, for now. Tell her congrats!!!

Yes, Chuck is definitely coming home tomorrow! The home health people brought the oxygen out today and got all of that set up. The guy told me that he's on a very low dose, so hopefully, he won't have to be on it forever. He never has been before, so maybe, like you said, it will help him ease back into being home. I think I got all of the stuff done for him to come home - had lots of phone calls today and the home health guy told me we were going to owe x amount of dollars a month, so I gave him Chuck's supplemental insurance and he called the office and they didn't have that information.

Thanks for popping in with news about Meli and that's crazy that they have to park the private planes in AZ. Boy, what an inconvenience - j/k - too many private planes. :lol23::lol23:


Well-Known Member
Good evening, dear ones :waving3:

Lots of news here with you!

First of all, I wish @bcgal00 a speedy recovery! You don't seem to be able to get rid of the cold at all. Have you been at the doctor? Didn't you just move not long ago? Of course, this is always stressful, even if a company helps with the move. Take care of yourself as best you can!!

@Cherylndesigns - Luckily DH is coming home - almost like new! :dancingbfly:That sounds fantastic!! Now it's time to process the horror! Take good care of yourselves!

@faerywings, I had to smile about the bed stories. I saw it in my mind's eye. The main thing is that there are no disagreements between your dogs at night because everyone wants to lie on your right.
Our dachshunds have a cozy sleeping mattress next to our bed with a cozy duvet and soft sheets! At some point it becomes too warm for them under the bed linen, they lie down on the duvet and of course cool down quite quickly in the cold bedroom. :brrr::brrr:Then Anton jumps into Michael's arm and Paul kicks me until I lie in his favor and almost fall out of bed! He's so inconsiderate and selfish.

@BrightEyes oh, how beautiful! New software for our hobby! I was also considering switching from Corel Paint Shop to Photoshop to take advantage of the lessons and tutorials. Vicky Robinson advised me to download a trial version first and try out the completely new program. Let's see, I'll think about it. In principle, I have been very satisfied for a long time, but I am always curious and ambitious to try something new. I might be able to keep both programs running so I don't have any downtime while scraping.

@taxed4ever, what a shame about the botched hiking day! At least the new boots held tight. I don't really understand the unreal situation with the in-laws, Trudy. It's a shame if things don't go well. Everyone just wants to live in peace and not have to be angry. I hope you and your family will still have a nice, peaceful Christmas.

Our new front door and new outside blinds arrive on Monday. And at these temperatures!!! Luckily we have a stairwell so the cold doesn't creep into the whole house. However, things become critical when it storms and rains...

Good nite my dear Ones


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to drop in and share some good news! Meli went on her first job interview today and she came out with a job! It's 22-24 hrs a week doing customer service at our local Albertson's grocery store. She is so proud and happy! I was expecting it to take a while because all of her friends are having a heck of a time finding jobs and they've been looking a lot longer. Unfortunately they need her to work on Sundays, so we have to figure out how this will affect our family game day and Mass. I guess we will have to switch to going to Mass on Saturday nights. It's important that we still do the game days with my FIL, so that's going to change.

I woke up yesterday with a tickle in my throat, and it progressively got worse. I now have a head and chest cold. I found out that my SIL was sick last week but said she was SURE it was allergies, but now both Dad and I are sick. She and Dad both took a Covid test, so I'm sure it's not Covid.

This weekend is the Formula One Race here in Vegas, so we are filled to the brim with visitors and travelers. They ran out of "parking" spots for the private planes flying in, so they are diverting them to Arizona to park!!! I'm actually quite excited to see the race this weekend, but I'm staying as far away from the strip as possible to avoid the mahem!

@Cherylndesigns I'm so happy to hear that Chuck is coming home!!!!! My cousin came home on O2 for a while too and it really helped him to get his rest and ease back into life at home.

@bcgal00 You must be getting so excited to get to the new house!! We expect pictures!!!

@faerywings You are so good!! I never plan ahead for cooking and T-day always takes me by surprise and I'm cooking and preparing all morning, then I'm exhausted when it comes time to eat.

I'll have to go back and read from the 15th to see what I've missed.
Wish you a speedy recovery, Susie (nice name)


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes Thanks for that dancing banana! :)
That was the hardest part for me with the AJ challenge, where to start. I am OCD enough that I knew I would need an overarching theme for it. That's too bad that the fingerless gloves won't work for you. If my hands or feet get too cold, I am miserable. I hope that your hands improve.

@LSlycord I saw the news on FB!!!!!! Congrats on becoming a travel agent :tourist:

@vickyday Yes, I used to teach PreK. Working with little ones outdoors is 100% up my alley! I don't know when I will be starting. They have to send me the paperwork to set me up for payroll. They don't run a lot of programs over the winter, maple sap tapping begins in February and then it picks up steam from there. I'll have time to get my feet wet.
When do you go back to the orthopedist for your arm? And your spine?
Did you get your Kohls package, hope everything is comfy and fits :)

@taxed4ever I bet the hike was invigorating in the cold air. I am going to have to get used to that (yikes)
Did lunch with your ILs go ok? I am in denial that Christmas is coming up fast. I am looking forward to seeing your junk journal, don't stress about editing it, we can F-FWD if we have to.
Haha! I think I heard your congrats all that way in NJ LOL!! :partyhorn:

@bcgal00 TY! The job sounds perfect, doesn't it? Low-pressure too.
You are so kind to give out your coats and blankets. Homelessness is a tragedy and one that our governments should be able to alleviate. If they wanted to get to get to the root causes, they could. Hugs!

@Cherylndesigns That's fantastic news about Chuck!!!!!! Every finger and toe is crossed and good wishes are sent that he comes home tomorrow!!! :sparkles1:
Will he need any accommodations or is he good to go?
Ooooh, how was the Sound Bath???? I bet it was incredible, could you feel the sound?
I have a bell/chime thingy that is supposed to have specific sound waves to calm and heal. I used to use that a lot, I wonder where it is now? Somewhere in my room, but now I wonder what I did with it. hmmm. I can hear the tone in my head when I think of it.

Please don't forget to share the link to the lamp if you have it handy :D
I go back to ortho next Wednesday! Hopefully I will be able to get rid of this cast. I couldn't even get an appt. with the spine doc until the middle of December....2 months after I fell!
Kohl's orders have all been received and everything fits! It's all washed and hanging in the closet!


Love my O Family!
Susie @pachimac that stinks that you're sick now, but hurray for Meli's new job! Too bad she will have to work on Sunday, but better to get her foot in the door, for now. Tell her congrats!!!

Yes, Chuck is definitely coming home tomorrow! The home health people brought the oxygen out today and got all of that set up. The guy told me that he's on a very low dose, so hopefully, he won't have to be on it forever. He never has been before, so maybe, like you said, it will help him ease back into being home. I think I got all of the stuff done for him to come home - had lots of phone calls today and the home health guy told me we were going to owe x amount of dollars a month, so I gave him Chuck's supplemental insurance and he called the office and they didn't have that information.

Thanks for popping in with news about Meli and that's crazy that they have to park the private planes in AZ. Boy, what an inconvenience - j/k - too many private planes. :lol23::lol23:
So glad to hear Chuck is coming home tomorrow!


Love my O Family!
Good Evening!
I didn't even open my laptop until this evening! Ilene came this morning and spent the day with me! It was so nice! I had made some hard boiled eggs, forgetting I really couldn't peel them one-handed. So she did that and made the egg salad for me and we had sandwiches for lunch! We played Qwirkle at the table until my back was killing me and we had to quit! I've had ice on it all evening.

I got all of my Kohl's order and everything fits! It is washed and hanging in the closet!

I got started on week one AJ page last night but need to finish it.

I have groceries ordered to pick up, including a turkey for $0.29/lb.

Mark is off work for the next 10 days as they closed the shop for the entire week next week.

Have a great evening!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thanks, Susanne @Su_Sanne - I hope he's as good as new. Glad to hear that you are getting your new front door and blinds. Sounds nice. Great to see you in here again. "Don't be a stranger". :lol23: :lol23:

Susie @pachimac good to see you too and you "don't be a stranger". That's a joke with Susanne - she's learning all of our American "colloquialisms". :lol23::lol23: