
Daily Ooos: Thursday, May 16


The Loopy-O
Happy Thursday!

It is cool and drizzly again today, blech. I hope it doesn't pour, misty rain will be fine for the field trip today, especially since it is a smaller group ~50 kids or so. Any good weather thoughts will be appreciated! I am not sure how many layers I should put on. I'm going to stand outside on my porch before I head out and adjust as I need to.

How was everyone's day? I think I got a lot done. I sure felt like I didn't stop moving at all. I was able to get the ATC/candy bags all wrapped up and the extra ribbons, bags, and leftover candy put away. Any bets on how long the chocolate will last in my house? 1 day? 1 week? 1 month? Definitely *not* one month. LOL!
All of the boxes/bags are ready to go to the curb for the donation pick-up tomorrow morning. I'll never understand why packing tape has to be so darn difficult. How many of you fight with that stuff? It is so annoying. *grumbles*
I talked to my mom in the afternoon and got the medical updates on my dad. He is feeling a little better, the balloon thingy in his nose was removed and the ENT re-cauterized his nose. His cardiologist bumped down the dosage of his blood thinner so hopefully, the nosebleeds will be over. *knocks wood* The shoulder surgeon told him he only needs to wear the sling at bedtime and is allowed to drive again. Now that all of that is mostly taken care of, he made the appt for the next biopsy and chemo with the urologist.
(and my mom wonders why he gets irritable-- who wouldn't???)

The best part of my day: Dinner! I made a fish gratin (meh) and Trudy's asparagus recipe. YUM!! I could have eaten a plate of that and been happy. I was a good mom and saved some for Caitlyn because she enjoys that too. (she wasn't home for dinner)

I just checked three different weather forecasts.
One says rain between 8-9 am and then at 1 pm.
Another -- rain after 2 pm
A third- rain at 11 am.

Field trip: 9:15 and -- 1.30 pm

Can I please request Weather Forecast #2?
What. It doesn't work that way?


have a wonderful day, whatever the weather is!


The Loopy-O

@JeanneMN How is the smoke/air quality? I hope that clears up soon. Is it me or does it feel like wildfire season is super early?
I have messed up a challenge here sooo many times. Whoops. And the Host always calls me out on it hee hee! Usually, it is something small but I have also had to redo an entire LO. I hope that your fix was an easy one.
Are each of the concerts you've been to the same sounds or different?
My grey hair polish is already wearing off!

@bcgal00 Loved your bird photos on FB, the red-winged blackbird is gorgeous! What is the duck with the blue bill called?
Yippeee on the good report from the doctor and good luck with the BP.

@mimes1 I feel awful for you and your DD- so much emotional upheaval. It has to feel like you can't get your feet steady under you when you have to deal with another blow. Some more hugs to you all~~~~
I have such mixed feelings about birds/bunnies' nests on my property. It usually ends in Mother Nature Tragedy and my soft heart can't take it. So far, no signs of any nests nearby this year so I'll be happy to enjoy any that you ladies find and share here.

@taxed4ever Did you wear shorts on your hike? Must have been beautiful weather for you.
The kayak trip sounds amazing but super smart to not have your phone with you. (Can I complain about the 5th graders from the other day? I had to tell them over and over to put their phones away on trails-- they needed their hands free on the rocky incline and when they were in the stream. Did they listen????? :hahano:

Anyway-- thx again for that recipe, it is sooo darn delicious!

@Cherylndesigns You're lucky that you can wake and at 6 am and then get back to sleep. I woke at 4.45 this morning and got out of bed a little after 5. pfft.
I'm going to have to read your blog post about the Color Plays- I love playing with them.
Christopher turned 13 last week, is taller than me, and also starting to sound like a man. How did this happen??????
It will be wonderfully have the family together even for a few days ♥

@AK_Tracy Do I have Lyme flare-ups... Honestly, I don't know. I know I get very paranoid about having a reoccurrence. This past week, my knees and left hand/fingers were very achy. That makes me do mental body scans. Is that pain Lyme or just that I am older and have arthritis? My brain feels good. That is the most important thing for my "assessment." Since I started working at the ecology center, it has been easy to see more objectively that I can remember facts, think quickly, and process information. It was extremely difficult to do any of that when the Lyme was inflaming my brain. I get lost driving to my parents or ILs. I couldn't think of words or names. I focus more on the cognitive than the physical.
I see my Lyme (LLMD) doctor in a few weeks and she do more bloodwork. The last two times it has shown an active infection but I did a three-month round of abx and didn't feel any better or worse so I am hesitant to treat it again.
I should have known that you would have picked up the challenge and ran. LOL I'd be the same way, esp when I was younger. Don't tell me I can't do something, I will do everything in my power to meet that challenge :D

@MariJ :wazzup: :giggle4:

@vickyday So happy that you had a nice time with your friends!
Uh uh-- we are going to need coffee to catch up with what you have been up to? At least you didn't say a bottle of whiskey!

@AK_Tracy and @Cherylndesigns BTDT with mixed-up names just last week-- and with Cheryl too! :D
Time to head off and get ready for work.
What to wear, what to wear???

HAGD!! xo


Well-Known Member
@faerywings Don’t you just love the crazy weather forecasting. My Dad’s arthritis and extensive knowledge of Mother Nature from being an outdoorsman made his weather predicting more accurate than what computers are putting out there. Hopefully the weather won’t be a problem for the field trip. I miss field trip days with my kids’ classes.

Glad your Dad is feeling better. My hubby gets frequent nosebleeds and he isn’t on blood thinners. A couple of them landed him in the ER and that was scary. I can only imagine how scary that is when blood thinners are involved. Hopefully, being able to drive and get out some will put him in a better mood. Have a good day everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone... it is windy and the dark clouds are moving up the valley towards us. Actually hoping for rain as we certainly could use it! Yesterday's hike was lovely and yes I did get to wear my shorts on this one and even got a bit of sunburn, even though I had put on sunscreen. Had lunch along the Cowichan Lake and so nice to see everyone in our hiking group out in the fresh air and warm sunshine! I am hoping that I might actually be able to stay home today, but I do have to get out to the grocery store and pick up a couple of things. Still on the look out for a new iMac and procrastinating on purchasing it, because I don't want to spend all the $$. Trying to see if I can also use this old iMac as a second monitor and so I need to read more about that too. Well I better get on with personals before it starts complaining on me again LOL.

@faerywings - Oh those darn kids and their cell phones!! They should not be allowed to even have them when they are in school hours even if it is a field trip. Glad you loved your dinner last night, yes that asparagus recipe is just so darn good!! Happy to hear that your Dad is doing better, but ya I would cranky too if the drs. kept wanting to poke and prod at me!! I am still waiting for my Gary to go through his side of the closet and get rid of some things, my donation pick up isn't until the 30th so he still has a bit of time, but he should get it done soon! Wouldn't it be nice if we could pick and choose what the weather should be for our day LOL.

@bitzee - Oh dear that would be scary to wind up in the ER with a bad nosebleed, yikes!!

Waving hello:wavinghello: to everyone who pops in today, I have to get off the computer, its getting cranky again :stupicpc: :sad2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning.

I'm going to try to get in here early because there should be some new collections that came out today. That will keep me busy for awhile.

It's dark and raining here too and a loud thunderstorm work us up about 3 am. They is just rained so hard and my sleep was hit or miss. I finally gave up and got up about 8, which is early for me. I see a nap in my future.

Chris @faerywings your poor dad. Yes, it's no wonder that he's cranky. Medical stuff tends to make one cranky. Sounds like he's going into the next round. Glad they have the nosebleeds under control and his cardiologist cut back on the blood thinners.

I keep forgetting that Christopher and Asher are the same age. Their changing voices are so cute. He's probably not going to be very tall, and that bugs him. We'll see - some kids are late growers. His dad is only 5'10" but Steph is not short, so maybe he'll have a growth spurt.

I hope my blog post helped people understand the Color Play a little better. Honestly, it takes awhile to figure all of that our. The most confusing thing for me was that the current CP is always for the LAST month. So, we're going into June and we'll have the May Color Play. That's just the way it shakes out. So, for me, that was confusing. I've also been trying to encourage non-Cheery-Os; to post layouts in the gallery, then in the What's New At The O > "Current Month's "Come Share Your Layouts" which I added links to for all. That's where I pull the layouts from that I feature on the blog.

Yes, we all get names mixed up - hehe.
Hugs to ALL and HAGD. I have some "real" housework to do today too. Yes, it's a dirty job but somebody has to do it and it has to be done. As Eva used to say "Housework is evil". :floorlaugh::lol23::ketchup:



Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone!!
Yesterday was busy so thankfully today is a slower day. I make cookies all the time. Yesterday was a mess. I was making them for church so I could bake them at the church. I was doing a training on the proper way to clean the kitchen/dishes. So I needed a few dishes to wash. People know I make cookies. Its my jam. When I was 18 my dad said who's gonna make cookies if you move out. So it was a mess yesterday. I always double everything. I forgot to double the eggs. Thankfully I noticed before I baked them. Then I got them baked at church and realized, They are still a bit off. I forgot to double the butter!!!! Everyone still like them but oh it was frustrating. I hate to screw up something I a make all the time. That's how yesterday went. Not much better after that. Ordered pizza since it was such a day. LOL

Do I have Lyme flare-ups... Honestly, I don't know.
I understand that. I am always wondering is this CMT or just being 51. The blood test and infection sounds bad. I hope its gone and you dont have the infection anymore. Strange the meds didn't clear it up. The brain fog, glad that's cleared up. I found that adding extra vitamin C and D for me worked wonders. The medical people look at me like I am crazy but hey my body and mind feel better.

Have a wonderful day!!!


I have a double whammy today... the back is really cranky and yelling at me when I walk, bend, move, etc. 1) reason is it is raining and the humidity is really high - arthritis is doing its number. 2) I spent yesterday afternoon sorting books then putting them in the bookcase and shoe storage shelves - where the rubber stamp sets used to be. The books were in double-stacks on the floor all along in front of the TV console and bookcases and on top the chest of drawers in the MB. The sorting meant I had books spread out all over the floor to get each author's books together and like genre together. Lots of bending over and/or crawling around on the floor. The reason I have so many books is 1) I love to read and 2) the library used to have book sales - fill a large bag for $5 or on other months it was $1 for hardbacks and 50 cents for paperbacks. Who could resist those sales!! dance3

Before: IMG_2613.JPG After IMG_3322.JPG

Old Stamp set bookcase IMG_3314.JPG shoe shelves IMG_3319.JPG

The before photo was taken 2 years ago and I had added even more books to those those stacks!! I have read all the books in the TV console and the large bookcase right next to it and most of the ones in the other bookcase next to it. I do re-read books. My new goal is to donate books after I read them if I don't think I will want to reread them. I have 2 bags filled with books already and will donate them to the Friends of Literacy book store this week. As I read 6-10 books a week, I will eventually read most of the books I have here. I would rather read than watch TV.

Last evening, I spent an hour in the recliner using Dr Scholls chair massager on the back. I need to do that again this morning as the back spasmed on me a couple of times already this morning.

BTW, @Cherylndesigns thanks for the tip about inserting full size photos here then grabbing the handle in the corners and resizing them down. Didn't know we could do that! No more use PSE to guess on what size to make them now! dance4


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm heading out for a ladies luncheon so need to get showered and dressed. I have been fighting with my computer this morning. I am trying to copy over EHD files and the drives keep shutting down. I think my computer doesn't like having multiple drives plugged in so am trying to copy a few smaller drives onto a bigger drive and see if that helps. So frustrating. I feel like I have been having computer issues for months now.

@faerywings Chris, that photo is an American Widgeon. Such a pretty duck, isn't it?

I'll come back later and read the personals.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I have a double whammy today... the back is really cranky and yelling at me when I walk, bend, move, etc. 1) reason is it is raining and the humidity is really high - arthritis is doing its number. 2) I spent yesterday afternoon sorting books then putting them in the bookcase and shoe storage shelves - where the rubber stamp sets used to be. The books were in double-stacks on the floor all along in front of the TV console and bookcases and on top the chest of drawers in the MB. The sorting meant I had books spread out all over the floor to get each author's books together and like genre together. Lots of bending over and/or crawling around on the floor. The reason I have so many books is 1) I love to read and 2) the library used to have book sales - fill a large bag for $5 or on other months it was $1 for hardbacks and 50 cents for paperbacks. Who could resist those sales!! dance3

Before: View attachment 419150 After View attachment 419152

Old Stamp set bookcase View attachment 419151 shoe shelves View attachment 419153

The before photo was taken 2 years ago and I had added even more books to those those stacks!! I have read all the books in the TV console and the large bookcase right next to it and most of the ones in the other bookcase next to it. I do re-read books. My new goal is to donate books after I read them if I don't think I will want to reread them. I have 2 bags filled with books already and will donate them to the Friends of Literacy book store this week. As I read 6-10 books a week, I will eventually read most of the books I have here. I would rather read than watch TV.

Last evening, I spent an hour in the recliner using Dr Scholls chair massager on the back. I need to do that again this morning as the back spasmed on me a couple of times already this morning.

BTW, @Cherylndesigns thanks for the tip about inserting full size photos here then grabbing the handle in the corners and resizing them down. Didn't know we could do that! No more use PSE to guess on what size to make them now! dance4
Kay this looks amazing! I remember when you had stacks and stacks of books on the floor. You're so fortunate that your huge stash of stamps went to a good home. Haha It sure did give you a lot more space.

Glad my tip helped you. I can get 12 ATC's together in one post by using that trick.

Take it easy with your back today. I've been having some lower back issues too and maybe it's the weather. It's rained a lot here, too. Old Arthur sure sneaks up on us. My hands usually take the brunt of it, but the back seems to be out of whack. Do you have any Ice Hot or that rubon lotion? I used it on mine this am and it really helped. I also like those "patches".


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning ladies. I'm heading out for a ladies luncheon so need to get showered and dressed. I have been fighting with my computer this morning. I am trying to copy over EHD files and the drives keep shutting down. I think my computer doesn't like having multiple drives plugged in so am trying to copy a few smaller drives onto a bigger drive and see if that helps. So frustrating. I feel like I have been having computer issues for months now.

@faerywings Chris, that photo is an American Widgeon. Such a pretty duck, isn't it?

I'll come back later and read the personals.
I'm having the same issue with multiple EHDs attached to my computer. I'm not sure how to transfer files from one EHD to another. Somebody said something about using The Cloud. I need to do something, that's for sure. I've had to go back to the old way of just using one at a time. What a pain.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Morning everyone... it is windy and the dark clouds are moving up the valley towards us. Actually hoping for rain as we certainly could use it! Yesterday's hike was lovely and yes I did get to wear my shorts on this one and even got a bit of sunburn, even though I had put on sunscreen. Had lunch along the Cowichan Lake and so nice to see everyone in our hiking group out in the fresh air and warm sunshine! I am hoping that I might actually be able to stay home today, but I do have to get out to the grocery store and pick up a couple of things. Still on the look out for a new iMac and procrastinating on purchasing it, because I don't want to spend all the $$. Trying to see if I can also use this old iMac as a second monitor and so I need to read more about that too. Well I better get on with personals before it starts complaining on me again LOL.

@faerywings - Oh those darn kids and their cell phones!! They should not be allowed to even have them when they are in school hours even if it is a field trip. Glad you loved your dinner last night, yes that asparagus recipe is just so darn good!! Happy to hear that your Dad is doing better, but ya I would cranky too if the drs. kept wanting to poke and prod at me!! I am still waiting for my Gary to go through his side of the closet and get rid of some things, my donation pick up isn't until the 30th so he still has a bit of time, but he should get it done soon! Wouldn't it be nice if we could pick and choose what the weather should be for our day LOL.

@bitzee - Oh dear that would be scary to wind up in the ER with a bad nosebleed, yikes!!

Waving hello:wavinghello: to everyone who pops in today, I have to get off the computer, its getting cranky again :stupicpc: :sad2:
Glad you had a good hike yesterday. I sounds like it's raining everywhere. It rained all night here and is still dark and gloomy.


Well-Known Member
As I read 6-10 books a week, I will eventually read most of the books I have here. I would rather read than watch TV.
WOW I dont think I read that many a week but I sure do read more then the average that I keep seeing of four books a year! I love the before and after. That's how my bedroom and office use to look. When we build our house I had hubs build me a bookcase. It covers the wall. Its probably 11' by 10' and different heights. Two rows were extra tall for school books/notebooks. One section is DVD high shelves. Its wonderful. I love it soooo much. I'll have to see if I can find a photo later.


WOW I dont think I read that many a week but I sure do read more then the average that I keep seeing of four books a year! I love the before and after. That's how my bedroom and office use to look. When we build our house I had hubs build me a bookcase. It covers the wall. Its probably 11' by 10' and different heights. Two rows were extra tall for school books/notebooks. One section is DVD high shelves. Its wonderful. I love it soooo much. I'll have to see if I can find a photo later.
Would love to see it. I also have double book cases in the living/dining room, the family room, and single bookcases in the hallway. the craft room and triple book shelves in the garage! DH was also a reader so have a lot of books we both liked to read - sci-fi, adventure, mystery, etc. I have 2 big bags of those set aside for my DSon-in-law#3. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Would love to see it. I also have double book cases in the living/dining room, the family room, and single bookcases in the hallway. the craft room and triple book shelves in the garage! DH was also a reader so have a lot of books we both liked to read - sci-fi, adventure, mystery, etc. I have 2 big bags of those set aside for my DSon-in-law#3. :cool:
I think my house would be that filled up too if I hadn't changed to kindle. Now I have 2000 books on my kindle and with unlimited they change daily. I love to read. I dont understand not reading. I have a friend now and one in Highschool who hated to read. I didn't get it. So many great adventures out there waiting to be read. One day its a murder mystery the next its comedy and romance. Sci-fi has to be the right sci-fi. But oh the places I can go with reading. Just $12 a month and I can go anywhere. So cheap. Just dont talk while I am holding my kindle LOL


Kay this looks amazing! I remember when you had stacks and stacks of books on the floor. You're so fortunate that your huge stash of stamps went to a good home. Haha It sure did give you a lot more space.

Glad my tip helped you. I can get 12 ATC's together in one post by using that trick.

Take it easy with your back today. I've been having some lower back issues too and maybe it's the weather. It's rained a lot here, too. Old Arthur sure sneaks up on us. My hands usually take the brunt of it, but the back seems to be out of whack. Do you have any Ice Hot or that rubon lotion? I used it on mine this am and it really helped. I also like those "patches".
I can't reach the middle of the upper back to put meds or patches on it and DD#3 won't be visiting to help. So the massager will have to do to help the aches and pains. And, yes... the arms and hands, and feet are all achy today.


I think my house would be that filled up too if I hadn't changed to kindle. Now I have 2000 books on my kindle and with unlimited they change daily. I love to read. I dont understand not reading. I have a friend now and one in Highschool who hated to read. I didn't get it. So many great adventures out there waiting to be read. One day its a murder mystery the next its comedy and romance. Sci-fi has to be the right sci-fi. But oh the places I can go with reading. Just $12 a month and I can go anywhere. So cheap. Just dont talk while I am holding my kindle LOL

Oh, I wish I could use a Kindle or Nook but my eyes are very light sedative and all of those electronic readers cause the eyes to water and gives me a headache. DSon-in-law#1 - who is an optometrist - let me try out all the different ones he has had. Then told me to stick with paper books! You sound like my sister... she has over 2000 books on her Kindle, too.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I wish I could use a Kindle or Nook but my eyes are very light sedative and all of those electronic readers cause the eyes to water and gives me a headache. DSon-in-law#1 - who is an optometrist - let me try out all the different ones he has had. Then told me to stick with paper books! You sound like my sister... she has over 2000 books on her Kindle, too.
Oh I am sorry you cant use a kindle. I have mine set very dim and cant stand bright screens. The paper white version is nice for me but its also dim. My phone drives people nuts as the brightness is almost at 0. Gives me a headache to have it so bright.


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon to you all!
WOW! What a week it has been! I was going to update you all here, but it turned into a blog post instead! If you are interested in everything I've been up to with my girls, Ilene, etc, read HERE.

So far today, finally, we have had no rain! But I don't think we are out of the woods yet! I think it is supposed to start raining again later on today! One of our neighbors had a tree uproot this week! Our basement is flooded! The yards are all soggy!

I'm finally going to be able to sit and do nothing for a few days! So I will be doing some reading here to catch up on what everyone is in to lately!

Hopefully I'll be back to my regularly scheduled program tomorrow! ;)


Well-Known Member
@JeanneMN How is the smoke/air quality? I hope that clears up soon. Is it me or does it feel like wildfire season is super early?
I have messed up a challenge here sooo many times. Whoops. And the Host always calls me out on it hee hee! Usually, it is something small but I have also had to redo an entire LO. I hope that your fix was an easy one.
Are each of the concerts you've been to the same sounds or different?
My grey hair polish is already wearing off!
Air quality is a little better, wind changed directions so that helped some.Three of the four concerts were band, dgs in 9 12, dgd in 6-8, and then both of them in jazz hand. Since neither of their regular band instruments (euphonium & French horn) are jazz band so dgs plays a valve trombone & dgd plays trumpet. The 4th concert was choir. I was a band person so the ratio was perfect for me. I had to do another layout, but I like the way they both turned out so it's still a win. That makes 5 challenges finished.

Plants we ordered from a fund raiser can be picked up today I then me have a track met. Sort of instant garden, hanging baskets & patio pots that I used to plant myself, I've hollowed out enough dirt that I can just drop the pots in. Lazy persons gardening LOL. I will still plant a few more pots, I do mostly geraniums because I read that Japanese beetles don't like them. Discovered last year that they do like the vining variety so we'll have to keep an eye on the hanging baskets.


Love my O Family!
Kay this looks amazing! I remember when you had stacks and stacks of books on the floor. You're so fortunate that your huge stash of stamps went to a good home. Haha It sure did give you a lot more space.

Glad my tip helped you. I can get 12 ATC's together in one post by using that trick.

Take it easy with your back today. I've been having some lower back issues too and maybe it's the weather. It's rained a lot here, too. Old Arthur sure sneaks up on us. My hands usually take the brunt of it, but the back seems to be out of whack. Do you have any Ice Hot or that rubon lotion? I used it on mine this am and it really helped. I also like those "patches".
Cheryl, I ordered some of Nicole's salve for joint pain, etc. for Mark's knees and he said it really helps.


Love my O Family!
I'm having the same issue with multiple EHDs attached to my computer. I'm not sure how to transfer files from one EHD to another. Somebody said something about using The Cloud. I need to do something, that's for sure. I've had to go back to the old way of just using one at a time. What a pain.
I have the same problem with multiple EHDs on my Mac and with PSE open. It's a pain for sure.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
@faerywings I'm so sorry to hear about recurring Lyme problems. I do a lot of trail work, and have had Lyme twice, but fortunately I have gotten the classic bullseye rash and was able to get antibiotics right away. Nowadays I'm ridiculously anal about spraying before I go out and showering and inspecting everywhere when I am done. Hoping hoping hoping it's enough to keep Lyme away.

@BrightEyes Before we moved to Virginia I had 3000 books. I cataloged them all with a little scanner that read the bar codes (except for the books too old for that, I had to enter them manually.) When we moved we whittled it down to about a 1000 and I swore that if it's not an ebook I won't buy it. Mostly I stick to that. I can't face reducing those shelves again! But the library is close, convenient, and free.

Well, I worked on challenges the last couple days and I've got 5 of the 6 done! And it's only the middle of the month. I'm having an awful time trying to think of a favorite summer experience, one that I have photos of. I will come up with something, I'm sure. Probably one of our Alaska cruises -- I just thought of that.


Well-Known Member
Sleep well Marilyn! Hope your week calms down. :heartpumppink:
Thank you, Tracy. Today is looking to be another crazy one, but for the most part it's all fun. I'm exhausted and it's barely 7am! Hopefully the weekend will be calmer. Wishing you a happy day, my friend. :beatingheart: :cool:


Well-Known Member
It is the 17th here Down Under but I thought I would share what I did for my day on the 16th. I did my day a week volunteering at our local Museum and Information Centre. You will eventually over time see photos of parts of the museum on my layouts , especially my P52 (Project Life) pages.

Today, 17th, my husband, Ken and I had a day shopping in our closest large town which included taking my last surviving Aunt out for lunch. Aunty Joyce is 86 years old and is my aunt by marriage ( to my uncle - my Dad's brother) who died some years ago. She really enjoys our company and I think she sees me as being like a daughter. They married late in life so had no children. We also visited some friends before coming home.

I just finished my 6th challenge for the month and I am feeling tired from our busy day shopping and visiting. So goodbye for now.... :waving3:


Well-Known Member
I'm having the same issue with multiple EHDs attached to my computer. I'm not sure how to transfer files from one EHD to another. Somebody said something about using The Cloud. I need to do something, that's for sure. I've had to go back to the old way of just using one at a time. What a pain.
My computer seems to be ok with plugging in 2 ehd so I bought two large ehds, one for photos and one for digi. I transferred quite a bit yesterday with success. Hopefully I will be able to complete the transfer and then the smaller drives will get put away. I did a backup to backblaze last night which was successful. I guess the older computers (mine has been upgraded but is about 5 yrs old) don't seem to be able to partition much. Fingers crossed.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
My computer seems to be ok with plugging in 2 ehd so I bought two large ehds, one for photos and one for digi. I transferred quite a bit yesterday with success. Hopefully I will be able to complete the transfer and then the smaller drives will get put away. I did a backup to backblaze last night which was successful. I guess the older computers (mine has been upgraded but is about 5 yrs old) don't seem to be able to partition much. Fingers crossed.
Thanks, Rae. I have an attachment with 4 extra USB ports that my IT guy set up for me. It was working fine until the other day when I unplugged one of the ports and put an old EHD in it. Now, the two EHD's that were visible from my laptop aren't - I only have one and I have to change them out. What a pain. I think I'm going to get a great big one and try to consolidate like you're doing. My laptop has been updated, but it's probably 5 years old, too. I should probably do an extra backup to Backblaze tonight, just in case.