
Daily Ooos: Thursday, March 7


The Loopy-O
Good morning My O-zies! How is everyone on this Thursday that feels like it should be a Friday?
Remember that beautiful weather we had on Sunday, sunny and mid-60s? It was perfect to be working outside. Yesterday... the weather... not so much. It was cloudy and cool when the homeschool session began. The plan was to hike on one of the trails and look for signs of spring. Halfway into the woods, it started to drizzle, then rain a little harder. But the kids were having a lot of fun so we kept going. It's too early to see much in the way of new growth but there was plenty of moss, lichen, and mushrooms to check out. By the time the session was over everyone was soaked :D

I am cleaning for my friend this afternoon and need to work on some laundry too. At some point, I have to do some scrapping. I know we are only a week into the month, but I feel very far behind.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
@tanteva I can understand feeling conflicted about NATO membership and I hope that Sweden and all NATO members won't get sucked into more wars.
Yay for the sunshine yesterday, is it gone again or can you still see it? Go on, Mr. Golden Sun, melt all of Eva's snow!

@BrightEyes That is one way to get the heart pumping, thinking that you were 2 hours behind schedule. eep!

@vickyday I struggle with ceilings too. When my dad was younger, we would paint together he would do the ceilings and I did the walls and trim. Yup, I have the extension poles that you can add on 1' sections but if I add too many I can't get the right pressure on the roller. Catch 22. pfft
That's fantastic about walking and moving and getting fresh air. You know I am allll about that and my dirt therapy :love:
is there a DO in your insurance plan that you could use instead of an MD? DOs (doc of osteopathy) sometimes have a more open-minded view and might include naturopathic treatments. I am not aware of any that would help bone growth, unfortunately. MSM is supposed to be helpful with inflammation and joint pain but I honestly don't know if it helps bone.

@Cherylndesigns congrats on getting a cheaper cell plan, that can be like herding cats! (Sorry Sam!)
Caitlyn and Tom picked out a grey-blue color for their LR.

I am excited to see what it looks like on the walls.

@taxed4ever It's cold again here too and very windy. But the days are longer and that is wonderful! I hope that you and Linda were able to get out for a walk. I'm planning on hiking tomorrow when it is sunny and 50s. If Scott can't meet me at the new trail I want to try, I'll drive down to one that's near his house, it's a much smaller park and I don't think I'd get lost on my own. And if I did, as long as I walked in one direction, I'd hit either a main road or a quarry :D
I'm sure it's going be an adjustment when your ILs move close but heck-- at least it will be split between you and Linda. :D Sometimes I feel bad for my brother since he gets most of the phone calls for help since he lives much closer to our parents.

Fab news from the doctor, Kay!!! I feel like my butt got quite the workout going up and down the ladder. Maybe I need to do a lot more painting before the wedding so my dress fits nicely. hahahaha!

Cheryl- it has to be reassuring seeing that things are fallinginto place. Baby steps might not look like much at the beginning but then you see how much you have accomplished-- it is a real good thing! You rock!

@pachimac I haven't missed an election-state, local, federal, primary, or general election- since I had the kids. I loved taking them into the voting booth with me, it was like a field trip. They still tease me about how I read the Bill of Rights to them when they were around 5 and 7 years old. At the dinner table, practically yelling it! :soapbox: :rotfl:
I had my soapbox way back when. Always really. :D
I would do as much paper and plastic as you can while the floor is being done. it sounds very exciting but a PITB while you are in it.
Do you have a Just Salads chain near you or something similar? They have delicious salads Even pizzerias should have salads or antipasto options- just watch the meat and dressings.
Other easy options are to get salad mix and some of the Perdure Ready Strips and you can bang out a Chicken Ceasar salad in no time. Can you eat eggs? Hard-boiled egg and avocado slices over fresh spinach. A splash of honey mustard dressing and maybe some red onions...
(You can tell the weather is getting better when I start craving salads again. I go from carbs and nuthin' but carbs to salads in a heartbeat LOL!)


Love my O Family!
Good morning My O-zies! How is everyone on this Thursday that feels like it should be a Friday?
Remember that beautiful weather we had on Sunday, sunny and mid-60s? It was perfect to be working outside. Yesterday... the weather... not so much. It was cloudy and cool when the homeschool session began. The plan was to hike on one of the trails and look for signs of spring. Halfway into the woods, it started to drizzle, then rain a little harder. But the kids were having a lot of fun so we kept going. It's too early to see much in the way of new growth but there was plenty of moss, lichen, and mushrooms to check out. By the time the session was over everyone was soaked :D

I am cleaning for my friend this afternoon and need to work on some laundry too. At some point, I have to do some scrapping. I know we are only a week into the month, but I feel very far behind.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
We had mid 50's yesterday along with rain and it was pretty chilly! Sounds like you had a good session with the kids, even with the rain!


Love my O Family!
@tanteva I can understand feeling conflicted about NATO membership and I hope that Sweden and all NATO members won't get sucked into more wars.
Yay for the sunshine yesterday, is it gone again or can you still see it? Go on, Mr. Golden Sun, melt all of Eva's snow!

@BrightEyes That is one way to get the heart pumping, thinking that you were 2 hours behind schedule. eep!

@vickyday I struggle with ceilings too. When my dad was younger, we would paint together he would do the ceilings and I did the walls and trim. Yup, I have the extension poles that you can add on 1' sections but if I add too many I can't get the right pressure on the roller. Catch 22. pfft
That's fantastic about walking and moving and getting fresh air. You know I am allll about that and my dirt therapy :love:
is there a DO in your insurance plan that you could use instead of an MD? DOs (doc of osteopathy) sometimes have a more open-minded view and might include naturopathic treatments. I am not aware of any that would help bone growth, unfortunately. MSM is supposed to be helpful with inflammation and joint pain but I honestly don't know if it helps bone.

@Cherylndesigns congrats on getting a cheaper cell plan, that can be like herding cats! (Sorry Sam!)
Caitlyn and Tom picked out a grey-blue color for their LR.

I am excited to see what it looks like on the walls.

@taxed4ever It's cold again here too and very windy. But the days are longer and that is wonderful! I hope that you and Linda were able to get out for a walk. I'm planning on hiking tomorrow when it is sunny and 50s. If Scott can't meet me at the new trail I want to try, I'll drive down to one that's near his house, it's a much smaller park and I don't think I'd get lost on my own. And if I did, as long as I walked in one direction, I'd hit either a main road or a quarry :D
I'm sure it's going be an adjustment when your ILs move close but heck-- at least it will be split between you and Linda. :D Sometimes I feel bad for my brother since he gets most of the phone calls for help since he lives much closer to our parents.

Fab news from the doctor, Kay!!! I feel like my butt got quite the workout going up and down the ladder. Maybe I need to do a lot more painting before the wedding so my dress fits nicely. hahahaha!

Cheryl- it has to be reassuring seeing that things are fallinginto place. Baby steps might not look like much at the beginning but then you see how much you have accomplished-- it is a real good thing! You rock!

@pachimac I haven't missed an election-state, local, federal, primary, or general election- since I had the kids. I loved taking them into the voting booth with me, it was like a field trip. They still tease me about how I read the Bill of Rights to them when they were around 5 and 7 years old. At the dinner table, practically yelling it! :soapbox: :rotfl:
I had my soapbox way back when. Always really. :D
I would do as much paper and plastic as you can while the floor is being done. it sounds very exciting but a PITB while you are in it.
Do you have a Just Salads chain near you or something similar? They have delicious salads Even pizzerias should have salads or antipasto options- just watch the meat and dressings.
Other easy options are to get salad mix and some of the Perdure Ready Strips and you can bang out a Chicken Ceasar salad in no time. Can you eat eggs? Hard-boiled egg and avocado slices over fresh spinach. A splash of honey mustard dressing and maybe some red onions...
(You can tell the weather is getting better when I start craving salads again. I go from carbs and nuthin' but carbs to salads in a heartbeat LOL!)
I'll have to check and see if Mutual of Omaha has a doctor of osteopathy.
What is MSM you mention?


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out as IBS has me running today,
Had a great time with Ilene yesterday.
Need to stay home to sign for my new camera.
Still researching osteoporosis stuff. Trying to get a consultation price with the naturopathic docs for the osteoporosis and IBS.


Morning, gals. Wow... lots of beautiful new releases today!!! Been busy uploading my LOs to the galleries.
I slept in until 7:30 this morning!! Guess I was making up for being on the go yesterday. I got a message from PC doc - she sent the BP Rx to the base... so all is well on that front. But... she only sent it for a 90 day supply as she wants to see me about my blood pressure. I have terrible 'white coat syndrome" and my BP was 177/72 at the Oncologist yesterday. PC saw that and wants a meeting to check on it. It was great this morning - 112/72 - so know it was a stress related high yesterday. I made an appt for mid-April. Back to taking BP every day until I see her. Will take my chart and the BP unit in so she can compare it to their BP reading. Hopefully that will be the last doctor's appointments for the next several months.

I will be off and running again today. A library book I have had on hold for 2 months finally came in!!! Will pick it up and take books back to Senior Citizens Center. Then stop at Smith's to pick up some groceries since I won't be going to the commissary for another week. And my list for the commissary is growing... as I remember things I need! :lol23: I made mac and cheese with Velveeta cheese, shells, onions and sliced hot dogs for supper last night. Haven't had it for a long time... sure was good!! Since it is going to be cold again I should make a big batch of Enchilada Sauce this weekend.

Gotta run so I can be back before the cold front and winds hit around noon. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! Well we got exciting news last night, MIL and FIL called to say the sale of their home is final!! They sounded very happy and excited! I think that they are both ready for this next chapter in their lives!! DH and I were so glad to hear the excitement in their voices :lovey3:. Tuesday will be the day that the home inspection happens on the house across the street, then it will be packing purging and lots of things going up for sale and garage sales. I might be taking some time away from here as we will be very busy getting them moved and into their new home! Now this morning our dishwasher is making a lot of noise, DH says its been like that for the past few days, guess I was always sleeping when it was running. Sounds like we might be looking for a new one, its always something right?!! This afternoon I am getting my hair done, it will be good to be pampered a bit! It is actually a sunny morning and I hope that it continues to be for today, because the forecast is calling for a week of rainy, gloomy weather!
I need to get a couple of layouts posted to the gallery this morning and then get my morning chores done. Hope the dishwasher doesn't blow up before it finishes cleaning the dishes :holysheep:it sure is making a lot of noise!!

@faerywings - That is too bad that everyone got soaked yesterday, but it does sound like the everyone had a fun time!! so great to be outside in the fresh air and nature!! Hope you are feeling a bit less sore today from all the painting! I do hope you find some time to catch up here at the O!

@vickyday - Sorry your IBS is acting up again today! Hope you don't have to wait all day long for your delivery today! Good luck with your search for Osteo stuff! So glad that you got to spend some time with your friend Ilene yesterday!

@BrightEyes - You are going to have a busy day today! Your Mac and Cheese dinner sounds yummy! Wish I could eat pasta, but nope, my stomach would be up in arms about it!! I do eat hot dogs though, just no bun and I actually prefer them that way, so does my DH now!

Ok Off I go to get the bed made and hop in the shower :showering:wish me luck that the dishwasher can be repaired and not replaced, but I have my doubts!! :waving3:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi all,

Popping in to say hello and I still have to finish posting my 5 layouts for the new releases. I have them all done in our gallery, on FB and on IG. Still have a couple to go and I've used up my five uploads to the gallery for the day. One of the new releases was posted last night, so I got that in the gallery before midnight, so I have all of them covered.

Chris, @faerywings that color is going to be gorgeous - I'm a big fan of blue/greys. All of my walls are a shade of tan in this house, but I used to paint rooms different colors. I love the grey family of paint and have had beautiful grey rooms with white baseboards and white crown molding.

Yes, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. It's been a lot, but the end is near. Anyhoo, Ava and I are thrilled that we both got our phone bills down. Save a little money where you can, right?

Susie @pachimac I know it's not quite the same thing, but we lived in a Holiday Inn for 3 months. Chuck got transferred to Detroit, our house sold very quickly and our new house wasn't finished. We had two adjoining rooms and we WERE on the first floor, with a sliding glass door to a small patio. We had to get very creative, while living there. We had several coolers and kept them stocked with cold stuff, ate cereal out of the boxes (yes, they used to make small cereal boxes that you could pour the milk into). Also, plastic and disposables and lots of sandwiches (which I know you don't eat). We did get to go out to dinner most evenings, but like I said, we had to get creative. Also had a dog with us, too.

I'm going to go finish posting my layouts before I forget. HAGD everybody and hugs to all.


Wow.... got back from the errands just in time. Ended up getting 3 public library books and 6 from the senior citizen library. Got the sad news that the 96 year old gal who ran the Senior Citizen library died last week after she fell and broke her hip. I always enjoyed visiting with her - and her son who helped her with the books. Did a quick stop at the Used DVD and Book store and came home with 6 DVDs. Glad I stopped at Smith's... grabbed some oranges, mandarins, apples, red bell peppers, lettuce and bananas. Going to make a veggie salad to go with my mac and cheese for supper tonight. The cold front moved in just before 2PM... not too windy but the temps are heading down quickly. Brrrr.... High wind warning just popped up on the computer along with rain/snow for tomorrow. Had to pull on a fleece jacket as I am feeling the cold - guess it it time to turn the heat up. I did manage to get get a couple of photos of the plum tree in full bloom a few minutes ago!!! While I was out in the backyard, I peeked under the dried up leaves of 2 of my potted daylilies and there are a few dark green leaves starting to peek out! Will wait until next week (after this cold front goes through) before I uncover them.

@Cherylndesigns So glad to hear you can see daylight at the end of the tunnel vis a vis paperwork over Chuck's death. Love your LOs... so cleverly done. Yes, I did the same... uploaded 1 LO last night and the other 5 LOs today.

@taxed4ever Hooray over the sale being final on the In-laws house!!! We can fully understand that you will be busy as can be helping them get the move done.

@pachimac Yes, it will be a real challenge while they are putting the new flooring down. Cheryl had a few good suggestions for meals since you won't be cooking while this is going on.

Oh, yikes... I forgot to bring the trash and recycle bins back from the street. BBL...


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Wow.... got back from the errands just in time. Ended up getting 3 public library books and 6 from the senior citizen library. Got the sad news that the 96 year old gal who ran the Senior Citizen library died last week after she fell and broke her hip. I always enjoyed visiting with her - and her son who helped her with the books. Did a quick stop at the Used DVD and Book store and came home with 6 DVDs. Glad I stopped at Smith's... grabbed some oranges, mandarins, apples, red bell peppers, lettuce and bananas. Going to make a veggie salad to go with my mac and cheese for supper tonight. The cold front moved in just before 2PM... not too windy but the temps are heading down quickly. Brrrr.... High wind warning just popped up on the computer along with rain/snow for tomorrow. Had to pull on a fleece jacket as I am feeling the cold - guess it it time to turn the heat up. I did manage to get get a couple of photos of the plum tree in full bloom a few minutes ago!!! While I was out in the backyard, I peeked under the dried up leaves of 2 of my potted daylilies and there are a few dark green leaves starting to peek out! Will wait until next week (after this cold front goes through) before I uncover them.

@Cherylndesigns So glad to hear you can see daylight at the end of the tunnel vis a vis paperwork over Chuck's death. Love your LOs... so cleverly done. Yes, I did the same... uploaded 1 LO last night and the other 5 LOs today.

@taxed4ever Hooray over the sale being final on the In-laws house!!! We can fully understand that you will be busy as can be helping them get the move done.

@pachimac Yes, it will be a real challenge while they are putting the new flooring down. Cheryl had a few good suggestions for meals since you won't be cooking while this is going on.

Oh, yikes... I forgot to bring the trash and recycle bins back from the street. BBL...
Yes, I'm gaining on all this paperwork and red tape. Adrienne was here for over an hour and helped me through the maze of another one of them. She's so good talking to people, so is Ava - that's what they do for a living. Adrienne's the HR Director for a major company that handles payroll for hundreds of companies, so she knows the right things to say and ask.

Thanks for the compliments on my LO's - your mojo is on fire, BTW. We were lucky that Wendy posted hers last night, weren't we?