
Daily Ooos: Thursday, March 6


The Loopy-O
Greetings my dear Ooos!
I hope everyone is having a great start to their Thursday. I am excited, I am having company today. Not once, but twice! My mom is coming this morning to bring me food and Scott is coming tonight to eat the food. :rotfl:

In between the company, I will be continuing to sit on my butt and be grateful that I got a new computer chair for Christmas.

Yesterday was another boring day but I got a few things accomplished. I finished two more first aid modules and began a Spring HS session brainstorming list. I saw that Lauren was able to reschedule the birding field trip so hopefully I'll get another shot at that. And how sweet of the intern who was supposed to work with me--he texted me last night to say get well soon. Such a nice kid :)

My main goal today is to decide if I should wash my hair today or tomorrow. Either way, it's going to be a PITB. I'm thinking that tomorrow might be better. There's a (high) possibility that having my mom and Scott over is going to have me on my feet more than I should. And yes, I wrote that in the passive voice on purpose :lol23:

Love to you all!
@deej so glad that you are feeling better. I loved the cow! So cute!

@Terri M Same here, it is raining but I'm grateful it's not snow! I hope that you had a successful advocacy meeting with the BoS.
The book you are reading, is it fiction or non-fiction? had to chuckle that it made you crave crabs! LOL

@vickyday Yikes about the tornado watch. I hope that the weather is calmer today.
Your poor stomach, feel better!

@taxed4ever I hope that you and Veronica had a renewing/rejuvenating (sorry I can't think of the right word, hope you KWIM) hike. I know that getting outdoors is helpful on so many levels and there are plenty of scientific studies that prove it.
Sorry about the crazy day with the errands on Tuesday. However- we watched the first episode of Zero Day last night and I'm glad that there *were* red lights. (If you haven't heard of it, the first episode had a cyberattack that shut down traffic/trains/airlines/cell phone communication for one minute causing accidents everywhere)
LOL-ing at your FIL staring at the stump grinder, as if that is going to make him work faster or something. At leat the weather kept him inside ;)
it has been a sad few weeks for me as I miss my brother so very much and I really need to find my mojo and have some scrap therapy.
I can't tell you how sad I am for you. :brokenheart:
Yes, confirmation that it IS indeed Wednesday. I man home and not allowed to go cook at the church today. I am glad I thought ahead and planned for this day to be covered too. I thought (yeah first mistake I thought) I would be able to tackle the world.
I have never done this.
*said with a straight face*
Yeahhhhh-- I don't believe me either. hahah!

Read a book. Curl up on the couch and read a book. Be a good faery and tuck those wings in and relax. Oh wait, I think the saying is "pot calling kettle" :floorlaugh: I at least waiting till hubs went to get groceries before I got up and swapped laundry

You~> :potstirrer:

Me~> :potstirrer:

Maybe it's a really good thing we live on opposite sides of the country. I think we'd be dangerous if we lived any closer together. Not to mention our families would band together and lock us up!

Next week is spring break so I should be good to go when I go back.
If I tell you to not rush it, will you throw that in my face when I do the same?

@BrightEyes LOL-ing at the hearing aids!
I hope the Drs appointment was an easy one and that you were able to get home and snuggle in the rest of the day with your book.

@Cherylndesigns I know you get that darned feeling of not doing what you want to do. You're not one to sit on your butt either. How long were you out of commission when you broke your collarbone?
It's Daylight Saving Time this Sunday so maybe the lighter evenings will be better for more golfing.
I loved your Blog post and you picked amazing LOs (Kay and Vicky-- gorgeous pages!!)

I guess I should get some b-fast and start my day

Morning, all. Won't need to see that doc for another year... Yea!! :girldance::claphands::cheer: I was so glad I took a book to read as the doc was running almost an hour behind schedule. Yesterday's weather was so nice... barely there wind and sunshine all day. A beautiful spring day. Managed to go to the grocery store for some needed items and stopped at neighborhood mailboxes to pick up my mail... all sales ads!!! But... today will be back to high winds, blowing dust and maybe power outages again. PNM (electric company) has warned that they may shut down power in several cities due to the high winds and danger of broken lines sparking wild fires!!! :wow2: Needless to say.... I will be staying inside for the next several days. Not sure how long I can work on the computer once the winds start getting high again. No point in risking a power outage when it gets bad...

@faerywings I love the new siggy you made!!! :wow::claphands::D It is so YOU! I know how hard it is for you to stay off your feet... but let the family help you for awhile until your foot is better.

@AK_Tracy The same goes for you, too. Yeah, I know it is hard to sit back and do nothing when you can see things that need to be done. Hopefully the seepage will scab over soon. :hug2:

I had better close this out as I hear the winds have started blowing...
Good Morning Ladies!
the sun is rising and it looks beautiful. The blue light before the sun really shines. Yesterday was almost 45 degrees. Super crazy as it should be three weeks from now before we even see that temp and were a good 6 weeks early on what little snow we had melting. Its crazy crazy.

I have never done this.
*said with a straight face*
Yeahhhhh-- I don't believe me either. hahah!
I couldn't even read this once without giggling thinking yeah right! :floorlaugh:
If I tell you to not rush it, will you throw that in my face when I do the same?
Yep, 100% without a doubt. Oh wait, I'm suppose to say nah I wouldn't do that. :giggle4: Let me know how much you sit today while you have your mom and then Scott over. How much did you manage to sit and relax and let them help instead of being super woman? I have to sit or I will mess things up with healing so I have been better about it this time. Plus it hurts to stand up. Going from sitting to standing is the worst and feels like its pulling my skin off at times.
@AK_Tracy The same goes for you, too. Yeah, I know it is hard to sit back and do nothing when you can see things that need to be done. Hopefully the seepage will scab over soon. :hug2:

I had better close this out as I hear the winds have started blowing.
So far, the seepage seems to have stopped. Had a little after yesterdays shower and then nothing. Fingers crossed the scabs dont pop off today when I take my shower. Stay safe Kay!!! Hope the power outages are minimal and you dont have any issues.

I think I am on my last nerve. Well, the last asleep nerve I hope. They're waking up and healing and firing off random pain signals and whoa doggies I didn't know I had that many nerves. Plus half of me is still numb. When I touch my legs to rub the nerves I cant always feel it. They say it can take 2-3 months, yes MONTHS for that to stop. All these little things my daughter didn't tell me :floorlaugh: Oh well, I know I will be super glad I went through it all in a couple weeks. Just very different being on this side rather then the care taker side.

Have a wonderful day!
Morning everyone and a very happy Thursday to you all!! The sun is shining, but there is frost on the roofs. It is going to be a glorious sunny day!! Can you tell that the fresh air and sunshine and the hike yesterday improved my mood :giggle4: . I am hoping to get out in the sun for a nice walk again today:sunnyeyes:. I had such a nice time with my SIL Veronica and her daughter Nicci, we had perfect temps and sunshine for our hike to Stoney Hill and then we went to the Shipyard for a late lunch and talked and talked and laughed and shared stories of my brother. It was such a great day and very therapeutic for all three of us. My niece was a bit distracted and she checked many times to see what was happening with the huge storm that is going to hit where they live in Australia, but she got notice that it was stalled for a bit and wouldn't hit land for another day or so. Not sure if that is a good thing or not as it sits out at sea and most likely building up to a stronger cyclone :eek2:. So we will keep our fingers crossed that her family will be safe and that there is no damage where they live or where her brother lives too as it is supposed to hit that area also.
I hope to get at least one of the challenges done today and then spend some time outside soaking up the vitamin D this afternoon. That's all I have planned.

I hope everyone is having a great start to their Thursday. I am excited, I am having company today. Not once, but twice! My mom is coming this morning to bring me food and Scott is coming tonight to eat the food. :rotfl:

In between the company, I will be continuing to sit on my butt and be grateful that I got a new computer chair for Christmas.
I am happy for you to have the company today, but remember to not do too much and let your family help you out please!!! So great that you got a new computer chair for Christmas this year! I am in need of a new chair also, my legs and back would really appreciate a new more comfy chair! BTW your new siggie is just so cute!! Perfect for you, I just love it!! I should try and get mine changed to a more spring like one today also. Soon you will be rid of the boot and back to doing all the things you love to do, but only if you are a good patient!! :rollingpin1:so behave yourself!!!
Morning, all. Won't need to see that doc for another year... Yea!! :girldance::claphands::cheer: I was so glad I took a book to read as the doc was running almost an hour behind schedule. Yesterday's weather was so nice... barely there wind and sunshine all day. A beautiful spring day. Managed to go to the grocery store for some needed items and stopped at neighborhood mailboxes to pick up my mail... all sales ads!!! But... today will be back to high winds, blowing dust and maybe power outages again. PNM (electric company) has warned that they may shut down power in several cities due to the high winds and danger of broken lines sparking wild fires!!! :wow2: Needless to say.... I will be staying inside for the next several days. Not sure how long I can work on the computer once the winds start getting high again. No point in risking a power outage when it gets bad...
That is great news that you don't have to see the doctor again for another year!! Hope that the book you took to read helped to pass the time away, seems the poor doctors are always running late, so overworked!! Yikes on the high winds, sure hope you don't lose power for too long!!

@AK_Tracy - I hope that you are doing better today also and same goes for you take care of yourself and let others take care of you too!!

@Cherylndesigns - I hope that you are coming out of your funk!! I was going down a deep dark hole there for awhile, but the fresh air, sunshine and good company really brought me back out into the light again. Sending you lots of hugs and best wishes that you are doing better today also!

Well I better hit the shower:showering: and get going with the day, have a great one everyone!! :waving3:
Good morning ladies. It's been a busy couple of days (ha ha...when is my life not busy...but still...maybe a bit busier than normal).

I've been busy with the jewelry stuff, trying to decide what designs to focus on. I have been narrowing it down and have decided on a line of stretch bracelets with a mixture of color and textures, combining gems, beads and wood together. The next line will be wire bracelets with a clasp and hanging charm with a mix of beads, spacers and a larger focal piece in the middle. The third line will be small bead stretch bracelets with a chain connector and small charm to wear individually or in a group of three. Then I will coordinate corded necklaces to mix/match with the bracelets. I won't work with chain right now. I need to stockpile so will wait a few months before adding any other designs into the mix. My application will go in this wkend and then we go from there. I will have to look at displays, packaging, tags, etc so it'll be awhile before I'm set up but I'm ready to get the ball rolling.

I went into town yesterday with a group of gals, we went mall shopping and had lunch. I will need to go back as one of the jeans still has the store tag on it but I have a few errands to run in town next Tues so I'll go then.

@faerywings Enjoy the family time today but take it easy.

Remi is now whining at me so I'd better go see what she wants. Gotta go...
Good Morning!
Busy morning.
Worked until 1:30 a.m. on church stuff after we had an hour and a half business meeting last night at church. Even though Mark is the "clerk" I am the one who types up the minutes for him and then he reviews them! The perks of having a wife as a personal secretary, LOL! Plus I take notes while the business meeting is going on since Mark's hearing is questionable! ;)

Anyway, got up at 8, picked up around the house, got dressed and ready for Ruth to pick me up (we took the car back to the shop last night after church) so we could go to the bank and get her set up as a backup check-signer. But they need a letter from the church stating we are removing Mark and replacing him with Ruth and it has to be signed from the pastor. So, I will type up something and have the pastor sign it on Sunday and we will go back to the bank sometime next week.

While Ruth and I were out we went to pick up a few groceries. I want to make salmon patties for supper and she needed some miscellaneous stuff. Now I'm home and listening to the very windy day causing my wind chimes to sing! Ruth and I about lost our wigs while we were out! And even though the sun is shining, it was 39* felt like 31*! Our mountain friends in the north got snow last night! YIKES! But, it is only March!

My stomach is still giving me fits today! I'm hungry, but my stomach is saying....."I'm not ready to handle any food yet!" It is giving me a headache!

Need to work on my daily ATC and tackle another challenge.
Hope you all have a great day!

the intern who was supposed to work with me--he texted me last night to say get well soon. Such a nice kid :)
It's nice to know there are still some decent kids in the world!
And yes, I wrote that in the passive voice on purpose :lol23:
This made me giggle!
@vickyday Yikes about the tornado watch. I hope that the weather is calmer today.
Your poor stomach, feel better!
The wind is still here today! The stomach is still iffy at best!
(Kay and Vicky-- gorgeous pages!!)
Thank you!
today will be back to high winds, blowing dust and maybe power outages again.
Our winds are pretty crazy today, too!
@faerywings I love the new siggy you made!!! :wow::claphands::D It is so YOU! I know how hard it is for you to stay off your feet... but let the family help you for awhile until your foot is better.
AMEN! and AMEN!! Let the family help!:hug4:
@AK_Tracy The same goes for you, too. Yeah, I know it is hard to sit back and do nothing when you can see things that need to be done. Hopefully the seepage will scab over soon. :hug2:
AMEN! and AMEN!! and AMEN!! :hug4:
Working my way thru the week. Taxes got done with no drama this year, hurray! For once I had all the forms I needed and I knew where to look on all of them. There was a very good turnout at the Board of Supervisors last night. As much as I know it's important to show up and wave my sign to show support, to be honest it's deadly boring to hear 30 people give their 3 minute statements about the same thing. This evening I have a meeting about getting a shared use trail put in. At least there's been some progress on that, since we got a $2M grant a couple years ago to start design. I cross my fingers every day it doesn't get pulled back from Washington.

Have you been watching the America series that's been showing on NBC with Tom Hanks narrating? It's fantastic. Sunday they had a segment on the Sandhill Cranes that migrate to the same place on the Platte River in Nebraska every year. Now it's on my list of "gotta do's" to go see it next March. David's skeptical. But I tell him it's only one state away from North Dakota, which is the only state I haven't visited, so I could accomplish two things in one trip.

@faerywings Chespeake Requiem is non-fiction, but it reads like you're reading a novel. The author was great at making plot, characters, pacing.... all those things you learned about in high school English class.

@AK_Tracy when I had my knee replacements, they make an incision that cuts the nerves, making the skin on the outside of the legs in that area numb. It took years before those regenerated. It was a little irritating that I was told it was "medically insignificant." Yeah, but it was "personally weirdly significant."

I'm getting beeps that I'm supposed to be on a zoom lecture in a few minutes, so off I go to find something for lunch during it.
Morning everyone and a very happy Thursday to you all!! The sun is shining, but there is frost on the roofs. It is going to be a glorious sunny day!! Can you tell that the fresh air and sunshine and the hike yesterday improved my mood :giggle4: . I am hoping to get out in the sun for a nice walk again today:sunnyeyes:. I had such a nice time with my SIL Veronica and her daughter Nicci, we had perfect temps and sunshine for our hike to Stoney Hill and then we went to the Shipyard for a late lunch and talked and talked and laughed and shared stories of my brother. It was such a great day and very therapeutic for all three of us. My niece was a bit distracted and she checked many times to see what was happening with the huge storm that is going to hit where they live in Australia, but she got notice that it was stalled for a bit and wouldn't hit land for another day or so. Not sure if that is a good thing or not as it sits out at sea and most likely building up to a stronger cyclone :eek2:. So we will keep our fingers crossed that her family will be safe and that there is no damage where they live or where her brother lives too as it is supposed to hit that area also.
I hope to get at least one of the challenges done today and then spend some time outside soaking up the vitamin D this afternoon. That's all I have planned.

I am happy for you to have the company today, but remember to not do too much and let your family help you out please!!! So great that you got a new computer chair for Christmas this year! I am in need of a new chair also, my legs and back would really appreciate a new more comfy chair! BTW your new siggie is just so cute!! Perfect for you, I just love it!! I should try and get mine changed to a more spring like one today also. Soon you will be rid of the boot and back to doing all the things you love to do, but only if you are a good patient!! :rollingpin1:so behave yourself!!!

That is great news that you don't have to see the doctor again for another year!! Hope that the book you took to read helped to pass the time away, seems the poor doctors are always running late, so overworked!! Yikes on the high winds, sure hope you don't lose power for too long!!

@AK_Tracy - I hope that you are doing better today also and same goes for you take care of yourself and let others take care of you too!!

@Cherylndesigns - I hope that you are coming out of your funk!! I was going down a deep dark hole there for awhile, but the fresh air, sunshine and good company really brought me back out into the light again. Sending you lots of hugs and best wishes that you are doing better today also!

Well I better hit the shower:showering: and get going with the day, have a great one everyone!! :waving3:
It was such a great day and very therapeutic for all three of us.
So glad the 3 of you had a nice day yesterday! :hug4:
Good morning. It's bright and sunny, but that darned wind has cooled our temps a bit. We had 70; all weekend, but it's cooled down 60 for a high today. The wind can make such a difference.

Chris, that's so great that your mom and Scott are coming over today! That will definitely lift your spirits. When I broke my collar bone, I was out of commission for several weeks. I can't remember exactly how many, but it was my right side and I'm right handed, so it was hard to do everything. The doctor only put my in a "stabilizer and tight sling" no cast, so I could still push the mouse around. :spinningchair::giggle4: Getting dressed was the hardest thing.

Can you wash your hair at the kitchen sink? It might be easier than trying to stand in the shower. The thought of you doing that makes me very nervous. Remember, I also broke my foot and had to wear a boot - that one took longer to heal for some reason. I had to wear that lovely book to Stephanie's wedding. It looked amazing with my fancy dress. :floorlaugh::giggle4:
I had such a nice time with my SIL Veronica and her daughter Nicci, we had perfect temps and sunshine for our hike to Stoney Hill and then we went to the Shipyard for a late lunch and talked and talked and laughed and shared stories of my brother. It was such a great day and very therapeutic for all three of us
What a perfect day for you all. Sounds like what you needed. The fresh air and laughter and stories. I love those days. They make the hard days bearable. :heartpumppink:

It's been a busy couple of days (ha ha...when is my life not busy...but still...maybe a bit busier than normal).
I was :floorlaugh: Thinking but youre always busy!!! And then you went and answered it for me. Sounds like the jewelry business is gonna be fun. Cant wait to see youre displays and how you decide to package everything. Such a fun start and super exciting.

Ruth and I about lost our wigs while we were out! And even though the sun is shining, it was 39* felt like 31*! Our mountain friends in the north got snow last night! YIKES! But, it is only March!
I died. Loosing your wigs :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I have no idea why but that cracked me up so hard!!! Yes, it is only March and I remind people it snows EVERY year around the 17th of March. They all forget. I'm expecting a large large amount since we've had none this year. And everyone will be but what yep its only March. Every year.
@AK_Tracy when I had my knee replacements, they make an incision that cuts the nerves, making the skin on the outside of the legs in that area numb. It took years before those regenerated. It was a little irritating that I was told it was "medically insignificant." Yeah, but it was "personally weirdly significant."
I agree, its personally weirdly significant. I feel like my skin in swishing around my leg, which it kind of is but its weird. Thankfully my cuts are just "scalpel wide" and then stretched a bit. So they are small and not full cuts but still a very weird sensation.
@taxed4ever I'm sure you were going down that dark hole and for good reason. Yes, the sunshine is definitely helping. Now to get my creativity back - it's almost completely gone. I get frustrated even trying to find the files I want to create a layout. I'm so glad you're climbing out of yours - it's so hard. Hugs, my friend. :hug4: