
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 5


The Loopy-O
I am running away. For real. Me and my Linus Blanket and my IV pole. Oh!! And my heat pack although I will need to find a microwave to heat it up. And not one at a 7-11. I can't imagine how disgusting the inside of one of those would be.

Snow Day up here. It doesn't look like a lot of snow 3" or so as of now, but lots of ice mixed in from yesterday. I am supposed to go to the dentist today for a cleaning but I don't know how the roads will be yet. I called yesterday to see what their cancellation policy was for bad weather, if only to be on record that I might need to. I guess I can see how things look in an hour or so. My mood is saying Not a Fat Chance in H** (although it would be warmer there than NJ)...and as you all know, since I complain repeatedly- I am so tired of being poked and prodded!!!!! Even in my mouth!!! *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!*

Poor Cait-- I feel like I have given her all of the genetic/behavioral crap of me. She was talking yesterday how miserable this weather makes her feel. How happy she is in Spring and summer. And how she is hating life and school and everything ATM. :(

Yesterday was another stoooopid day. I worked on my Medical deductions of my taxes. I think I am up to $13,000 but I haven't even touched Rx's yet.
Although I figured out how to do Post-Stitches in crochet. All I have been doing is practicing stitches, not sure if I will actually make something, but at least I feel like I am accomplishing something, even if it gets all ripped out in the end.
Maybe I should start finishing the blocks and keep 'em, so I can see what I have done?

Today is gonna be another stoooooooooopid day! Snow and grumbling and all that!

I still have 2 more challenges to scrap, and one of them is about happiness. Maybe if I tackle that, it will make me feel better.:love::love::love:

Yeah, my mom would see through that fake smile in a heartbeat too.

QOTD What is your favorite summer activity? You know me, I love going down the shore. My mom asked me the other day (jokingly) when I was ready to go to Belmar for the day with her. I wish I could go today!
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The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I wish I could send you warm weather vibes, but ya know what? I don't HAVE ANY!!!!!!! This is too much. Really. :(

Nancy- How are things down by you today? I think you are getting more snow than us? But any snow at this point is too much. Glad that you and DS were able to make it into the game and that the D's won.

Sharon- I feel you on the way too early. The school called at 4.45am for the Closing and I could not get back to sleep even though I was exhausted. My 2 cup (mug) self-imposed limit of coffee a day is going rapidly down the drain, or really down my throat! :LOL
Hope that you had a nice time with Clara. And yay Paul!!!! Hope the rest of the computer stuff goes easy for you all.

Trudy- how was your trip downtown? And Skyping? How is your little man doing?
hah!! Yes- my God Daughter. No grandchildren for me, not for a long time!
Happy birthday to Sadie!

That it is from yesterday, I am going to try to go back to Tues if I can



Well-Known Member
Today is gonna be another stoooooooooopid day!

i couldn't have said it better. ice, 4" more snow. going down to zero tonight.


i'm going back under my rock. sorry, just not in the mood to talk!


You poor poor pooooooooooooooor weather victims. I'm just so sorry. Mommy wishes she could fix it for you. :'( Chris, I hope the income tax agony is behind you soon. I don't think I could be cheerful no matter what the weather if I had that hanging over me.

I have a couple of friends who suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), and it is very common in Alaska during the winter months. Some use a special light that might make them feel better.

Honeymoon is over with Clara! She was a little pill about half her waking time with me yesterday. Then, boom! She cheered up and was adorable after that. She's not as photogenic right now as she was. That comes and goes with kids, I've found. Yes, I admit, my grandchildren aren't ALWAYS model perfect. ;)

While Clara was napping, I finished the knitting on my scarf. Just have to bind off and weave in loose ends. I don't think I will block it, as I'm afraid that will make all the mistakes I made more obvious. LOL

Dave had a fabulous time golfing yesterday. I love when that happens. He's not as bad as some people when they have a bad round, but I can tell when it's not been good. He goes out to that course at least one day each year when the Champions are playing as part of the gallery. One year was a marshal. So it was a thrill to play, and he scored well too. :)

Good news/bad news with Paul's visit. It appears that my computer is finally devoid of redundancies, so I will be able to start organizing what's left, and be back to normal pretty soon. The bad news is that Dave's computer now appears to have a nasty virus--similar to what I had, and it is something we can't deal with yet. Paul is moving quite soon, and just can't help with that. It is nothing we'd dream of tackling on our own.

Favorite summer activity: Golf and bicycle-riding (on bike paths...not traffic areas). The best part of summer is wearing flip-flops and crop pants (capris). I almost cry every fall when it finally gets so cold I have to either wear my fuzzy slippers or put on shoes and socks and jeans.

Daylight Savings Time starts this week end. Don't forget to set your clocks AHEAD on hour Saturday night before you go to bed.


Well-Known Member
Good morning - woke up at 6:30 and not much snow but now it has really picked up. My son headed out for work and he will be in work during the worst and hopefully the plows and salt trucks will do there thing so his commute home will be ok. It is the pretty snow that sticks. Had a nice talk with my sister. I love that we make each other laugh. Would that we lived closer though. Got in a good walk yesterday. As good as it is that it was above freezing it is the pits on the sidewalks. Some did not shovel so that was all slush, some have so much snow on each side that deep puddles form on the sidewalks. As often as safe I walk on streets. And I hate the drivers that splash me with water from the street when I am on sidewalks. My former NJ Devil Marek Zidlicky who was traded to the Detroit Redwings scored the OT game winner against the NY Rangers - a team I really dislike so that was pretty cool.

Chris really just hang in there. Sorry that Cait is feeling so down. I have found that the longer days are really helping. Daylight savings starts this weekend so that should be helpful. I am still waiting for my DH to do taxes.

Phylis soon I know you will be out from under your rock!

Sharon so glad your computer problems are fixed sorry about the other. Glad the golf went so well. And even if Clara was a pill for a while as you say their moods change so fast.

Trudy how fun to take photos of your town. I will look forward to seeing them. Maybe I should go out today and get snow photos of my town. Hope FaceTime went well.

QOTD - favorite summer activity is bike riding. We have a great bike path system in my town so I don't have to fight traffic. And my favorite ride is a path along the shore. Birding and biking at the same time.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-zies! and a good morning to all the newbies here that have joined the CheeryO's team today!! We hope you don't just lurk
in this forum an join us for some fun conversation!

Chris - My goodness the winter weather just does not want to leave you alone does it? That and the fact that it is tax time is a real bummer! No one likes to do taxes, they should change it so that you don't have to do it in the worst time of year, at least wait until June or something!! :becky: Sorry that Cait is feeling the effects of the bad weather also, hoping that you soon will see the sun and spring will appear!

Phylis - I don't blame you for not wanting to be here just now
hang in there my friend, it has to be spring soon!!!

Sharon - Hooray on your computer being virus free!! But not so great for your hubby's computer being infected!! I have to look into scanning my Mac for virus too, I think that I may have some malware on it, but don't ever usually worry about things like that on my computer. Lately I have had a few slow loads on my browser and that is very unusual! How nice that your man had a great time golfing yesterday! I wish I could convince my DH to take up golfing with me, he is a very good golfer (me not so much) but he hates to golf and I really like it. Oh well perhaps one day when he is fully retired and is bored beyond belief he might consider it??

Nancy - Hope your son makes it safely to and from work today! Hope that walking will be better for you soon, it is bad when the neighbours don't all shovel the sidewalk!! You can get fined here if you do not do it. I will try to get my photos downloaded today and get a page scrapped . Yesterday I got sidetracked with cleaning more windows and learning more about Lightroom that I never did get any scrapping done.

Jean - :wave: hope you are doing well and having a good day!

QOTD - Wearing flip flops are right at the top of the list, but also being able to swim in the Lake, tubing down the river and boat rides and hiking!!

Hope you all try to have a fun day inside today and keep warm and cozy! Scrap about good things that make you smile!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'm a lucky one with this storm - we're north of it! It's 15F and probably the high for the day but bright sun, blue sky. I have to be careful out though as everything not well salted is icy. Nothing special for me today, maybe do some of the things I've been putting off.

Chris, can we all run away together? Should have gone to Mexico with Trudy - and stayed! You'll make it through the day whether you get to the dentist or not, but wish it weren't all so hard. Wishing Cait some better vibes.

Phylis...they claim it's going to get warmer & maybe it will. Until then, keep warm under that rock!

Nancy, keep safe and warm while it snows.

Sharon, glad to hear you can call it like it is with Clara and enjoy her sunny side when it comes out. Sad that one computer is back only to learn the other is down. At least his golfing was good.

Trudy hope you have a great day and nice weather.

QOTD: I don't think I have much special about summer these days. I do like getting a summer vacation as my main two genealogy groups don't meet in July and August, so I'm off from duties there.