
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 27


The Loopy-O
:yield::Cry::partywine:kevI did not want to get out of bed at all this morning. No matter how much I sleep or rest, I am still so tired.

Do you all want to hear the latest insanity of my medical drama? (I feel like I need to write a soap opera about this.... But I would need at least 100 different characters to play each part! LOL
My insurance company calls yesterday to tell me that my IV abx will be covered as well as a home health care nurse who would come to my house to do the infusions. If all goes as planned, they will be ready to start as early as Monday next week. EXCEPT MY D TOOK MY OFF OF IV FOR NOW!!!!!!!!! :frusty:

Its just insane. SMH. The day *after* get taken off abx is when the ins co wants to start covering. Hopefully the blood work I get done today will let me go back on... but I am not all that positive-thinking ATM.

And Gary's insurance ( my Lovely Canadian Friends will be shocked by this, I am sure)-- they have been billing him crazy amounts for blood work. Turns out-- he has a $45 Co-pay. For blood work. His regular dr visits are $25, and specialist visits are $45. And blood work-- the same as a specialist? All of his other ins plans covered blood work, done though their specified lab of course, 100%. And this is a Medicare plan, for seniors and disabled, who likely need lots of blood work.

Done. I am fried like an egg.

I am working today and then blood work, and then a nap, for sure. I probably shouldn't even work today but I have to pay for all of my blood work, gah!!!!!

To end on a nicer note than my ranting, I had a nice visit with my mom, got some fresh asparagus, spaghetti squash, apples, almonds, veggie chips and cut up fruit. Gary made Moroccan Tilapia with mango salsa for dinner last night and that was really good!

Temptation on Thursday
I am sure you already know it but :partywine:Cry::kev::yield:


The Loopy-O
Eva- that is all such wonderful news! I am so happy for you. Its nice when life starts to fall into place. And the timing of it-- Its almost like your sister is watching over you. Good luck to you and your hubby!!!!
I will check out that link too :)

Phyllis- that sounds sooooo good! Instead of brushing with butter, have you ever tried using butter flavored cooking spray? I have heard that people use that to save on calories, but it also might be easier? But then are you sacrificing all of the yumminess?

Nancy, I really think you need to start selling your Devil's pages- I bet that you could open an Esty shop and have the fan base go crazy!:)

Trudy- sorry that it is raining by you. Really, I am ;) It is still so cold here, just not catching any break even as we get closer to April. March came in like a rabid group of lions and will be going out with slightly less rabid lions. (I know, Lions don't get rabies but its a good visual, no?)

Ulla-May- thank you for your support and perspective, it really helps put my mind at ease when I hear that so many others have gone through this.

Sara- oh yay! Post those recipes up!
Grab me on your way to see Eva please! Aside from the cold (can't be worse than NJ!!), it does sound like heaven!
How did b-ball practice go? Good luck with your decision.



lOve the O!
Morning O fam- for fun this week I added the couch to 5k program. I workout better in the morning, so I chose Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. I did my strength on Tuesday, no internet time to add time for the 30 min walk/run. I pulled into work feeling great- until I realized that there were lots of cars in the lot, looked at the clock and said outloud to myself- ummm why does the clock say 8:20- you start work on Tuesdays at 8- no wonder I had so much time!! Oh well. I went in early on Wed to make up for it. We shall see how this goes. I want to be able to complete my first 5k in July- plenty of time.


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Had a dream last night - woke up laughing. Dreamt I read the new DSM-V (Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) - not the boring text version, the brand new flashy coffee table edition with lots of photos. (LOL) Dreamt I suddenly found my diagnosis. The things that were distinguishing for this diagnosis was that the person was very different from others, dressed in weird clothes and was behaving VERY strange. You developed all sorts of new kinda odd interests, and prefered to socialize in groups with other equally disturbed people. Most of all you want to isolate yourself from the world together in these small groups. The diagnosis is most common in China and it's called FD (Fundamentally Disturbed).

Do I have any takers to join my little group and move somewhere up in the mountains? I can do the cooking :)

Funniest thing was that I was sooooo HAPPY to finally have found what was wrong with me. I wanted to call the hospital immediately to get help to get the formal diagnosis. LOL

Now - back to my knitting and to Harry Potter!


Well-Known Member
prefered to socialize in groups with other equally disturbed people
just the fact that we're here with you say a lot about us. :rofl: :pound:

Chris, i have no idea how you keep at all sane. the insurance runaround would have me totally screaming at everyone. do you think you're so tired in part because of the low blood count thing? i don't think the butter spray would work because even using margarine messes with the texture of the filo when it's baked. if you go through the work of making the thing, you might as well have it work out well!

Trudy, all this talk of spring flowers in your yard is SOOO depressing. the Growing Things around here have NO idea what they're supposed to be doing. it snowed yesterday. today it's gonna be 53 degrees.

Laurie, you must be the most buff woman in Ohio, i swear....

another early morning for me. DH set his clock wrong and was rattling around in the kitchen at 4:15, thinking it was 5:15. :faint2: i think i'll vacuum a lot today. i bought a new vac yesterday and the power is impressive. hopefully i won't suck up the cat.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies!! I am here with the rest of you waiting to move up into the mountains with Eva!! If she is doing the cooking then I am in for sure! You can teach us all how to knit too Eva then we will keep warm on those cold, snowy winter nights! Better yet how about we all move to a tropical Island somewhere? I think most of you could use a break from the cold, snowy weather!!

Chris - My goodness you really should write a book about your health issues and the health care issues that you have to deal with!! Really??? You have to pay for blood work?? Never heard of such a ridiculous thing! Pack your bags and come and live here please!!!

Laurie - Well I suppose that arriving at work a bit late is better than not arriving at all LOL. Keep up the great fitness routine, and I agree with Phylis, you must be really buff by now!!

Eva - What a crazy dream, only you would dream of reading a manual on Mental Disorders LOL. You know that we would all join you on your mountain hideaway!! Just so long as there is internet and we can still scrapbook!!

Phylis - It really is crazy that our flowers are all blooming here, seems a bit early but then some plants were trying sprout a month ago and then the weather got really cold and they weren't sure what the heck was going on I'm sure!! You must really be wondering if you will ever have spring/summer or are you trapped in eternal winter out there?? Gosh I hope not!! Sending you warmer temps, but no sunshine to send to you just :rain:

Ok off to have my eyebrows tinted again today, they disappear every couple of months and I look like I have no eyebrows at all. Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


lOve the O!
Phylis and Trudy, not the most buff. Have I shared that there 6 women in my office and one 24 yo man. The other day I was discussing working out, things I was eating that did not help me achieve my healthy goals. I said to a female co-worker- I had some excess poundage to lose. He laughed out loud- said he had never heard it referred to that way. We discussed women and always talking about being too fat. He definately brings a nice mix to the office. Down side-he is 6'7" and sitting at his desk by the shared office phone, he is nearly as tall as I am standing.


Well-Known Member
Good morning! talk about weird dreams - I dreamed I was sliding down ice tubes in an outer space outfit while riding in an inner tube. I guess this means I fit the "fundamentally disturbed" diagnosis. I love the mountains and to have someone cook sounds like heaven but I do think I would like some island heat time. Don't the Islands of Hawaii have both - lets go there. Yesterday got my plumbing done and now my house is toasty warm. The wind was so bad no outdoor walk. Today off for more hockey. My team is in a must win all games to make it to the play-offs. This time going in with my youngest for dinner. As I have said I love it when some one else cooks.

Chris take it easy and get those white cell counts up! Glad you had fun with your Mom. And yes insurance companies don't know they front from their back.

Eva loved the dream.

Laurie I agree you must be is awesome shape. My boss was 6'4 and for 15 years I was always looking up. I think this is why I walk so fast had to keep up with his long strides. LOL

Phylis it is so disheartening to be walking at the end of March and to not see a sign of a crocus or daffodil. However I talked to my sister who lives in Phoenix and she says everything is blooming and allergies are terrible for everyone.

Trudy hope the rain is not with you for too long!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Gray but warmer here, snow going away. Crazy weather, but it's March.

Chris, the idea to write your stories is actually a good thought. You could reach so many people struggling in the insane medical dance. But you'd have to cloak the identity of the doctors and ins. co.s to avoid being sued!!!

Eva, when do we leave? Especially if you're cooking. :)

Hope everyone is having a good day.


lOve the O!
So I just got a letter from my brother and his wife who are in their early 60's are hoping to adopt two girls (6-8 years old) from Ethiopia, that is how they plan to spend their retirement. I know I do not live near my siblings anymore, but I never saw that coming. He needs to know how I feel about it as part of his being accepted to adopt stuff.