
Daily Ooos: Thursday, March 13


The Loopy-O
Hey there, sweet O-Fam! ♥

I think I slept much better last night and I am not in a bad mood... so there is hope for me yet :D
I had about as productive a day as I could have yesterday, which felt good. After I cleaned out the birdfeeder the day before, Gary filled it with the spicy, no-mess seeds. I am still getting squirrels but not as many. I caught one on the camera that jumped onto the feeder, looked around, and then jumped off. OTOH, there was another one (assuming it was a different squirrel), that was munching away on the spicy blend. Their fuzzy hands are dang cute so I cannot get mad at them at all. I sent the videos to the kids too because they are so funny.

I have black-capped chickadees now! Yesterday afternoon, there were a bunch of different birds: juncos (not as crazy about this blend as they were with the regular wild mix), song- and white-throated sparrows, white-breasted nuthatch, and a Carolina wren pops in and out. Plus the cardinal pair and some blue jays. One possibly new sparrow- it doesn't look the same as the song sparrows but it was hard to tell from the camera angle. Might be a female?

I rechecked the application for the NJ tax stuff and whew, thank goodness I did. I made mistake on the form and it had to be redone. There was a second application in the packet so I didn't even have to call the state for a new application. I also did some chair yoga, faery house gluing mess, and some lesson brainstorming. The director called me last night to discuss the timing of the next session and holy cow, they are so supportive. I had asked if we could push the next session back 1 week and she wants to give me an extra 2 weeks. Just to make sure I don't hurt myself (who me??)
-- and I am sure it is also better for the kids' safety too.

Scott and Sam are in California visiting Sam's Aunt and cousins. The flight was delayed for 3.5 hours but I bet they were relieved. There was something wrong with Plane #1 and they had to wait for a replacement plane before they left Newark. I was glad when they landed safely.

@taxed4ever You asked about chair yoga-- this is the woman I follow on YouTube, Yoga with Adriene and her dog Benji:
Chair yoga playlist
I've done three of the different sessions and so far this is my favorite/got the most out of:
Wheelchair Yoga - Gentle Chair Yoga Routine

If I find any others I will share them as well.

My mom is coming up to visit and have lunch with me and Caitlyn. She is remote today and will actually take her lunch hour.

@BoatLady What a busy day you had and gotta say I am jealous of your out-and-about. I am usually an anti-social person. (JK, I think *winks*) I am more comfortable in my yard and nature than in a shopping mall, but I think your daily activities are a fantastic blend of them both. Hope you had a delicious dinner.
I am so happy for the monarchs! What a good success rate! ♥

DD#2 let us know last evening that they did another trial of lessening the support of the breathing machine for Son-in-law but it didn't work. He is sedated all the time so isn't aware of what is going on. So it is a wait and see if he improves and can breath on his own. So glad that they are keeping DD#2 updated on what is going on and any changes that occur.
I hope he simply needs more time to recover, I can't imagine how scary this is. Please let DD#2 know that we are all sending our love.
Glad that you slept better and I hope that continues, you need to keep your strength up too.

Tomorrow Ilene and I have a COSTCO trip planned to spend our "reward" money for using their credit card. We buy EVERYTHiNG with the card! We got over $400 back this year! I think I'm going to use part of it to buy groceries for a family in need in our church.
That is the nicest thing and I know how appreciated that will be. ♥
*fingers and toes-on-one-foot are crossed for the car and engine light*
My kids used to tease me about ALWAYS burning the green beans on Sunday! I love cooking my green beans "down" with bacon grease.....a southern thing, I guess! And I always put some on to cook while I got myself and 4 kids ready for church on Sundays. Well, 9 times out of 10 I would forget about them in the mayhem of Sunday mornings.....and burn them to the bottom of the pan!
Oh no!!

@bcgal00 The site was sooo slow, I was happy that it seemed back to normal in the afternoon. Hope you had a fun day!

So frustrating to open photoshop and just sit and stare at a blank page :banghead:. So I will try again today to get it finished.
That's how I have been feeling too. I scrapped a page yesterday afternoon but aside form the occasional LO I like, I am struggling. It's no wonder that you are having trouble with all of the sadness you are feeling. Have you tried to do and AJ page on grief?
You are really cracking me up with the lunch-countdown! hahaha!
Ughh don't you hate when things don't go as planned! Doing math would just make my head hurt :sick: and make me sick too!
I was shocked that the math was correct on the application, it was that I listed Gary as head of household instead of us married, filing jointly. You'd think that would have been a red-flag to my equality-minded brain :floorlaugh:
Any news from Heather how her exam went?
Today Wonder Woman has early eye appointments. Obviously she felt amazing two months ago when she made the appointments. And my DD has an appointment and has to drop the kids off in 30. Poor hubs LOL Oh well, he loves goofing with the kids so they'll have a blast. My car is all fixed yeah! Vicky its your turn now. The part that's order will be the one! (prayerfully).
Off and running. Down to 26 minutes until my very happy morning grands arrive at this very not morning grandmas house.
I hope you and DH survived the energetic morning filled with the Grands! How did the eye exam go?
yipppppeee that the car is fixed! Finally! dance3

@AK_Tracy Please come join me on the patio in the sun. There is a slight breeze over the pond so it's a little cooler so probably perfect for you. The sun will help you heal. Lets get @faerywings to come too so she can put that foot up and rest it. Water, ice tea or wine.
I am on my way! I'd be very happy with coffee in the Am, water throughout the day, and wine at 5 pm (or whenever LOL)

@Terri M Oh no, that's awful that David lost his hearing aid and I hope he finds it. Is it St Anthony you pray to find lost things? I am not religious but was raised Catholic and my grandma had a Saint that she prayed to for *everything*. I have her medals that she carried with her always. ♥ So if it is St Anthony, I hope he can help. :)
I hope that David is feeling better today and that you don't catch any germs.
Enjoy the buds and blooms!

@scrapinmom *gentle hugs* to you. And :birthaydog: to your grandson!! I can't believe that he is 5!

@Cherylndesigns I loved reading about your dream! I am relieved that I was being nice and not the cranky self that I had been the last week or so! :giggle4:

Love to you all! xoxo
Morning, all. Slept in again this morning... (Actually it was close to my normal wake-up time before DLS time - 7AM but is 8AM DLS), Feeling better and less stressed. Got the good news last evening that Son-in-law was finally able to be breathe without the machine assist - switched him to Oxygen via cannula. They lessened the sedation and he was able to tell them his name and birthday!!! Small steps in the right direction!!! :D He is still in ICU. He still has a long way to go to recover but we are relieved that he is improving.

While I was running errands yesterday, I saw a lot of trees starting to bloom with white flowers.... yes, spring is springing! But they are forecasting rain changing to snow late tonight and into tomorrow morning. I need to turn the springer system back on next week. And I need to buy a new hose as my old one split last fall. Made it to the city library and picked up my 'hold' book plus 4 more books from the "new" section. The winds were picking up so skipped going to the grocery store. Need to do that today.

So glad to see the site seems to be back to normal speed this morning. Need to finish scraping a LO before I run my errands. BBL
Morning everyone! The sun shining and there is fresh snow on the mountain tops, so the temps must have dropped quite a bit last night. Still no scrapping mojo, my gosh I spent hours just trying to find a paper that I wanted to use to begin my page. I hate that I have no desire to scrap right now!! Why couldn't the sun have been shining yesterday, it would have lifted my mood to be out there hiking in the sunshine and fresh air. Guess I will try to get in some walking today. Just a quick pop in here to say :wavinghello:, I won't bore you to death with my bad mood and depressed state that I am in lately. I hope you all have a lovely day!
Good Morning!
T -minus 5 minutes until the cheerful energetic grands arrive again. Gonna have to take to DD about morning appointments when her hubs is working LOL This grandma needs quiet coffee time. Honestly though I am glad she loves and trusts me enough with her kids that of course I am going to say yes every time.

I had asked if we could push the next session back 1 week and she wants to give me an extra 2 weeks. Just to make sure I don't hurt myself (who me??)
Awwww that's wonderful that they love you and know you and are allowing you extra time to be extra healed.
I hope you and DH survived the energetic morning filled with the Grands! How did the eye exam go?
yipppppeee that the car is fixed! Finally! dance3
Eye exam went great. Not much change but I did order new glasses that will be sunglasses. Had to order them as they quit carrying the brand I like. Cant have plastic or rubber so the BlackFin are silicone and titanium. Gonna have to wait extra long (three weeks) to get them all done and back but I will have sunglasses. Transition lenses dont transition in the car.
Son-in-law was finally able to be breathe without the machine assist - switched him to Oxygen via cannula. They lessened the sedation
Kay this is wonderful that he is improving. I know its slow and will take time but I am so glad he's able to be off the machines and breathing on his own.
Guess I will try to get in some walking today. Just a quick pop in here to say :wavinghello:, I won't bore you to death with my bad mood and depressed state that I am in lately. I hope you all have a lovely day!
(site is slow and won't load emojis) **hugs**. Take the time, bore us with your mood if it helps you process. <3

Well, my five are up and my coffee needs to be consumed. Have a wonderful day!
Good morning (almost afternoon)! I've been absent the last few days because I've been super busy. I'm on a tight deadline to complete a baby blanket and am running out of time. Last night was church so didn't get home until almost 8:30. I have a girls weekend with my daughter starting tomorrow until Sunday and I'm not sure I'll have much time to crochet then either. Looking forward to the weekend though! We are staying two nights in a local vineyard and will have a wine tasting included. We're also going to go peruse the Truman Presidential Library. I should have tons of pics to scrap!

Hope everyone else is having a good day/week!
Good afternoon...where did the day go. My normal routine-coffee, check emails, text friends/family to check on them, shower, make the bed, load of laundry, pay a bill, feed the ducks and songbirds. I released 2 Monarchs and found one more caterpillar in the garden. Jay had physical so I made the parts of the trifle I need to take to bunko tonight. We over to my friends to get more giant milkweed leaves for my babies and helped her figure out where to put some new plants she got. Hubby came home we had lunch, he is power washing house and I assembled my trifle. I washed and filled the bird bath.

@AK_Tracy Have fun with those grandchildren, I'm envious that you get to see them so much. Anoth. er perk of retirement-Grandstime I used to spend lots to time withmine when they were younger and have fond memories of those times.I'm glad there wasn't much change in your eyes. Thanks for reminding me I need eye exam so i called to make appointment.

@taxed4ever I hope you are in a better mood today with some sunshine and warm temps. I hate when my scrap mojo goes on a vaca.. Yes the site had been annoying slow. I hope you got out for your walk

Wine tasting party on the patio to all who what to join me this is the view. I will have reds and whites from sweet to dry with crackers and cheese too of course. I think it would be a fun time. Sundresses and flip flops.


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Got my hair cut this morning. Why does it go: fine, fine, fine, fine, for weeks then overnight - bam, how did it get that long?!
It looks nice today because my stylist blow dries it and I don't bother. Her salon is just across the street from where the shooting took place at the grocery store a couple weeks ago so there was lots to talk about what happened.

Then I went out to lunch with friends. One of them had had a motorcycle accident last year and is still recovering from being paralyzed. He gets around really well, can even drive. It's kind of miraculous. Unfortunately, David's awful cold means he wasn't able to join us. He tested negative for both covid and flu so I guess it really is just a cold, even though he feels so bad.

I was supposed to put the quotes I copied into here but now I can't find the right link. What can I remember?
@faerywings David went back to the house he was working on with Habitat and found his hearing aid!dance3dance4dance3
I didn't do the little prayer to St Anthony, but there's always "Tony, Tony, come on down! Something's lost that must be found." Probably not your grandma's prayer.

@BrightEyes So happy to hear about SIL improvement!

@BoatLady I can't wait for sundress and flip flop weather!
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I have a girls weekend with my daughter starting tomorrow until Sunday
This sounds so fun!!! Enjoy the time with your daughter.
Have fun with those grandchildren, I'm envious that you get to see them so much. Anoth. er perk of retirement-Grandstime I used to spend lots to time withmine when they were younger and have fond memories of those times.I'm glad there wasn't much change in your eyes. Thanks for reminding me I need eye exam so i called to make appointment.
Yes, I am blessed they're 5 miles from me. Would be hard if they lived far away. Her hubs is week on week off so its nice were close and can help when he's gone.
Wine tasting party on the patio to all who what to join me this is the view. I will have reds and whites from sweet to dry with crackers and cheese too of course. I think it would be a fun time. Sundresses and flip flops.
This...... bliss....... wish I could drive over.
I was supposed to put the quotes I copied into here but now I can't find the right link. What can I remember?
Insert quotes, lower left when you go to reply. Took me a bit to remember. And they dont disappear. They're probably still there LOL
"Tony, Tony, come on down! Something's lost that must be found."
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: