
Daily Ooos: Thursday, June 27


The Loopy-O
hello, my lOves!
It's nice and cool here ATM thanks to some crazy storms that came through last night. I heard the wind whipping, took a peek out of the front window, and the clouds were insane! I heard reports of trees and wires down and power outages all over town. It really cooled things off and the breeze and birds are making me happy right now.

How was everyone's day? I have great news to share! My parents behaved! Bwuhahah!!! Scott and Sam were picking his car up from the shop and they popped in to see my parents. They joined us for lunch- even Gary did which was awesome. Scott and Sam are too cute together and I love how Sam interacts with my parents, she gets them laughing and I think they both need more of that in their lives.
I also checked in with my BFF about the party schedule and she had me cracking up. I have been so focused on the details of it that I haven't had a chance to flip out over the weather. But she is *on it*! She has been monitoring the hourly forecast and refreshing it several times a day. I thanked her for taking that one for the team. :floorlaugh:

I have a quiet day here for the most part. I think I am going to start packing the car today so don't have to do it tomorrow when it is going to be hotter.
(Nope, I just checked the weather and it going to be cooler tomorrow so that can wait)
I am cleaning for my weapons friend this afternoon-- maybe I'll do some yard work after that.
I scrapped two pages the last few days and that felt lovely and satisfying. The Color Plays will be in the shop after the HAPS tonight and they are divine! Maybe I can even do one more page before I head out to clean :D

Wishing all of you the best day ever!


Well-Known Member
Good morning, all. We got that storm last night also, SO much rain, thunder and lightning but thankfully no damage. My friend a town away got huge HAIL! Cooler here too this morning Chris, it's lovely. Looking forward to a pleasant weather day and wishing you all the same. :cool: @faerywings

I'm wondering if someone can explain Color Play? It seems to be a monthly color palette and maybe challenges? But that's about all I get. There's a few things I still don't understand, but I'll start with that for now. ;)


The Loopy-O
@vickyday The white plants were so unusual. I read up on albino plants and that is one possibility. Another could be some sort of nutrient deficiency. But green is the chlorophyll and if there is no chlorophyll how do they get the energy from the sun?
The wedding is September 13. Getting closer and closer!
That must have been hard for Ilene to be away and not able to say goodbye to Carolyn. :(
Hehe, hiding the pills in bread is a great idea, and way less messy than peanut butter.
You should post in the Mixed Media forum here about using the crackle paint. Vicki R or Ona might have some good advice.
MEN!!! Iy yi yiii. Gary wasn't sure if he was going to be able to go to lunch b/c of his chronic nausea. He did but what did he order? A cheesesteak sandwich layered with french fries and mozzarella sticks. *blinks rapidly* He'd be a great match for Mark and his wings! :giggle4:

J needs to go out, BRB!


The Loopy-O
Good morning, all. We got that storm last night also, SO much rain, thunder and lightning but thankfully no damage. My friend a town away got huge HAIL! Cooler here too this morning Chris, it's lovely. Looking forward to a pleasant weather day and wishing you all the same. :cool: @faerywings

I'm wondering if someone can explain Color Play? It seems to be a monthly color palette and maybe challenges? But that's about all I get. There's a few things I still don't understand, but I'll start with that for now. ;)
Sheesh! Hope that there was no damage at your friend's house.
The Color Plays are kits all based on the same palette and they are on sale at half price from Friday-Monday. Such a great deal. They used to be all mini-kits but now its a big variety of kits/templates/masks etc.


Love my O Family!
hello, my lOves!
It's nice and cool here ATM thanks to some crazy storms that came through last night. I heard the wind whipping, took a peek out of the front window, and the clouds were insane! I heard reports of trees and wires down and power outages all over town. It really cooled things off and the breeze and birds are making me happy right now.

How was everyone's day? I have great news to share! My parents behaved! Bwuhahah!!! Scott and Sam were picking his car up from the shop and they popped in to see my parents. They joined us for lunch- even Gary did which was awesome. Scott and Sam are too cute together and I love how Sam interacts with my parents, she gets them laughing and I think they both need more of that in their lives.
I also checked in with my BFF about the party schedule and she had me cracking up. I have been so focused on the details of it that I haven't had a chance to flip out over the weather. But she is *on it*! She has been monitoring the hourly forecast and refreshing it several times a day. I thanked her for taking that one for the team. :floorlaugh:

I have a quiet day here for the most part. I think I am going to start packing the car today so don't have to do it tomorrow when it is going to be hotter.
(Nope, I just checked the weather and it going to be cooler tomorrow so that can wait)
I am cleaning for my weapons friend this afternoon-- maybe I'll do some yard work after that.
I scrapped two pages the last few days and that felt lovely and satisfying. The Color Plays will be in the shop after the HAPS tonight and they are divine! Maybe I can even do one more page before I head out to clean :D

Wishing all of you the best day ever!
I'm so glad you had a nice day yesterday! Glad it cooled off, too! We might actually see some rain today! Fingers crossed!!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday The white plants were so unusual. I read up on albino plants and that is one possibility. Another could be some sort of nutrient deficiency. But green is the chlorophyll and if there is no chlorophyll how do they get the energy from the sun?
The wedding is September 13. Getting closer and closer!
That must have been hard for Ilene to be away and not able to say goodbye to Carolyn. :(
Hehe, hiding the pills in bread is a great idea, and way less messy than peanut butter.
You should post in the Mixed Media forum here about using the crackle paint. Vicki R or Ona might have some good advice.
MEN!!! Iy yi yiii. Gary wasn't sure if he was going to be able to go to lunch b/c of his chronic nausea. He did but what did he order? A cheesesteak sandwich layered with french fries and mozzarella sticks. *blinks rapidly* He'd be a great match for Mark and his wings! :giggle4:

J needs to go out, BRB!
HA! Yeah that sounds about right.....Gary/Mark.....Gary/Mark...... :giggle4:
Asher does not like the pain meds squirted into his mouth! He saw Mark with the syringe this morning and headed back to his kennel. Mark had to force it down him and then blow in his mouth to make him swallow! One more day of that.....4 more days of hiding the pill twice a day!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Had my 1 mile walk this morning in the suffocating humidity!
Have a dr appt in about 1 1/2 hours to check on a swollen vein or something on the right side of my tummy. Weird!
We actually have some misty rain happening right now! Hope it increases strength! Just not quite like what Chris had yesterday @faerywings !
I hope to be meeting the girl from FB marketplace today for the stuff of mine she is buying! That will remove about 5 items from my list! WOOHOO! Plus she wants to look at all of the stuff I don't even have posted yet!
My bee mixed media project is coming along. I worked on the wings yesterday. Not done, however.
I need to clean up around here some today. My craft stuff has taken over! I would like to try and maybe do a scrapbook page today. Or maybe catch up on my ATCs which are WAY behind! Just have had no MOJO!
Have a great day!


The Loopy-O
@Terri M Did you hear my "Gary thought he was Patchy the Pirate low-blood sugar story" I shared a few weeks ago? That was funny. OK, not at the moment, but it is *hysterical* now. I've only had to call 911 once from low blood sugar and that was scary. I had a glucose IV bag hooked up to him (he had a PICC line at that point for Lyme) and he wasn't responding. The glucagon the paramedics shot him with made him feel sicker than anything. But he needed it whether he wanted it or not.

@JeanneMN I was trying to find an image of PB hugging a tree with no luck, guess that wasn't his vibe. But I learned this:

Celebrate tomorrow! LOL
So sorry to hear about the gardens being all messed up. I hope the arborist isn't delayed so the tree work can get done before your plants and planters get destroyed. I am mad at the chipmunks right now (not really but I am bummed). Scott had a pawpaw seedling that he planted in 2019. They are super slow growers and this year it is (was??) about 4" tall and has several leaf branches. A darn chipmunk ate through the tap root. I replanted it hoping that the smaller roots will branch out but it is not looking so good. :crying1:

@BrightEyes I know that you have lived on the East Coast and know that 45% humidity is nothin' Hahahah! That's a dry heat out here. Tee hee!! It has to be awful breathing in that though if not used to it, take it nice and slow.
Did you overheat your shredder getting rid of the unnecessary papers? I'm telling ya, you are going to have a table, a chair, some bookcases, and that's gonna be it by the time you finish decluttering. Hope you and DD#3 had a great visit. How is DD#2 feeling,s he was the one who was sick? And her DH?

@bcgal00 How exciting to be prepping and furnishing the house for company. It must be such a cheerful place to hang :)
I did not like Tracker at all when we started watching but it is growing on me and I like it a lot.
@Cherylndesigns my MIL also rec'd Your Honor and we watched 2 episodes so far and it is intense. Gripping!

@vickyday IMHO- all of the other craft buyers fell through so it would be available to this woman who needs it and appreciates it. I am so happy for you and for her, I like it when karma works out.

Jeanne- is CME on Paramount? IIIRC its somewhere that we don't get which is too bad b/c I loved CM.
How's the laundry? :laundry:

@pachimac I swear they cancel the good shows and the ones that are ridiculous stay on forever. So disappointed that NCIS: Hawaii got canceled by Sydney didn't. Eh, what can ya do?

@Cherylndesigns The winds must have been pretty awful by you too. How did you do- able to sleep through it ok? Hope so.
:rotfl: at you and Jeanne!



Morning, all. Had a good visit with DD#3 yesterday. We got the 8 big binders down... they are 3" wide ones and are filled with papers!!! Only 2 of them have papers that must be shredded. 2 others have papers that need to have a couple of spots that needed to be blacked out - much easier and quicker than shredding them. And one has new unused notebook papers, graph papers and page separators. The rest of them have Old Golf lessons that can go right into recycle bin. My shredder is a small one so have to empty it frequently and let it cool down every 20 minutes or so. PITB so those papers will be the last ones I tackle. I am slowly but surely getting things in the office decluttered. I need to talk to DS#1 about how to destroy info on DVDs before getting rid of them... (he was the IT tech supervisor for years).

Have several errands to run this morning.... and hope to get them done before the rains start up again.
Then it is back on the computer to get caught up on a few CT duties and get ready for Color Play to kick off this evening. HAGD


Well-Known Member
@faerywings I managed to get two loads done, so at least I have undies. I didn't fold the undies right away, I usually let them relax in the dryer for a while, but hubs is OCD when it comes to neatness, and next thing I knew the undies were folded with perfect precision and ready to put away. Next load Sam Ting, I didn't grab the t-shirts right away, honestly, I have wrinkles and seriously don't care if my t-shirts are wrinkled, but there they were on the bed all neatly laid out and ready to hang. Honestly, I would have gotten it done, eventually. The arborist called yesterday, and they will come tomorrow it doesn't storm as predicted; if it rains, it will be Tuesday, so that is extremely exciting.

I got up and went to the gym this morning and then headed to the grocery store where we shop and also get gas. I needed to get my gas perks fixed, picked up a couple more bags of cherries, I eat waaaayyyyyyyy too many and get :greengrin::greengrin::greengrin::greengrin::greengrin: a whole lotta air pollution. Did I mention the car's gas tank was about empty, but apparently, I left my brain at home, because I went on my merry way with the cherries, drove right by the gas station, a couple miles down the road I coming down the ramp onto the highway home, and go :censored::censored::censored::censored::banghead::banghead::banghead: I FORGOT to get gas for the car!!!! Ya, know, it's all about me and my gas. Luckily, I was very near an exit ramp so I got off, the cute little gas pump light lights up. Now I'm not sure how to get back to the gas station because there isn't an on ramp. So, I'm trying to tell the lady who lives in the car that I want Hy Vee Grocery store, after her repeating, say: address, place of interest, yada yada yada about 3 times, I finally get her to tell me the route back. I guess a grocery store is a place of interest, she needs to get a life. I don't know how big the gas tank is, but I put in almost 20 gallons of gas and then forgot we use a different credit card for gas because we get 4% cash back which is more than the one we use for everything else. Hubs is out getting ready to mow lawn, I should go out and water my plants.

I'll get back later, I'm sorta :spinningchair::spinningchair::newhere::spinningchair::spinningchair:@vickyday and yes, lost in the hallway multiple times.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings 21776acd313d54e064c08d0b629c3f25.jpgf24fe2427bca83fb876d3bcf8d8a0f5c.jpgHRPSEY2LYLOCPVW4OBPALUPYYE.jpg Paul Bunyan is a big deal in northern Minnesota especiallly around the Brainerd lakes area. There is Paul Bunyan Amusement Park in Brainerd, I wanted to go there in the worst way when I was a kid because Paul would say your name. We drive by it every year when we go on vacation up in that area. It's a really beautiful part of the state.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
We got rain last night, too! Yay! Our 2 rain barrels, which had been empty, are full. We use them for watering the flowers.

I spent almost all day yesterday resurrecting the web site for our local chorus, which some WordPress update had broken. It's my own fault, I've let it languish on an old template that hasn't been maintained for years, so I kind of knew it would happen eventually. I kept putting off upgrading but, now it's not an option.

@JeanneMN I need someone like your husband. I'm in the "if it's sitting in the dryer I don't need to find a hanger" school of thought. Back in the 90s, before everyone was business casual, there would be days I'd stop at Short Hills Mall on the way home from work to buy a dress so I'd have something to wear the next day--just to avoid doing laundry.

@MariJ Color Play is a little confusing to me, too. Are the products all supposed to be able to work together? I'm going to have to figure out how to tag my index so the products get grouped together somehow.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've got a busy day ahead. Dog park soon after a quick shower, then groceries to get food for a charcuterie board tonight. I'll head over to mahjong at lunchtime and then after dropping off a friend, I'll pop into the drugstore and then home to get the food ready for 6 (my turn to host game night).

We played canasta yesterday at the center and had a blast. We'll be going most Wed afternoons. Their rules are a bit different than the ones we learned, so I'll teach the group those rules tonight and they'll be ready to play at the center too.

We watched the first two episodes of Tracker and I am enjoying it but I knew I probably would b/c I am a big fan of Justin Hartley (the main character).

@faerywings Sounds like a wonderful family time. Glad your friend is helping relieve some of the party stress.

@vickyday Dogs and pills, ugh...it's never easy with our dogs either. Glad you are having re-selling your marketplace stuff. My Darrell always has good luck with marketplace.

@JeanneMN I can relate to the gas story LOL. I start getting nervous when it gets down to 1/4 tank, so will go way out of my way to find a gas station to fill up again when I have forgotten and missed my intended stop. My hubs loves to bug me, letting the tank get really low and laughs as he watches me, watching the gas gauge.

I'd better get going. Lots to do today. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
We got rain last night, too! Yay! Our 2 rain barrels, which had been empty, are full. We use them for watering the flowers.

I spent almost all day yesterday resurrecting the web site for our local chorus, which some WordPress update had broken. It's my own fault, I've let it languish on an old template that hasn't been maintained for years, so I kind of knew it would happen eventually. I kept putting off upgrading but, now it's not an option.

@JeanneMN I need someone like your husband. I'm in the "if it's sitting in the dryer I don't need to find a hanger" school of thought. Back in the 90s, before everyone was business casual, there would be days I'd stop at Short Hills Mall on the way home from work to buy a dress so I'd have something to wear the next day--just to avoid doing laundry.

@MariJ Color Play is a little confusing to me, too. Are the products all supposed to be able to work together? I'm going to have to figure out how to tag my index so the products get grouped together somehow.


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I've got a busy day ahead. Dog park soon after a quick shower, then groceries to get food for a charcuterie board tonight. I'll head over to mahjong at lunchtime and then after dropping off a friend, I'll pop into the drugstore and then home to get the food ready for 6 (my turn to host game night).

We played canasta yesterday at the center and had a blast. We'll be going most Wed afternoons. Their rules are a bit different than the ones we learned, so I'll teach the group those rules tonight and they'll be ready to play at the center too.

We watched the first two episodes of Tracker and I am enjoying it but I knew I probably would b/c I am a big fan of Justin Hartley (the main character).

@faerywings Sounds like a wonderful family time. Glad your friend is helping relieve some of the party stress.

@vickyday Dogs and pills, ugh...it's never easy with our dogs either. Glad you are having re-selling your marketplace stuff. My Darrell always has good luck with marketplace.

@JeanneMN I can relate to the gas story LOL. I start getting nervous when it gets down to 1/4 tank, so will go way out of my way to find a gas station to fill up again when I have forgotten and missed my intended stop. My hubs loves to bug me, letting the tank get really low and laughs as he watches me, watching the gas gauge.

I'd better get going. Lots to do today. HAGD everyone.
Have a great day, Rae!
The right person at the right time is what it takes to be successful on marketplace, for sure!


Love my O Family!
WE HAVE RAIN!!! Albeit not too heavy, but it is wet!
Just got back from the doctor. She is ordering an ultrasound, which I am thankful for. Whatever it is on my right side, she feels it is in the tissue of the skin. So I still don't have any answers. BUT, my BP was amazing at 118/78 today! She took blood to check my A1C and did a urine sample. No results on those yet!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hello everyone :wavinghello: another week of mostly being MIA! The In-Laws have been keeping me very busy! MIL has gotten into the cleaning mode and we are cleaning everything in sight LOL. Indoors and out. The carpet has been laid in the sewing shed and so now she will be wanting to organize her sewing stuff in there. There is a ton of stuff, so it will be another big job. I have missed being here, but by the time I get home and get dinner going, I am too pooped to pop in here and catch up with everyone! Looks like I will be MIA for a bit longer, but will get my month end chores done here. My Gary is taking next week off, so that we can get some things accomplished around our own house. Lots to do! Oh yesterday I had a tour of the new building that he works in and Wow is it ever nice, very impressive and built for the future when more and more people move here and more and more RCMP are needed along with the support staff. Anyway I am off to help MIL with her outdoor pots for the garden and getting the upstairs guest room/bedroom ready for SIL Sharon to sleep in as she is taking next week off and staying with her parents. I might get a bit of a break next week :yesss:. Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! I miss all of you!! :waving1


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone!
I feel like I Haven't been here in a week. I have but it feels like I haven't. I'm trying to adjust the notifications. I want to see when someone responds on layouts to me or my layouts but not all layouts I comment on and it seems I cant find the happy middle :stupicpc:

I need to talk to DS#1 about how to destroy info on DVDs before getting rid of them.
My hubs said just toss them in the mircorwave for ten seconds. That's what they did at his job when they needed to destroy sensitive info. Its crazy and pops and sparks but they are NOT usable again.

I am so happy to see that those who need the rain are finally getting some. We are cooler too but no rain. Lots of wildlife running around. We're on the watch for black bear. Have to be careful when we let the littles out as we have one in our neighborhood.

@MariJ and @Terri M color play is fun. My understanding, as I asked and will look for the explanation, I think its on the blog, is that the designers are given a color palette to create with. They come up with kits that coordinate as they all fall under the same color palette. The challenges of colorplay are to use those kits and create layouts. They release near the end of the month. June will release tonight. The month is always "behind" in the designers create Junes color play during June and we get it the last Thursday of June. You will see it featured in layouts all July until July's release. It sounds super complicated as a newbie but what I realized is its not really. Its a color palette and lots of kits that can be put together or separate. The challenge is easy, use the color play kits. Hope this helps. Here's the blog link where Cheryl talked about it:


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone!
I feel like I Haven't been here in a week. I have but it feels like I haven't. I'm trying to adjust the notifications. I want to see when someone responds on layouts to me or my layouts but not all layouts I comment on and it seems I cant find the happy middle :stupicpc:

My hubs said just toss them in the mircorwave for ten seconds. That's what they did at his job when they needed to destroy sensitive info. Its crazy and pops and sparks but they are NOT usable again.

I am so happy to see that those who need the rain are finally getting some. We are cooler too but no rain. Lots of wildlife running around. We're on the watch for black bear. Have to be careful when we let the littles out as we have one in our neighborhood.

@MariJ and @Terri M color play is fun. My understanding, as I asked and will look for the explanation, I think its on the blog, is that the designers are given a color palette to create with. They come up with kits that coordinate as they all fall under the same color palette. The challenges of colorplay are to use those kits and create layouts. They release near the end of the month. June will release tonight. The month is always "behind" in the designers create Junes color play during June and we get it the last Thursday of June. You will see it featured in layouts all July until July's release. It sounds super complicated as a newbie but what I realized is its not really. Its a color palette and lots of kits that can be put together or separate. The challenge is easy, use the color play kits. Hope this helps. Here's the blog link where Cheryl talked about it:
I had the same issues with notifications. Under preferences I turned off automatically watch content you interact with. On the bottom 1&2 off, 3-5 on, 6 off, 7_9 on, 10-14 off, 15 on, 16 on, 17 off, and all the rest on.

I've missed you Twin, I was afraid the black bear had gotten you.


Well-Known Member
I had the same issues with notifications. Under preferences I turned off automatically watch content you interact with. On the bottom 1&2 off, 3-5 on, 6 off, 7_9 on, 10-14 off, 15 on, 16 on, 17 off, and all the rest on.

I've missed you Twin, I was afraid the black bear had gotten you.
Thanks for this! Gonna see if mine match LOL I had zero notifications today and it freaked me out after normally having 25-50. Gonna check and see.

Nope, no black bear got me. It was after the moose though and yesterday the moose and baby ran past my bedroom window and do you think the security camera caught it? NO! I've been waiting and waiting and nope didn't catch them.


Well-Known Member
Yep, @JeanneMN Twins think alike! I had one different than you have but yep that's what I changed it to last night. That's so funny!
There was something I read of yours last week in one of the forums & I heard the Twilight Zone theme in my head because it was like I'd written it.
Last edited:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thought I'd pop in again today. Chris @faerywings awesome news that your parents got along. BIG news. :floorlaugh: Yes, we had a lot of rain and wind come through here. I couldn't believe it took my flagpole and I found my new flag in a pile in the drive. Geesh, I just got both of them like a week ago. Adrienne and Roger lost their gazebo. You know I can't sleep when it's storming. LOL. It actually woke me up in the middle of the night. Honestly, I was so thrilled to hear that hard rain - all I could think of was that I could get out and pull weeds, which I did. I'm HOPING that the kids can make time to put my bench together but I had to get in there and clean a spot. My gardens look like small jungles right now. I need to move lots of plants and trim lots of shrubs. I did make a good dent in it yesterday though.

Marilyn @marj and Terri @Terri M Tracy gave you a good explanation and a link to the blog. I post a Color Play post every Wednesday and try to explain what it is, and I know it's confusing. Honestly, I think it was the most confusing thing to me way back when. Don't feel like you're alone. Every month, the designers work from a Color Play Palette, which also includes an inspiration picture. You wouldn't think they could come up with so many variations of one-color palette - it's pretty amazing. You can get to the blog quickly by going up to the top row on the forum (where all the different categories are) and the blog is right there. I also post Color Play on Instagram every weekend, if you're on IG. You can see the collections on there, too. Here's the IG link: https://www.instagram.com/oscraps/

Hugs to ALL.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone, I've been a bit MIA this week as well. All is in order for the new job to begin on July 8th. Had to go to the church HR and fill out paper work and get all that stuff lined up. Also this week I did some goodwill shopping for some new work clothes. Also did some shopping at DSW for some shoes. One pair of shoes fit great in the store - went back today. Wore them for a few hours and decided they MUST go back. Then I cleaned the house like crazy since these days are numbered, and this morning I played pickleball. But then, Mark came home sick and I took him to the doctor. Seems he's dehydrated from all this heat. They did some blood work as well. He feels lousy, blood sugar whacky, dizzy, stumbling, not good. He'll be off work tomorrow and stay indoors. Good thoughts and prayers are appreciated!!

@faerywings I enjoyed seeing the photo of you the other day. It's kind of like having a name with a face and meeting you officially finally! So thank you for sharing that! I'll be thinking of you on shower day. Everything will go brilliantly!

@JeanneMN thanks for the tips on the preferences. I'll check that out too - I still seem to get more notifications than needed. In the early days those were kind of blindly poked through. Looking at them again will a little hand holding from you will be good!!

@Cherylndesigns I missed the post about your storm but in reading about the clean up I was thinking it was good the totem and bench wasn't up yet so they didn't get damaged! You must be getting close to getting that project done?

@bcgal00 You must be the busiest most active person I know!

@BrightEyes You are an inspiration for organization skills!!

@vickyday We had barely a mist of rain today - grey and yucky but no rain to speak of. Just hot. And humid. Your rain needs to head just a weeee little bit south!

Hope you all had a great day, and will see you tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Darn that newsletter and talented artist!!! I promised myself not to spend money. But its on sale so thankful for girl math and that I have to buy it as its on sale. Darn those amazing kits that must come home even if I dont know what I will use them for now. They are amazing!! Darn it, dance3 I have to spend money!!!!!


Talk about a busy day.... Got my shower, dressed at the door at 10... Stopped at the Post Office to buy some stamps (I had used all that I had and bills had to be mailed today). Then across the parking lot to the local library to turn in the 2 books I had finished reading. The Summer Reading program had a Bingo game that I had finished. Name and info put on the back and it goes into the barrel for a grand prize drawing in 4 more weeks. Finished the first 4 weeks of reading so could get a free book. But I had most of the books on the cart so they gave me a Book Coupon to redeem at Loma Colorado branch. Drove over there (3 miles away) and found a book... "Wolves" Book 1 of a series of 4. Fantasy. If I like it, I can get the other 3 books there. Then as long as I was out, I stopped by the Used Book/DVD place to check on their DVDs. Woo-whee... they had a bunch of ones from the 50's, 60's (about WWII) and 3 others that I have been looking to find! Came home with 10 DVDs... at $1 each!!!

DD#1 had called while I was out - so called her to find out what her Ortho doc said about her foot. He doesn't think she has any broken or small fractures but....he thinks she has done damage to the tendons in the foot. He ordered an MRI and put her in a long walking boot (from just below her knee to passed her toes with a blow-up pressure ball just below the knee. It is same thing that DD#3 had when she had tendon surgery about 18 months ago. Sounds like DD#1 will be in the boot for maybe up to 6 months!!! Yikes!! While I was talking to her, got a call from DD#2. Yes, DD#2 is the one in MO who had Covid and is still on Oxygen. Her hubby had a vein replacement on the leg and his small toe amputated. He was suppose to go to rehab this week but the toe wound and the toe next to it got infected so he was kept in the hospital to treat them. They had to get a new permission from the insurance co to transfer him to rehab since he wasn't transferred earlier... Crazy... He isn't doing well so prayers and healing thoughts would be appreciated.

Just got off the phone when a bad wind storm... then rain and some hait hit. We are still under a flash flood watch until sometime tomorrow. I am up on the mesa so not worried about getting flooded in my neighborhood. When the lightening and thunder start up, I get off the computer. Will wait until tomorrow to work on Color Play LOs. I hear the wind starting up again so need to close this down.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm so sorry to hear about your DD's hubby, Kay @BrightEyes I will definitely keep him and DD in my thoughts and prayers. That sounds like it could develop into something. We must have sent you our bad rain/wind storm from night before last. Stay safe and keep us updated on your DD's hubby.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thank you Chris, Tracy & Cheryl for the Color Play explanation, I THINK I understand it all better. @faerywings @AK_Tracy @Cherylndesigns

Terri I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused and Cheryl, you made me feel better too! @Terri M
You're very welcome - it's not an easy concept to understand in the beginning. Glad I could help! If you have ANY questions, just let us know - we've all been there. :hug3: :hug3: