
Daily Ooos: Thursday, July 4


Love my O Family!
Happy July 4th to all Americans! I should have checked to see who all celebrates today, but didn't think of it! I'll let you chime in on your holiday!
Nothing going on for DH and I today, so I decided to start the thread.
Got my 2 miles in while DH is sleeping in today! YAY for him!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
Good morning!! Thank you for opening the thread, Vicky ♥

I took my time getting out of bed and having coffee this morning since I am not doing *anything* today. And not by choice either but because of my own dang stubbornness. I said this yesterday about the hike:
it's not the easiest and has some rock scrambles. But not terrible either. (Talk to me tomorrow if I can't move LOL)
My knee felt 95% all day so I figured it should be ok on the hike as long as I was careful. I put on a soft brace, had my trekking pole, and I took Advil before I left. It was not feeling great on the way up but coming back down was brutal. Every time I bent my leg (hah, as in every step -- over 10K according to Fitbit LOL), it hurt. I did some googling this morning, and it seems to me and Dr. Google it is Iliotibial Band Syndrome. It only really hurts when I bend it. Standing and putting weight on it is fine. Walking- not so much. :/
I am so relieved that I don't have a job that requires me to walk/hike. :rolleyes:
It's 100% my fault too. They told me if I wasn't up to it, not to do the hike. If I rest and ice it today, *fingers and toes crossed* it will be better by the weekend.

The coffee pot is still brewing cold and I have to start dosing Jaida with her Trazodone this morning so she doesn't flip out over all of the neighborhood fireworks tonight.
The rest of today is RICE.

At least I have lots of photos to scrap today :cheer:



Love my O Family!
Just jumping on the acronym band-wagon!
Amy, I have a limited acronym "vocabulary" too! I usually wait until someone else asks the ??.....what does "..." mean, LOL!
checkbook has diarrhea these days & I've had a constipated layout the last 2 days.
HA! Our checkbook has had diarrhea big time lately....basically all year! I remember in school we used to say that someone had diarrhea of the mouth when we wished "they" would just be quiet!
I'm typically anal about tagging everything
I would LOVE for someone to explain to me how to tag things to make it easier to search for what I want!
My rambling is excessive , my run on sentences are reproducing with each other.
I love reading your rambling! I usually laugh through your whole rambling sentences, LOL!
If I rest and ice it today, *fingers and toes crossed* it will be better by the weekend.
Yes, you need to do this, definitely!
The rest of today is RICE.
Is "RICE" another acronym?

YAY! @AK_Tracy I just did my first "QUOTES"! What a game changer, LOL!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday Yup, we are living in a disposable economy. :/
How was your visit with Ilene? She must be happy to be back home. How is she doing after the loss of Carolyn?
Great news about the urine culture!

@mimes1 Ike sounds like he is a perfect Good Boy. It's wrecking when you see them struggle with certain physical things but they are still "there." YKWIM?
Gary always had to help me get the dogs in and out of the car when they got to that point. Harley was 17, close to 18 when we had her euthanized and Ray was 16. (I think. might have been 17... It was during Covid and a blizzard and time meant nothing).
Will you make Ike a cake? *chuckles to myself* For Ravyn's last birthday, Cait made her a cake and she swallowed the entire thing whole. It was there and then it was gone. In like 2 seconds. LOL Jaida and Whisky were still working on theirs and that's saying something cuz W was a street dog and would scarf down her food quickly. Dogs are the best ♥

You are going to be awesome at the job! Attitude and engagement are so important and you are already there!
I am so excited for you!

@JeanneMN Now I am gonna be hooked on calling "drive-by posts" bellybutton visits! :rotfl:
How long did your pool weather last?
It's crazy in a good way how fast you all became part of our internal lives. I can't even tell how many times I think of all of you throughout the day.
You speak Minion language!! You crack me up! :giggle4:

@BrightEyes Isn't it so much fun to go back and see the difference in scrapping styles and themes? I can't delete a few of my super old stash because they are either too funny or I am being sentimental. But will I ever use them? Hard pass!
It really was amazing that no one got hurt by the pergola.
Any more news about your SIL#2?

@Celestine I am looking forward to hearing more about Chief when you are ready to share :hug3:

@AK_Tracy Coffee pots *should* live forever, or at least more than a year!! grrrr. We got a Krups for our wedding *coughs 31 years ago* and it lasted 15 years. Ever since then, we go through one every 1-2 years. Doesn't matter if it is a $30 Mr. Coffee or a more expensive Cuisinart.
If anyone has a recommendation -- I am all ears.
Thank you for the meal planning idea. I have an app (Paprika) that I try to keep updated but I am not consistent enough. With everyone's schedules and dietary "challenges" (Not to them, only to me) I should be more on top of it.
Enjoy the peaceful house!

I started an Acronym Thread a while ago because I use a lot of them. If there is ever something I say -- in English or in Acronym-ese
please shout out.

@vickyday Great news re: your appt!

@JeanneMN Blergh- that stinks about needing new glasses. I get my glasses from Zenni.com and they are much cheaper. I wear contacts 99% of the time so if the glasses aren't precise, the only thing I'll do is walk into a wall at home. But I can get a pair of progressives for less than $100. Just something to check out, YMMV (your mileage may vary)
I think that is what I should do while I sit on my butt all day-- tag my "To Be Tagged Folder." That's where all of my downloads go until I tag/put them into their designer folders. It is *overflowing* ATM! (at the moment)
Usually I am the Queen of the Run On Sentence, I bow to you today :bowdown:

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Terri M

Well-Known Member
80s and humid for biking this morning, bleagh. But there were lots of people out on bikes, and fewer cars because of the holday, so it was a pleasant ride alol in all. We usually start out heading toward the mountains, which means coming home is mostly downhill, whee! which is nice and cool.

@faerywings Downhill hiking was always much harder on my knees than uphill, back before I got the titanium ones. Two years ago the orthopedist thought I had IT band syndrome and I did PT for nearly a year, including a weird needling thing, and then finally they decided I needed a titanium hip. I must say literally the minute I woke up from the hip replacement I knew that my knee was fixed; the IT band thing was wrong all along. Hiking in Shenandoah NP is always interesting because you start at the top and hike down to see waterfalls etc. which means you have to save enough energy to walk uphill on the way out.

I think (fingers crossed) I’ve caught up with everything in the house and with the websites I support and with my Trails Crew notes out so I can take some time to do some reading and scrapping today. Thought about a winery this afternoon but forecast is for thunderstorms (please rain) so just quiet time. I need to look through the store and see what I can buy for a couple of the challenges.

I’ve also been thinking about archiving some of older and less used kits. I use OneNote to index them, and the list of items is getting pretty long. I don’t suppose it would take much effort to create an archive category, but cleaning up always seems to take a back seat to something more fun until it becomes intolerable, right?


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!
Its overcast and suppose to rain today, which like all of you, we need.

YAY! @AK_Tracy I just did my first "QUOTES"! What a game changer, LOL!
YEAH!!!!!!! Way to go!!! Its such a game changer. I dont have the ability to comment without them. I forget what I want to say.

@faerywings Chris I wish coffee pots would be more better. We too go through them a bit but not as often as you seem to. Mr Coffee has probably been our best brand in years past. I dont think I've ever had one last as long as you have though. Not events one we had when we got married lasted that long. I want to say 5 years is our max. My current one is from Costco and 14 cup pot.Its a cuisanart brand. My only suggestion is not to buy Walmart. I heard years ago that companies make a vision of their product for Walmart and its cheaply made which is why they can sell it for less. Kitchen aid does this. So when you see a brand name and its cheaper than anywhere else this is why. It will look the same but wont be made the same. Just my 2 cents.

Today should be super chill (literally and figuratively) and I have nothing to do. Going to attempt a challenge layout or read a book. Maybe both.
Have a wonderful day.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday Yup, we are living in a disposable economy. :/
How was your visit with Ilene? She must be happy to be back home. How is she doing after the loss of Carolyn?
Great news about the urine culture!

@mimes1 Ike sounds like he is a perfect Good Boy. It's wrecking when you see them struggle with certain physical things but they are still "there." YKWIM?
Gary always had to help me get the dogs in and out of the car when they got to that point. Harley was 17, close to 18 when we had her euthanized and Ray was 16. (I think. might have been 17... It was during Covid and a blizzard and time meant nothing).
Will you make Ike a cake? *chuckles to myself* For Ravyn's last birthday, Cait made her a cake and she swallowed the entire thing whole. It was there and then it was gone. In like 2 seconds. LOL Jaida and Whisky were still working on theirs and that's saying something cuz W was a street dog and would scarf down her food quickly. Dogs are the best ♥

You are going to be awesome at the job! Attitude and engagement are so important and you are already there!
I am so excited for you!

@JeanneMN Now I am gonna be hooked on calling "drive-by posts" bellybutton visits! :rotfl:
How long did your pool weather last?
It's crazy in a good way how fast you all became part of our internal lives. I can't even tell how many times I think of all of you throughout the day.
You speak Minion language!! You crack me up! :giggle4:

@BrightEyes Isn't it so much fun to go back and see the difference in scrapping styles and themes? I can't delete a few of my super old stash because they are either too funny or I am being sentimental. But will I ever use them? Hard pass!
It really was amazing that no one got hurt by the pergola.
Any more news about your SIL#2?

@Celestine I am looking forward to hearing more about Chief when you are ready to share :hug3:

@AK_Tracy Coffee pots *should* live forever, or at least more than a year!! grrrr. We got a Krups for our wedding *coughs 31 years ago* and it lasted 15 years. Ever since then, we go through one every 1-2 years. Doesn't matter if it is a $30 Mr. Coffee or a more expensive Cuisinart.
If anyone has a recommendation -- I am all ears.
Thank you for the meal planning idea. I have an app (Paprika) that I try to keep updated but I am not consistent enough. With everyone's schedules and dietary "challenges" (Not to them, only to me) I should be more on top of it.
Enjoy the peaceful house!

I started an Acronym Thread a while ago because I use a lot of them. If there is ever something I say -- in English or in Acronym-ese
please shout out.

@vickyday Great news re: your appt!

@JeanneMN Blergh- that stinks about needing new glasses. I get my glasses from Zenni.com and they are much cheaper. I wear contacts 99% of the time so if the glasses aren't precise, the only thing I'll do is walk into a wall at home. But I can get a pair of progressives for less than $100. Just something to check out, YMMV (your mileage may vary)
I think that is what I should do while I sit on my butt all day-- tag my "To Be Tagged Folder." That's where all of my downloads go until I tag/put them into their designer folders. It is *overflowing* ATM! (at the moment)
Usually I am the Queen of the Run On Sentence, I bow to you today :bowdown:

Yes, Ilene is glad to be back home. She missed her great grands! She misses Carolyn but knows she is in a better place!