
Daily Ooos: Thursday, July 25


The Loopy-O
What am I doing? And where is time going? Are we actually down to one last week in July??
It can't be!? Right???

Get it together, Faery. *slaps both cheeks*

OK. I think I am better. I just can't accept that the month is almost over and summer is halfway gone and the month after August is September and holy cow- that means Cait is getting married very soon.
I have a little countdown widget on my Home Page and I thought it would be cute, would be helpful. Now I am rethinking all of my decisions. All of them. :lol23:

Did you all have a decent enough day yesterday?
I had yet another boring day. I'm not good with them, not evern a little. Do you all remember back in May and June and I was running non-stop and *complaining* non-stop how allllllll I wanted was a day to do nothing? And here I am, complaining that I have too many days of doing nothing. I did laundry, yoga, cleaned for my friend, and went for a short walk with another friend. Cooked dinner and watched TV. Went to bed wondering how much more my soggy brain can take.

Today is another day with no big plans. It's supposed to be cloudy and humid all day so I am not sure if the yard is going to dry enough to work in. I don't like to shop so there isn't any point to going to a store or mall. No money to shop either.... window shopping only makes me feel worse.
I could do my nails. They are growing really long and I am trying hard to not bite them. (BTW- "really long" is maybe 1/8" LOL! -- long for me considering I typically have my hands in dirt this time of year.)
Gary's been feeling awful since he finished his week on the abx from hell. This round was worse then usual. Poor guy. I hated that med and hope I never need to take it again.

Ugh, I just blathered on about all of the crankiness in my head and none of it matters. Hahaha!! :floorlaugh:
Let me post this before I delete it all and then get aggravated that I need to start over.

Hugs! ♥


The Loopy-O
I really am sorry about that post, but at least I am being "real."

@BrightEyes I am not sure when you will see this but have a fantastic visit with your sister! I am not surprised at all that she knew you needed a hand. I trust you to listen to her if she tells you to see the doctor. :giggle4:
Hugs to you both!

@vickyday we must be in a similar weather system as you. The weekend here is supposed to be fantastic, I hope it is for you as well.
I hope that the computer updates are finished by now.

So, we broke down on the highway on our way from Vegas to Wyoming. We are stuck in St George waiting to find out if they will/ can swap out vans or if they are going to try to fix the van. We are supposed to be setting up the train modules right now, and Mike modules are the keystone they build off of.
Oh no!!!!!! Glad to hear that you have a hotel room and all good thoughts that you can get to where you need to be quickly and safely.

A quick in and out of here this morning as I am off to my hike and need to pack myself a bit of a snack and take my big backpack for this one. It's close by, but its been awhile since I hiked and I want to make sure I have lots of water. It is approx. 4miles and a very lovely hike.
How was the hike? Hope it was beautiful and you got to take some photos. Do you have a backpack with a water bladder? I have one as my big pack too and I have such mixed feelings about it. I love not having to drag a water bottle but then my pack feels so heavy anyway.
I would send the rain to you if I could although we are still "Abnormally Dry" according the the weather forecasters. Not in a technical drought yet but it's close. :(

I told hubs I deserve and expect a retirement cruise in a warm climate when I finally graduate this one.
For real!!! That's an incredible commitment and I can't even imagine how hard the work was.
I feel so productive at the moment.
Honestly-- I am happy for you, I just wish I had a little of that feeling within myself right now.
Lots of little bits and no consistent thought process.
Sounds exactly like me! You made lots of sense. Who needs a functioning brain? :spinningchair:
That bites about not fishing... you definitely don't want to hurt your clavicle more though. Can someone else do the fishing and you can claim the catch? That seems somewhat illegal-- a bit fishy if you will...

@Cherylndesigns So glad that you were able to talk to Susie, you are a good friend ♥

@Terri M That must have been interesting having the CSA produce packages, it must have forced you to think outside the box when you had to use the food. That's one of my biggest blocks for meal planning. I am bored with everything that I cook.
I used to make hard-boiled eggs in a pan, then I got an egg steamer (thanks to Trudy!). Now I use the IP and can do a dozen eggs at once!

@AK_Tracy Blursday is hysterical!!! LOVE it!!!! :rotfl:

Hello everyone! It's been a good day here. Finding new rhythms and getting into a routine. I miss you all!! Mark's really tired tonight which means TV for him and scrapping for me!
So nice to see you here, sorry that Mark was tired but nice that you for the scrap time in! How is his shoulder feeling? Still good?

my granddaughter explained it,"Nana, Fluffy bit the judge, it wasn't just a scratch, it was a chunk out of his finger
Oh no! :holysheep: I'm not surprised. In my experience, bunnies are cute but they can be nasty when provoked. Or maybe it was just Caitlyn's Bunny who was cranky. When she thumped, you knew to back away! LOL
Have a wonderful time on the lake!!
This girl is done with the day. I'm going to bed now.
all good thoughts that today is a much, much better one!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Yesterday was busy. I walked, went to lunch with Mark, worked on ATCs getting them posted and working the daily one! I was a month and a half behind on those things! It all started when my sister was here in early June!
Mark wanted me to fry some yellow squash the neighbor gave us. I did. I was not thrilled with it. Didn't do anything for my taste buds but he said he liked them. Mom always used corn meal. He said only use flour. BLECH!!!! Next time I will use corn meal. I just need to find a recipe! Then we went to our regular church service.
Tonight we are going back to the revival service an hour away.
Today I am going to pick up Ilene, go to lunch, go to Save-a-Buck and probably play Qwirkle at her house. I won't be able to stay as long since I will have to get back to get ready for church.
No walking today as it is raining. No complaining from me, however! It is still warm and humid.
Think I will fix some coffee after I finish here. I try not to drink too much coffee because I can't drink it without French Vanilla creamer in it! But I've been a bad girl with all of the sugary snacks lately! C'est la vie!

It is human nature! We want something and then we fuss when we get it, LOL!
It's supposed to be cloudy and humid all day
We are getting more rain this morning.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Good morning from the pig barn at the Olmsted County Fair! The youngest kids are out there now. The air is cool and about as fresh as it ever is when, pigs, goats, chickens, ducks are cohabitating. Back with more later.


Quick in and out this AM. Sister is still sleeping so decided to pop in here quickly. She got here just after noon - made good time on the drive. We took it easy and just visited... no looking at or talking about the family photos. We will start on those today some time. DD#3 came over for a couple of hours so it was a laid back - take it easy afternoon. She brought over several books for me - she had duplicates of them. Ended up talking about favorite authors... We called it an early night as we both were tired.

The shoulder blade is sore so I was glad to have her help lifting, moving things and cutting up the potatoes for supper.. And she took out the trash and moved the bins out to the street last evening for pickup today. I was so glad to have her help for that.

I hear her moving around so waving to all ... hope you all have a good day.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
It stopped raining about 8:15 this morning so we were able to do our regular 9:00 bike ride. I thought it would be relatively cool because it’s gray and cloudy but, sheesh, the humidity! I came home dripping.

Mark wanted me to fry some yellow squash the neighbor gave us. I did. I was not thrilled with it. Didn't do anything for my taste buds but he said he liked them.
David always wants yellow squash the way his mom made it, sautéed with bacon, onions, and carrots with soy sauce. I never get it quite right so we came to an agreement decades ago that he’s in charge of squash cooking.

I’m going out to dinner tonight b/c we’re holding our Trails Crew meetings in a local restaurant. Then I’m going out to lunch with some ladies from church tomorrow and dinner with friends before seeing a play tomorrow night. I’m either going to have a fridge full of leftover boxes or gain 5 lbs. I know I should order salads but then I get seduced by French fries.

Hoping to get Princess pictures of the 6yo at Disney scrapped today. But I get held up because I don’t know the names of the various princesses, whereas the girls recognize them in a blink. Oh well, they’ll be here next week and I can get all the names straight for journaling then.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, it is another sunny day but the temps have sure dropped!! I actually had to put on a sweater this morning.:brrr: Looking ahead at the forecast the next few days remain sunny and seasonally warm then Monday it looks like we could possibly get some moisture. Only 65% chance, but hey you never know it might turn into something more. Yesterday's hike was so great! There were thirteen of us on this one a much smaller group than usual, but we had a wonderful time chatting and working up a sweat as this one was a tough one, seemed like 80% of the hike was up hill LOL. The views from the top were stunning though and there is a huge beautiful bench sitting at the summit of the mountain. We stopped there and had snacks and caught up with everything that has been happening, it was great to get the fresh air and exercise! I did take some photos so will try to get a page done today. I need to go to Walmart today UGH!! There is a beauty salon there that carries the shampoo that I really like, so might look for a couple of other things while I am there. A trip to my fav craft store might be in the plan also.

I did laundry, yoga, cleaned for my friend, and went for a short walk with another friend. Cooked dinner and watched TV. Went to bed wondering how much more my soggy brain can take.
This does not sound like a boring day at all to me, seems you got a lot of things accomplished and got some exercise too! BTW the other day you mentioned something about the screen doors, well these are new ones that are going in at our place and two new screen doors over at the In-Laws, I found out yesterday that they will all be installed on Aug 2nd Hooray!!
Mom always used corn meal. He said only use flour. BLECH!!!! Next time I will use corn meal. I just need to find a recipe!
Yes I agree you should use your recipe next time!! I love corn meal, but sadly my stomach does not :sad2:. If I have just a little bit of cornbread it doesn't bother me too much, but who wants just a little bit of cornbread :giggle4:. Better to not have any at all.
Good morning from the pig barn at the Olmsted County Fair!
Ewwww!! PeeYew :sick: not the best smell in the world LOL. Hope you can get some fresh air while you are there!
The shoulder blade is sore so I was glad to have her help lifting, moving things and cutting up the potatoes for supper.. And she took out the trash and moved the bins out to the street last evening for pickup today. I was so glad to have her help for that.
How nice to have your sister there to give you a hand! Hope you have a wonderful visit with here and that your shoulder feels much better very soon!
But I get held up because I don’t know the names of the various princesses, whereas the girls recognize them in a blink.
I hear ya about the names of the Princesses there are way too many of them now and I would never remember there names! I know my Sadie would be able to name them in a heartbeat!! So fun to scrap the memories of going to Disney!!

Ok I will hit the shower and get my morning stuff done. I hope that you all have a wonderful Thursday!! :waving1


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning. Don't know how long I'll last, but I'm going to start to type something. Today is my "baby" Asher's 13th birthday! I can't wrap my head around that. He went to Six Flags with 3 of his friends - I know they'll have a wonderful time. We group texted him and he's probably rolling his eyes - there are 6 of us on the text (besides him) and he's probably silenced the "dings" by now. :lol23: :lol23:

Chris, sorry you're having blah (is that the right word?) days. Here's an idea - go do some "housekeeping" on your files and drives. I did that last night and it felt so good. I wasn't accomplishing anything, so I went into my EHD's and cleaned house. Also found the one AJ page from my "grief journals" that I was missing. I was so excited when I found it. I'm getting my pages ready to print and I was missing one - found it in 600x600 but couldn't find the big page.

I was texting with Susie when they broke down! I thought she said they were afraid they were going to break down, but they had already broken down! I was so worried - it was 114 degrees. I was having a bad day and I told her that I could worry about them and take my mind off myself. "They" always say that somebody has it worse than you do. I was sitting in my air-conditioned house and they were in boiling heat and didn't know how long it would be!

I'm sorry that Gary is having such a rough time - poor guy. You have all been through it with that wretched stuff. Yes, ma'am the countdown clock is ticking and that's probably why you're in the "state" you're in. Sometimes when I have SO much hanging over my head, I just shut down.

Kay @BrightEyes how wonderful to have your sister and your daughter there. I know you're taking care of your shoulder.

Trudy @taxed4ever the hike yesterday sounds wonderful. So does your weather. It's been a little cooler here too.

Terry @Terri M all of your dinners, lunches, plays sound wonderful. As much as you bike, I probably wouldn't worry too much about what I ate. That's great exercise.

Vicky @vickyday have fun with Ilene today, going to the grocery store and playing Quickle.

Waving to everybody who comes on here later - after work. I usually pop in and out and I do read the messages most days. I got my Color Plays uploaded to the Gallery - I've only done 4 so far, but I'm sure there will be others.

Hugs to all.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
I got my Color Plays uploaded to the Gallery - I've only done 4 so far, but I'm sure there will be others.
Hi Cheryl I have not been a very good friend and haven't chatted with you for so long!! I hope that you are doing well and my goodness you have 4 Color Play layouts already?? I haven't done a single one, but will try my best to start one today! Sending you loving hugs :hug3:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi Cheryl I have not been a very good friend and haven't chatted with you for so long!! I hope that you are doing well and my goodness you have 4 Color Play layouts already?? I haven't done a single one, but will try my best to start one today! Sending you loving hugs :hug3:
Awwwww, you're the sweetest, Trudy and a great friend. I know I miss chatting with you, as well. I'm doing better all the time. Each day gets a little easier. I'm so happy that you got the ILs all settled in, and you can relax a bit. There will be more CP's - but yes, I've done 4 so far. I keep looking for more designers to post theirs. Hugs back to you. :hug2:


Love my O Family!
It stopped raining about 8:15 this morning so we were able to do our regular 9:00 bike ride. I thought it would be relatively cool because it’s gray and cloudy but, sheesh, the humidity! I came home dripping.

David always wants yellow squash the way his mom made it, sautéed with bacon, onions, and carrots with soy sauce. I never get it quite right so we came to an agreement decades ago that he’s in charge of squash cooking.

I’m going out to dinner tonight b/c we’re holding our Trails Crew meetings in a local restaurant. Then I’m going out to lunch with some ladies from church tomorrow and dinner with friends before seeing a play tomorrow night. I’m either going to have a fridge full of leftover boxes or gain 5 lbs. I know I should order salads but then I get seduced by French fries.

Hoping to get Princess pictures of the 6yo at Disney scrapped today. But I get held up because I don’t know the names of the various princesses, whereas the girls recognize them in a blink. Oh well, they’ll be here next week and I can get all the names straight for journaling then.
Now that squash sounds really good!


Well-Known Member
Good evening! Today was Costco day. It was overcast but still 70 degrees. While driving home we saw a brown bear in the river. Was super cool but everyone in the state had already pulled off the road and there was nowhere for us so we tried, and failed to get photos on the run. I was trying to navigate the people while Hubs took photos. One has the bear and if you know what youre looking at its fun, but nothing scrap worthy as its a brown dot in the blue river. :giggle4:

Get it together, Faery. *slaps both cheeks*
Oooooo, this sounds fun. Can I help? :floorlaugh:
Ugh, I just blathered on about all of the crankiness in my head and none of it matters.
I wont actually slap you. :heartpumppink: And I am sorry your feeling this but it does matter. You matter and how you feel matters. :heartpumppink: What have you told me since I got here? Its a safe place to say anything. We love you and all have those days. You're allowed to tell us when you have them too.
That bites about not fishing... you definitely don't want to hurt your clavicle more though. Can someone else do the fishing and you can claim the catch? That seems somewhat illegal-- a bit fishy if you will...
I will still fish, just not aggressive. I will keep it to hook n line instead of dipnetting. And I am not old enough for proxy fishing so no, someone else cant do the work for me.
The air is cool and about as fresh as it ever is when, pigs, goats, chickens, ducks are cohabitating
The shoulder blade is sore so I was glad to have her help lifting, moving things and cutting up the potatoes for supper.. And she took out the trash and moved the bins out to the street last evening for pickup today. I was so glad to have her help for that.
I am so glad you have your sister to help. So thankful she could come early.
But I get held up because I don’t know the names of the various princesses, whereas the girls recognize them in a blink. Oh well, they’ll be here next week and I can get all the names straight for journaling then.
Google helps LOL It is hard to know all the princesses of the more recent movies. Unless you've seen them 100 times, like the girls, its hard. My grand loves ChocoMelon and I have NO idea who they are or if I even got the name right.
The views from the top were stunning though a
I'm so glad you go to go and it was amazing! The view is always worth the work and I love that they have a bench.
Today is my "baby" Asher's 13th birthday!
Happy birthday Asher!!! I bet he's secretly loving all the texts.

Okay, off to read. Have a wonderful sleep everyone!