
Daily Ooos: Thursday, January 4


The Loopy-O
Yes, I am still confused as to what day it is. I can't tell if the week is going by fast or slow. Everything is a bluuuur. You get me? :nod1:

Jaida did very well on the trip down and back to PT. Usually, she tries to hop from the back seat to the front but she stayed in the back and looked out of the window. She is healing nicely and it is right where she should be at this point post-surgery. We go back next month for an 8-week check and then at 4 months. If the bone is healed, then she can do whatever she normally does. Be crazy. That's what she normally does.

I checked in with my boss, Lauren, about lesson plans for this homeschool session. I have been poking around Pinterest and Homeschool science blogs but am allll over the place. I asked what I should be focusing on. It doesn't make sense for me to learn about tadpoles or spring plants since that's not what we'll be working with. But I can't stop myself, I want to learn everything. :D
Poor Lauren, she is going to be sick of me in no time LOL!!!

I used the instant pot to make soup last night-- I was so excited, I had to send pictures of it to Scott. I also told him about the hike and he was impressed that I made it out alive. He knows some of the women in the Ladies Only group and seemed happy for me that I joined. I miss hiking with him, maybe one day soon he'll have some free time.

I am cleaning for my friend today, then puttering about the house this afternoon.

HAGD!! xo


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes *hands some Visine over* Hope the tired, red eyes aren't as bad today. Did you sleep any better?
Blech about the snow. I hope that it didn't cause any trouble for you and DD's plans. There is a storm coming in this weekend and the predictions for my area as of this morning are anywhere from 3-12" -- I am going to split the difference and say 5-6". Might as well, it is just as logical as anything else Bwuahahaha!

@vickyday Oh no--not me, I wouldn't be able to lead a hike! It's nice to follow along and not have to pay attention to the markers although I should so if/when I do go out on my own, I'll be more familiar.
Big babies!! 10+ lbs!!! Ouch!

I admire you and Kay very much for sharing your memories of your husbands. :lovey3:

Many good thoughts going out to Ilene's great-grandbaby. Please keep us posted on his progress. Send our love to Ilene and her family as well.

@taxed4ever I hope that the sun came out for your hike at least for a little while. My body is telling me to stop eating junk, my salads have never tasted so good!
Lots of good thoughts to your Gary, I hope that the surgery is easy and he does well. ♥
RIP Little Buddy :rotfl: (can't imagine why he doesn't find it funny! LOL)

@Cherylndesigns 9.30 has to be the latest that you have slept in a while.
Hahaha-- you truly live in the boonies! I joke about living in the boonies of NJ but it is cosmopolitan compared to your compound LOL
I hope that your stomach is ok! *fingers crossed*

@melscrap You had a productive day, love having a sparkly bathroom. Any day that you have an eager student is a good day to take advantage.

@tanteva WTH!!!!!!!!!! That's tooooo cold! Do people live in that area of Sweden???? If so, why?????



Will be a quick in and out this AM. We have snow... but so far only about an inch. More is expected this morning and the brunt of it later this afternoon. Hope DD and I get all the running done before then. DD was such a sweetheart - she crawled under the desk and unplugged the old keyboard and mouse and installed the new ones. She also got the printer and the speakers plugged into the back, too. But discovered the speakers are not working this morning - think the plug came loose. Will take me a bit to get used to the new keyboard as it has a different feel from the old one.

Just remembered that I forgot to turn off the clock alarm so better go get that done soon. I woke up early so had time to bake some muffins for breakfast. Good thing because we might be pushed for time between the lawyer and the bank appointment so might miss lunch.

Found a hangtag on the front door when DD arrived. They will be installing a new water meter today so the water will be off for awhile. Glad we will be gone most of the day so hopefully it will be finished by the time we get back home.

Time to wake DD up and to get dressed myself. BBL


Love my O Family!
Yes, I am still confused as to what day it is. I can't tell if the week is going by fast or slow. Everything is a bluuuur. You get me? :nod1:

Jaida did very well on the trip down and back to PT. Usually, she tries to hop from the back seat to the front but she stayed in the back and looked out of the window. She is healing nicely and it is right where she should be at this point post-surgery. We go back next month for an 8-week check and then at 4 months. If the bone is healed, then she can do whatever she normally does. Be crazy. That's what she normally does.

I checked in with my boss, Lauren, about lesson plans for this homeschool session. I have been poking around Pinterest and Homeschool science blogs but am allll over the place. I asked what I should be focusing on. It doesn't make sense for me to learn about tadpoles or spring plants since that's not what we'll be working with. But I can't stop myself, I want to learn everything. :D
Poor Lauren, she is going to be sick of me in no time LOL!!!

I used the instant pot to make soup last night-- I was so excited, I had to send pictures of it to Scott. I also told him about the hike and he was impressed that I made it out alive. He knows some of the women in the Ladies Only group and seemed happy for me that I joined. I miss hiking with him, maybe one day soon he'll have some free time.

I am cleaning for my friend today, then puttering about the house this afternoon.

HAGD!! xo
YAY for Jaida being a good girl on your trip to PT!
That's the teacher in you coming out on wanting to learn everything all at once! I'm sure your boss understands!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes *hands some Visine over* Hope the tired, red eyes aren't as bad today. Did you sleep any better?
Blech about the snow. I hope that it didn't cause any trouble for you and DD's plans. There is a storm coming in this weekend and the predictions for my area as of this morning are anywhere from 3-12" -- I am going to split the difference and say 5-6". Might as well, it is just as logical as anything else Bwuahahaha!

@vickyday Oh no--not me, I wouldn't be able to lead a hike! It's nice to follow along and not have to pay attention to the markers although I should so if/when I do go out on my own, I'll be more familiar.
Big babies!! 10+ lbs!!! Ouch!

I admire you and Kay very much for sharing your memories of your husbands. :lovey3:

Many good thoughts going out to Ilene's great-grandbaby. Please keep us posted on his progress. Send our love to Ilene and her family as well.

@taxed4ever I hope that the sun came out for your hike at least for a little while. My body is telling me to stop eating junk, my salads have never tasted so good!
Lots of good thoughts to your Gary, I hope that the surgery is easy and he does well. ♥
RIP Little Buddy :rotfl: (can't imagine why he doesn't find it funny! LOL)

@Cherylndesigns 9.30 has to be the latest that you have slept in a while.
Hahaha-- you truly live in the boonies! I joke about living in the boonies of NJ but it is cosmopolitan compared to your compound LOL
I hope that your stomach is ok! *fingers crossed*

@melscrap You had a productive day, love having a sparkly bathroom. Any day that you have an eager student is a good day to take advantage.

@tanteva WTH!!!!!!!!!! That's tooooo cold! Do people live in that area of Sweden???? If so, why?????

And I was all baby with the last 3! I only gained 11 lbs with each of them. I gained 40 with Jessica!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out,
Getting ready to head to lunch with Mark. I don't think I mentioned it but Mark's "adopted" grandson is now working at the shop with Mark. He will be going to lunch with us, too. He is not blood related. Was a kid that was always hanging out with his grandkids. Home life is not great, so Mark took him under his wing, so to speak! He's a good kid but has a few issues that Mark tries to tamper down, LOL! Mark has been a great influence to his grandkids over the years. I hate that they kinda ignore him now that they are grown. So, I'm glad Noah is around. Noah actually wants to come and spend the weekend with us after my kids go home. So, I count that as a good thing! Especially for a 19 year old!
OK, gotta run.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies I am up early and had a cup of coffee before DH gets out of bed. He can't have anything in his stomach before his surgery poor guy! I didn't want to drink my coffee in front of him and hopefully he won't smell that wonderful coffee smell because I used the Keurig instead of making a pot. Thought I would pop in and say :wavinghello: to everyone before we head to the hospital. It is pouring rain out there this morning. Thankfully the weather held for our hike yesterday and no rain until just before supper time. It was a tough hike and probably not the best one to get back into hiking with, but I am glad that I did it and had a long soak in the tub afterward!! My legs were screaming at me LOL. I have a grocery order to pick up after I drop off my Gary to the hospital and then I will wait to get the phone call to pick him up. Perhaps I will pop into a few stores while I wait. I purchased some new throw blankets for the living room before Christmas and I would like to find some cushions to match, my old ones are falling apart so its time to replace them. It will be an interesting week a head with DH here and needing my help, send me some good thoughts and patience vibes please!!

@faerywings - I am not surprised that you want to learn everything at once, that's the teacher in you!! I hope that you get hike with Scott again soon and so happy that you have found this new job and have met some nice people too! Happy that you got to use your instapot and hope that the soup turned out great! Proud of Jaida for behaving like a good girl for her trip to PT! Good to hear that she is right where she should be for recovery!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you have a busy day today! Sure hope that the weather holds out for you and you get back home before the snow really starts to fall! Good that you will be out while the water is shut off! WTG to your DD for getting the new keyboard and mouse set up for you! Hope that the speaker plug has just come loose and that you don't need to look for new ones!

@vickyday - You Mark sounds like he is a wonderful man! So nice that he has taken Noah under his wing! Hope the three of you have a great lunch today!

Ok I hear DH stirring, so I guess I will get in the shower:showering2: and get ready to head out soon. Have a wonderful day everyone! :cowwaving:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies I am up early and had a cup of coffee before DH gets out of bed. He can't have anything in his stomach before his surgery poor guy! I didn't want to drink my coffee in front of him and hopefully he won't smell that wonderful coffee smell because I used the Keurig instead of making a pot. Thought I would pop in and say :wavinghello: to everyone before we head to the hospital. It is pouring rain out there this morning. Thankfully the weather held for our hike yesterday and no rain until just before supper time. It was a tough hike and probably not the best one to get back into hiking with, but I am glad that I did it and had a long soak in the tub afterward!! My legs were screaming at me LOL. I have a grocery order to pick up after I drop off my Gary to the hospital and then I will wait to get the phone call to pick him up. Perhaps I will pop into a few stores while I wait. I purchased some new throw blankets for the living room before Christmas and I would like to find some cushions to match, my old ones are falling apart so its time to replace them. It will be an interesting week a head with DH here and needing my help, send me some good thoughts and patience vibes please!!

@faerywings - I am not surprised that you want to learn everything at once, that's the teacher in you!! I hope that you get hike with Scott again soon and so happy that you have found this new job and have met some nice people too! Happy that you got to use your instapot and hope that the soup turned out great! Proud of Jaida for behaving like a good girl for her trip to PT! Good to hear that she is right where she should be for recovery!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you have a busy day today! Sure hope that the weather holds out for you and you get back home before the snow really starts to fall! Good that you will be out while the water is shut off! WTG to your DD for getting the new keyboard and mouse set up for you! Hope that the speaker plug has just come loose and that you don't need to look for new ones!

@vickyday - You Mark sounds like he is a wonderful man! So nice that he has taken Noah under his wing! Hope the three of you have a great lunch today!

Ok I hear DH stirring, so I guess I will get in the shower:showering2: and get ready to head out soon. Have a wonderful day everyone! :cowwaving:
Yes, he is a great guy. People tend to take advantage of him but he rarely ever says no!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies I am up early and had a cup of coffee before DH gets out of bed. He can't have anything in his stomach before his surgery poor guy! I didn't want to drink my coffee in front of him and hopefully he won't smell that wonderful coffee smell because I used the Keurig instead of making a pot. Thought I would pop in and say :wavinghello: to everyone before we head to the hospital. It is pouring rain out there this morning. Thankfully the weather held for our hike yesterday and no rain until just before supper time. It was a tough hike and probably not the best one to get back into hiking with, but I am glad that I did it and had a long soak in the tub afterward!! My legs were screaming at me LOL. I have a grocery order to pick up after I drop off my Gary to the hospital and then I will wait to get the phone call to pick him up. Perhaps I will pop into a few stores while I wait. I purchased some new throw blankets for the living room before Christmas and I would like to find some cushions to match, my old ones are falling apart so its time to replace them. It will be an interesting week a head with DH here and needing my help, send me some good thoughts and patience vibes please!!

@faerywings - I am not surprised that you want to learn everything at once, that's the teacher in you!! I hope that you get hike with Scott again soon and so happy that you have found this new job and have met some nice people too! Happy that you got to use your instapot and hope that the soup turned out great! Proud of Jaida for behaving like a good girl for her trip to PT! Good to hear that she is right where she should be for recovery!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you have a busy day today! Sure hope that the weather holds out for you and you get back home before the snow really starts to fall! Good that you will be out while the water is shut off! WTG to your DD for getting the new keyboard and mouse set up for you! Hope that the speaker plug has just come loose and that you don't need to look for new ones!

@vickyday - You Mark sounds like he is a wonderful man! So nice that he has taken Noah under his wing! Hope the three of you have a great lunch today!

Ok I hear DH stirring, so I guess I will get in the shower:showering2: and get ready to head out soon. Have a wonderful day everyone! :cowwaving:
And prayers for DH and you. I don't remember Tim being incapacitated totally after his hernia surgery. I think they encourage movement.


Mistress of Mayhem
@tanteva WTH!!!!!!!!!! That's tooooo cold! Do people live in that area of Sweden???? If so, why?????
Yes people live up there. I guess they love winter. Furthest up north, they don't see the sun for a couple of months in the middle of the winter. On the other hand, in the middle of the summer, the sun don't set at all for a couple of months.

I'm living almost in the middle of Sweden. We only have -21 degrees Celsius = -5.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Right now. It's said it will be a bit colder tomorrow, in case you wanna drop by for a coffee. LOL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

First of all, my tummy feels fine today. I'm eating my overnight oats out of the cute little mason jar and boy do they jumpstart my day. I've been up since 8:30, but Chuck didn't wake up until 10:00 so I had time to get some things done around the house.
Trudy @taxed4ever I'll keep your Gary in my thoughts today. Sending hugs to you both. That's so sweet of you to not want him to smell the coffee. That's the worst part of any procedure - you can't eat or drink.

Chris @faerywings who would have ever thought you'd turn into a "winter hiker"? I just love it and think it's wonderful. Yes, we live in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of 50+ acres. Had another adventure last night. I got a call about 8:30 that the health care was delivering some equipment. I was afraid of that and had hoped they would come in the daylight. She got to the top of the property and didn't know where to go. (Nobody does, even in the daylight. I guided her in, but she was still on the "bottom" of the property and had to navigate some turns and a steep hill, then a locked gate. I gave her the code and she got through the gate but didn't know where to go. I could see her the whole time - at least her lights. I texted Adrienne and told her to turn on all the outside lights, which she did. By now, the woman is sitting in their driveway. I told her to stay there and Adrienne went out to her car and showed her how to get to our little lane. She laughed when she got here about "our system". Adventures in Ranch Life. LOL There's a new nurse coming today so I'll be down at the end of lane flagging her down, too.

I'll be back - the new nurse is headed our way and I have to get ready to throw my coat on and walk down the road to help her find our house.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. The morning flew by. After my coffee and book time I started unpacking in the dining room and got it almost finished. One more box in there to unpack and then hang up pictures and figure out where decor pieces go. I've got another box started for charity, decor/china things I know I don't need or have a place for in the new home.

The exciting news is that the outdoor light installer is here and has started on the back of the house. Tomorrow he'll get the front done, so by tomorrow afternoon we'll have our lights ready to turn on and D can start playing with the phone app, trying out all the different settings. They will be very energy efficient, they say that if you run them every night it should only cost about $5 a month.

Since I am changing my diet plan more to a Mediterranean style of eating, I am excited to eat rice and potatoes again. I popped into our local Bulk Barn and was happy to see a lot of bulk items I will be using in my meals. I picked up whole wheat pasta shells (to make a tuna pasta salad with lots of veggies in it) and saw a lot of spices I don't have that I will try out soon.

I started Written in Red by Anne Bishop and am loving it so far. Last night we started season 2 of Jack Reacher.

@faerywings I'm sure Lauren appreciates your knowledge and enthusiasm. Glad you are happy with your first soup in the IP. It cooks rice up nicely too. I like to brown the rice/spices for few minutes and then cook it up in the IP.

@taxed4ever Good luck to Gary today and I'm sure you'll be a good nurse for him when he gets home.

I'd better go shower (after noon and I'm still in my jammies) and get on with my day. HAGD everyone.