
Daily Ooos: Thursday, February 27


The Loopy-O
hello hello hello!
Great news, I slept until 5 this morning. Yay! I think that might have been b/c I stayed up late reading. I was almost done with it but my BFF texted to see if I could meet for coffee today and I want to pass it to her. I have no idea when I'll see her next so I made myself finish last night. This was Jodi Picoult's By Any Other Name. It was good but a little too long. About 2/3 of the way through I was wondering if we really needed that much biographical info about Emilia. I'd still recommend it but maybe not read it *only* before bed.

@AK_Tracy good luck today, we are all thinking of you!! ♥

How was your Wednesday? I spent most of the morning tidying up here and then working on the lesson plan for the next Field Trip. I shared the Doc with the intern and asked if he had any changes or ideas to let me know. This kid is so nice and is going to work on some ideas for the 2nd March field trip. Laney (my stream study mentor :D ) told me the other day that I'd be the one training the new staff for Spring Field trips and that kind of flipped me out. When the intern texted me to ask about what he needs to do, I was in the "leader" role. It felt weird --100%- but also like "Yeah, I got this!"

Inthe afternoon, I worked a little more on the faery house-- look at how cute it is!
Again, sorry for the crummy photo, it is a screenshot but it looks awesome IRL. I sent the pic to Scott and Sam and Scott was shocked at the level of patience I must have had. He knows me and that I am not very patient.

I am meeting my BFF today once she is feeling up to it. Yesterday was her last radiation session.:dancing6:She took a sick day to catch up on some needed sleep but wants to meet for coffee. I haven't seen here since Christmas so we are going to have lots to catch up on.
If I can get it together, I want to work on some of the new color plays before I head out. I'm also debating if I want to stop at the new bird store on my way to Panera. I pass right by it, I mean I *have* to stop, right???

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!
Yesterday I finished up my basket weaving class and everyone enjoyed it. Every basket is a little different tighter stitches or farther apart....it's all good and they love their baskets. I had to make some for flyers for upcoming events at the club. I had a nice long talk with one of my best friends from CT so we will get together when I am up there this summer. I pruned my Plumeria yesterday and gave cuttings to the lady up the street who was walking her dog... I was so happy cause I hate to throw them away.
What materials do you use for the baskets? I wonder if that might be something (at least on a very basic level) I could teach my HS kids. We use forsythia branches for wreath making, so I wonder.....
That is the sweetest gift to your neighbor. I'm the same way when I prune/harvest herbs. It kills me to throw good stuff onto the compost pile.
TY TY TY a million times for telling me about the TENS unit. I put it on my shoulder last night and wow, what a difference!
I'm glad you had it running in preparation for the rummage sale.
(BTW- do you ever stop? Between you and Rae, ya make me dizzy!! :lol23:)
The camping trip sounds wonderful-- if you bring back any water from the fountain of youth, grab a vial or two (or 200,000) for me. Hehe!!
So happy that you have your friend babysitting your caterpillars.
It makes life easier all the way around when you love your job! :heartpumplove:
It sure does!
Who would've ever thought I would end up marrying the guy who helped move me to NC from WV!
It's such a sweet and wild story!
When we let our dogs out, they don't even notice the squirrels!
My feeder is right off of the steps by my front door and they burrow under the hedges and in the rhodo -- all within 4-5 ' of the house. Not a chance will the dogs leave the squirrels alone. :/
70*!! Wow, I was overjoyed that we hit 50*
How sweet that you and Ilene went to visit and bring a meal to your church friend. ♥
Did you get the car back yet?

Have a wonderful day and will probably check in Friday, if the pain meds allow :giggle4:
Go ahead and post even if you are all hopped up on pain meds, it will be funny! :floorlaugh:

@bitzee Hi!!!! Hope you are well!!

Yesterday evening was my first happy hour of the year sitting on the little deck in my front yard with a glass of wine, watching the sun set over the Blue Ridge and saying hi to all the neighbors out walking their dogs. So nice to hear the kids running around playing! Lovely to be able to enjoy outside.
*happy sighs with a tinge-- just a tinge-- of jealousy* LOL!
8 years is a long time to be a pres of any organization and I am sure it will feel wonderful as you fully transition out of the role.

J needs to go out, BRB!
I remembered to check for squirrels and sure enough, there was one in the feeder. :rolleyes:

@taxed4ever Happy anniversary!!! :drinks2: Life is good! I'm glad that you are finding those bright spots despite the grief of the past few months. ♥
I hope that Heather feels much better by now and that no one else gets it.
Sadie is 15?? Happy birthday to her too!
I see that your Feb/March is like my May and June. All celebrations crammed together :D

Popping in late again today..... been busy with scrapping this morning. There are some 'sneak peek LOs' of Color Play kts in the Color Play gallery. They will be available in the shop after Thursday evening's Newsletter goes out.
DD#1 called this morning and we chatted for almost an hour. Getting excited to see her and her hubby the 1st weekend of April.
That is my goal for today-- The CP palette is luscious!!

Yesterday I worked at the club setting up the rummage sale stuff. At 1 we stopped so 4 of us went to lunch to celebrate a friends 80th...more party tomorrow for her. Then when I got home I worked on a basket for granddaughter. our friend across the pond called to say we have another alligator in the pond...7 years here we had none now we have two. Ugh. they will eat the turtles and attack the ducks so that will really make me angry.
This morning I did some laundry. We decided to take all the flags we used to use on our boat for the holidays and hang them like a valance in the Florida room with the nautical decorating. We purchased boat flags from many places we had been through the years. There are almost 30 of them.
I started packing a food bag and a bathroom bag for the camping trip. This afternoon is more rummage sale but just pricing now so that will be a PITA! I will go over to the trailer late this afternoon to put some stuff away.

@faerywings I'm so glad the TENS is helping you.
I make the baskets with natural rafia fiber most of the time...easy to get from Amazon and cheap. I have made one with willow branches from our son's cabin in NY. I make some with long pine needles, they smell nice but are prickly. The hardest part is starting them so for my class I started with a walnut slice from Amazon. I had 8 women to teach so it was easier. I wish I was closer I could teach you.
We have been to the fountain of youth twice...first of all the water tastes disgusting, second it does not work! LOL
Up North we were bothered by squirrels in the feeders but down here not so much I guess because they have natural year round food available. My feeders are raided more by raccoons.

@Terri M wow that's a long time I sure hope the new person can fill your shoes. Yes we love cocktail hour outside and have been enjoying it for awhile now. Thank you Florida weather.:bowdown3:
Good morning! I'm finally past all this ear infection/sickness stuff that has been plaguing me for two weeks. If I could just get rid of the lingering cough! My new job is going well. I work in state government procurement and I should get to issue my first bid today. Kind of exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time! Going on a mini-vacation/business trip this weekend. My husband and I are travel agents and our agency's annual conference is this weekend in Georgia. We'll be attending that and then staying an extra day to spend with our best friends before coming back. Should be lots of fun especially since my birthday is Monday! That's all I have for now, I'm off to more training. I hope everyone is doing well and has a fabulous Thursday!
Good morning, sure am thinking of you, Tracy! @AK_Tracy
Chris, your fairy house looks awesome, thanks for showing us, it's so beautiful. @faerywings

Hope everyone is enjoying their day. Damp and cool-ish here, but above freezing, that's a perk.
hello hello hello!
Great news, I slept until 5 this morning. Yay! I think that might have been b/c I stayed up late reading. I was almost done with it but my BFF texted to see if I could meet for coffee today and I want to pass it to her. I have no idea when I'll see her next so I made myself finish last night. This was Jodi Picoult's By Any Other Name. It was good but a little too long. About 2/3 of the way through I was wondering if we really needed that much biographical info about Emilia. I'd still recommend it but maybe not read it *only* before bed.

@AK_Tracy good luck today, we are all thinking of you!! ♥

How was your Wednesday? I spent most of the morning tidying up here and then working on the lesson plan for the next Field Trip. I shared the Doc with the intern and asked if he had any changes or ideas to let me know. This kid is so nice and is going to work on some ideas for the 2nd March field trip. Laney (my stream study mentor :D ) told me the other day that I'd be the one training the new staff for Spring Field trips and that kind of flipped me out. When the intern texted me to ask about what he needs to do, I was in the "leader" role. It felt weird --100%- but also like "Yeah, I got this!"

Inthe afternoon, I worked a little more on the faery house-- look at how cute it is!
View attachment 441563
Again, sorry for the crummy photo, it is a screenshot but it looks awesome IRL. I sent the pic to Scott and Sam and Scott was shocked at the level of patience I must have had. He knows me and that I am not very patient.

I am meeting my BFF today once she is feeling up to it. Yesterday was her last radiation session.:dancing6:She took a sick day to catch up on some needed sleep but wants to meet for coffee. I haven't seen here since Christmas so we are going to have lots to catch up on.
If I can get it together, I want to work on some of the new color plays before I head out. I'm also debating if I want to stop at the new bird store on my way to Panera. I pass right by it, I mean I *have* to stop, right???

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!
OK, I just have to share with you. This is what I "hear" when I read your "Hello, hello, hello's"
Things are moving forward on selling my mom’s condo. I just wish the closing date were firm, because I need to get plane tix to go down and help set up the bank accounts etc. This money has to last her the rest of her life so it’s got to be safe. I just saw in today’s paper that the projected cherry blossom peak in DC will be just when I think I have to go to Florida. I was hoping to get up there this year but I guess not. Next year.

I have some really cute pictures from when my daughter and granddaughter went to see Hamilton at the theater last weekend. I’m going to hold off scrapping them for a few days; maybe I can fit them into one of March’s challenges.

The CP palette is luscious!!
I’m looking forward to seeing those kits!
We decided to take all the flags we used to use on our boat for the holidays and hang them like a valance in the Florida room with the nautical decorating. We purchased boat flags from many places we had been through the years
That sounds like it will look great! What a nice way to remember those places.
As far as alligators…. I know they usually aren’t dangerous but I can’t forget that little kid at Disney World a few years ago. I’d think people would be nervous about grandkids coming to visit. On th other hand, I grew up in south Florida and we never worried about the gators that frequented the storm sewer in front of our house or that lived in the canal across the street where we were always fishing and boating.

Crossing my fingers it doesn’t rain today so I can bike after lunch.
hello hello hello!
Great news, I slept until 5 this morning. Yay! I think that might have been b/c I stayed up late reading. I was almost done with it but my BFF texted to see if I could meet for coffee today and I want to pass it to her. I have no idea when I'll see her next so I made myself finish last night. This was Jodi Picoult's By Any Other Name. It was good but a little too long. About 2/3 of the way through I was wondering if we really needed that much biographical info about Emilia. I'd still recommend it but maybe not read it *only* before bed.

@AK_Tracy good luck today, we are all thinking of you!! ♥

How was your Wednesday? I spent most of the morning tidying up here and then working on the lesson plan for the next Field Trip. I shared the Doc with the intern and asked if he had any changes or ideas to let me know. This kid is so nice and is going to work on some ideas for the 2nd March field trip. Laney (my stream study mentor :D ) told me the other day that I'd be the one training the new staff for Spring Field trips and that kind of flipped me out. When the intern texted me to ask about what he needs to do, I was in the "leader" role. It felt weird --100%- but also like "Yeah, I got this!"

Inthe afternoon, I worked a little more on the faery house-- look at how cute it is!
View attachment 441563
Again, sorry for the crummy photo, it is a screenshot but it looks awesome IRL. I sent the pic to Scott and Sam and Scott was shocked at the level of patience I must have had. He knows me and that I am not very patient.

I am meeting my BFF today once she is feeling up to it. Yesterday was her last radiation session.:dancing6:She took a sick day to catch up on some needed sleep but wants to meet for coffee. I haven't seen here since Christmas so we are going to have lots to catch up on.
If I can get it together, I want to work on some of the new color plays before I head out. I'm also debating if I want to stop at the new bird store on my way to Panera. I pass right by it, I mean I *have* to stop, right???

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!
100%- but also like "Yeah, I got this!"
I worked a little more on the faery house-- look at how cute it is!
It is so cute!!! I am so tempted to order one of those tiny houses from Amazon, but I've promised myself I will not do it until the car is fixed!
I am not very patient.
Good AJ month for you, then, right?? But, you are not alone in the not-so-patient category!
Yesterday was her last radiation session.
That's wonderful! I pray she can move forward now and prayers for no more scares like that!
the new bird store on my way to Panera. I pass right by it, I mean I *have* to stop, right???
YOU MUST!!!!!!!
@vickyday what kind of car do you have that is giving you so much trouble.
2013 Chevy Equinox. I bought it from my son ($1) that I gave to him when we went to the DMV to have the title changed over, LOL! I've had it since my husband died in 2017. My son is one of the kids that I spent a month with after Tim died and I didn't want to be in the parsonage alone. I've been very faithful with the oil changes, etc.
What materials do you use for the baskets? I wonder if that might be something (at least on a very basic level) I could teach my HS kids. We use forsythia branches for wreath making, so I wonder.....
That is the sweetest gift to your neighbor. I'm the same way when I prune/harvest herbs. It kills me to throw good stuff onto the compost pile.
TY TY TY a million times for telling me about the TENS unit. I put it on my shoulder last night and wow, what a difference!
I'm glad you had it running in preparation for the rummage sale.
(BTW- do you ever stop? Between you and Rae, ya make me dizzy!! :lol23:)
The camping trip sounds wonderful-- if you bring back any water from the fountain of youth, grab a vial or two (or 200,000) for me. Hehe!!
So happy that you have your friend babysitting your caterpillars.

It sure does!

It's such a sweet and wild story!

My feeder is right off of the steps by my front door and they burrow under the hedges and in the rhodo -- all within 4-5 ' of the house. Not a chance will the dogs leave the squirrels alone. :/
70*!! Wow, I was overjoyed that we hit 50*
How sweet that you and Ilene went to visit and bring a meal to your church friend. ♥
Did you get the car back yet?

Go ahead and post even if you are all hopped up on pain meds, it will be funny! :floorlaugh:

@bitzee Hi!!!! Hope you are well!!

*happy sighs with a tinge-- just a tinge-- of jealousy* LOL!
8 years is a long time to be a pres of any organization and I am sure it will feel wonderful as you fully transition out of the role.

J needs to go out, BRB!
the fountain of youth
You do NOT want to taste it! It tastes like sulfur water! First hand experience!
My feeder is right off of the steps by my front door
My feeders are (I have a tube feeder, a feeder that looks like a house with glass sides, a suet feeder and a butter bark feeder) hanging off the side of our deck outside our kitchen door. I can see the feeders out my kitchen window. If any squirrels show up it is usually the babies who are inexperienced with the spicy food! HA! Not for long!
Did you get the car back yet?
No. I don't expect Mark will hear from him until Friday, if then. Last week he called Mark on Saturday because he knew we would want it for church on Sunday.
I remembered to check for squirrels and sure enough, there was one in the feeder. :rolleyes:

@taxed4ever Happy anniversary!!! :drinks2: Life is good! I'm glad that you are finding those bright spots despite the grief of the past few months. ♥
I hope that Heather feels much better by now and that no one else gets it.
Sadie is 15?? Happy birthday to her too!
I see that your Feb/March is like my May and June. All celebrations crammed together :D

That is my goal for today-- The CP palette is luscious!!

Good Morning ladies... It is a cloudy but not rainy day so far and our temps have warmed up quite a bit! I can only pop in here for a second as I am expecting some company soon and I need to get showered and dressed. Nothing too exciting just a guy to come and give us a quote for our decks, this will be one of many before we decide who to go with. Our anniversary dinner last night was lovely, DH and I both had rib eye steaks and fresh local veggies, so delicious!! I just wanted to wish all of you a great day and I will try to pop in and catch up with you all a bit later! :waving3:
Yesterday I worked at the club setting up the rummage sale stuff. At 1 we stopped so 4 of us went to lunch to celebrate a friends 80th...more party tomorrow for her. Then when I got home I worked on a basket for granddaughter. our friend across the pond called to say we have another alligator in the pond...7 years here we had none now we have two. Ugh. they will eat the turtles and attack the ducks so that will really make me angry.
This morning I did some laundry. We decided to take all the flags we used to use on our boat for the holidays and hang them like a valance in the Florida room with the nautical decorating. We purchased boat flags from many places we had been through the years. There are almost 30 of them.
I started packing a food bag and a bathroom bag for the camping trip. This afternoon is more rummage sale but just pricing now so that will be a PITA! I will go over to the trailer late this afternoon to put some stuff away.

@faerywings I'm so glad the TENS is helping you.
I make the baskets with natural rafia fiber most of the time...easy to get from Amazon and cheap. I have made one with willow branches from our son's cabin in NY. I make some with long pine needles, they smell nice but are prickly. The hardest part is starting them so for my class I started with a walnut slice from Amazon. I had 8 women to teach so it was easier. I wish I was closer I could teach you.
We have been to the fountain of youth twice...first of all the water tastes disgusting, second it does not work! LOL
Up North we were bothered by squirrels in the feeders but down here not so much I guess because they have natural year round food available. My feeders are raided more by raccoons.

@Terri M wow that's a long time I sure hope the new person can fill your shoes. Yes we love cocktail hour outside and have been enjoying it for awhile now. Thank you Florida weather.:bowdown3:
we have another alligator in the pond...7 years here we had none now we have two.
Oh, MY! How do you get rid of them?
This morning I did some laundry. We decided to take all the flags we used to use on our boat for the holidays and hang them like a valance in the Florida room with the nautical decorating. We purchased boat flags from many places we had been through the years. There are almost 30 of them.
That sounds like a great idea! You will have to share a picture once they are all up!
@faerywings I'm so glad the TENS is helping you.
I saw that it really helped her shoulder. I'm going to have to order one! You recommend the 7000 unit, correct? Link?
I wish I was closer I could teach you.
I would love to learn basket-weaving, too! Plenty of natural materials in our woods that I could use! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all lived closer together?
We have been to the fountain of youth twice...first of all the water tastes disgusting, second it does not work! LOL
AMEN and AMEN!!!
Good morning! I'm finally past all this ear infection/sickness stuff that has been plaguing me for two weeks. If I could just get rid of the lingering cough! My new job is going well. I work in state government procurement and I should get to issue my first bid today. Kind of exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time! Going on a mini-vacation/business trip this weekend. My husband and I are travel agents and our agency's annual conference is this weekend in Georgia. We'll be attending that and then staying an extra day to spend with our best friends before coming back. Should be lots of fun especially since my birthday is Monday! That's all I have for now, I'm off to more training. I hope everyone is doing well and has a fabulous Thursday!
That definitely sounds nerve-wracking! You will need the mini-vacation to relax after issuing your first ever bid! Best wishes!
Things are moving forward on selling my mom’s condo. I just wish the closing date were firm, because I need to get plane tix to go down and help set up the bank accounts etc. This money has to last her the rest of her life so it’s got to be safe. I just saw in today’s paper that the projected cherry blossom peak in DC will be just when I think I have to go to Florida. I was hoping to get up there this year but I guess not. Next year.

I have some really cute pictures from when my daughter and granddaughter went to see Hamilton at the theater last weekend. I’m going to hold off scrapping them for a few days; maybe I can fit them into one of March’s challenges.

I’m looking forward to seeing those kits!

That sounds like it will look great! What a nice way to remember those places.
As far as alligators…. I know they usually aren’t dangerous but I can’t forget that little kid at Disney World a few years ago. I’d think people would be nervous about grandkids coming to visit. On th other hand, I grew up in south Florida and we never worried about the gators that frequented the storm sewer in front of our house or that lived in the canal across the street where we were always fishing and boating.

Crossing my fingers it doesn’t rain today so I can bike after lunch.
So glad things are moving forward on selling your mom's condo! Is it in Florida?
Good Morning,
Today is a PJ day for me. I need to move pictures from the cameras and my phone to the EHD so I have something to scrap with! I've been negligent on doing that!

The mockingbird is visiting the feeder less and less. Mark got close enough to him with a couple of shots that feathers flew! If he sees us at the kitchen window he hightails it to the neighbor's trees and we don't see him the rest of the day!

Had a good visit with the lady and her husband from church yesterday when Ilene and I took them a meal. She is doing really well with her hip replacement! I look for her to venture out to church this weekend!

Mark and I plan to go to Ruby Tuesday for supper tonight, so I don't have to worry with that today.

I finished my coffee, but I think I'm going to fix myself some hot cocoa for a change! It's a bit cloudy today and feels a bit chilly in the house. Its 61 outside. Mark turned the furnace off yesterday because we had fuel oil delivered. It always stirs residue up from the bottom of the tank and clogs the pipes if we don't turn it off. So, I'm sure it is still off. I'll probably leave it off since I'm wrapped in an afghan and am comfortable except my arms feel a bit chilly.

Have a wonderful day!
2013 Chevy Equinox. I bought it from my son ($1) that I gave to him when we went to the DMV to have the title changed over, LOL! I've had it since my husband died in 2017. My son is one of the kids that I spent a month with after Tim died and I didn't want to be in the parsonage alone. I've been very faithful with the oil changes, etc.
It has so many sensors and relays it's hard to diagnose I'm sure. Does your mechanic had a diagnostic machine? Even then sometimes is parts replacement starting with the easiest/cheapest I sure wish you luck finding the problem. Vehicles = Parts or payments!!!
It has so many sensors and relays it's hard to diagnose I'm sure. Does your mechanic had a diagnostic machine? Even then sometimes is parts replacement starting with the easiest/cheapest I sure wish you luck finding the problem. Vehicles = Parts or payments!!!
Thanks! The car has never given us a bit of problem until last year!
Good morning ladies. I'll be heading out in a few min with Remi, then we have errands to run before going to play mahjong, then home for dinner and then off again for a night of euchre at the legion.

I am heading out early tomorrow morning (7:30) to meet up with a friend so we can drive together to the group meetup on the other side of Calgary, we'll be with a guide, looking for snowy owls. This will be the last time to look for them as they migrate for the rest of the year.

I'll be around more on the weekend.
Another busy morning working on Color Play LOs... So many wonderful ones that I just had to scrap with... :claphands: :floorlaugh::wow: I will be busy Friday and Saturday getting them uploaded around digi-land. Did a final re-check on the March challenge I'm hosting and it is all ready.

Got a message from my niece and looks like they will try to get one more visit with me tomorrow afternoon. :girldance::cheer:dance3
I had a rough night .... didn't go to sleep until almost 10PM then woke up at 1:30AM and tossed and turned - the last time I looked at the clock it was 3:30AM. Guess I drifted off sometime after that... then woke up at 5:15AM... Gave in and got up. Looked out at the street and realized it was trash and recycle day - so was out moving the bins to the street by 5:30AM. It was COLD... only 30*F!!! Glad I had on my heaviest fuzzy PJ and heavy robe. At least the wind wasn't blowing. Sometime during the awake time, I had a :lightbulb: go off. I was thinking about the selfies I take with the external camera/Tower-computer in the office. I was wishing I had a different background for the next session. Then it dawned on me that I have a nice 6' folding screen (rice paper with black rectangles and frames) that I can set up behind my office chair and hide the office stuff!!! And I have a small swivel chair that is hidden when I sit on it. My regular office chair shows behind my shoulders. I will wait until next week to try all this out and see if I like the background on the new selfies when I take them. goofysmile1

Time for me to get my shower and dressed. BBL
@BrightEyes Kay, I had to chuckle at your light bulb moment. I can really relate. Some of my best ideas come in the wee hours of the morning when I am in my jammies and before the rest of the household wakes up. It happens way too much lately and by late afternoon I am usually ready to crash. Enjoy the visit with your niece.