
Daily Ooos: Thursday, February 20


The Loopy-O
*cries a little and then wipes tears so they don't freeze to my face*
It is soooo cold and I hate it and the dogs whine to go outside so I open the door and freeze while they decide that maybe they don't have to go out that bad and then they start back up again and I can't get warm and I don't wanna do this anymore!
Yesterday, Lauren sent out a text to see if anyone could help on a field trip today and I am so dang glad I said no. As soon as we got to Scott's house, I plopped myself down in front of the wood stove until I finally felt warmth in my bones.
Did you have a nice Wednesday?
Mine was good in spite of the cold.
I spent a bunch of time in the afternoon comparing DEXA scores with BFF by taking pictures of the reports on our monitors. How far we have come from cutting out pictures of cute actors and hockey players and sharing them with each other. Now we compare mammograms and DEXA scores :floorlaugh:
Dinner was amazing, Sam cooked all day and everything was incredible. She made home veggie pizzas, Meditteranean eggrolls, and a lemon ricotta pasta with garlic chickpeas. Plus pastries for dessert. I was soooo stuffed when we left. We picked up her mom on the way down and she is a trip and a half. I adore the families together. :lovey3:

I have to work on some Weis stuff today. I'm probably going to only have two kids on Tuesday so I am switching my plans all around. I think they will enjoy "Survival Skills" which I had planned for later in the session. I'll have them make little First Aid kits, and we can do shetter building and a trail marker game.
My other big plan: making the eggplant meatballs for dinner.
Have fun today! ♥
@vickyday Please join me in complaining about how cold it is, I'd appreciate the company. :protest:
No cell service is not good! What if you really need help on the trails?
The staff carry walkie-talkies at all times so if we need anything we can radio each other. One of the trustees lives just on the other side of the property so he has one at home that he monitors too.
I love those ladies! I've been there, so I know some of what they go through! I told them yesterday that even though I am married again that I will always be a widow. Then I jokingly said, "What was I thinking to get married again?" That made them chuckle!
That's so wonderful!!♥

Gary and I will both go for a visit on Sunday and Veronica wants us to stay for supper. It will give us lots of time chat and do some much needed grieving together! I sometimes forget that my Brother's Death has affected my Gary very much also, they were the best of friends and my DH misses him very much too! It will be good for both of us to be there!
That makes so much sense and to have each other to lean upon will be good for all of you. :brokenheart:
I shouldn't be surprised at all, not even a little bit, that you finished the vanity that quickly. You are a home improvement rock star!
I hope that Heather gets a few warmer days for the snow to melt and evaporate. We don't even have that much snow, it's just allll ice. Even walking on it doesn't leave footprints, maybe a small indentation but that's it. I lent my crampons to Lauren for the field trip today so she won't fall when she is carrying all of the equipment.
(oops, I did it again, complained 'bout the cooold... :banana7:<~ Me doing a Brittney Spears dance)

@Terri M I am so with you, I hate shopping. Sorry that your soft and cozy sheets ripped. I had a set that was so soft and I felt the same when I had to toss them. Kay recommended a brand from Costco that are microfiber and I have been using them ever since. While not *as* soft, they are fantastic.
If you are looking for a good brand of waterproof boots- I swear by Oboz. I have three pairs now (some people collect handbags, I have hiking boots :D ).
I hope the weather cooperates soon so you can get some bird pics without freezing!

Vicky- so glad that you didn't have to travel in the snow last night. How much did you get?

This morning I went to the the club with some friends and we moved some shrubs and plants. Then when I got home I gave my crepe myrtle shrub a much needed prune job. I was going to trim prune some of the fig trees to start new plants but my back is so sore I will wait till another day. It is pouring rain now so that is good for the plants we moved. Jay went over to help one of our friends with an electric problem at the club. We had lunch and are testing the new recliners with the TV on. I think I will take it easy for the rest of the day because I do not sleep well.
I had one Monarch emerge today but it is far too rainy to release it.
Most of your day sounds like heaven! Take away the rain and the not sleeping and I would love to join you. :)
I am going to buy a TENS machine today. I cashed in another $5 Amazon GC so I can cover it. yay! I had a few more questions so I started a thread in the forum so I wasn't pestering you nonstop. TY sooo much for all of your help!
If your DS tapped some trees, I hope he is having better luck than we are. Last year was a really good year, this one.... not at all. Maybe the season will extend itself and the trees won't bud out when they normally do. However, that also will affect the wildlife that needs the leaves and flowers for pollen.

Love to you all!! ♥
Good morning!
It's snowing again! It stopped, mostly, after dark last night. It is coming down heavily now! And it's COLD! It is so pretty coming down! I'm glad I don't have to get out in it! I don't mind it snowing if I don't have to get out in it at all!

Woke up with a stinking headache this morning. So I'll be relaxing in the recliner most of the day probably!

Ilene called and wanted me to come over. I asked her if she had looked outside yet. And when she did she said, "never mind!" She cracks me up!

I'm gonna "Kill a Mockingbird" if he doesn't quit chasing my birds away from the feeders! He's being a total bully!

CarolW posted her new color play for us to play with.....O ye team members! It is a beauty!

Off to play!

I spent a bunch of time in the afternoon comparing DEXA scores with BFF by taking pictures of the reports on our monitors. How far we have come from cutting out pictures of cute actors and hockey players and sharing them with each other. Now we compare mammograms and DEXA scores :floorlaugh:
Too funny and too true!
Dinner was amazing, Sam cooked all day and everything was incredible. She made home veggie pizzas, Meditteranean eggrolls, and a lemon ricotta pasta with garlic chickpeas. Plus pastries for dessert. I was soooo stuffed when we left. We picked up her mom on the way down and she is a trip and a half. I adore the families together. :lovey3:
Sounds totally yummy!
My other big plan: making the eggplant meatballs for dinner.
Be sure and let us know how they turned out!
Please join me in complaining about how cold it is, I'd appreciate the company. :protest:
I am tired of the cold and since the daffodils have come up at church I'm very ready for spring! I hope this snow doesn't do them in! But, I'm OK with it snowing as long as I don't have to get out in it!
The staff carry walkie-talkies at all times so if we need anything we can radio each other. One of the trustees lives just on the other side of the property so he has one at home that he monitors too.
Oh! Good!
Vicky- so glad that you didn't have to travel in the snow last night. How much did you get?
We are getting more as we speak! You could still see the tips of the grass through the snow yesterday. But it is about cover up now!
Morning everyone! I slept in until almost 8am, but tossed and turned for most of the night starting at around 3am, I hate nights like that!! I should have just gotten up and read my book for a bit, I am really dragging my butt this morning! I did not find any drawer pulls at Home Depot, but I did find a new Sonic Electric Toothbrush set that was $40 off. It was perfect timing as my old one bit the dust yesterday morning, so now we have an extra one for when my Gary's decides to pack it in. So I guess we will look at Lee Valley when we go to Victoria on Saturday, they have an amazing selection of pulls and handles, I probably won't be able to choose quickly and we will be there for way to long. My DH put the old hardware back on the vanity for now, its nice to have everything put away again. Since I have all the paint and rollers etc already out, I thought I would spend today touching up the kitchen cabinets, some of them are in dire need of a new coat of paint. Other than that not much else happening around here today. I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

I spent a bunch of time in the afternoon comparing DEXA scores with BFF by taking pictures of the reports on our monitors. How far we have come from cutting out pictures of cute actors and hockey players and sharing them with each other. Now we compare mammograms and DEXA scores :floorlaugh:
Dinner was amazing, Sam cooked all day and everything was incredible. She made home veggie pizzas, Meditteranean eggrolls, and a lemon ricotta pasta with garlic chickpeas. Plus pastries for dessert. I was soooo stuffed when we left. We picked up her mom on the way down and she is a trip and a half. I adore the families together.
Hmmm comparing DEXA scores doesn't sound near as fun as cutting out pictures of cute actors!! :giggle4: So glad that you got a night off from cooking and that meal sounds amazing! How nice that Sam is such a good cook and that you enjoy her Mother's company too! Sending lots of warm temperature vibes your way! It has warmed up here considerably and its so nice not to be freezing our butts off anymore!
I'm gonna "Kill a Mockingbird" if he doesn't quit chasing my birds away from the feeders! He's being a total bully!
LOL I know that you would never harm any creature Vicky, but I feel the same way about the bully hummingbird that we have, he is always chasing away any other bird that comes to the feeder. I love when the snow comes down and its so pretty, just so long as it doesn't stick around for very long. Hoping that your headache doesn't last all day and I will have to check out Carol's new ColorPlay goodies for sure!

Coffee cup is empty and I am in desperate need of some more caffeine this morning :coffeedrinker: enjoy the day everyone! :waving3:
Morning everyone! I slept in until almost 8am, but tossed and turned for most of the night starting at around 3am, I hate nights like that!! I should have just gotten up and read my book for a bit, I am really dragging my butt this morning! I did not find any drawer pulls at Home Depot, but I did find a new Sonic Electric Toothbrush set that was $40 off. It was perfect timing as my old one bit the dust yesterday morning, so now we have an extra one for when my Gary's decides to pack it in. So I guess we will look at Lee Valley when we go to Victoria on Saturday, they have an amazing selection of pulls and handles, I probably won't be able to choose quickly and we will be there for way to long. My DH put the old hardware back on the vanity for now, its nice to have everything put away again. Since I have all the paint and rollers etc already out, I thought I would spend today touching up the kitchen cabinets, some of them are in dire need of a new coat of paint. Other than that not much else happening around here today. I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

Hmmm comparing DEXA scores doesn't sound near as fun as cutting out pictures of cute actors!! :giggle4: So glad that you got a night off from cooking and that meal sounds amazing! How nice that Sam is such a good cook and that you enjoy her Mother's company too! Sending lots of warm temperature vibes your way! It has warmed up here considerably and its so nice not to be freezing our butts off anymore!

LOL I know that you would never harm any creature Vicky, but I feel the same way about the bully hummingbird that we have, he is always chasing away any other bird that comes to the feeder. I love when the snow comes down and its so pretty, just so long as it doesn't stick around for very long. Hoping that your headache doesn't last all day and I will have to check out Carol's new ColorPlay goodies for sure!

Coffee cup is empty and I am in desperate need of some more caffeine this morning :coffeedrinker: enjoy the day everyone! :waving3:
The hummingbirds I usually have only guard their feeder against the other hummingbirds. They leave everyone else alone!
Thanks, the headache went almost entirely away after the second dose of Tylenol. Now it is tolerable.
The sun came out this afternoon and the snow is all but gone except for the shaded areas.