
Daily Ooos: Thursday, February 13


The Loopy-O
:waving3: Good morning! It's another dreary, grey, and cold day here in NJ. We ended up with another inch of snow/slush overnight. What a PITB. My mom and I rescheduled our visit from today to tomorrow. That means I am feeling la-zeeeeeey ATM.

am cleaning for my weapons-friend this afternoon and other than that, I have a free day.
I'm not sure why I said I had a free day yesterday. My morning was spent paying bills and fighting with my computer. Since we have Gary's 2025 COLA statement (Social Security increase. Increase?? Not really! LOL), I had to readjust my ACA application, which meant I had to go through the entire application to verify what I was entering was correct. By the time I finished bills/banking/ACA application, my brain was *done* with numbers. My brain tolerates numbers when it has to, but a 2-hour onslaught was not a good time. :giggle4:
I spent a little time before cooking dinner to work on my faery house. Sorry for the awful photo but this is what I have done so far:

No plans for today. I'd love to scrap. I wanted to yesterday but there was not a tiny bit of mojo or creativity to be found :(

That is truly an awful photo, I was trying to get a quick one taken before I forgot and it shows :p
And yikes, I really need to update my siggie...
I added that yo my to-do list right now.

@MariJ Did you get any more snow last night? We're supposed to get more on Saturday. *ggggggrrrrrrr* How about you?

Wow! 5 months already! Cait and Tom's probably thinking the same thing! Did he ever get the job he was going for? Or did I miss that announcement along the way? Or is it even Tom I'm thinking about, lol
Hahah! You sound like me: Who was I thinking about? Where was I? What did I do with my groceries? :thinking2:
Yes! He got the job!! He gave his notice at the shop he is at now and I'm not sure of the exact start date at the new place but it should be in the next week or so. :)
I am over the moon for him. It's not easy to move shops and start a new client base but this is the time to do it. If he takes a financial hit for the next couple of months, we are not going to kick him out, ya know? The new shop is closer, has better hours, and seems like it is well run. It's also run by a wife/husband team (she owns it, he does the books) and they seem very supportive and family-oriented from what he told us.
Still sending good thoughts to the car and mechanic. Your car is going to be his white whale at this rate.

Yesterday was not a good day. I was coughing off and on most of the day.... so didn't go to the brown bag lunch with the gals. Not sure what triggered the coughing. Thank goodness no coughing this morning... so far. The good thing was I did get some scrapping done.
Good to hear that you weren't coughing yesterday morning and I hope it stayed that way. Were you up to getting everything else done that you needed to?

Well, the snow came down; we got 8.5". Today we can expect snow showers, sleet, and freezing rain. Delightful, right? But then the forecast for tomorrow is 55° so, heck, I may go biking. Not.
Blech!!!! Yuck!! Awful!!! :crying1: what a mess and no way would I want to go biking in that either! There will be plenty of nicer days ahead :praying2:
When Gary was first on disability it was awful to do taxes. He had different forms, we had insane medical bills, some state assistance, and everything was a mess. I was terrified we'd get audited too. I had to laugh at sending 30 years of W2s. They deserve the mess, right?? LOL!
That is so exciting that you are off to see the Grands in April.
The beans recipe looks delish! Did you use arugula or a different green? I am thinking spinach or kale could also work.
I am making asparagus with lemon orzo and lemon-crusted tofu tonight. I am sooo happy that I have turned into a tofu fan hehe
And if you hadn't sent all those W2 files, they surely would have said you didn't send them enough!
For sure!!!
I hope you had a wonderful night of fellowship and not too much work with the cleanup.

@taxed4ever Yay!! :dancing6: Fantastic news that you got the flights booked, even though it was a lot of work to do it. *fingers and toes crossed that nothing happens with the airlines*
When I was looking at Pinterest for a picture of the bangs/cut I wanted, I saw so many hairstyles for women over 50 that have pretty grey/silver color. I'm starting to think I should go for that. At some point. Maybe. My front and sides are grey but the back and underneath are still dark brown. It stinks getting old... Harrumpf!

@Cherylndesigns The shingles vax was awful, the 2nd one at least. But at least that is over and done with! I hope that the reaction doesn't set you back too much with your immune system being shaky as it is. Hugs!!
Good to hear that you weren't coughing yesterday morning and I hope it stayed that way. Were you up to getting everything else done that you needed to?
Chris, I didn't go anywhere after all. DD#3 called and came down for an afternoon visit. First time she has called or been down since she got back from helping DD#1. DD#3 is taking real estate classes on-line so is very busy 3 evenings a week plus studying for them.

I have got to set down and work on tax paperwork today. Think I have all the papers I need now.

I was scrapping a LO yesterday morning and had a specific photo of mine I wanted to use for it but when I went to look for the photo I couldn't find it. It was one of my selfies and none of that series was in my ExHD. Ended up pulling it from a Tiff LO I had made using it. After I finished that LO, I did a search for the photo but it didn't show up... And wouldn't you know it was bugging last night and I ended up tossing and turning. Finally got up at 2:30 AM - came in and found the selfie series on the computer in the camera roll. Once i had the date it was made, I went to the ExHD and found the folder there.. but it was empty and corrupted. Made a new folder with different name and copied the photos into it. Whew... Back to bed at 3:30 and slept until 7... Think I will be smart and copy all my selfies I took with this computer from it and also onto a DVD as a secondary backup. I don't use the cloud. I have the my earlier selfies I took on the laptop so have copies there and saved in my email.

@Cherylndesigns I was so glad to see your post...but so sorry you and Ava are dealing with illness and Vax reactions. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Need more coffee... this is going to be 2-3 cup day as I work on taxes paperwork. HAGD
Wow this week is flying by. PT every other day is a PITA but has helped. Had dinner with friends across the pond so had a nice view of our house.
Jay brought the travel trailer home for new tires and some preventive maintenance. I washed one side so far I'm not crazy about the up and down on the ladder. Our power recliners with console were delivered...they are so comfortable and the color is perfect, they called it blue but it is grey like we needed so matches the area rug perfectly. Then went to walk in the pool with friends...it was great. Oldest grandson called so I talked with him for 1/2 hour so that is always a happy time. Last night my back started to hurt-muscle spasms so I guess the twisting and reaching up to get the top of the trailer was not good. Heating pad did relieve it some so I will try to finish it today. I need to do a few things inside then it can go back to storage.

Getting my hair cut today then PT, wash more trailer and bunko tonight so I need to make an appetizer. Never a dull moment here.

@Terri M I'm so sorry you are getting snow again.

@faerywings your fairy house is coming along... you know marilyn has a fairy house and it is so cute.

@taxed4ever glad you got your flights. I need to book one to CT so stay with daughter for a few days before we go to Germany, booking flights is always such a pain.

@vickyday sounds like the car is becoming a money pit like a boat..LOL Good luck getting the final fix.
Wow this week is flying by. PT every other day is a PITA but has helped. Had dinner with friends across the pond so had a nice view of our house.
Jay brought the travel trailer home for new tires and some preventive maintenance. I washed one side so far I'm not crazy about the up and down on the ladder. Our power recliners with console were delivered...they are so comfortable and the color is perfect, they called it blue but it is grey like we needed so matches the area rug perfectly. Then went to walk in the pool with friends...it was great. Oldest grandson called so I talked with him for 1/2 hour so that is always a happy time. Last night my back started to hurt-muscle spasms so I guess the twisting and reaching up to get the top of the trailer was not good. Heating pad did relieve it some so I will try to finish it today. I need to do a few things inside then it can go back to storage.

Getting my hair cut today then PT, wash more trailer and bunko tonight so I need to make an appetizer. Never a dull moment here.

@Terri M I'm so sorry you are getting snow again.

@faerywings your fairy house is coming along... you know marilyn has a fairy house and it is so cute.

@taxed4ever glad you got your flights. I need to book one to CT so stay with daughter for a few days before we go to Germany, booking flights is always such a pain.

@vickyday sounds like the car is becoming a money pit like a boat..LOL Good luck getting the final fix.
The thing is.....he hasn't "charged" us anything yet. Each time we pick the car up "for the weekend" he tells us to drive it and if the light doesn't come back on, then we will talk money! I'm afraid we may have to give him the car just to pay for the repairs! Mark thinks he will be fair since he hasn't actually fixed it! I sure hope so!
:waving3: Good morning! It's another dreary, grey, and cold day here in NJ. We ended up with another inch of snow/slush overnight. What a PITB. My mom and I rescheduled our visit from today to tomorrow. That means I am feeling la-zeeeeeey ATM.

I'm not sure why I said I had a free day yesterday. My morning was spent paying bills and fighting with my computer. Since we have Gary's 2025 COLA statement (Social Security increase. Increase?? Not really! LOL), I had to readjust my ACA application, which meant I had to go through the entire application to verify what I was entering was correct. By the time I finished bills/banking/ACA application, my brain was *done* with numbers. My brain tolerates numbers when it has to, but a 2-hour onslaught was not a good time. :giggle4:
I spent a little time before cooking dinner to work on my faery house. Sorry for the awful photo but this is what I have done so far:
View attachment 440629

No plans for today. I'd love to scrap. I wanted to yesterday but there was not a tiny bit of mojo or creativity to be found :(

Now I am wanting to go ahead and purchase one of those kits!
Hope you get at least a tiny bit of mojo for creating today!
Good Morning!
Couldn't go back to sleep after Mark left for work, so I got up at 7 and went to the dishwasher to grab my coffee mug only to find that I had not started the dishwasher after I finished loading it last night. I was going to put my crockpot in there from the soup I made for the fellowship and ended up soaking it instead and then fixed the dog's food so the broth would make it soft overnight and didn't give the dishwasher another thought, LOL! So, I ran the dishwasher before I fixed my coffee.

Took the car back to the shop after church last night. Story of our life, LOL!

No plans today. Got several pages scrapped yesterday. Today is another pj day. No rain at present, but it rained basically all day yesterday and last night. Fortunately it didn't get cold enough to freeze! It is 40* right now.


Yes! He got the job!!
Good News!!
Still sending good thoughts to the car and mechanic. Your car is going to be his white whale at this rate.
HA! I had never heard the phrase "white whale" so I had to google it....."an objective that is relentlessly or obsessively pursued but difficult to achieve.....Yes, this car is definitely the white whale of car repairs!
I hope you had a wonderful night of fellowship and not too much work with the cleanup.
Great time! But my back was done in by the time I was ready to sit down for the Bible study after the cleanup.
I was scrapping a LO yesterday morning and had a specific photo of mine I wanted to use for it but when I went to look for the photo I couldn't find it.
Well, I'm so glad you did find the files. I was moving files and lost a complete year somehow! I'm still hoping to find it unexpectedly!
I don't use the cloud.
Me either!
Need more coffee... this is going to be 2-3 cup day as I work on taxes paperwork.
Yes, I put that dreaded task off until I just have to! I did better this year! They are done! "We owe, we owe, so off to work Mark goes" LOL!
Good morning ladies. I had a busy day yesterday...morning walk with the ladies around the indoor track in the morning, then coffee with them, then over to the center for canasta for the afternoon, got groceries and then came home to make grilled cheese/tomato soup for dinner and play with Remi. She hates my Wednesdays b/c I'm gone for such a long part of the day. Then we were back out after dinner, back to the centre for a friend's birthday (we all brought desserts) and a few hours of cribbage. Finally got home at 9:30.

Whew, that was a fun but very active day. Today we have mahjong for 3 hrs this afternoon. I'll get Remi out before I go and another walk when I get back.

We couldn't watch the PVR last night, it decided not to work so we watched the first episode of a show on-demand "Fallen" which I think I'll like.

@faerywings You are so creative, the faery house looks cool! I bet your hair looks great! I don't know if I said it or not but Jen's hair (which is thin to start with) started falling out with the meds they put her on, poor girl. Good news is there is another one that should hopefully work as well but doesn't have that side effect.

@taxed4ever What a relief to get the tickets bought. Enjoy your visit with your sister.

@vickyday Sure hope when the payment is decided for the car that it will be reasonable. It sounds like he is a good guy, so fingers crossed.

I need to get dressed and get Remi out for a walk soon but maybe another slurp of coffee first. HAGD everyone.
Morning ladies... its another really chilly morning but this weekend the temps are supposed to warm up and we will have rain, that should take the rest of the frozen snow away. I ordered a heated mattress pad a few days ago and it arrived on Tuesday, OMG it was so nice to get into a warm bed on these freezing nights!! I don't know why I didn't get one years ago :giggle4: my Gary said the same thing, it has a timer on it too so it will shut off whenever you want it to, but I have kept my side on all night on low and have slept like a baby the past two nights! So nice!! We are so ready for the warmer temps, its been too cold and slippery to even go for a walk around our neighbourhood. I am getting cabin fever being stuck in the house LOL. I did have a nice visit with my sister and we had some laughs and a couple of tears remembering our brother. Gosh I miss him so very much :sad2:. I talked with my SIL Veronica and wished her a safe trip home, she has mixed emotions about coming back on the 17th as she dreads walking into their empty house without him, but knows she needs to be there, thankfully her daughter will be with her for almost 5 weeks and will help her finalize a few things. My heart breaks for her!! I completed the birthday card for Aunt Betty and made a gift box to put it in here are photos of the finished project.
IMG_4063.JPG IMG_4064.JPG IMG_4065.JPG
I kind of got carried away with the front of the card, but couldn't seem to help myself :giggle4:. I hope she likes it! I love making boxes and this is the first one that I have done with an acetate sheet on the front, it was fun to make. Anyway I am expecting a call from Heather as I am sure the boys will be home from school today, they are having a major snowstorm and expecting a ton more snow, our son called yesterday to say they are expecting the same and school for kids was already cancelled for today. Winter has hit them hard this Year! So off I go to get more coffee while I do personals.
I'm not sure why I said I had a free day yesterday. My morning was spent paying bills and fighting with my computer. Since we have Gary's 2025 COLA statement (Social Security increase. Increase?? Not really! LOL), I had to readjust my ACA application, which meant I had to go through the entire application to verify what I was entering was correct. By the time I finished bills/banking/ACA application, my brain was *done* with numbers. My brain tolerates numbers when it has to, but a 2-hour onslaught was not a good time. :giggle4:
I spent a little time before cooking dinner to work on my faery house. Sorry for the awful photo but this is what I have done so far:
You certainly did not have a free day yesterday!! Ughh on having to re-do all the tax stuff!! Numbers make my brain hurt, that is why I let my Gary do them!! If something ever happened to him I would just have to hire someone to do them! I am so not good with numbers, even in school I struggled so much with Math! Your photo might not be so good but it looks like you are having a great time with your fairy house, its so cute!!
It stinks getting old... Harrumpf!
Yes it does!!
And wouldn't you know it was bugging last night and I ended up tossing and turning. Finally got up at 2:30 AM - came in and found the selfie series on the computer in the camera roll. Once i had the date it was made, I went to the ExHD and found the folder there.. but it was empty and corrupted. Made a new folder with different name and copied the photos into it. Whew... Back to bed at 3:30 and slept until 7
Ohhh I hate when things bother you all night long like that!! I would have done the same and got up to deal with it LOL. Glad you finally got it all sorted out and got back to sleep!!
Oldest grandson called so I talked with him for 1/2 hour so that is always a happy time. Last night my back started to hurt-muscle spasms so I guess the twisting and reaching up to get the top of the trailer was not good. Heating pad did relieve it some so I will try to finish it today. I need to do a few things inside then it can go back to storage.
How lovely to spend the time with your oldest grandson on the phone! I love when that happens! Hope your back is feeling better and take it easy with finishing the cleaning of your trailer!
Couldn't go back to sleep after Mark left for work, so I got up at 7 and went to the dishwasher to grab my coffee mug only to find that I had not started the dishwasher after I finished loading it last night. I was going to put my crockpot in there from the soup I made for the fellowship and ended up soaking it instead and then fixed the dog's food so the broth would make it soft overnight and didn't give the dishwasher another thought, LOL! So, I ran the dishwasher before I fixed my coffee.
I do that quite often, forget to turn the dishwasher on at night! I need my fav coffee cup in the morning too, so usually take it out and wash it by hand instead of waiting for the dishwasher to finish LOL. Hope you have a lovely day and the temps stay above freezing!
Whew, that was a fun but very active day. Today we have mahjong for 3 hrs this afternoon. I'll get Remi out before I go and another walk when I get back.
You are one busy gal!! Nice that you have an indoor place to get your steps in!! My mom used to play Mahjong with her friends at least once a week, she just loved it! Hope your temps are good for your walk with Remi today.
Ok the dishwasher isn't going to empty itself, so I will get busy with that and get going with my day. Hopefully I can get out for a walk today without the fear of slipping on the ice. I need to get out of the house, so I might take the car and find a good place to get some exercise. Have a great day everyone! :waving3:
Morning ladies... its another really chilly morning but this weekend the temps are supposed to warm up and we will have rain, that should take the rest of the frozen snow away. I ordered a heated mattress pad a few days ago and it arrived on Tuesday, OMG it was so nice to get into a warm bed on these freezing nights!! I don't know why I didn't get one years ago :giggle4: my Gary said the same thing, it has a timer on it too so it will shut off whenever you want it to, but I have kept my side on all night on low and have slept like a baby the past two nights! So nice!! We are so ready for the warmer temps, its been too cold and slippery to even go for a walk around our neighbourhood. I am getting cabin fever being stuck in the house LOL. I did have a nice visit with my sister and we had some laughs and a couple of tears remembering our brother. Gosh I miss him so very much :sad2:. I talked with my SIL Veronica and wished her a safe trip home, she has mixed emotions about coming back on the 17th as she dreads walking into their empty house without him, but knows she needs to be there, thankfully her daughter will be with her for almost 5 weeks and will help her finalize a few things. My heart breaks for her!! I completed the birthday card for Aunt Betty and made a gift box to put it in here are photos of the finished project.
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I kind of got carried away with the front of the card, but couldn't seem to help myself :giggle4:. I hope she likes it! I love making boxes and this is the first one that I have done with an acetate sheet on the front, it was fun to make. Anyway I am expecting a call from Heather as I am sure the boys will be home from school today, they are having a major snowstorm and expecting a ton more snow, our son called yesterday to say they are expecting the same and school for kids was already cancelled for today. Winter has hit them hard this Year! So off I go to get more coffee while I do personals.

You certainly did not have a free day yesterday!! Ughh on having to re-do all the tax stuff!! Numbers make my brain hurt, that is why I let my Gary do them!! If something ever happened to him I would just have to hire someone to do them! I am so not good with numbers, even in school I struggled so much with Math! Your photo might not be so good but it looks like you are having a great time with your fairy house, its so cute!!

Yes it does!!

Ohhh I hate when things bother you all night long like that!! I would have done the same and got up to deal with it LOL. Glad you finally got it all sorted out and got back to sleep!!

How lovely to spend the time with your oldest grandson on the phone! I love when that happens! Hope your back is feeling better and take it easy with finishing the cleaning of your trailer!

I do that quite often, forget to turn the dishwasher on at night! I need my fav coffee cup in the morning too, so usually take it out and wash it by hand instead of waiting for the dishwasher to finish LOL. Hope you have a lovely day and the temps stay above freezing!

You are one busy gal!! Nice that you have an indoor place to get your steps in!! My mom used to play Mahjong with her friends at least once a week, she just loved it! Hope your temps are good for your walk with Remi today.
Ok the dishwasher isn't going to empty itself, so I will get busy with that and get going with my day. Hopefully I can get out for a walk today without the fear of slipping on the ice. I need to get out of the house, so I might take the car and find a good place to get some exercise. Have a great day everyone! :waving3:
HA! I was even too tired to take the cup out and wash it by hand! Pretty bad, huh?! :blushing1::giggle4:

I completed the birthday card for Aunt Betty and made a gift box to put it in
How beautiful! Both the card and the box! How could she NOT love it?!!! Beautiful work!
Morning ladies... its another really chilly morning but this weekend the temps are supposed to warm up and we will have rain, that should take the rest of the frozen snow away. I ordered a heated mattress pad a few days ago and it arrived on Tuesday, OMG it was so nice to get into a warm bed on these freezing nights!! I don't know why I didn't get one years ago :giggle4: my Gary said the same thing, it has a timer on it too so it will shut off whenever you want it to, but I have kept my side on all night on low and have slept like a baby the past two nights! So nice!! We are so ready for the warmer temps, its been too cold and slippery to even go for a walk around our neighbourhood. I am getting cabin fever being stuck in the house LOL. I did have a nice visit with my sister and we had some laughs and a couple of tears remembering our brother. Gosh I miss him so very much :sad2:. I talked with my SIL Veronica and wished her a safe trip home, she has mixed emotions about coming back on the 17th as she dreads walking into their empty house without him, but knows she needs to be there, thankfully her daughter will be with her for almost 5 weeks and will help her finalize a few things. My heart breaks for her!! I completed the birthday card for Aunt Betty and made a gift box to put it in here are photos of the finished project.
View attachment 440647 View attachment 440648 View attachment 440649
I kind of got carried away with the front of the card, but couldn't seem to help myself :giggle4:. I hope she likes it! I love making boxes and this is the first one that I have done with an acetate sheet on the front, it was fun to make. Anyway I am expecting a call from Heather as I am sure the boys will be home from school today, they are having a major snowstorm and expecting a ton more snow, our son called yesterday to say they are expecting the same and school for kids was already cancelled for today. Winter has hit them hard this Year! So off I go to get more coffee while I do personals.

You certainly did not have a free day yesterday!! Ughh on having to re-do all the tax stuff!! Numbers make my brain hurt, that is why I let my Gary do them!! If something ever happened to him I would just have to hire someone to do them! I am so not good with numbers, even in school I struggled so much with Math! Your photo might not be so good but it looks like you are having a great time with your fairy house, its so cute!!

Yes it does!!

Ohhh I hate when things bother you all night long like that!! I would have done the same and got up to deal with it LOL. Glad you finally got it all sorted out and got back to sleep!!

How lovely to spend the time with your oldest grandson on the phone! I love when that happens! Hope your back is feeling better and take it easy with finishing the cleaning of your trailer!

I do that quite often, forget to turn the dishwasher on at night! I need my fav coffee cup in the morning too, so usually take it out and wash it by hand instead of waiting for the dishwasher to finish LOL. Hope you have a lovely day and the temps stay above freezing!

You are one busy gal!! Nice that you have an indoor place to get your steps in!! My mom used to play Mahjong with her friends at least once a week, she just loved it! Hope your temps are good for your walk with Remi today.
Ok the dishwasher isn't going to empty itself, so I will get busy with that and get going with my day. Hopefully I can get out for a walk today without the fear of slipping on the ice. I need to get out of the house, so I might take the car and find a good place to get some exercise. Have a great day everyone! :waving3:
I meant to also say that I don't think I could sleep on a heated mattress pad. And I know Mark could not! He sleeps with a fan on his side of the bed 365 days a year! I actually like it a bit cool at night, too, so I can snuggle into that sheet and comforter! Sometimes I still have to throw my feet out from under the covers! :fan:
How to get 8 inches of snow melted in 8 hours -- live in Virginia. It's sunny and warm and the gutters are spewing water. The lawn is bare of snow most places.

I caught up on a bunch of web page updates that were needed this morning, then fought with technology for the couple hours after lunch. Hoping everything is set and working for now. It's leftovers for dinner, so no cooking. At 5:00 I'll just grab a glass of wine and my book and put my feet up.

Dates are set for what my son-in-law calls Granparents Summer Camp; we get the kids for 2 weeks, then pass them off to the other grandparents for 2 weeks. I love that my grandkids have so much time with us, despite living a continent away. I barely knew my grandparents when I was a kid.

The beans recipe looks delish! Did you use arugula or a different green? I am thinking spinach or kale could also work.
The beans recipe was good, not blow-me-away delish. Certainly easy enough to pull together. Probably would have been a little better if I had remembered to put the sun-dried tomatoes in at the right time, instead of finding them on the counter when the dish was finished and putting it back on the stove for 3 minutes to warm them up in it. I used arugula, because I love it, but, yes, any green would be fine. You just make a salad with it, essentially. My husband couldn't figure out how a green salad could work on top of hot beans so he treated it as two separate dishes. Whatever, it got eaten.
I ordered a heated mattress pad a few days ago and it arrived on Tuesday, OMG it was so nice to get into a warm bed on these freezing nights!!
I love my heated mattress pad. I go into the bedroom after dinner and turn it on high, then turn it off when I get into bed. I always get hot 2 or 3 hours after I go to sleep, so having it on all night wouldn't work, but it's so luxurious to just settle into a warm bed when you want to sleep.
Popping in again today to say hello. Feeling about as "normal" as I can feel. FINALLY. It's been a long road but I THINK I'm about at the end of it - I'm knocking on wood as I say this. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I had NO idea the second shingles vax would be as brutal as it was. I know that it's still better than having the shingles. My main problem is that I lost ALL creativity and when I finally started trying to do anything scrapping wise, I felt like I was starting over.

Thanks for asking how I was feeling and reaching out and keeping in touch with me. I love that.

Trudy, the cards and the box you made are fabulous. I love you guys and I miss you. I hope to be on the mend and soon to get back in the swing of everything. XOXO