Morning ladies... its another really chilly morning but this weekend the temps are supposed to warm up and we will have rain, that should take the rest of the frozen snow away. I ordered a heated mattress pad a few days ago and it arrived on Tuesday, OMG it was so nice to get into a warm bed on these freezing nights!! I don't know why I didn't get one years ago

my Gary said the same thing, it has a timer on it too so it will shut off whenever you want it to, but I have kept my side on all night on low and have slept like a baby the past two nights! So nice!! We are so ready for the warmer temps, its been too cold and slippery to even go for a walk around our neighbourhood. I am getting cabin fever being stuck in the house LOL. I did have a nice visit with my sister and we had some laughs and a couple of tears remembering our brother. Gosh I miss him so very much

. I talked with my SIL Veronica and wished her a safe trip home, she has mixed emotions about coming back on the 17th as she dreads walking into their empty house without him, but knows she needs to be there, thankfully her daughter will be with her for almost 5 weeks and will help her finalize a few things. My heart breaks for her!! I completed the birthday card for Aunt Betty and made a gift box to put it in here are photos of the finished project.
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I kind of got carried away with the front of the card, but couldn't seem to help myself

. I hope she likes it! I love making boxes and this is the first one that I have done with an acetate sheet on the front, it was fun to make. Anyway I am expecting a call from Heather as I am sure the boys will be home from school today, they are having a major snowstorm and expecting a ton more snow, our son called yesterday to say they are expecting the same and school for kids was already cancelled for today. Winter has hit them hard this Year! So off I go to get more coffee while I do personals.
You certainly did not have a free day yesterday!! Ughh on having to re-do all the tax stuff!! Numbers make my brain hurt, that is why I let my Gary do them!! If something ever happened to him I would just have to hire someone to do them! I am so not good with numbers, even in school I struggled so much with Math! Your photo might not be so good but it looks like you are having a great time with your fairy house, its so cute!!
Yes it does!!
Ohhh I hate when things bother you all night long like that!! I would have done the same and got up to deal with it LOL. Glad you finally got it all sorted out and got back to sleep!!
How lovely to spend the time with your oldest grandson on the phone! I love when that happens! Hope your back is feeling better and take it easy with finishing the cleaning of your trailer!
I do that quite often, forget to turn the dishwasher on at night! I need my fav coffee cup in the morning too, so usually take it out and wash it by hand instead of waiting for the dishwasher to finish LOL. Hope you have a lovely day and the temps stay above freezing!
You are one busy gal!! Nice that you have an indoor place to get your steps in!! My mom used to play Mahjong with her friends at least once a week, she just loved it! Hope your temps are good for your walk with Remi today.
Ok the dishwasher isn't going to empty itself, so I will get busy with that and get going with my day. Hopefully I can get out for a walk today without the fear of slipping on the ice. I need to get out of the house, so I might take the car and find a good place to get some exercise. Have a great day everyone!