
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, February 12


The Loopy-O
I have been trying to limit myself to 2 cups (ok, ok-- 2 mugs...) of coffee a day, but I am thinking today is not going to be one of those days. I just want to curl up in bed with the covers over my head. I guess I am still feeling cranky. Obviously the weather is not helping but I have to be thankful I don't live in Boston, or anywhere in New England.
If you haven't seen this on FB, it is too funny! From a New Hampshire PD:

We know we are a day early, however we here at Merrimack Police felt compelled to let the public know that there is a warrant for Punxsutawney Phil! We have received several complaints from the public that this little varmint is held up in a hole, warm and toasty. He told several people that Winter would last 6 more weeks, however he failed to disclose that it would consist of mountains of snow! If you see him, do not approach him as he is armed and dangerous. Call Merrimack Police, we will certainly take him into custody!


I ended up getting my blood drawn yesterday, and complained about it all day.

Not much going on today for me. I hope to do some shopping/scrapping for this:

Other than that... more :blah:

QOTD If you could learn one new scrap technique, what would it be? I am not sure of any particular one, but I would love to get better at all of them.


The Loopy-O
Sharon- hope that your trip home was uneventful!

Trudy- I am sure that with a bit of tweaking your photos will be great! I love using actions on my crummy ones, especially Vintage ones. Makes it look like you meant for your pics to be out of focus or distressed. LOL
Thank you for the good vibes and the warm weather. It looks like the pineapple express is not going to make it east. Back down to single digits later today. Iread on the news, that in Boston, there is so much snow, that they are dumping it into the ocean b/c they have run out of places to put it. And you-- not enough snow. Crazy!!!
How did you do swimming? Hope you got right back into the groove.

Phyllis- yeah, I always get extra tired and cranky and depressed this time of year. Add in the hormonal crap, and the post surgery crap and the Ly.... well, you get the picture hahah!!!
The snow we are supposed to be getting tonight and then again Saturday is being forecasted as "nuisance snow" but who the heck knows what it will *actually* do.

(Are you all getting my cranky vibes through my typing? I hope not, but there are here for sure. I had to respond to an email for a receipt I had submitted for a rebate yesterday that the couldn't find the item on the receipt. I had told them which part of the receipt it was on. They reply that they still can't find it. So I went back and told them exactly where it was, how it appeared on the receipt, how much I paid for it, and so one. I ended the email saying that I hoped that it helped them to find the item finally. Dumba$$es...)

What a nice time you must have had with your Aunt. I bet she enjoyed it too. You are less boring than I am!

Sharon- welcome home! That stinks about getting a cold but I bet it was worth it with the snuggling you got too. Sounds like you had a really fun and active trip. I saw the pic of the knitting project, looks amazing!
Feel better!!!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, you have my permission to go back to bed and ignore the day.
go ahead! what's stopping you? i hope things get better for you soon. two things to be thankful for, at least. a good post op doc appointment yesterday, and the fact you don't live in Boston. that warrant out on Phil is funny. nice to see a police dept. with a sense of humor!

Shar, sorry you're sick!! and what a great Gramma you are!

we only got about 1/2' of snow overnight, and methinks i see the sun. sort of. today i have to go out and run some errands, super-clean the library/my recliner room, and watch the next two episodes of The Jewel in the Crown. again. there are always a few things in this show i have to watch a few times to understand what's being meant. it's a VERY British show from the '80s, and some of it uses phrases that i haven't heard before and can't "translate" in the situations in which i'm hearing them.
there is this totally befuddling scene in one of the recent shows where a picnic provided by two little Indian boys appears out of nowhere. it's been fun seeing some famous Brit actors (Art Malik, Charles Dance) when they were about 25!

QOTD: do you know, i am tapped out on enthusiasm for new "techniques" in digi. the increasingly techno aspect of our art is part of what's shut me down. who knows. maybe i'll go back to PAPER!!

OK, off to do Thursday. there should be a how-to-manual for Thursday. :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning! I am feeling back to myself again. It was the strangest. Cramps and aches and just slept a lot. But glad it is done. After reading yesterday's posts about doing grandparent things I laugh because I get to be the grandparent to two cute little puppies. Today I will be going over and getting them to play and where them out for their parents. I keep laughing because I really am not a great animal person but these two are so sweet I am getting better. No hockey as my team is off until Friday and they are away. The weather by me has not been bad. I got out yesterday for a short walk and it was above freezing and most sidewalks are clean.

Chris just go back to bed. It seems that your body is telling you that your trip to the doctor and to get blood drawn are enough. Listen and just relax. Sorry that you husband is feeling down. I am not looking forward to the real cold.

Phylis so glad that you did not get too much snow. I found that Outlander is now on iTunes. You might try that for some fun!

Shar loved your grandmother stories. How fun and sweet! I am sure the grandkids will have such special memories always!

Trudy welcome back! So glad you had a great time. Congrats on getting back into swimming so fast! And yes I am joining you in the crying sections for how bad the teams are playing.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... :rain: here today, dark and gloomy outside. Today I am getting a bunch of toys and things that belonged to the grandkids ready to take to the Consignment Store. Woot :bored: Not much else going on today, except trying to decide what to make for dinner tonight. See Phylis you are not the boring one around here
I have to find something else to do today. Ohhhh I know how about scrapping a page or two :becky:

Chris - Sorry you are in that grumpy place!! Like Phylis says why not just go crawl back into bed?? Sure hope the weather and temps improve for all of you very soon! Love that little story of the police putting out a warrant for the groundhog!! Those people trying to read your receipt REALLY??? Yes they are a bunch of DUMBA$$ES!!! Not sure if you have seen this before on Facebook or not but I thought perhaps it would put a smile on your face, like Phylis says its nice to see a Police Dept. with a sense of humour!! I have watched this over and over again, love it! !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XFBUM8dMqw

Phylis - You will have to watch that video too if you have not already, sometimes you just need a good laugh to start the day with don't you? I love that idea smiley!! Too cute! I will have to watch that show that you are watching, I love the British shows but don't think I have seen that one before. Would you seriously go back to paper scrapping? I adore your layouts Phylis and I keep hoping that you will get back to Photoshop and start in on it again!!

Nancy - Have fun dog sitting today! It sounds like they are a couple of cuties!! Weird that you had those strange cramps, I have been experiencing some cramps today also, so hope its not something that I have picked up and just the change in water again after our holiday. I did get back into swimming pretty quickly, but man the first few laps were like starting from scratch again, very out of breath and had to stop to rest a lot!! Should be better tomorrow hopefully!

Ok I have a whole weeks worth of layouts to browse and I need to get some of the challenges done too, they look like really great ones this month! Have a fab day everyone and try to keep and dry!! :wave:


Yeah NyQuil! Slept thru the night, then went back to sleep this morning. It is better to be sick at home than at someone else's house.

Apps Gone Free has a couple of interesting apps today...TaDaa SLR, and Particle Box (to make fun backgrounds). The first one is just for iPhones, but the second says "universal." I don't know if that means it is for other smart phones too, or just that it is also good for the iPad.

That's all I've got in me this morning. I may take another nap!