
Daily Ooos: Thursday, February 1!!


The Loopy-O
One step closer to spring!!! :flower:

Yup I know, I am jumping the gun, but every day closer to warmer weather makes me happy! When I was cooking dinner last night, it was still somewhat light outside at 5.30!! :dancing6: The snow is all melted from the roads and the grass. There was still some in the wooded areas late afternoon.

Yesterday was Day Three of not-much-happening but I have more stuff going on next week so I figured I might as well take advantage. I scrapped a page (still needs finishing touches but is mostly done) and I did another yoga session. My goal is to do at least a 10-15 minute session every day for two weeks. That means I am going to have to schedule them or I'll put it off until "it's too late to do yoga." I know, that's a silly excuse ;)
I am cleaning this morning and figuring out what to cook for dinner. I have a running list of meals I *can* make, now I have to decide what I *want* to make LOL

I have a few things I need to do here and that's about it!



Love my O Family!
One step closer to spring!!! :flower:

Yup I know, I am jumping the gun, but every day closer to warmer weather makes me happy! When I was cooking dinner last night, it was still somewhat light outside at 5.30!! :dancing6: The snow is all melted from the roads and the grass. There was still some in the wooded areas late afternoon.
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Yesterday was Day Three of not-much-happening but I have more stuff going on next week so I figured I might as well take advantage. I scrapped a page (still needs finishing touches but is mostly done) and I did another yoga session. My goal is to do at least a 10-15 minute session every day for two weeks. That means I am going to have to schedule them or I'll put it off until "it's too late to do yoga." I know, that's a silly excuse ;)
I am cleaning this morning and figuring out what to cook for dinner. I have a running list of meals I *can* make, now I have to decide what I *want* to make LOL

I have a few things I need to do here and that's about it!

Wonderful picture! Love it when the snow covers everything long enough to get some good pictures and then goes away! I'm still waiting for that one snow here! I'm itching to take some snowy bird photos!
My PT has gone astray here with all the doctor appointments and sickness, unfortunately! And I can tell it, too!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday Oh that's good news that you are feeling better! yay!

@BrightEyes the early morning wake-up time must be contagious. Chalk me up for 4.40 am today. :sleeping:
The Date Book sounds like it would be a fun read! Let us know what you think when you're done. I finished The Echoes book last night and it was good, but I liked the Keeper of Happy Endings better. Now I am on to a serial killer/FBI Thriller. Gotta keep things mixed up hehe.
Yup--I found my hiking pole, buried underneath the millions of reusable grocery bags in my car. NJ outlawed plastic bags a couple of years ago and the reusable ones are like rabbits. Bwuahahah!!

@taxed4ever That's the sweetest thing that you are going on the hike, even in the rain, to support your friend You are such a good person ♥ I hope it wasn't too wet and muddy.
You are on top of everything with the birthdays and gifts coming up. Tomorrow is your Gary's b-day?
I get that, I have so many pictures of the same scenery it's like"Why bother?" OTOH, I am lacking in the photo dept when I am looking for things to scrap.
That's an interesting tip - soaking your feet for a headache. I hope that it works, Vicky, if you try it out.

@Cherylndesigns So happy that you are having warm weather again. The ice storm was truly a blessing in disguise for your family. I hope the paperwork comes through quickly. I feel bad for Daisy and Sam. It has to be confusing for them.
"Chuck" is sitting up on the mantle and will be unless the animals get weird. They're already weird, so how would I know?
Am I an awful person because I loud out loud at this??
If it is any comfort, Sam has her "share" of Daniel on the mantle, next to the ashes of her dog. Behind them is a beautiful picture of Dan and Puppa together. They seem to be getting along fine up there.

@bcgal00 the bird photos you posted were gorgeous. Glad that you got out and about.
@LSlycord Hope that you are getting stronger and more energetic every day!

Big hugs to everyone I know I'm missing!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Well, my brain is still a bit muddled and I am quite tired, but I feel much better today! I haven't slept very well the last couple of nights because of night sweats. So I'm not sure what in the world is going on there! I hope this bout of COVID did not do something to trigger those since I have been pretty blessed not to have them all these years since I went through menopause when I was 47.....21 years ago!

Poor Mark has COVID now. He tested positive last night with a home test. I told him I was sorry for "sharing the love" with him.


This is my medical desk, LOL! Complete with prescriptions and supplements, cough syrup, oximeter, Kleenex, and 2 pages of instructions! No wonder my brain is muddled! Whatever it takes! At least the headache is minimal now! The laptop is buried under the instructions in this photo, but the laptop has resurfaced to my lap.....as it should be! ;)

It's wonderful to be back.....even if not quite to full capacity yet!



Love my O Family!
@vickyday Oh that's good news that you are feeling better! yay!

@BrightEyes the early morning wake-up time must be contagious. Chalk me up for 4.40 am today. :sleeping:
The Date Book sounds like it would be a fun read! Let us know what you think when you're done. I finished The Echoes book last night and it was good, but I liked the Keeper of Happy Endings better. Now I am on to a serial killer/FBI Thriller. Gotta keep things mixed up hehe.
Yup--I found my hiking pole, buried underneath the millions of reusable grocery bags in my car. NJ outlawed plastic bags a couple of years ago and the reusable ones are like rabbits. Bwuahahah!!

@taxed4ever That's the sweetest thing that you are going on the hike, even in the rain, to support your friend You are such a good person ♥ I hope it wasn't too wet and muddy.
You are on top of everything with the birthdays and gifts coming up. Tomorrow is your Gary's b-day?
I get that, I have so many pictures of the same scenery it's like"Why bother?" OTOH, I am lacking in the photo dept when I am looking for things to scrap.
That's an interesting tip - soaking your feet for a headache. I hope that it works, Vicky, if you try it out.

@Cherylndesigns So happy that you are having warm weather again. The ice storm was truly a blessing in disguise for your family. I hope the paperwork comes through quickly. I feel bad for Daisy and Sam. It has to be confusing for them.

Am I an awful person because I loud out loud at this??
If it is any comfort, Sam has her "share" of Daniel on the mantle, next to the ashes of her dog. Behind them is a beautiful picture of Dan and Puppa together. They seem to be getting along fine up there.

@bcgal00 the bird photos you posted were gorgeous. Glad that you got out and about.
@LSlycord Hope that you are getting stronger and more energetic every day!

Big hugs to everyone I know I'm missing!
AMEN to that!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday Oh that's good news that you are feeling better! yay!

@BrightEyes the early morning wake-up time must be contagious. Chalk me up for 4.40 am today. :sleeping:
The Date Book sounds like it would be a fun read! Let us know what you think when you're done. I finished The Echoes book last night and it was good, but I liked the Keeper of Happy Endings better. Now I am on to a serial killer/FBI Thriller. Gotta keep things mixed up hehe.
Yup--I found my hiking pole, buried underneath the millions of reusable grocery bags in my car. NJ outlawed plastic bags a couple of years ago and the reusable ones are like rabbits. Bwuahahah!!

@taxed4ever That's the sweetest thing that you are going on the hike, even in the rain, to support your friend You are such a good person ♥ I hope it wasn't too wet and muddy.
You are on top of everything with the birthdays and gifts coming up. Tomorrow is your Gary's b-day?
I get that, I have so many pictures of the same scenery it's like"Why bother?" OTOH, I am lacking in the photo dept when I am looking for things to scrap.
That's an interesting tip - soaking your feet for a headache. I hope that it works, Vicky, if you try it out.

@Cherylndesigns So happy that you are having warm weather again. The ice storm was truly a blessing in disguise for your family. I hope the paperwork comes through quickly. I feel bad for Daisy and Sam. It has to be confusing for them.

Am I an awful person because I loud out loud at this??
If it is any comfort, Sam has her "share" of Daniel on the mantle, next to the ashes of her dog. Behind them is a beautiful picture of Dan and Puppa together. They seem to be getting along fine up there.

@bcgal00 the bird photos you posted were gorgeous. Glad that you got out and about.
@LSlycord Hope that you are getting stronger and more energetic every day!

Big hugs to everyone I know I'm missing!
I was up about the same time as you, too! Laid back down but couldn't go back to sleep. So I finally got up at 6:22.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning Lovelies.

It's a balmy 49 degrees but going to 67! I'll take that.

Chris @faerywings why did I know that you'd love the story about the ashes on the mantle and the animals (maybe) getting weird? That's a good idea you gave me. I also have the first dog that Chuck and I had together, Samantha's, ashes. I should put them on the mantle, too. So far, no weirdness from the animals. Our cat, Sam (what is it about all the Sam's) stretched up and tried to get Chuck's bedroom door open yesterday. We don't have regular doorknobs, they're that kind you just pull down on. He was meowing so I let him in, He went to every corner, then went into Chuck's closet. I know he was looking for him.

Vicky @vickyday hope you're feeling better, but sorry Mark has it now.

Hugs to everybody and HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone and happy Thursday! Yesterday's hike was very nice, but I forgot to take my phone with me so that I could get some photos :sad2:. we did a second part to this hike and the river was running right along side of the trail, it was powerful and beautiful! I will have to see if my friend got any photos that she could send to me. The rain pretty much held off for the hike and I only had to put my hood up on my head for a very short period of time. We lucked out with the weather! We all decided to go the the local pub in Cowichan Bay and have lunch, it was a fun time and lots of chatter going on, food was good and so was the conversation and company!! It was just what I needed, to get out in the fresh air and get some exercise. I feel rejuvenated today! This afternoon I am going to go shopping for a couple of little gifties for my DH's birthday tomorrow. Today is my oldest brother Bob's birthday he is 89 today, but sadly in a care home with dementia and really doesn't know who any of us are anymore:crying1:. His boys tell us that he is very happy there though and that they are taking very good care of him!! He is in a beautiful care home in Chemainus right by the ocean with lovely views and gardens, he was very lucky to be able to go to that Home!! :lovey3:.
This morning I am making a Cheese Cake for my Gary with some raspberry drizzle and whip cream on the top, he loves Cheese Cake and so do I !!

@faerywings - My Gary and I were commenting to each other about how nice it is that its not as dark as it used to be when he gets home and the end of the day. We are both anxiously waiting for the day when we can sit out on the decks again and watch the sunsets! I hope that you find something fun to do today!! I need to catch up here at the O and hope to get some scrapping done after my DH's special day is over and done. There is now going to be 10 of us for Chinese Food tomorrow, so I better call the restaurant and make sure that they can accommodate us with a table for that many. Little baby Sophia will be there at the restaurant so it will be nice to get some baby snuggles in!!

@vickyday - Wow that's a lot of meds!! Happy to hear that you are feeling better!! Darn Covid had me down and out for more than 10 days!! I tested positive for all 10 days, I was really getting worried that I would have it for the long haul. Sorry that your Mark now has it too, but I suppose it is inevitable! Glad to hear that your laptop is back in your lap again!!

@Cherylndesigns - Isn't it amazing how in tune our animals are to us! I am sure that they all know that your Chuck is not present in the house anymore. At least not in physical form I am sure he is watching over all of you! Happy to hear that your temps are getting warmer, we have broken records for the warmest temps ever recorded for this time of year. I worry what our summer will be like!!

Waving Hello :wavinghello:to @BrightEyes and @bcgal00 hoping that you are having a nice quiet morning!! I am off to get another cup of coffee :coffeedrinker: and start working on that Cheese Cake.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Morning everyone and happy Thursday! Yesterday's hike was very nice, but I forgot to take my phone with me so that I could get some photos :sad2:. we did a second part to this hike and the river was running right along side of the trail, it was powerful and beautiful! I will have to see if my friend got any photos that she could send to me. The rain pretty much held off for the hike and I only had to put my hood up on my head for a very short period of time. We lucked out with the weather! We all decided to go the the local pub in Cowichan Bay and have lunch, it was a fun time and lots of chatter going on, food was good and so was the conversation and company!! It was just what I needed, to get out in the fresh air and get some exercise. I feel rejuvenated today! This afternoon I am going to go shopping for a couple of little gifties for my DH's birthday tomorrow. Today is my oldest brother Bob's birthday he is 89 today, but sadly in a care home with dementia and really doesn't know who any of us are anymore:crying1:. His boys tell us that he is very happy there though and that they are taking very good care of him!! He is in a beautiful care home in Chemainus right by the ocean with lovely views and gardens, he was very lucky to be able to go to that Home!! :lovey3:.
This morning I am making a Cheese Cake for my Gary with some raspberry drizzle and whip cream on the top, he loves Cheese Cake and so do I !!

@faerywings - My Gary and I were commenting to each other about how nice it is that its not as dark as it used to be when he gets home and the end of the day. We are both anxiously waiting for the day when we can sit out on the decks again and watch the sunsets! I hope that you find something fun to do today!! I need to catch up here at the O and hope to get some scrapping done after my DH's special day is over and done. There is now going to be 10 of us for Chinese Food tomorrow, so I better call the restaurant and make sure that they can accommodate us with a table for that many. Little baby Sophia will be there at the restaurant so it will be nice to get some baby snuggles in!!

@vickyday - Wow that's a lot of meds!! Happy to hear that you are feeling better!! Darn Covid had me down and out for more than 10 days!! I tested positive for all 10 days, I was really getting worried that I would have it for the long haul. Sorry that your Mark now has it too, but I suppose it is inevitable! Glad to hear that your laptop is back in your lap again!!

@Cherylndesigns - Isn't it amazing how in tune our animals are to us! I am sure that they all know that your Chuck is not present in the house anymore. At least not in physical form I am sure he is watching over all of you! Happy to hear that your temps are getting warmer, we have broken records for the warmest temps ever recorded for this time of year. I worry what our summer will be like!!

Waving Hello :wavinghello:to @BrightEyes and @bcgal00 hoping that you are having a nice quiet morning!! I am off to get another cup of coffee :coffeedrinker: and start working on that Cheese Cake.
Yes, animals are more in tune with our emotions than humans, sometimes. They're so confused and Daisy is so sad. She lays on Chuck's blanket most of the time. YAY for a good hike and high temps for you too. I know our summer will be hot - they always are. :heartpumpred:


Morning, gals. Have been as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof this morning!! The start of a new month means getting the CT things for Feb lined up. Got my Feb Challenge - Year Fallback LO into the gallery, etc. And catching up on what is new for Feb challenges. Whoo-whee... lots of great challenges! I am always energized when I see them. Between checking on new releases and challenges I have been hopping here and there. :dancingbfly::bouncing::cheer: Will be working on getting a few more LOs into the gallery and other places later on. Need to get the challenges into my CT notebook and get it up-to-date. When I was posting over on FB, I had several ''memories" pages pop up from 6 years ago about Bill, so I had to share them.

Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon cleaning the fridge... it really needed it. Took over 2 hours to take every thing off the shelves and out of the door bins, scrub the shelves and dry them, wash the bins - dry and put them back in place. Plus then wipe down every bottle, can, tub before putting them back in place. I pitched out 4 bottles of stuff that from 2014 or earlier!!! YIKES!!! They were Soy and Teriyaki Sauces and a bottle of Molasses (2012!!). Couldn't believe they were still in the fridge. While I was busy doing all that opening and closing of the door - while the door was open - the lower light bulb blew out!! So had to stop and do a search for an appliance bulb of the right size as the only way to reach it was to keep the veggie bin out, Found one in the garage then taped the fridge light switch closed so I wouldn't get shocked and had to use a wadded up cloth to remove the old broken bulb. Now I need to remember to buy another appliance bulb as the upper bulb might blow soon. But have to admit it was worth all the work to open the fridge door and see everything sparkling clean!!

Will be back later for personals...


Love my O Family!
Good morning Lovelies.

It's a balmy 49 degrees but going to 67! I'll take that.

Chris @faerywings why did I know that you'd love the story about the ashes on the mantle and the animals (maybe) getting weird? That's a good idea you gave me. I also have the first dog that Chuck and I had together, Samantha's, ashes. I should put them on the mantle, too. So far, no weirdness from the animals. Our cat, Sam (what is it about all the Sam's) stretched up and tried to get Chuck's bedroom door open yesterday. We don't have regular doorknobs, they're that kind you just pull down on. He was meowing so I let him in, He went to every corner, then went into Chuck's closet. I know he was looking for him.

Vicky @vickyday hope you're feeling better, but sorry Mark has it now.

Hugs to everybody and HAGD
Animals are amazing, aren't they? I'm sure Sam was looking for your dear Chuck!

Yes, I feel human again, LOL! Mark is resting peacefully on the couch this afternoon. He wanted some Vicks to rub on when I ordered groceries earlier and it seems to be helping him to breathe better at this point anyway. It felt good to get out of the house and pick up the grocery order. I also put fresh birdseed out earlier. Right now it is 51 feels like 50. The sun is shining beautifully and supposed to get to 54 before it starts dropping off again around 4.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone and happy Thursday! Yesterday's hike was very nice, but I forgot to take my phone with me so that I could get some photos :sad2:. we did a second part to this hike and the river was running right along side of the trail, it was powerful and beautiful! I will have to see if my friend got any photos that she could send to me. The rain pretty much held off for the hike and I only had to put my hood up on my head for a very short period of time. We lucked out with the weather! We all decided to go the the local pub in Cowichan Bay and have lunch, it was a fun time and lots of chatter going on, food was good and so was the conversation and company!! It was just what I needed, to get out in the fresh air and get some exercise. I feel rejuvenated today! This afternoon I am going to go shopping for a couple of little gifties for my DH's birthday tomorrow. Today is my oldest brother Bob's birthday he is 89 today, but sadly in a care home with dementia and really doesn't know who any of us are anymore:crying1:. His boys tell us that he is very happy there though and that they are taking very good care of him!! He is in a beautiful care home in Chemainus right by the ocean with lovely views and gardens, he was very lucky to be able to go to that Home!! :lovey3:.
This morning I am making a Cheese Cake for my Gary with some raspberry drizzle and whip cream on the top, he loves Cheese Cake and so do I !!

@faerywings - My Gary and I were commenting to each other about how nice it is that its not as dark as it used to be when he gets home and the end of the day. We are both anxiously waiting for the day when we can sit out on the decks again and watch the sunsets! I hope that you find something fun to do today!! I need to catch up here at the O and hope to get some scrapping done after my DH's special day is over and done. There is now going to be 10 of us for Chinese Food tomorrow, so I better call the restaurant and make sure that they can accommodate us with a table for that many. Little baby Sophia will be there at the restaurant so it will be nice to get some baby snuggles in!!

@vickyday - Wow that's a lot of meds!! Happy to hear that you are feeling better!! Darn Covid had me down and out for more than 10 days!! I tested positive for all 10 days, I was really getting worried that I would have it for the long haul. Sorry that your Mark now has it too, but I suppose it is inevitable! Glad to hear that your laptop is back in your lap again!!

@Cherylndesigns - Isn't it amazing how in tune our animals are to us! I am sure that they all know that your Chuck is not present in the house anymore. At least not in physical form I am sure he is watching over all of you! Happy to hear that your temps are getting warmer, we have broken records for the warmest temps ever recorded for this time of year. I worry what our summer will be like!!

Waving Hello :wavinghello:to @BrightEyes and @bcgal00 hoping that you are having a nice quiet morning!! I am off to get another cup of coffee :coffeedrinker: and start working on that Cheese Cake.
The hike and the lunch sounds wonderful! Shame on you for forgetting your phone! ;). MMMM! I love cheese cake, too!

I certainly hope this stuff doesn't hang around for 10 days! I guess it will be, however, considering Mark is just starting. The weird thing is that we have both had it twice before but didn't have it at all at the same time. This is the only time we've had it together!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Animals are amazing, aren't they? I'm sure Sam was looking for your dear Chuck!

Yes, I feel human again, LOL! Mark is resting peacefully on the couch this afternoon. He wanted some Vicks to rub on when I ordered groceries earlier and it seems to be helping him to breathe better at this point anyway. It felt good to get out of the house and pick up the grocery order. I also put fresh birdseed out earlier. Right now it is 51 feels like 50. The sun is shining beautifully and supposed to get to 54 before it starts dropping off again around 4.
Glad you got out of the house and yes, Vick's definitely helps. That was my dad's old standby, and it definitely helps. You guys take it easy.

I truly believe that Sam was looking for Chuck - you can't imagine that a cat has an emotional attachment like that, but they do. Dogs always do, but this cat really misses him. :sad2: