
Daily Ooo's: September 3-4: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy Saturday! And a Happy Labor Day Weekend in the US.

I am sorry that I never made it back to the Oo's yesterday. I meant to, but by the time I got home from work, I was exhausted. Then I had to deal with a fresh-mouthed teenager. Then dinner and bed.
what a day!

I'd love to say i am feeling better and well rested, but nope, not really. I can say that I am becoming heavily caffeinated:eek2::eek2::eek2:

Its all good!!!

Any good plans this weekend? We have a family BBQ to go to. its for my MIL's cousins annual shindig. Gary's not coming but I'll bring the kids who can hang with their cousins and go fishing with Grandpa.

Other than that- I hope it will be relatively quiet- I need to get my house a bit cleaned and organized. I simply cannot believe that school starts on Tuesday.



lOve the O!
Plans- well - we leave in 45 min for dance lessons, then we are coming home and setting up stuff at the bottom of the driveway for impromptu garage sale. I still have dry wall dust to mop up, sorting to get down by the road to sell, some weeding, but it is so hot and humid that I don't know how much outside time I will get. No visitors this weekend, just us, but lots to do to get ready for our Amish work crew to do the mudding. Oh and bill paying as well. I am looking forward to three days off!

Chris - enjoy your weekend- did your beach reopen for you on Thursday?


The Loopy-O
Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I was just looking for my thread from yesterday to do personals and I couldn't figure out why Monday's thread was at the top of the page! Oops!! I sent us back to Monday.

Gotta admit it has been a while since I botched up the date that badly :p

Clara- thanks for calling me out on the date haha!
And thx for the eye-poppy hug, you know I love them! Did you have a nice day off with D and A? That is awesome that you can rent fencing, very cool and fun for your puppy to have "free reign."
Have a great long weekend and fun at the fair.

Hi Trudy- how was your day? Thankfully no problems with the roads that I had to be on, whew!

Sally, I thought you were off coffee? LOL Love the visual of Clara fencing tee hee!!
veryjane sounds like a neat concept- aprons should not be too hard (as long as you are not like me w/ sewing) I need to get Faery-Wings back up and running. I haven't done anything with it since the spring. Bad Faery!!
Only you would say Mondays and Fridays are interchangeable, and that is one reason why I adore you!! Have great weekend.

Terra, I missed soothing-- is Iain your daughter? What surgery did she have? Fingers and toes crossed for a great and quick recovery.

Hey hey meg! Seriously- I hear ya on the natural disaster overload. No more earthquake dreams, ya hear?
Tell jeff I said happy birthday!
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The Loopy-O
Good luck with dancing and the garage sale Laurie.

No, the beach did not open. I ended up taking the kids to the mall- which took and hour to get there due to road closures (not that much longer,since it is normally 45 mins away, but just a PITA!). Malls and shopping and teens- I don't know WTH I was thinking! As I told gary, I would rather stick a fork in my eye, but I was desperate to get out of the house.

Lake was supposed to be opened yesterday- but still wasn't. Now they are shooting for Sunday. Monday is the last day of the season, so I am wondering if they just feel that it isn't worth re-opening for a couple of days :(


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies!!! So glad to be here.

Not much planned for the weekend here. It is supposed to cool down the beginning today. Have had a real heat wave...started September with a couple of upper 90 days so will be glad to have the mid-70's for a few days. :)

Might try the Farmers Market this morning if everyone gets out of bed in time. And I need to get Dad to the bank...need to get Mom's name off of the account. Not a fun task.

Then, we have started doing Sunday night meals at Dad's. I cook down there and the whole family comes. Spaghetti, tacos, grilling...nice easy things but it gets us all together at least once a week. Even my niece and nephew who are teenagers are coming.

Other than that...we are going to just kick back and relax!


Well-Known Member
Laurie, enjoy dance lessons. And then good luck on the garage sale. (And have fun with that paying bills thing. :wink: I need to do that too.)


Well-Known Member
Chris, sorry that you aren't feeling better. And that teenager thing...did you know that it now starts at age 7 or 8? Seriously, amazing how early they start acting that way.

Enjoy the barbecue.


Well-Known Member
REALLY???? Did morning have to come so fast??? I needed about 2 more hours of sleep!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooo exhausted....

Meeting my step daughter, Jamie this morning to buy her stroller and car seat for the new baby coming in 1 month now!!! That is the gift we have gotten for each of our girls for their first baby. 2nd babies don't get that nice!! ...they have to get hand downs for that!! HAHA!!! If I have not told you before...she is having a girl. She is a teacher (special ed at that) and she went back to school a couple of weeks ago and she is exhausted!!!

Well...breakfast is done....I have had my shower and I need to clean up the kitchen and get myself and all the kids ready to go...so better jump off!!!

HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Oh...in all the drama going on in my life......I have forgotten to mention that my little Savannah turned TWO on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Weekend Everyone!! A beautiful sunny day today:biggrin:. I slept almost 10hrs!!!! Sorry Nana Linda I know how much you need to sleep more! A relaxing weekend planned. My brother and sister-in-law are in Washington so they told us to use the house if we wanted. They live right on the Cowichan River and perhaps we will take a tube ride down the river this weekend. Awww I love the summer, I know its almost over but only just got summer in the middle of August so we will soak up every moment we can!!

Chris - I hope you get to go to the Lake at least once more before they close!

LindaS - I would love to go to the farm market today also, I don't envy you on your banking task!! Such a difficult thing to do! So nice that you all get together for your Dad each week, so important to keep family close!! :kiss: to you and your family!!

Laurie - Here's hoping you make lots of bucks from your garage sale!! Sure hope the humidity goes down for you, its exhausting dealing with that kind of heat!

Clara - how's the fencing coming along??

Nana Linda - My U.S. sister, go back to bed girl!! I know that you can't, you are way to busy!! How generous of you to buy both a stroller and car seat!! Nice gifts for sure! Well I hope you get some relaxing time in this weekend!! Savannah is two??? Wow where did the time go? Happy Birthday Sweet Savannah!!!


Well-Known Member
No, Iain is not my daughter.... Iain is my partner. She was hit by a drunk driver in April of 2010... and she hasn't been able to walk since... Her bones just wouldn't heal and so we're hoping this surgery will be the last for that leg. The initial surgery required a titanium rod, 2 screws, a few metal plates and a nail to piece it together. It basically exploded. She was "scalped" for lack of a better word... and suffered a closed skull brain injury which has affected her dramatically. She has almost no impulse control now. She loses words, (She was a writer and was continuing her education to teach at a college level when it happened)... So losing words is a really big deal. It's ruined any chance of a career for her. She broke toes, her fingertip shattered... Her shoulder was torn. It's been a very long and intense road for us over the past year and a half. One minute she's normal and the next she's like five... (because of the brain injury)... She doesn't have the button that says, "Don't say that"... She is pure impulse. So it's been an adjustment for everyone. But we're sooo grateful she's even alive. Honestly, she shouldn't have survived.


Well-Known Member
Goodnight/morning everyone!!! I should be heading to bed, but Jeff's on his lunch break so I'm still awake to talk to him during his break. His birthday was Saturday, but we're celebrating tonight with PW's jalepeno bbq poppers... and then something bbq'd, not sure if I'm going to pick up some flank steaks or a tritip.

Not much else to report around here this weekend except being busy! With more appraisal orders coming in, I've been working to get all my other ducks in line in case I get buried with appraisals. I've also been hanging out with the chickens when it's cooler, any day now we could finally have eggs!!!

I have mixed feelings about this week... Doctor's appointments. I did tons of bloodwork at my last appointment, and that always makes me nervous!! I also need to talk to him about my tinnitus and migraines, they're getting so bad I'm now having vertigo. Speaking of which, my tinnitus has started up again so I'm taking that as a sign to go to bed.

Love you all!!!! Praying for everyone!!! I'll be back when the sun is up :)


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday.
We had a nice time at the BBQ yesterday, Gary even mae it up for a couple of hours. MIL's cousin owns a house righ ton one of the main lakes in my town, its their weekend home and its gorgeous. They have huge decks right on the lake, a boat, fishing area.... just perfection.
My kids fished, they went out on the boat for two really long rides with the other cousins kids. After Gary left with my car, i knew MIL and FIL would drive me home, so I was able to sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy the day.

I was hoping to go to the lake today but it is still not open, and I am not sure if it will be today. Not to mention the sky is quite grey. Its supposed to rain here almost all week. Not good, not good :(
I hope that the rivers have receded enough and the rain we get is minimal because the ground is still so saturated from all of the rain in August. (record rainfall amounts-- and that was before Irene)
Guess i better take one day at a time or I'll go crazy watching the weather. :loco:

Meg- Good luck with your week ahead. My dad has meniere's disease and that causes tinnitus and vertigo. He found that salt really sends him over the edge. i know you are on a pretty restrictive diet already, but see how much sodium intake you have and see if that makes a difference for you.

Good luck with your chicks!

Terra, how scary and difficult that must be for you. Huge hugs to both of you. And how frustrating to lose words like that when words are part of who she is.
my neighbor was hit by a car years ago and was pinned by his legs and they never healed either- he has open wounds that just won't heal. Its scary and sad how much damage can be done- I hope that drunk driver is in jail.
Can I be nosy and ask how old she is and what kind of prognosis? (Please don't answer if you don't want to, no hard feelings) I know the brain has amazing capacity to heal and to re-work its neural connections and I hope that is the case for her.
Good luck with her treatment, and again-- hugs to you both.

Trudy- 10 hours of sleep, I am soooooooo jealous! My "puppy" has me up at 5 am now, I guess its good practice for when school starts eh? Send some sun and sleep here please! LOL But I feel like I have a aby- let her out before i go to bed around 9pm, then again between 11-12. Then sometimes around 2, and then around 5-6am. No wonder I look like this: madgrin:

Nana- did you try any melatonin to help you sleep? The recommended dosage is 3 mgs but you can safely take up to 10 mgs. I usually take 6 mgs and a xanax, and I can usually fall asleep ok which is better than tossing and turning like I usually do.

Happy second birthday Miss S!!!!!!!!! :party:

hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
It's Sunday and I am still alive!!! :faint2: This I slept really hard last night Chris....didn't take anything!!!! I was just so exhausted my body just gave out!!!! The kids were all out by 9....and me by 9:30!!!! Mike let me sleep in until 8....the kids all got up at 7.

For those of you who are not understanding this....I have three of my grandchildren here with me right now...my oldest daughter is out of town and I have her son with me for a week....and the other two are my youngest daughters children whom I have temporary custody of as of this past week for a couple of months, while my daughter works on her issues.

So this week has been like running into the middle of a hurricane for us!!!

Not sure what the day has in store for us......

Hope all of you have a GREAT day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning Nana Linda. Glad you got to sleep until 8. Give Mr. Mike a hug from your O sisters for taking such good care of you.

And I saw that layout you did of Savanah---couldn't believe that she is 2 already but sure do get it when I see that photo...she looks like a 2 year old. (Wasn't it just yesterday you were working on her 1st birthday party?)


Well-Known Member
Chris, so glad that Gary was able to make it for part of the bbq. Here's hoping that the rain holds off for you guys. We spent August in a drought here in Iowa. If we could have just met in the middle. :)


Well-Known Member
Trudy, your weekend sounds like so much fun on the water! I soooo want a place on the water. It is my BIG dream. Enjoy your last days of summer.


Well-Known Member
Meg, sorry that you are still having such health problems. Hope that the bloodwork gave the doctors some clues.

Terra, I don't think that we have met yet. So "hi".


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone!! What a great day Mr. G and I had yesterday!! We had full run of my brother's place on the river and sat on the wharf and relaxed and drank wine and then we went for a tube down the river. It was so peaceful, except for a few other tubers who had had one too many (they don't realize how the sound carries on the water) Anyway we got a couple of subs at Subway and that was our supper so no dishes, no cooking I was in heaven!! Today we may go to the Lake and laze around at the in-laws place or go for a boat ride, who needs waterfront property when all the relatives have it right :eyebrows:.

Chris - sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday also, how nice that you did not have to worry about driving back home!! I am working on sending you some sunshine! Sounds like you need a sitter for your puppy so you can get a full nights sleep!! I did not get to sleep in this morning, my kitty had me up at 5:45 he thought he should have his breakfast and then go outside.:icon_frown:

Terra - Oh my, what a terrible thing to happen to someone you love so much!! Keep the faith my dear! My daughter also suffered a brain injury when she was 18, she got viral encephalitis and it affected her cerebellum, she was blind, could not speak at all (it was all gibberish) she could not sit up, stand or walk, she had ataxia so bad that she couldn't even feed herself. It has taken more than 10 years, but with a lot of hard work and therapy she is almost back to the way she was. She still needs assistance to walk as she loses her balance, but everything came back to her and we are still hopeful that the walking will come back one day too! The brain is an amazing thing and although it takes a long time, it can heal and retrain. I send all of my good thoughts your way that things will improve for your partner also!! :hug:

Meg - Hope your Dr. appts go well and that you have some time to relax in between them and your appraisal work!!

Nana Linda - so glad that you got some good rest!! Sounds like you are going to need it! How wonderful that you have temp custody of your grandbabies! I know it has been a tough road for all of you, hopefully your daughter will straighten her life out and things will be happier for everyone! Have a fun day with those sweet babies!!

I am off to check out the challenges here this month. Have a great weekend everyone :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
LindaS - Sorry I missed you, we must have been posting at the same time :-D
Hope your weekend is going well, you can come and enjoy the waterfront with me if you like. :wave:


lOve the O!
morning all {{{{group hugs}}}}. I have had off and on internet due to storms and not wanting to replace yet another router, I keep unplugging from the wall and antennae! I am headed to town soon to play catchup, buy some Gruyere cheese for french onion soup later with the steaks mr gorgeous will cook on the grill between storms. That will be our celebration and we are both getting our work work done today so tomorrow can be our day. More basement work no doubt. The wonderful man put drywall scraps up in the "cement" exercise room. The only basement room without walls over the concrete besides the furnace room. Love that man.


Well-Known Member
Morning Everyone! It's another blistering hot day here in Arizona! YAY! :( lol

LindaS - It's nice to meet you!

She's now in her mid forties... So we're pretty sure what she has now is all she'll ever have when it comes to her brain. But I'm still keeping up hope. It doesn't help that we have to fight the insurance company every step of the way. It's really kind of sad because she's aware of the loss... It would almost be a blessing if she didn't realize what she had lost. But she knows and I think she's struggling to not let it break her.


lOve the O!
Evening all - still storming off and on- I just finished making and eating French Onion soup with white october wine. Mr. Gorgeous is cooking steaks, and I am fixing sweet potatoes. Next will be lemon meringue pie-mmm- loving the extended weekend here in the states.