
Daily Ooos: September 28-29: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning O-Zies. I am sending so many good thoughts to everyone who has been impacted by Hurricane Helene. What a monster of a storm, it is heartbreaking to see images of homes underwater.

On a happier note, it is a birthday weekend for my MIL today, and my FIL and SIL tomorrow. I won't be seeing them since I'll be at work today and tomorrow so I'd better remind Gary to call everyone. It's kinda strange that I'm not having a Sept birthday bash here but I like my brain (sort of) intact, Can you imagine the explosion if I tried to host that on top of everything else?

Best not tempt fate.

Yesterday's visit with my parents didn't make my head explode. It's too numb to their antics at this point. It makes me sad and worried but they will never, ever change.
The cardiologist appt was fine-- little blips on the EKG and he heard some palpitations. I go back for an echocardiogram and a 24-hour monitor in a few weeks, plus some calcium screening test. I can get that at the same place I can get the DEXA done. I would love to schedule both back to back. I just have to find some time.

This morning I am going on a Bird Migration hike at Weis. I am not working, but I want to learn about it so I get to tag along. This afternoon, I don't even know! I should tidy my office and the DR/LR. Laundry. Dinner (UGH, again!!!). While I was in the Dr office, I started brainstorming ideas for a Forest Ecosystem Program in a Google Doc on my phone. I need to clean it up and flesh it out. Not on my phone - I want to be able to read what I am typing. haha!

What fun and hopefully relaxing plans (not you Trudy, I know you'll be busy! :giggle4: ) do you all have?



The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes big hugs to you as you say goodbye to DD#1 :hug2:

@BoatLady I'm glad that your house is ok and I hope that you have power back soon!

@taxed4ever So glad that you and Wendy solved the world's problems :rotfl: Did you have a wonderful day puttering about yesterday and take some time for yourself? Hope so!

@Terri M Oh no, the weather isn't helping the trail work at all if the lumber is getting washed down the creek! Good to hear that they got most of the boards back.
Good thoughts to your family in FL.
Unfortunately he never took it out of the box, even knowing this week there's a storm coming up the coast, so he's working on setting it up this morning. My sister and I just shake our heads over our brothers.
Men!! We got a generator post-Sandy and each season, I remind Gary again and again and again to check it out, and make sure we have gas. And guess what he does? Forgets. Or waits until the last minute and then is working on it in the rain/snow. :rolleyes:

I hope you were surprised and your visit with mom and dad was stress-free!
You're funny. :p
Glad that you were only w/o power/internet for a few hours.

@AK_Tracy Hope that you can rest as much as possible today. (yeah, yeah yeah... rest? What's that?)



Love my O Family!
Good morning O-Zies. I am sending so many good thoughts to everyone who has been impacted by Hurricane Helene. What a monster of a storm, it is heartbreaking to see images of homes underwater.

On a happier note, it is a birthday weekend for my MIL today, and my FIL and SIL tomorrow. I won't be seeing them since I'll be at work today and tomorrow so I'd better remind Gary to call everyone. It's kinda strange that I'm not having a Sept birthday bash here but I like my brain (sort of) intact, Can you imagine the explosion if I tried to host that on top of everything else?

Best not tempt fate.

Yesterday's visit with my parents didn't make my head explode. It's too numb to their antics at this point. It makes me sad and worried but they will never, ever change.
The cardiologist appt was fine-- little blips on the EKG and he heard some palpitations. I go back for an echocardiogram and a 24-hour monitor in a few weeks, plus some calcium screening test. I can get that at the same place I can get the DEXA done. I would love to schedule both back to back. I just have to find some time.

This morning I am going on a Bird Migration hike at Weis. I am not working, but I want to learn about it so I get to tag along. This afternoon, I don't even know! I should tidy my office and the DR/LR. Laundry. Dinner (UGH, again!!!). While I was in the Dr office, I started brainstorming ideas for a Forest Ecosystem Program in a Google Doc on my phone. I need to clean it up and flesh it out. Not on my phone - I want to be able to read what I am typing. haha!

What fun and hopefully relaxing plans (not you Trudy, I know you'll be busy! :giggle4: ) do you all have?

Glad things were ok with your appt. yesterday and that they are doing followup things. Glad things with your mom and dad were no worse than usual! ;). My parents were the same as yours.....loved each other to death but bickered all the time after dad retired and was "under foot" all the time! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
What a beautiful day we woke up to! 64* and sunny! There are slight chances of rain this afternoon, but I am praying it doesn't happen as we are having a chicken stew cook out down at the pits tonight. We have invited Ilene and her cousin, friends from church and Mark's daughter. There will be about 10 of us. Mark is down there working on moving all of his totes full of stuff out of the way! It will be a while yet before I have to start the stew. I already have my chicken cooked and pulled off the bone. @taxed4ever you will be happy to know that I have cooked the chicken bones to death to make some bone broth for myself! Except I don't know what I'm going to store it in! I didn't think that far ahead. I have a 3 qt crockpot full of the broth. I may need to go and get some quart jars.....I just thought of some things I can store it in!

Other than straightening up around here today and then working at the pits this afternoon that's it for me.
I started working on my September review pages but I need to pull the last of the month photos off the camera and include pictures from tonight.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!

The cardiologist appt was fine-- little blips on the EKG and he heard some palpitations. I go back for an echocardiogram and a 24-hour monitor in a few weeks, plus some calcium screening test. I can get that at the same place I can get the DEXA done. I would love to schedule both back to back. I just have to find some time.
So happy to see this went well!! Now to get the appt scheduled.

@AK_Tracy Hope that you can rest as much as possible today. (yeah, yeah yeah... rest? What's that?)
What's rest? I dont know if I know what that is!!! :floorlaugh: Have to work today so its at least slow and low key.

I have a 3 qt crockpot full of the broth. I may need to go and get some quart jars.....I just thought of some things I can store it in!
Ziplock bags and freeze it works great when youre in a hurry.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!

So happy to see this went well!! Now to get the appt scheduled.

What's rest? I dont know if I know what that is!!! :floorlaugh: Have to work today so its at least slow and low key.

Ziplock bags and freeze it works great when youre in a hurry.
Thanks! Didn't even think about that! :hug4:


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy Sunday!!
How was your Saturday? Were you able to squeeze some downtime in for yourself? I hope so.
I did but then I didn't. :D The bird migration hike was awesome. The leader was a woman who ran the programs when Scott worked there and still comes back to help out here and there. She is amazing. She knows so much neat information and is enthusiastic about everything. In the first part of the hike, we didn't see too many birds but we heard them. So she showed us some Chinese chestnut seeds and talked about the differences between red and white oak acorns. In the second half of the hike, we saw a ton of birds. Bluebirds, kinglets (I kept missing them) flickers, woodpeckers, turkey vultures and hawks, phoebes (I kept missing them too), chickadees, and titmice.
@mimes1 Amy, I was thinking of you as we hiked :)

I was jazzed up when I went back into the office and saw the Director. She asked me something about the program for today and I said that I was going to text the intern to see what he needed me to prep. She got an uneasy look on her face for a second and said that *I* was the one leading. Then she softened it by saying that we could co-lead. LOL In a matter of seconds, I went from thinking I had an easy afternoon program to learning about Girl Scout badges. :thud:
I have a lesson plan to work off of, I just need to practice it so I look like I know what I am talking about. It is "Art in Nature" so nothing complicated. Just one more thing I wasn't expecting to crash course myself on.

I spent an hour working on the Forest Ecosystem curriculum and will keep working on that today. After I deal with my grocery order, meal planning, and laundry.
Yes, I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed. It's all good! (Fake it til ya make it! LOL)

PS: I am excited about dinner tonight. Caitlyn and Tom are making Vegan Tacos

Hugs to everyone!


The Loopy-O
What a beautiful day we woke up to! 64* and sunny! There are slight chances of rain this afternoon, but I am praying it doesn't happen as we are having a chicken stew cook out down at the pits tonight. We have invited Ilene and her cousin, friends from church and Mark's daughter. There will be about 10 of us.
I hope the weather cooperated for you, sounds like a wonderful time to spend together.
What's rest? I dont know if I know what that is!!! :floorlaugh: Have to work today so its at least slow and low key.
That's what I thought about working today, slow and low-key Ha!! How did your shift turn out? Was it slow or did that get flipped upside down like most things in life?



Love my O Family!
I hope the weather cooperated for you, sounds like a wonderful time to spend together.

That's what I thought about working today, slow and low-key Ha!! How did your shift turn out? Was it slow or did that get flipped upside down like most things in life?

We had a wonderful time. The clouds rolled in but no rain! Unlike those poor souls 2 hours west of us in NC. :sad1:


I am back from MIA this past week. DD#1 is back at home. Oh, what a wonderful week it was to spend time with her, her hubby, DD#3 and her hubby, Really lifted my spirits to have them here.

I just got through uploading another Color Play LO this morning. Will be playing 'catch-up' on what all is going on while I was off. Need to go back and read on what was happening here. Hope to back up to speed by Oct 1st. Can't believe how quickly Sept has past.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@vickyday One question, did the toilet flush when the wipers were turned on?

I was just going through the week's O's and quoting bits & pieces. I was cruising along until I realized the news sounded really familiar and I'd gone back a week, sort of the way the week has gone . I figured I'd reply to as much as I quoted to that point and the quote feature had only recorded one. See first sentence ... now I'm going to do that test they do at the doctor each year...... remember these words, draw a clock reading 8:20, what were the words.

@faerywings I haven't known you that long, although it has been 5 months, time flies when I'm having fun, anyway "squirrel" I've never known you to put less than 200% into everything you do. Never a single doubt in my mind that you would be anything less than spectaclular so flush those ideas out of your head. Ask @vickyday could have Mark turn on the wipers, see very first comment...

Debby, I've been thinking of you all week has Helene started her devastating behavior. It sounds like you readied yourselves very well. Do you have hurricane shutters where you are or is that only close to the coast? It was awful seeing live coverage from Key West and places we're so familiar with. Seems like there's always a price to be paid for paradise, volcanoes, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes , earthquakes, winter. I've been keeping Florida in my prayers.

@AK_Tracy I'm sarry so many hours of your day are spent in misery, but you still push through and accomplish more than many people without pain. :bowdown2::bowdown2::bowdown2: Power outages in your neck of the woods have to be troublesome, but see previous sentence. Hubs would tell you we have a power outage all winter long here. I wait till like the last possible second to turn on the furnace, like the house hits 62 degrees kind of thing.. Then when I do break down and turn it on the house goes down to 64 at night and the upstairs stays at 66 all day, in my defense, ok no defense for the first part of the sentence, but in my defense on the second, our waking hours are spent downstairs where we have a lovely gas fireplace set at 71 degrees and then hubs has fits that it's too hot and he can't wear a sweatshirt. When I get a chill that goes to the bone, then I pop into the 104 degree hot tub and melt it out. The cold upstairs I figure is why God created fabric and blessed me with the ability to quilt. Hubs complains they are too hot in the summer, house is at 66 at night (yah, I know, but previouys sentence and I like that extra weight from a quilt on my side) so all of these intriicate quilts I've made stay folded up in the spare bedroom. When we do have them on they are folded up about a foot from the end of the bed because the nerve pain in my feet, I can't tolerate the weight there, go figure.

@Vicky I so knew where that story was going, when you say "self, this is a baaaddddd idea" but we ignore self and do it anyway and God sits back and laughs because that's why He gave us free will, and I'm sure He gets very few laughs from the way we've used His work. Your story did, remind me a bit of my Monday, but I was outside.

@mimes1 I'm glad Mark is feeling better after his surgery and he's blessed to have you as a life partner and vice versa.

My week started out great guns and then landed in a quagmire of 'meh', I seem to be having a lot of that lately. While the family drama moves ahead an inch, it always seems to backtrack 2 inches. Thiursday would have been my cousin's 73rd birthday, I still miss her every day, we'd had such a love stream of text conversations during those last 6 months. I went to the gym on Monday and half way through breakfast hubs called me from outside LOL and said it was time to put the pond to bed. so he pulled the lilies up by the hooks on their hanging pots, I know hanging pots submerged in a pond, and I got the immensely fun task of cutting them back (sarcasm). I cut everything back except buds that were coming because they'll still make it back to the surface. Now, if you saw them in the spring, when he pulls them up from the bottom, oh, you'd smell them too., with their topping of fish poo and other decayed biological matter, you'd think they were dead as doornails, but it's amazing what they can do in a summer, especially after we had the tree lifted, the other one taken down and everything had more light. There are 8, but most he could hardly pull up because they'd gotten so big and their leaves cover so much surface area they weigh a ton, in pond measurement system which is easier than metric. They grow from rhizomes so most of them. the rhizomes have extended themselves back over the edge of the pot and up to a foot outside the pot. I cut the leaves off with a pruning shears, but many of the rhizomes were to thick for the shears, and the lopping shears couldn't even get through them all of the way. 5 minutes of summer and they perform like that. The pond is tiered in one foot 'steps' with the center deepest at 3 feet.. All of the pots get lowered down there for the winter and the fish spend the winter in the pond also. The plants really need to be split, I'm sure they'll break the pots next summer if I don't split them in the spring, nasty, stinky, job, that requires a machete size knife and stinky, mucky, mud to dig through. It's how we ended up with 24 lilies at one point beause I couldn't bear to throw parts away. I'm getting too chronologically advanced for that. so if I do split them, half is headed for the town's compost pile, imagine all that free fish poo fertilizer.

I started and finished an Anna class on Tuesday and sprained my shoulder patting myself on the back for that accomplishment. I either collect classes or do enough to be dangerous, so actually finishing something I started is a big deal since I have UFOs from any craft I've ever done, I think I've had ADD from back in the day when add meant 2+2=4 with a little OCD mixed in, looking back I can see it in some of my trademark behaviors. Anyway, I got caught up in a quagmilre of using the new skills, and trying to integrate some unlearned skills, along with trying to use really bad, low resolution photos and going around and around in circles and burning myself out. I really, really, really need to do some layouts without ramming myself into artsy minutiae, the brain cells leak out for too long and too fast. I know you are surprised with all of the leaking I do that there are any more to even leak, but I need someone to invent Depends for brains.

@taxed4ever the move Thelma sounded familiar so I had to look it up, it's not the one I was thinking of but it definitely need to go on our list to watch. We've watched Brilliant Minds and I really liked it, hubs will need a little time because the concept is different. We also binged the full Leverage series over the last couple of months, we'd seen them before, but I think we missed the final season, so wanted that refresher before starting Leverage Redemption, the new incarnation of the show. The new, I enjoy as much as the old. We're also binging Almost Paradise and hooked on that. Island locale is gorgeous and Christian Kane from Leverage and The Librarians is the star. That man is a seriously good actor and MAJOR eye candy imho. I've babbled forever, sorrry for the novel and the meh part of my week which necessitated the novel. @BrightEyes so glad you had a great week with your dd. I know the rest of you have had busy weeks too and I'm going to get more coffee and do a better job of battling the 'mehs' this week.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Lovely Ladies

I have a lesson plan to work off of, I just need to practice it so I look like I know what I am talking about. It is "Art in Nature" so nothing complicated. Just one more thing I wasn't expecting to crash course myself on.
I think you might be the only one who ever doubted you could do this! The hike sounds amazing and fun.

Was it slow or did that get flipped upside down like most things in life?
Thankfully work was nice and slow. I wore my compression pants (yuck) with a sun dress to cover my bum and just sat and talked to the gal I am training until 2:30 when she went home then read my book. Was nice and slow. Hubs grilled steak for dinner and all I had to do was chill.

Oh, what a wonderful week it was to spend time with her, her hubby, DD#3 and her hubby, Really lifted my spirits to have them here.
Oh Kay this sounds like an amazing week and just what you needed. So glad you had a blast with them.

@AK_Tracy I'm sarry so many hours of your day are spent in misery, but you still push through and accomplish more than many people without pain
I've missed you Twin! Was fun catching up on your life and what you been up to. As for pain, I just figure my baseline is different than other people. So for me, its normal. But then I never ever claimed to be 100% normal :giggle4:

Today should be mostly chill. Hubs and I will head to HomeDepot after church to buy more items to work on my kitchen backsplash that he didn't know he was doing. He does now :floorlaugh: In the middle of painting I told him my grand plans and he was like what? Nope, not just paint. I also want new glass tile backsplash!! My DD is so cute, she and her family bought me half the tiles for my upcoming birthday and now I have to go buy the rest so we can assemble it!!! But it also means over half my kitchen will be a mess and I have to move things off the counter. BUT I cant wait for it to be done.

Off to feed dogs, grab coffee and crack the whip on boys to get ready for church.
Have a wonderful day!!!


Well-Known Member
Update Hurricane Helene. We prepped pretty good so we only had yard debris our pond came up 6" and the trees lost branches and leaves. Helene went past and brought lots of wind but not as much rain as we would have thought. Power was out for 24 hours in our community, we are lucky enough to have a generator so it was good for us. Several roads in our area had flooding from the surge thus there are many homes that have flood damage. We have a few friends who had flooding. Our group of friends have been helping everyone we can. Our very good friends had 19" in the house so we have been there every day helping to clean up the mess and sort out the destroyed stuff. It's amazing where water goes! I just read about everyone I just do not have time to comment on everyone I hope to catch-up next week.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Update Hurricane Helene. We prepped pretty good so we only had yard debris our pond came up 6" and the trees lost branches and leaves. Helene went past and brought lots of wind but not as much rain as we would have thought. Power was out for 24 hours in our community, we are lucky enough to have a generator so it was good for us. Several roads in our area had flooding from the surge thus there are many homes that have flood damage. We have a few friends who had flooding. Our group of friends have been helping everyone we can. Our very good friends had 19" in the house so we have been there every day helping to clean up the mess and sort out the destroyed stuff. It's amazing where water goes! I just read about everyone I just do not have time to comment on everyone I hope to catch-up next week.
You are doing Waaaayyy more important work right now, so glad to hear you all safe with minimal damage, prayers for all with damage.


Love my O Family!
Good morning and happy Sunday!!
How was your Saturday? Were you able to squeeze some downtime in for yourself? I hope so.
I did but then I didn't. :D The bird migration hike was awesome. The leader was a woman who ran the programs when Scott worked there and still comes back to help out here and there. She is amazing. She knows so much neat information and is enthusiastic about everything. In the first part of the hike, we didn't see too many birds but we heard them. So she showed us some Chinese chestnut seeds and talked about the differences between red and white oak acorns. In the second half of the hike, we saw a ton of birds. Bluebirds, kinglets (I kept missing them) flickers, woodpeckers, turkey vultures and hawks, phoebes (I kept missing them too), chickadees, and titmice.
@mimes1 Amy, I was thinking of you as we hiked :)

I was jazzed up when I went back into the office and saw the Director. She asked me something about the program for today and I said that I was going to text the intern to see what he needed me to prep. She got an uneasy look on her face for a second and said that *I* was the one leading. Then she softened it by saying that we could co-lead. LOL In a matter of seconds, I went from thinking I had an easy afternoon program to learning about Girl Scout badges. :thud:
I have a lesson plan to work off of, I just need to practice it so I look like I know what I am talking about. It is "Art in Nature" so nothing complicated. Just one more thing I wasn't expecting to crash course myself on.

I spent an hour working on the Forest Ecosystem curriculum and will keep working on that today. After I deal with my grocery order, meal planning, and laundry.
Yes, I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed. It's all good! (Fake it til ya make it! LOL)

PS: I am excited about dinner tonight. Caitlyn and Tom are making Vegan Tacos

Hugs to everyone!
If you ask me, any time someone else is doing the cooking....that is reason to be excited! ;)
You are doing a great job at work, or they wouldn't keep relying on you! YOU GO GIRL!!! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good Evening (I guess 5:30 is evening???)
Anyway, the sun has been shining again today! It did rain over night a bit, however.....at least that's what Mark said. I slept pretty good until about 4:30 and then I didn't, lol!
We had a great time at the cookout at the pits last night. The chicken stew was delicious, along with everything else! The fellowship was wonderful, too! And the weather was just about perfect! No sweater needed around the fires.....really, even away from the fires. It turned cloudy around 6 which held the cool night at bay, I think. Everyone finally left around 10 after helping clean up the area.
Today we took the gallons of water and I boxed up a bunch of canned goods, etc from my kitchen cabinets to take to the church for the hurricane relief here in NC 2 hours west of us...our pastor and another pastor will take the items later this week, along with the money donated. I was glad to get rid of most of the stuff in my cabinets so I could begin fresh with mostly organic items! The stuff I donated was still all in date, but since mine and Mark's stomachs are so weird I'm only going to buy things he asks for when he asks for it! I have a ton of stuff in the freezer.....veggies, dinners, breakfasts, etc. So we are not out of food! I also have fish etc for Mark whenever the mood strikes him! I packed all of the instant potato packs we had (which he loves) and when he saw them he said, "you are donating these, too??" I said I can always replace them! I wanted to donate them since all that is needed, basically, is water! Of course, that won't be of help until the power is back on for them!
So sad! The main interstate I travel to take Ilene to the Widows' retreat (I-40) has been closed from Statesville on west because part of it washed over the mountains! One house on the road going up the mountain where the retreat is held (in Boone, NC) literally slid off the side of the hill and killed one woman and another woman that was in the house is in critical condition.
Not doing anything this afternoon but resting my back and getting caught up on the AJ week 4 page and my September review pages. I had to get a new adapter for my computer so I could charge the battery......actually, the battery is past charging and the computer has to be run with the adapter if it is unplugged for more than 10 minutes!
OK, that's it for me.
Have a good evening!