
Daily Ooos: October 21-22: Rainy Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I can't stand the rain anymore! Everything is soggy and dark and gloomy.
I love that my house is surrounded by trees and woods but this time of year it feels shadowy and dark inside. In another month, it's not as bad once the leaves are mostly down. We have oaks in the woods behind us that don't drop their leaves but the ash, birch, and maples do.
The rain thankfully, stopped for a few hours yesterday and I ended up steam-cleaning the carpets. Yuck, they were disgusting. I had to do three passes before the uptake water was clean(ish). I know that I did them in the spring but I guess that is what happens when you have dogs and people tracking in dirt every day.
I didn't work on the closets at all, maybe I'll do that tomorrow.
I scrapped two pages for a pre-release and then made soup for dinner. I don't know what I did differently but it tasted better than usual. It's a Panera bread copycat recipe and I swap the chicken broth with vegetable broth. The three of us finished the entire pot. (too bad, I like leftovers LOL!)

It's FP day and I need just about everything. Other than toilet paper. I am all good on TP. hahah! :toiletpaper::toiletpaper::toiletpaper:

Who has good plans this weekend?
Have a great one! :hug4:


The Loopy-O
@tanteva Great news that you were able to save the pellets. Bad news about the moose poop. The pellets must be very high in fiber :p
:jawdrop3: Four moose and John didn't notice anything? Moose. Not mouse. How do you miss that? Bwuahahahaha. Although- even if he did notice, what can you do about them? You wouldn't catch me outside trying to chase them off.

@BrightEyes How are you feeling today? *fingers crossed for no more of that fever* You always have bad reactions to vaccines, don't you? Are you done with them this year?
Sounds like you will have a nice holiday season with your sister and niece ♥

@taxed4ever Lazy is the last word I would use to describe you. You do more on your do-nothing days than I do on a busy day. It's fantastic that Linda moved near you, you two seem to have a great time doing stuff together. Did the weather cooperate for the hike?
Scott's hike that was rescheduled for today is now going to happen next spring, SMH!
Did you tell us about Heather's house? Did they get the one that they looked at?
what a sweet photo of you and Sophia :lovey3:

@Cherylndesigns OMG. That sounds terrifying about Chuck's surgery. He's really lucky that he got in when he did. Any more info on when he will be out of ICU? I hope that he "lets" you visit soon but at least he's good with Roger coming to see him.
So much love coming your way... ♥

@pachimac Whew!! That is a relief for no cancer scare! Hope you got my hugs.
How is your arm doing today? I had a brand new nurse when I had my second PICC line placed. Nope, it was my third. Anyway... The 2nd had gotten infected, so they pulled that one and had to put in a new one. The first two lines were a breeze. That last one, man-- the nurse was new and nervous. The nurse who had done my first two was guiding her but she wasn't getting it right. Finally, the experienced nurse took over but not before my entire arm was bruised and swollen. Then I had to get a bag abx done before I could leave. The next nurse in the ER set the drip rate too high and the abx they put me on makes you itch if it is run too fast. At this point, I am practically out of my mind :rotfl:
The only good part of that day was stopping to see Caitlyn at work on my way home. She worked at a pizzeria and smuggled me out some cannoli.

Oh, sorry about not being clearer about my family.Scott is my son, he and his GF Sam just moved into a cute little house together last month.
Caitlyn is my DD, she and Tom got engaged last year and are getting married next September. She lives at home but they are hoping to move in together in the next few months.
My DH is Gary -- but not to be confused with Trudy's DH-- who is also Gary :giggle4:
I hope that helps. I am glad that you asked!


Love my O Family!
Hello from Sweet Home Alabama!
This is the view from my son's front porch!


Have a wonderful day! We're going to play pickleball!


Morning, everyone. Yes, I am feeling much better today. The arm is still sore but I have a bit more energy so will get my errands done before noon. The Credit Union closes at 1 PM so that is my 1st stop. Have a couple more stops before heading home. It was smart for me to take the extra day to recover. Since I was not feeling up to cooking yesterday, at noon I pulled out a frozen container from the freezer to have for supper. It was marked Eggplant-Zucchini. To my surprise when I opened it at 5PM ... it was Enchilada sauce!!! :crying1: I had forgotten to change the tag on the lid! So I popped it into the fridge and got a frozen container of Guacamole out to thaw to go along with it for supper tonight. I also got out a container of cabbage rolls and nuked it for supper instead.

We are still having "Summer" weather... into the 80's... until Monday sometime when a cold front is coming in. Tuesday will only be in the low 60's with RAIN (hooray) for the next day or so. Guess I will end up turning the heat on finally. Just hope that my niece doesn't run into too much bad weather on their trip down here Wed-Thurs.

The arm/hand is talking to me... LOUDLY... so no personals. HAGWE


Mistress of Mayhem
:jawdrop3: Four moose and John didn't notice anything? Moose. Not mouse. How do you miss that? Bwuahahahaha. Although- even if he did notice, what can you do about them? You wouldn't catch me outside trying to chase them off.

Gamer in his man cave with head phones. LOL

I would think moose stay away just by the house being lit & people are moving around. You could probably just open the door or window and holler, they'd be gone in a second. John's probably been in his room all the time, every room in the house dark. The moose had a paradise with 4 apple trees and lots of bushes to hide in.

My poor wrist is acheing today. Used it way more than I should have yesterday. Physio therapist called just before we went out yesterday (did not tell her I was going to go out and rescue pellets LOL). She will talk to the doctor on Monday, and well see how to move forward. Cortisone shot or surgery. I'm so sick of this %¤&#, I could cry. If surgery, I guess I will end up in the end of a loooong queue, and will have to wait for surgery for a couple of months. Already have had this since early July.

Now: back to True Blood, I've come to the end of season 3 now. :vamp1:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies and Happy Saturday! DH and I are headed to the Old Farm Market to pick up some fresh veggies and berries. I just wanted to pop in to say Hello and hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! I will try to catch up with all of you tomorrow, but you know that my DH always has lots things that he wants done around here on the weekends. Wish me luck :giggle4: . See ya soon :cowwaving:


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Whew!! That is a relief for no cancer scare! Hope you got my hugs.

Most certainly I did. The procedure took like 10 minutes and the doctor said it was simple, easy, and sees no further treatment or complications.

How is your arm doing today? I had a brand new nurse when I had my second PICC line placed. Nope, it was my third. Anyway... The 2nd had gotten infected, so they pulled that one and had to put in a new one. The first two lines were a breeze. That last one, man-- the nurse was new and nervous. The nurse who had done my first two was guiding her but she wasn't getting it right. Finally, the experienced nurse took over but not before my entire arm was bruised and swollen. Then I had to get a bag abx done before I could leave. The next nurse in the ER set the drip rate too high and the abx they put me on makes you itch if it is run too fast. At this point, I am practically out of my mind :rotfl:

Yeah, the whole thing was almost comical if it wasn't so painful! There are some people who should not work with needles. It took 40 minutes for it to stop bleeding completely because she actually poked me TWICE in the hand!! This was when I got home. I can't wait to see how bad it is in a few days!!


Sounds like your experience was much worse than mine!!!! OUCH!!!!

The only good part of that day was stopping to see Caitlyn at work on my way home. She worked at a pizzeria and smuggled me out some cannoli.

Nothing helps a stressful day more than a warm puppy or a cannoli!!

Oh, sorry about not being clearer about my family.Scott is my son, he and his GF Sam just moved into a cute little house together last month. Caitlyn is my DD, she and Tom got engaged last year and are getting married next September. She lives at home but they are hoping to move in together in the next few months. My DH is Gary -- but not to be confused with Trudy's DH-- who is also Gary :giggle4: I hope that helps. I am glad that you asked!

No worries - you gals have built up quite a great friendship here on the board and know all the names. I'm new and forget them easily too!! LMAO

Maybe we can have a post of names!!

I'm Susie, married to Michael. We have two chihuahuas named Gadget and Gizmo, and we live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Duane is my brother who is going through cancer treatment.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Morning ladies and Happy Saturday! DH and I are headed to the Old Farm Market to pick up some fresh veggies and berries. I just wanted to pop in to say Hello and hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! I will try to catch up with all of you tomorrow, but you know that my DH always has lots things that he wants done around here on the weekends. Wish me luck :giggle4: . See ya soon :cowwaving:
ooooo fresh picked veggies and berries!!! YUM!!!


Love my O Family!
Well, unfortunately, I fought the pickleball court and the pickleball court won!


About 5 balls into practice I went for a ball going past me, the next thing I know, my butt hit the ground, I caught myself with my left hand and my head bounced off the floor. I broke my wrist and have a compression fracture on L1 vertebrae? No head injury. Prayers appreciated!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Well, unfortunately, I fought the pickleball court and the pickleball court won!

About 5 balls into practice I went for a ball going past me, the next thing I know, my butt hit the ground, I caught myself with my left hand and my head bounced off the floor. I broke my wrist and have a compression fracture on L1 vertebrae? No head injury. Prayers appreciated!
OH NO Vicki!!!!!!!! Prayers for your healing!! I hope that's not your scrapping hand!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
@vickyday - OHHHHH NOOOO!! Poor you!! That darn pickle ball has hurt so many people that I know! I am so sorry this happened to you!! Sending you lots of healing prayers and gentle hugs :hug1: I sure hope you are not too darn sore tomorrow!!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
@vickyday - OHHHHH NOOOO!! Poor you!! That darn pickle ball has hurt so many people that I know! I am so sorry this happened to you!! Sending you lots of healing prayers and gentle hugs :hug1: I sure hope you are not too darn sore tomorrow!!
I've heard that a lot too. I wonder why??


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening my lovelies.

SO much going on here. Steph left this morning. She didn't want to leave until she knew what was going on with her dad. I'm so braindead that I can't remember what all I told you and I'm way too lazy to go back and look. Chuck is doing better, but he has to go to a rehab facility for at least two weeks when he finally gets out of the hospital here. He will stay there until he is as good as he was before his problems started. That may take at least two weeks but may be longer. Roger had a good visit with him today - they talked "church chat" and Rog is happy with their conversation. Adrienne and I were going to go up after Rog got home, but of course, Chuck didn't want any more company. He IS feeling better and I'm encouraged that he's content with going to the rehab facility. I was afraid he was going to look at it like a nursing home, but it isn't anything like a nursing home. This is all so new to us and as long as he's happy with it, then I guess I am.

This may be a guilty pleasure, but Adrienne drug me for a pedicure today and man did I need it. It felt so good - the guy did such a good job. The woman who does my manicures walked by and said, "You look tired, Mom" - they all call me "mom". hahaha I don't know how to take that - you look like you've aged???? Anyhoo, I told her why and she came over and stroked my arm.

I found out that he was in sepsis - the surgeon was afraid of that but the head ICU nurse confirmed it. His organs were shutting down. Wow, it could have been so much worse.

Thank you ALL for your well-wishes and prayers and good thoughts for Chuck. I love you all!!!! XOXO


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Vicky @vickyday you poor thing - I hope you heal fast. Susie @pachimac I hope your poor hand heals quickly as well as your poor behind. What a blessing that they gave you a pain blocker for the latter.

Hugs to ALL. :hug3::hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@tanteva Great news that you were able to save the pellets. Bad news about the moose poop. The pellets must be very high in fiber :p
:jawdrop3: Four moose and John didn't notice anything? Moose. Not mouse. How do you miss that? Bwuahahahaha. Although- even if he did notice, what can you do about them? You wouldn't catch me outside trying to chase them off.

@BrightEyes How are you feeling today? *fingers crossed for no more of that fever* You always have bad reactions to vaccines, don't you? Are you done with them this year?
Sounds like you will have a nice holiday season with your sister and niece ♥

@taxed4ever Lazy is the last word I would use to describe you. You do more on your do-nothing days than I do on a busy day. It's fantastic that Linda moved near you, you two seem to have a great time doing stuff together. Did the weather cooperate for the hike?
Scott's hike that was rescheduled for today is now going to happen next spring, SMH!
Did you tell us about Heather's house? Did they get the one that they looked at?
what a sweet photo of you and Sophia :lovey3:

@Cherylndesigns OMG. That sounds terrifying about Chuck's surgery. He's really lucky that he got in when he did. Any more info on when he will be out of ICU? I hope that he "lets" you visit soon but at least he's good with Roger coming to see him.
So much love coming your way... ♥

@pachimac Whew!! That is a relief for no cancer scare! Hope you got my hugs.
How is your arm doing today? I had a brand new nurse when I had my second PICC line placed. Nope, it was my third. Anyway... The 2nd had gotten infected, so they pulled that one and had to put in a new one. The first two lines were a breeze. That last one, man-- the nurse was new and nervous. The nurse who had done my first two was guiding her but she wasn't getting it right. Finally, the experienced nurse took over but not before my entire arm was bruised and swollen. Then I had to get a bag abx done before I could leave. The next nurse in the ER set the drip rate too high and the abx they put me on makes you itch if it is run too fast. At this point, I am practically out of my mind :rotfl:
The only good part of that day was stopping to see Caitlyn at work on my way home. She worked at a pizzeria and smuggled me out some cannoli.

Oh, sorry about not being clearer about my family.Scott is my son, he and his GF Sam just moved into a cute little house together last month.
Caitlyn is my DD, she and Tom got engaged last year and are getting married next September. She lives at home but they are hoping to move in together in the next few months.
My DH is Gary -- but not to be confused with Trudy's DH-- who is also Gary :giggle4:
I hope that helps. I am glad that you asked!
Thanks, Chris. At least, he wanted Roger to come up today. I've been married to him for so long and I know when to respect his wishes. He just wants to take care of everybody and doesn't want anybody fussing over him. They threw the mold away when they made Chuck.


The Loopy-O
Well, I have good news. Nothing super exciting but I'll take what I can get. :p
It is not raining. Looks like it should be dry for the next few days. Please let it stay that way, especially for next weekend. :praying2:
I have two outdoor activities rescheduled for Saturday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon- and that isn't counting the second hike that I am not going to.

It was raining for the FP and so cold. Caitlyn waited in the car while they put together my order. They had apple pie and Italian bread and I was so happy! And dog food/treats so my puppies were happy too. It was good soup for dinner weather and I made Harvest Pumpkin soup and this time I have leftovers. I warmed up the Italian bread on the side. Yum! We watched another episode of The Fall of the House of Usher and it is like a slow-burn horror movie. Layers and layers are being unraveled (in some cases literally!) slowly. I scrapped two more pages for upcoming releases. 4 pages in two days is a *lot* for me. There have been months when I barely scrape together 4 pages in total.

No big plans for me today. I started my grocery order so there's that. I'm feeling bored with myself. I need to do something and I am not sure what. Any ideas?

Wishing all of you a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday what a gorgeous view!

@BrightEyes Oh no! Surprise dinner! LOL! Glad that you had the cabbage rolls as a backup. And now you have dinner ready for tonight, guac is always good! I am really glad that you are feeling better too. I know it can be hard to rest even when you know you have to. I'd love to send the cool and damp weather to you. I was outside with the dogs a few minutes ago and even though the rain stopped, it's still damp and raw. Yuck.
Rest your arm as well!

@tanteva Most men seem to have that same "obliviousness to the world around them" trait. :blinddeafdumb: LOL!
So sorry that the wrist is still so painful. I hope that if you need surgery you won't have to wait too long. If there is a wait, will they give you a cortisone injection to ease the pain in the meantime? It sucks getting older, that is for sure

@taxed4ever That sounds like a nice day out and about. A farmers' market is way better than Costco. Or-- did you end up there too? Hope that you and your Gary are having fun together!

@pachimac That's wonderful Susi that the procedure went quickly despite the nurse destroying your hand and arm. ITA-- some people should not be allowed to work with needles. I hope the bruising doesn't get much worse. Caitlyn took a pic of my arm-- I have to see if I can find it.
No worries at all about not knowing the names and backstories of us. We are all happy to fill you in if you're not sure of anything.
I love the idea of listing names-- I already told you about my human family. I also have two dogs- Whisky and Jaida and we live in the northernmost area of NJ, right on the NYS border. We are in the mountains-- NJ-sized mountains, nothing like the Midwest, but also not like the stereotypical NJ suburbs. :D
Good thoughts to your brother Duane on his treatment.

VICKY!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, you poor thing! Are you going to be able to sit in the car to get home?? I hope that the pain isn't too bad. *gentle hugs*


@Cherylndesigns You had mentioned Chuck had sepsis but not how bad it was. Not that it is ever "good" but not that it was really bad. It's scary when you play the what-if game and how things might have been. I wish there was a way to get the brain to stop it but I think it needs to in order to process the situation. I am so relieved that he is improving.
It must have been difficult for Steph to leave and for you to see her go. Thank goodness that she is close enough to make the trip driving.
I am really proud of you for getting the pedicure done. You need to take care of yourself, you are one of those people who has to stay strong even when they are crumbling inside. You know better than anyone that if you don't take care of yourself it will bite you in the a** at some point. Let the people around you take care of you too- it helps them to feel useful as well. BIG hugs!!!

BTW- they might have broken the mold after they made your Chuck, but I think my Dad-- also Chuck- had the previous version. God forbid you want to help :rolleyes:
Yup, my parents are saying they don't need my help on Thursday at the hospital. But too bad, so sad-- I am switching the day that I am cleaning for my friend anyway. I can be on call or I can go down and tidy the house or rake leaves or do laundry while she is at the hospital with him. The reason they don't want me to come down is because they don't want me to have to make the drive. WTH?? It's 45 minutes. In a car. Not like I am walking that distance. One foot. Gas. Brake. That's it! :banghead:

ooops. That all came out at once. Frustrating?? You bet!

Ok, my lOves, have a fab day, stay healthy and safe and as pain-free as possible. xoxo


Love my O Family!
@vickyday - OHHHHH NOOOO!! Poor you!! That darn pickle ball has hurt so many people that I know! I am so sorry this happened to you!! Sending you lots of healing prayers and gentle hugs :hug1: I sure hope you are not too darn sore tomorrow!!
actually, my back hurts more than the wrist. thanks so much for the prayers!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday what a gorgeous view!

@BrightEyes Oh no! Surprise dinner! LOL! Glad that you had the cabbage rolls as a backup. And now you have dinner ready for tonight, guac is always good! I am really glad that you are feeling better too. I know it can be hard to rest even when you know you have to. I'd love to send the cool and damp weather to you. I was outside with the dogs a few minutes ago and even though the rain stopped, it's still damp and raw. Yuck.
Rest your arm as well!

@tanteva Most men seem to have that same "obliviousness to the world around them" trait. :blinddeafdumb: LOL!
So sorry that the wrist is still so painful. I hope that if you need surgery you won't have to wait too long. If there is a wait, will they give you a cortisone injection to ease the pain in the meantime? It sucks getting older, that is for sure

@taxed4ever That sounds like a nice day out and about. A farmers' market is way better than Costco. Or-- did you end up there too? Hope that you and your Gary are having fun together!

@pachimac That's wonderful Susi that the procedure went quickly despite the nurse destroying your hand and arm. ITA-- some people should not be allowed to work with needles. I hope the bruising doesn't get much worse. Caitlyn took a pic of my arm-- I have to see if I can find it.
No worries at all about not knowing the names and backstories of us. We are all happy to fill you in if you're not sure of anything.
I love the idea of listing names-- I already told you about my human family. I also have two dogs- Whisky and Jaida and we live in the northernmost area of NJ, right on the NYS border. We are in the mountains-- NJ-sized mountains, nothing like the Midwest, but also not like the stereotypical NJ suburbs. :D
Good thoughts to your brother Duane on his treatment.

VICKY!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, you poor thing! Are you going to be able to sit in the car to get home?? I hope that the pain isn't too bad. *gentle hugs*


@Cherylndesigns You had mentioned Chuck had sepsis but not how bad it was. Not that it is ever "good" but not that it was really bad. It's scary when you play the what-if game and how things might have been. I wish there was a way to get the brain to stop it but I think it needs to in order to process the situation. I am so relieved that he is improving.
It must have been difficult for Steph to leave and for you to see her go. Thank goodness that she is close enough to make the trip driving.
I am really proud of you for getting the pedicure done. You need to take care of yourself, you are one of those people who has to stay strong even when they are crumbling inside. You know better than anyone that if you don't take care of yourself it will bite you in the a** at some point. Let the people around you take care of you too- it helps them to feel useful as well. BIG hugs!!!

BTW- they might have broken the mold after they made your Chuck, but I think my Dad-- also Chuck- had the previous version. God forbid you want to help :rolleyes:
Yup, my parents are saying they don't need my help on Thursday at the hospital. But too bad, so sad-- I am switching the day that I am cleaning for my friend anyway. I can be on call or I can go down and tidy the house or rake leaves or do laundry while she is at the hospital with him. The reason they don't want me to come down is because they don't want me to have to make the drive. WTH?? It's 45 minutes. In a car. Not like I am walking that distance. One foot. Gas. Brake. That's it! :banghead:

ooops. That all came out at once. Frustrating?? You bet!

Ok, my lOves, have a fab day, stay healthy and safe and as pain-free as possible. xoxo
Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the trip home, that is for sure!


Morning, all. Yes, I got my errands ran yesterday.... paid my CC bill, bought a new long-sleeve tee shirt at Kohl's, and stopped at Smith's for some groceries and fresh fruit. I caught a sale on bread, hamburger buns and submarine rolls. Decided that I would fix spaghetti and the sub rolls with butter and garlic seasoning (in place of French bread) when my niece is here. Quick and easy meal so we have more time for visiting. Decided I would have enchiladas and guac for lunch instead of supper. Have enough for another meal...:p Ended up in the recliner with feet up reading most of the afternoon and evening. Today will be a relax and recover day.

Oh, @vickyday ... So sorry for your fall - broken arm and vertebra!!! When will you be heading home?? Hope you are up to the traveling and you have enough pain meds to help with the trip.

@Cherylndesigns - so glad your DD was there with you and sorry that she needed to head back home. It is good that Chuck will be going to rehab when he is dismissed from the hospital. It will help him recover his strength and how to manage when he does come home. Yes, listening to his wishes right now is the wise thing. Do take care of yourself and store up your strength for when he is finally home. <<< hugs >>>

@faerywings I know it is hard to not go to the hospital when your dad has his procedure. Being at their house when they come home maybe the best all around. You can get the details right then rather than wait (and worry) until they call you.

@pachimac I agree with Chris... some people should not be allowed to use needles!!! Your poor hand!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Thanks, Cheryl!
Did I miss something about @pachimac ? Sounds like you fell recently, too????
I had surgery on Friday and the nurse who put the IV in was Attila the Hun and blew out 3 veins before they brought in another lady who knew how to do it.
The surgery was for my bum and right now it’s numbed but it should start hurting as it wears off.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello my Lovelies.

I have some pretty good news - Chuck's pulmonologist (who just happened to be on call and in the hospital the day we took him in) has officially taken over his case. He (Dr. Marak) told Chuck not to worry about ANYTHING to let him handle everything- \\pwhat a relief. AND he found a facility right here in town and he doesn't have to go clean to Muskogee!! That's such a relief and will save so much driving time. Ava and I went to see him today - Roger spent a couple of hours with him yesterday evening. Anyway, he was sitting up in the chair looking at his phone when we walked in. He had already look up the facility where he'll be going to and was telling us all about it.

Chris @faerywings did I misunderstand that your dad's name is Chuck, too? Wow, that's not a common name and if he's anything like MY Chuck, I totally get why you have so much trouble with him. My Chuck drives me crazy a lot of the time. We knew we had overstayed our visit today so we told him goodbye and left. Ava asked him if he was ready for us to leave and he said flatly, "yes.". LOL

He said that as soon as he gets moved, he wants his laptop. That's really good news that he wants that. He said hs had "things to do". LOL Yes, Chris, they didn't tell us until it was over that he had full-on sepsis. The surgeon "hinted" at it and said that he was worried that things "might go south", but they're saying now that he did have it. I don't know if I've ever told you all that Ava had sepsis back in December 2016 and nearly died. It's the first time I'd ever seen her really sick. She knows the signs and symptoms of sepsis.

Of course, you'll go to your parents' house - do they really think they can keep you away???

Kay @BrightEyes yes, it was wonderful having Steph here to help me "run the maze" of the medical jargon. She just got home a little while ago and has texted me several times. I know if anything comes up, she's just a FaceTime call away and push comes to shove, she can come back. I feel good about letting her go, though. Her dad is out of the woods now and she feels certain that everything is under control. It's just wonderful to know that I have somebody who can help me cut through the red tape and pulmonology was her specialty - she learned from the best and even assisted the doctor in some surgical procedures - she definitely knows what she's doing.

Love to all and sending a group hug to everyone who needs one and who doesn't????? :grouphugyay:


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Yes, I got my errands ran yesterday.... paid my CC bill, bought a new long-sleeve tee shirt at Kohl's, and stopped at Smith's for some groceries and fresh fruit. I caught a sale on bread, hamburger buns and submarine rolls. Decided that I would fix spaghetti and the sub rolls with butter and garlic seasoning (in place of French bread) when my niece is here. Quick and easy meal so we have more time for visiting. Decided I would have enchiladas and guac for lunch instead of supper. Have enough for another meal...:p Ended up in the recliner with feet up reading most of the afternoon and evening. Today will be a relax and recover day.

Oh, @vickyday ... So sorry for your fall - broken arm and vertebra!!! When will you be heading home?? Hope you are up to the traveling and you have enough pain meds to help with the trip.

@Cherylndesigns - so glad your DD was there with you and sorry that she needed to head back home. It is good that Chuck will be going to rehab when he is dismissed from the hospital. It will help him recover his strength and how to manage when he does come home. Yes, listening to his wishes right now is the wise thing. Do take care of yourself and store up your strength for when he is finally home. <<< hugs >>>

@faerywings I know it is hard to not go to the hospital when your dad has his procedure. Being at their house when they come home maybe the best all around. You can get the details right then rather than wait (and worry) until they call you.

@pachimac I agree with Chris... some people should not be allowed to use needles!!! Your poor hand!
We're heading home tomorrow morning after we stop at CVS for more meds. I'm actually feeling pretty good. We will see what happens after our trip tomorrow.


Love my O Family!
I had surgery on Friday and the nurse who put the IV in was Attila the Hun and blew out 3 veins before they brought in another lady who knew how to do it.
The surgery was for my bum and right now it’s numbed but it should start hurting as it wears off.
Praying for quick healing for you too