
Daily Ooos: November 25-26: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I had to check a million times that I had the days and dates right. I feel very time-warped ATM. I also noticed that I misspelled November in yesterday's thread and had to edit it. ;)

It is indeed Saturday and that means the weekend is just starting. I'm glad about that, I feel like I need loads more time to recover from the past few days/weeks. Being on my feet so much had made me stiff all over but not so bad that some Alleve did the trick when I took it in the morning. Good thing too since we needed everything Autumn-related packed up so we had room for Christmas by 3 pm.

The tree is up and it looks wonderful. I thought that I'd be more emotional since next year both kids will be moved out. Maybe knowing Scott still wants to be here for things like decorating the tree shows me that things will change but not as much as I think. *rambling thoughts*
After we put the tree up and had dinner, we played Mario Kart and it wasn't the worst I ever played. In two of the courses, I wasn't last. At one point in the third race, I had gotten turned around and couldn't get myself in the right direction. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Or drive. :angrydriver:
We watched the Grinch together and then Scott went back to his house.
It's been a good few days. ♥

I am going with Cait to take the rats to the vet. Pigeon still has that lump on the side of her neck and Squirrel had been chewing at the fur on her back. It's been growing in a bit so Caitlyn thinks it might have been from boredom/stress after her sisters died. Now that she is having short visits with babies, she might be not as lonely. *fingers crossed*
other than that, I think it should be relatively calm. *knocks wood that I don't jinx myself*



The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever Oh darn, that stinks about the one set of blinds being the wrong size. Do you think you'll have that one installed before Christmas?
I know I am not one to talk but try not to worry about your calendars. You *always* get them done on time and they always look amazing.
Men!! Why oh why are they so stubborn? Caitlyn and I were laughing yesterday about *all* common sense is located in that one section of the XX gene that falls off when it becomes XY. Is there any chance that your Gary can get seen by the surgeon before Jan 23, is there a waitlist for cancellations? Have a nice time at Costco today, or will it be yard work? :p

@BrightEyes Oooh that chicken sounds delish! Did the lime juice flavor come out nicely in the sauce? I am assuming that you didn't pour off the marinade. I hope that your sister made it back home without hitting too much traffic yesterday.

@Cherylndesigns Happy birthday to Alyssa!!!! She seems so much older than 18 IMHO. She's got a good head on her shoulders, doesn't she? I love the photo you posted on FB-- she towers over you too LOL!
Have a wonderful time with the family ♥

@LSlycord we love you so much, so no need to apologize ever. You take care of yourself and we'll be here for you when you have time. Have a blast with the kids and the tree today. When does Syd come home for winter break?

sending lots of love to everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good morning. We have had a chilly few days but I'm not complaining. It's supposed to get to 73 today. I hear you about the stiffness @faerywings. When I got out of bed yesterday, I wasn't sure that I could walk to the bathroom. Two days of standing on these hard tile floors while cooking dinner just about did me in! I need floors that aren't tile! But today I'm back to normal.

Shaun is working this morning. I may have been MIA when he got a job. It's at Walmart and it's 36 hours a week. He is stocking the produce on the 4:00-1:00 shift 4 days a week. Plus going to school fulltime at the same time. But it really seems to have improved his mood and he is much happier which makes me much happier! The big thing is that he gets benefits including the fact that Walmart will pay 100% of his tuition and books. That's always a big deal!

This afternoon we will put up the tree...only one this year. But that will be fun! They cleared a lot down a few houses from us and we had cardinals (5-6 at a time), titmice, bluebirds, goldfinches, chickadees and even a bluebird at the feeder!

Well, going to the gallery to leave a little love. Have a good weekend ladies.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings Syd goes back for the final 2 1/2 weeks of school and then she will be home for break on December 14. So it won't be long! Then she is home until January 8 so it will be a good visit!


Morning all. Woke up to SNOW... Not a lot yet... but it is snowing off and on right now. So glad that sis headed home yesterday. She had a good drive and got home before the weather turned bad. I drove over to the Library yesterday only to discover that it was closed for Black Friday. I will call today to make sure it is open before I drive over there on snowy streets. It is closed on Sunday and Monday so it might be Tuesday before I get the on hold book.

I will be packing away the Fall decorations today. That is an easy chore as they all fit into a zip plastic comforter bag. It isn't heavy even when filled with decorations. Not sure if I will put out any Christmas decorations. Don't think I am up to hauling boxes into the house yet. The left shoulder has been aching since our shopping expedition on Monday. Turns out I will be returning the shoes I bought then. Thought they would be okay but it puts pressure on the foot under the toes where the scar tissue is when I walked around the house in them. I really should shift into the new purse I bought... and cut back on what I carry in it. Still looking for a new smaller wallet. Haven't found one that I like yet that has RF shielding and doesn't weight much.

@faerywings - about the marinate for the chicken... I did not add it to the casserole. I took the chicken breast out of it and discarded the marinate then poured the soup/milk mixture over the chicken. Sorry that your dad took a fall on the stairs.

@LSlycord Happy that the doctor will do the less invasive heart surgery. Nice that Syd is able to spend more time at home with you. Know that boosts your spirits.

@vickyday So happy that you are out of the cast and into the brace. That is a big step in recovery.

Need a refill on the coffee and get dressed. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Good morning. We have had a chilly few days but I'm not complaining. It's supposed to get to 73 today. I hear you about the stiffness @faerywings. When I got out of bed yesterday, I wasn't sure that I could walk to the bathroom. Two days of standing on these hard tile floors while cooking dinner just about did me in! I need floors that aren't tile! But today I'm back to normal.

Shaun is working this morning. I may have been MIA when he got a job. It's at Walmart and it's 36 hours a week. He is stocking the produce on the 4:00-1:00 shift 4 days a week. Plus going to school fulltime at the same time. But it really seems to have improved his mood and he is much happier which makes me much happier! The big thing is that he gets benefits including the fact that Walmart will pay 100% of his tuition and books. That's always a big deal!

This afternoon we will put up the tree...only one this year. But that will be fun! They cleared a lot down a few houses from us and we had cardinals (5-6 at a time), titmice, bluebirds, goldfinches, chickadees and even a bluebird at the feeder!

Well, going to the gallery to leave a little love. Have a good weekend ladies.
Good to see you in here, Linda!
Glad Shaun is working and great news that Walmart is paying his tuition!
What is your heart health situation currently?


Love my O Family!
Morning all. Woke up to SNOW... Not a lot yet... but it is snowing off and on right now. So glad that sis headed home yesterday. She had a good drive and got home before the weather turned bad. I drove over to the Library yesterday only to discover that it was closed for Black Friday. I will call today to make sure it is open before I drive over there on snowy streets. It is closed on Sunday and Monday so it might be Tuesday before I get the on hold book.

I will be packing away the Fall decorations today. That is an easy chore as they all fit into a zip plastic comforter bag. It isn't heavy even when filled with decorations. Not sure if I will put out any Christmas decorations. Don't think I am up to hauling boxes into the house yet. The left shoulder has been aching since our shopping expedition on Monday. Turns out I will be returning the shoes I bought then. Thought they would be okay but it puts pressure on the foot under the toes where the scar tissue is when I walked around the house in them. I really should shift into the new purse I bought... and cut back on what I carry in it. Still looking for a new smaller wallet. Haven't found one that I like yet that has RF shielding and doesn't weight much.

@faerywings - about the marinate for the chicken... I did not add it to the casserole. I took the chicken breast out of it and discarded the marinate then poured the soup/milk mixture over the chicken. Sorry that your dad took a fall on the stairs.

@LSlycord Happy that the doctor will do the less invasive heart surgery. Nice that Syd is able to spend more time at home with you. Know that boosts your spirits.

@vickyday So happy that you are out of the cast and into the brace. That is a big step in recovery.

Need a refill on the coffee and get dressed. HAGD
Me, too, Kay! And the wrist is feeling much better and looking better today! The skin is regaining it's natural color back and loosing some of the green bruising! I'm so happy to be able to type with 2 hands, even if the left one is a bit stiff!
Sounds like you and your sister had a great time! So glad you had a nice visit with her!


Love my O Family!
Good Saturday Morning!
My wrist feels much better today! My skin is losing the greenish bruising! My fingers are not as swollen! And I am loving being able to type 2-handed again, even though the left one is a bit stiff!

Only plans I have for the day is washing some new work clothes for Mark. He is down a size since Ozempic. Yesterday he barely ate anything because he felt nauseous after taking the weekly dose on Thursday evening. He looked more chipper today, thank goodness! I know he feels bad when he ends up laying on the couch all afternoon and evening! He did a little bit of work on the shed yesterday and was done for. I hope today is better for him! My anxiety kicks in when he is not feeling well, I guess after dealing with cancer with my first husband it is a reaction my body automatically goes into. I thought I was handling everything with my Tim during his cancer, but I guess it was being internalized.

I worked on my November Review spread and got the Thanksgiving pictures on the spread. A couple more photos this month and I'll finish it up. Other than that the only thing left to do is week 4 of the AJ challenge. I haven't even looked at it yet. May do that today.

OK, time to start the laundry.
Have a great weekend!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It will be another busy Saturday for me, my brother and SIL Veronica will be here in the afternoon and will be spending the night with us. So I need to get the house cleaned and their bed made up along with grocery shopping and running a few other errands. I did get SIL a nice gift for her birthday today and we will enjoy going out for dinner this evening at the "Cook and Butcher" restaurant tonight. Tomorrow brother and SIL will be visiting other friends and family members to say good-bye to them as they leave for Australia for 6 months. :sad2: I will miss them terribly, but happy for them that they will be with their kids and grands for Christmas etc. Still feeling disappointed that we will not be going anywhere this winter, its been a few years since we were anywhere warm for a vacation and I was so looking forward to it!! Oh well I guess I will get over it ! I have been wracking my brain trying to think of what to get for our Son and DIL for Christmas, everyone else gives us a list of wants, but not them darn it!! They always give themselves the gift of travel somewhere, guess our Son takes after me and not his Dad :giggle4:.

@faerywings - I hear ya on how stiff you feel when standing in the kitchen so long!! Must have been a man who thought it would be a great idea to have hard tile to stand on while you are cooking all day long! Hope you can get some relief today! How nice to have your tree up and that Scott was there to give you a hand! Yes it is wonderful that he still wants to be there for these special times, you are very lucky!! I will have to get DH to give the Dr. a call to see if he can be put on a cancellation list. Of course when they phoned to inform me of his appointment it was a recorded message, so did not even get to talk to a real person :banghead:.

@LSlycord - How nice to see you back here with us! No need to apologize, we know that life gets in the way sometimes and we are all here when you are ready to be back, we gotcha!! Hope that you are able to get some rest after all of your cooking/cleaning and putting up the tree! How wonderful to hear that Shaun is working and that Walmart will be paying for his tuition! Nice to know that Syd will be with you again soon also! Life is good!!

@BrightEyes - Yes I have to get busy and put away my fall decorations also! Not looking forward to bringing up all the Christmas decorations from the crawlspace, but always love the way the house looks when the Christmas decorating is done! Happy to hear that your Sister made it home safely!

@vickyday - Thats great the green bruising is starting to fade from your poor arm! I can totally understand that you would feel so much anxiety when your DH is not feeling well I hope that he feels better today and continues to improve! :hug2:. Remember to take care of you!!

Ok I should get some brunch started for DH and myself. Its going to be eggs Benedict minus the biscuit. Think I will throw in some avocado on the side too. Have a great Saturday everyone! :bye2:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... It will be another busy Saturday for me, my brother and SIL Veronica will be here in the afternoon and will be spending the night with us. So I need to get the house cleaned and their bed made up along with grocery shopping and running a few other errands. I did get SIL a nice gift for her birthday today and we will enjoy going out for dinner this evening at the "Cook and Butcher" restaurant tonight. Tomorrow brother and SIL will be visiting other friends and family members to say good-bye to them as they leave for Australia for 6 months. :sad2: I will miss them terribly, but happy for them that they will be with their kids and grands for Christmas etc. Still feeling disappointed that we will not be going anywhere this winter, its been a few years since we were anywhere warm for a vacation and I was so looking forward to it!! Oh well I guess I will get over it ! I have been wracking my brain trying to think of what to get for our Son and DIL for Christmas, everyone else gives us a list of wants, but not them darn it!! They always give themselves the gift of travel somewhere, guess our Son takes after me and not his Dad :giggle4:.

@faerywings - I hear ya on how stiff you feel when standing in the kitchen so long!! Must have been a man who thought it would be a great idea to have hard tile to stand on while you are cooking all day long! Hope you can get some relief today! How nice to have your tree up and that Scott was there to give you a hand! Yes it is wonderful that he still wants to be there for these special times, you are very lucky!! I will have to get DH to give the Dr. a call to see if he can be put on a cancellation list. Of course when they phoned to inform me of his appointment it was a recorded message, so did not even get to talk to a real person :banghead:.

@LSlycord - How nice to see you back here with us! No need to apologize, we know that life gets in the way sometimes and we are all here when you are ready to be back, we gotcha!! Hope that you are able to get some rest after all of your cooking/cleaning and putting up the tree! How wonderful to hear that Shaun is working and that Walmart will be paying for his tuition! Nice to know that Syd will be with you again soon also! Life is good!!

@BrightEyes - Yes I have to get busy and put away my fall decorations also! Not looking forward to bringing up all the Christmas decorations from the crawlspace, but always love the way the house looks when the Christmas decorating is done! Happy to hear that your Sister made it home safely!

@vickyday - Thats great the green bruising is starting to fade from your poor arm! I can totally understand that you would feel so much anxiety when your DH is not feeling well I hope that he feels better today and continues to improve! :hug2:. Remember to take care of you!!

Ok I should get some brunch started for DH and myself. Its going to be eggs Benedict minus the biscuit. Think I will throw in some avocado on the side too. Have a great Saturday everyone! :bye2:
Thank you! He seems to be feeling better today! I'm sure it was the dose of Ozempic the night before.
I hope you have the opportunity to travel to a warm climate this winter!


The Loopy-O
hello Ooooos! It's freezing here and I do not like it one bit. It's already awful having to take the dogs outside in the cold but not I need to take them out one at a time. J never wants to go back inside, she prefers to guard the driveway from all of those awful, evil leaves blowing about. Then it becomes a battle of wills and you've heard me say that she is a stubborn brick of a dog. Accurate when she doesn't want to move. And she is unbribable too. I could say "Inside for pizza crust" and she won't even budge an inch.
If she needs surgery it's gonna be awful.

Anyway, the rats are doing good. The lump on Pigeon's neck is most likely a rare benign tumor on her thymus gland. The vet said that he had never seen one in a rat-patient before. He always laughs that Caitlyn's rats keep him on his toes. Most often, this type of tumor goes away on its own.

I was able to get the autumn decorations packed up and most of the Christmas boxes back upstairs. Gary will put them in the attic soon. He'd better or I'll :rollingpin1:

I'm struggling with my plans for the week. A lot depends on Jury Duty which is for 1 week if I get picked. I hope I get dismissed. :praying2: J's appt is on Thursday and we only have one car. Not to mention we really need both of us to handle her. Besides, who would want me on a Jury?? I can't make a solid decision to save my life. How am I going to make one about someone else's?

Not too much going on here today. Scott is coming here after work. The way their schedules are, Sam never gets the house to herself. He's going to hang here for a couple of hours so she gets some downtime. Good man, I either raised him right or he internalized my nonstop grumbling about how I am never alone here. :D I think we are going to play a game or something like that.

Have a wonderfuyl day!


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord Chilly, 73* BAH HUMBUG! It was 24* when I was outside with the dogs this morning. Yeah, I know the Iowan inside of you has no sympathy. :D
That's both awful and awesome about Shaun's job! That's a lot of hours but if Walmart is helping pay for tuition and books-- that's huge! I am really happy that it's helping his mood, that's the best part. It's kind of terrifying but Dec 14th is going to be here so quickly and then Syd will be home again. That's wonderful!
Enjoy the new birds at your feeder, get any good pictures?

@BrightEyes I know it was disappointing that your sister had to leave early but such a relief that she missed all of the bad weather. How much snow did you end up getting?
Aside from the tree, I only put out very few Christmas decorations. I don't even know if I'm going to bug Gary about outdoor lights. Might as well save on the electric bill. *shrugs* We'll see.
Thanks for letting me know about the chicken marinade too.

@vickyday That's wonderful news that your wrist is doing better already.
How is Mark feeling today? Will his stomach adjust to the higher dose of Ozempic? Big hugs to you about your anxiety. I completely understand. Cait is always telling me that I have PTSD from when Gary was really sick. I wish I knew how to help you but I can promise that you're not alone in it.

@taxed4ever I hope that you had a fun visit with your brother and SIL. How nice for them to be off to AU but hard for you.
My family is going through the same thing. It's awful this year for gift ideas for and from everyone. No one wants or needs much of anything or no one has room to put anything.
Maybe there will be a cancellation at the dr and your Gary will get in sooner than January. I hope so and that its early enough that you can get somewhere warm even for a few days.

Time to feed the dogs and get J all of her medicines.
Enjoy the day!


I slept in this morning until 8:30AM!!! Woke up a couple of times but turned over and went back to sleep. Think my body was telling me I needed the rest. By the time I was dressed and out on the road, the snow had mostly melted off of them My car did give me a warning that there could be ice on the road and to drive carefully. Wow.. the smart car warnings are a surprise. The sun came out but snowflakes were still falling. Got my library book picked up. Then over to Kohls to look for a wallet - no luck. And to my surprise, there was a new Ross store just across the parking lot where an old Office Max used to be. So I checked it out for the shoes... no luck. That was enough being out in freezing temps so headed home.

I did get my fall decorations put away and put out my regular decorations. Then I commented on my November Challenge and scrapped a bit. The left shoulder and arm were aching so had to quit. Then I binged watched Netflix - Rebecca (the remake in 2022). And a docudrama Buried: The Alpine Meadows Avalanche (1982).

@faerywings Woke up to 28* this morning... :brrr::brrr::brrr: but the sun is shining so hope it warms up today. We were lucky here in the valley/mesa with only 2"- 6" but the highways east of here got a lot more snow. Talked to sis yesterday and she said it was snowing there. So glad she went home when she did. I feel for you having the battle with J over coming back in the house. Sure hope J doesn't need surgery... that would be a real battle. Glad the kids helped put up the Christmas tree. Hope Gary feels up to putting the boxes in the attic soon.

@taxed4ever I missed your post about the problem with one of the blinds. Hope they get it repaired/replaced soon. Yes, it is hard to say goodbye when family is going far away. Hope that there is a cancellation at the doctor's so it can be done sooner.

@vickyday Great that the med is helping Mark. And super nice that you typed with both hands... just don't over-do when the brace is off.

Hope everyone is ready for the big Christmas event coming up here at OScraps. Looking forward to all the fun things planned.


Love my O Family!
I slept in this morning until 8:30AM!!! Woke up a couple of times but turned over and went back to sleep. Think my body was telling me I needed the rest. By the time I was dressed and out on the road, the snow had mostly melted off of them My car did give me a warning that there could be ice on the road and to drive carefully. Wow.. the smart car warnings are a surprise. The sun came out but snowflakes were still falling. Got my library book picked up. Then over to Kohls to look for a wallet - no luck. And to my surprise, there was a new Ross store just across the parking lot where an old Office Max used to be. So I checked it out for the shoes... no luck. That was enough being out in freezing temps so headed home.

I did get my fall decorations put away and put out my regular decorations. Then I commented on my November Challenge and scrapped a bit. The left shoulder and arm were aching so had to quit. Then I binged watched Netflix - Rebecca (the remake in 2022). And a docudrama Buried: The Alpine Meadows Avalanche (1982).

@faerywings Woke up to 28* this morning... :brrr::brrr::brrr: but the sun is shining so hope it warms up today. We were lucky here in the valley/mesa with only 2"- 6" but the highways east of here got a lot more snow. Talked to sis yesterday and she said it was snowing there. So glad she went home when she did. I feel for you having the battle with J over coming back in the house. Sure hope J doesn't need surgery... that would be a real battle. Glad the kids helped put up the Christmas tree. Hope Gary feels up to putting the boxes in the attic soon.

@taxed4ever I missed your post about the problem with one of the blinds. Hope they get it repaired/replaced soon. Yes, it is hard to say goodbye when family is going far away. Hope that there is a cancellation at the doctor's so it can be done sooner.

@vickyday Great that the med is helping Mark. And super nice that you typed with both hands... just don't over-do when the brace is off.

Hope everyone is ready for the big Christmas event coming up here at OScraps. Looking forward to all the fun things planned.
Yes, I can tell when I've overworked the wrist!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OMGOSH did I miss a day????? I'm SO exhausted from the weekend and I could have sworn that I posted yesterday. I see that I did not. I have to keep telling myself that today is Sunday!!! Chris @faerywings you're not the only one who's a little "off" today. I'm just glad I'm not the only one. Of course, you know, we'll be "off" all week. Not too unusual for us, though, is it???

I also went to the fridge around noon to get my overnight oats out and there wasn't any. I had thos whole running dialouge with myself - "I know I made them last night" - but they're not in here. "I know I made them last night - look harder - look behing the milk - no, they're not in here.". Final test - if my little glass container is in the dishwasher, I'll know. Yep, it was. I was flabbergasted - I must have dreamed that I made them. I would have bet money that I made my oats. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

OK, let me recap. Steph and Asher left yesterday (it was Saturday) and they left about noon. Adrienne came down to tell them goodbye and said "can you be ready in about a half hour to go to Muskogee"??????? Casey was also coming to clean because she normally comes on FRIDAY, but that got messed up. So, she told me to just leave - go have fun - and she would clean my house. You all know how I am about Casey cleaning - I HAVE to have everything organized for her. Not this time and I told her that and gave her the option of coming on Monday. But, she said "go" and "I've got this.". I left her with such a mess that Chuck paid her extra money (I think he felt bad.)

Now, I KNOW I didn't post yesterday - thanks for letting me replay this. LOL Adrienne and I went to Muscogee and she wanted to go into Buckle. I NEVER shop in there because I thought it was too expensive. Let me tell you (and this might have been the altered state that I was in) that store won me over!! First of all, the customer service is amazing and second of all, I found a pair of jeans - they were too long of course, but they alter for FREE!! We just have to go back next weekend and pick them up. I was so impressed with the customer service. The woman who was helping us was on the computer trying to see if she could get the jeans in the inseam I needed, before I told her that an alteration was fine. I needed a 31 inseam. The second and third thing was they have so many sales. I got a turtleneck sweater and a really cool oversized cardigan for a steal. Then we went to 7 Brew and had our favorite caffe fraps - we substitute everything for non fat, sugar free with almond milk and they don't upset my stomach the way the Starbucks did. Do ya'll have 7 Brew where you live? Beats Starbucks hands down.

OK, I have done NO personals, but I'll get back on track tomorrow. Love you all, my lovelies.


Well-Known Member
I had to check a million times that I had the days and dates right. I feel very time-warped ATM. I also noticed that I misspelled November in yesterday's thread and had to edit it. ;)

It is indeed Saturday and that means the weekend is just starting. I'm glad about that, I feel like I need loads more time to recover from the past few days/weeks. Being on my feet so much had made me stiff all over but not so bad that some Alleve did the trick when I took it in the morning. Good thing too since we needed everything Autumn-related packed up so we had room for Christmas by 3 pm.

The tree is up and it looks wonderful. I thought that I'd be more emotional since next year both kids will be moved out. Maybe knowing Scott still wants to be here for things like decorating the tree shows me that things will change but not as much as I think. *rambling thoughts*
After we put the tree up and had dinner, we played Mario Kart and it wasn't the worst I ever played. In two of the courses, I wasn't last. At one point in the third race, I had gotten turned around and couldn't get myself in the right direction. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Or drive. :angrydriver:
We watched the Grinch together and then Scott went back to his house.
It's been a good few days. ♥

I am going with Cait to take the rats to the vet. Pigeon still has that lump on the side of her neck and Squirrel had been chewing at the fur on her back. It's been growing in a bit so Caitlyn thinks it might have been from boredom/stress after her sisters died. Now that she is having short visits with babies, she might be not as lonely. *fingers crossed*
other than that, I think it should be relatively calm. *knocks wood that I don't jinx myself*

If I only know who is Scott ... that confuses me! I thought Gary would be your loved one. Please bring light into the dark.


The Loopy-O
@Su_Sanne I'm sorry, I should have been more specific. Gary is my husband. Scott is my son. Caitlyn is my daughter.
Scott and his girlfriend (Sam) moved in together a couple of months ago but he still comes over often to visit. And do laundry :D