
Daily Ooos: Monday, September 30


The Loopy-O
*blinks rapidly, shakes head a few times, blinks so more*
That can't be correct. It really is *not* the last day of September. Impossible. I know I am calendar-challenged but this feels a little unreal, right??
Unless the entire world is conspiring against me, it really is the last day of September and wow, it went by fast. Very, very fast.

I was reading Amanda's thread about the damage done by Helene and it's utterly mind-boggling. Thankfully, the few people I know that live in FL live on the eastern side but how terrible for the other areas affected. :brokenheart:
It reminds me to be thankful for only dealing with drizzle and light rain this past week. Even if I come home from work drenched ;)

The Girl Scout Badge program went well if I do say so myself. My coworker and I were 100% patting ourselves on the back when we wrapped up. Especially since nothing cooperated with us at the start. We couldn't find the Animal Cards we needed so we made our own. The rain was a bummer. Then one of the girls was going to be 15 minutes, then 30 minutes late so we flipped the schedule backwards so we would start the hike later. Because we did that, it threw off some of the other scheduled activities. We ran out of time to make music out of natural materials at the fire circle so we grabbed sticks, and rocks, and held a marching band parade as we hiked out of the woods. The intern I worked with is so easygoing and wonderful to work with. I told him how I was anxious before he got here but once we started, he kept me grounded. Then he said how well we work together too- Weis has the best staff. ♥
So whether the Troop thought we did a good job or not, who knows? We think we did, we hit all of the badge req's, no one got lost or hurt or cried... that is a win in my book :rotfl:

Today is my day off. So to speak because really, what is a day off anyway? :p I am working from home on the Fall Session 2 curriculum so I can get the overview to the director today. Then a bunch of housework (I tried ignoring that but it not working for me). Then some end-of-the-month CO stuff and that's it. :thud:

Love to you all!


The Loopy-O
I am back from MIA this past week. DD#1 is back at home. Oh, what a wonderful week it was to spend time with her, her hubby, DD#3 and her hubby, Really lifted my spirits to have them here.
That makes me so happy! Don't wear yourself out with catching up, October 1st is plenty far away. :giggle4:
I was just going through the week's O's and quoting bits & pieces. I was cruising along until I realized the news sounded really familiar and I'd gone back a week, sort of the way the week has gone .
:rotfl: You turned yourself all around trying to get from beginning to end.
I've never known you to put less than 200% into everything you do.
Thank you, just wish I knew how to turn it down a bit. If I could find that line of doing a great job *without* making myself bonkers in the process, I would be so happy.
LMBO at the flushing and the wipers!
Putting the pond to bed sounds like a messy and stinky job but worth it when you have it all blooming and beautiful in the spring.
I wish I had advice for you about DH's family but instead, I'll keep sending hugs. ~~~
:woohoo: for taking and finishing the Anna class!

Thankfully work was nice and slow. I wore my compression pants (yuck) with a sun dress to cover my bum and just sat and talked to the gal I am training until 2:30 when she went home then read my book. Was nice and slow. Hubs grilled steak for dinner and all I had to do was chill.
That's nice that you had a slow day at work and then had time to relax while hubby cooked. And then you had to ruin that with kitchen reno work, eh?:D
Hope that pain levels are dealable today

Update Hurricane Helene. We prepped pretty good so we only had yard debris our pond came up 6"
I am very relieved to hear this- so sorry about your friends and neighbors. When you can, just let us know how everyone is doing. Hang in there xo
If you ask me, any time someone else is doing the cooking....that is reason to be excited! ;)
You are doing a great job at work, or they wouldn't keep relying on you! YOU GO GIRL!!! ;)
that is for sure about someone else cooking! Thank you for the support too!
We had a great time at the cookout at the pits last night. The chicken stew was delicious, along with everything else! The fellowship was wonderful, too! And the weather was just about perfect!
Awesome awesome awesome!
I am heartbroken about the damage to your state. It's wonderful that your pastor is collecting donations, I am sure it will help those who need it very much.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Monday morning everyone! It is a day off for my Gary, so he and I are going to busy today. I have tried to get in here over the weekend but have only managed to get a few behind the scene things done. I haven’t had a minute to myself to do any scrapping. I need to get some color play items posted to other sites also. This morning DH and I are going for a drive to pick up a new pump/filter for wine making, ours bit the dust over the weekend. I found one on Facebook Marketplace for a really good price, so DH is happy about that! Had a great phone call from our son on Saturday, he is coming out this way for a conference in Vancouver and then another in Esquimalt here on the island. So he will be coming to stay with us for a few days afterward. It won’t be until the middle of November, but we are so excited to spend some time with him! It is so hard to believe that September is on its way out and we will be turning the calendar page over to October! It should be a busy month with a few birthdays, starting my calendar pages and of course Halloween. I have started a few cards to send out to the grands along with a little Halloween treat of course and hopefully I will have free shipping Tuesdays with Canada Post again this October. DH is ready for his breakfast so I am off to make some western sandwiches for him. I will eat a bit later, its too early for me yet, I usually don’t have my first meal until around 11am.

Today is my day off. So to speak because really, what is a day off anyway? :p I am working from home on the Fall Session 2 curriculum so I can get the overview to the director today. Then a bunch of housework (I tried ignoring that but it not working for me). Then some end-of-the-month CO stuff and that's it. :thud:
I hope that you are able to squeeze in some quiet time for yourself today! Sounds like everything at work is going very well and you should be so happy with yourself!! You are a rock star!!:yourock:.

Ok off I go to start what will most likely be another busy day with my DH! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!
Today is my day off. So to speak because really, what is a day off anyway? :p I am working from home on the Fall Session 2 curriculum so I can get the overview to the director today. Then a bunch of housework (I tried ignoring that but it not working for me). Then some end-of-the-month CO stuff and that's it. :thud:
You? A day off?? Do you really do that???? :giggle4:
And then you had to ruin that with kitchen reno work, eh?:D
I didn't ruin my slow day. Reno work wont start for a few days, just the plotting happened. Then yesterday we bought the tiles.

@taxed4ever winemaking sounds fun! We haven't tried that yet. We've done beer and meed but not wine. Hubs tried hard cider once and had fun. We have ten foot ceilings and well, we ended up with hard cider on the ceiling. He was heating a bottle to reseal it and it decided to shoot off like a rocket. It was an interesting time.

Today is a stay home day but not slow. Need to clean the house as its been a busy week last week and about to be busy again. Today is my one stay home day. Woke up ten minutes early as my bladder was gonna burst. oooohhhhh that beep means the coffees ready. Gotta get it!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Holy cow, I wish it would stop raining! We have had over 5" in the last week, and there were 2" the days preceding, so nowhere for water to go. Here is a video of one of our trails from Friday evening. the sign you see sticking up from the water is where one of our trails is.

Fortunately the creeks go down quickly and this one was back in its banks by Saturday morning. The gods were with us, as we had a work day Saturday to finish our last bridge replacement from Debby's devastation, and it was the only non-rain day in 2 weeks. It took a 9-hour day but we got it done. And it doesn't look like Helene did any additional damage. We have rain forecast every day until Thursday.

All this is small potatoes compared to what has happened in western NC, so I'm not complaining. I can't imagine what it's like out there; the horror as I keep seeing the death toll go up. Prayers for everyone.


Wow, it has been a busy last day of September. Just finished uploading the new release LOs I had made plus the tutorial with Joyful Heart's Blendy Goodness1 masks. Think those are the last of the Color Play and September releases that I used.

I took a PJ day yesterday... winding down from having company last week. DD#1 got me binge watching "Fire Country" on Netflix. All caught up on it and am looking forward to seeing Season 3 on CBS Oct 18th.

My heart aches for all who were affected by hurricane. Such wide-spread damage and so far inland from the coast... who would have thought it could spread so far...


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
This morning DH and I are going for a drive to pick up a new pump/filter for wine making, ours bit the dust over the weekend. I found one on Facebook Marketplace for a really good price, so DH is happy about that!
Why do we all live so far apart?? We have a really, really nice one, it was expensive but I would have given it to you . We got rid of all of our carboys a couple of years ago, gave them toThis morning DH and I are going for a drive to pick up a new pump/filter for wine making, ours bit the dust over the weekend. I found one on Facebook Marketplace for a really good price, so DH is happy about that!

Why do we all live so far apart?? We have a really, really nice one, it was expensive but I would have given it to you . We got rid of all of our carboys a couple of years ago, gave them to a young winery in northern Minnesota run by veterans.
Woke up ten minutes early as my bladder was gonna burst.
My bladder did that multiple times last night.
We have rain forecast every day until Thursday.
We had upper 80s all last week and through today. You can send some our way. .We've set a record for hottest and driest September on record . We've set a record for hottest and driest September on record .
All this is small potatoes compared to what has happened in western NC, so I'm not complaining. I can't imagine what it's like out there; the horror as I keep seeing the death toll go up. Prayers for everyone.
Ameri to that sister! I am glad your creeks go down quickly and you could get the prior damage repaired.
I took a PJ day yesterday... winding down from having company last week. DD#1 got me binge watching "Fire Country" on Netflix. All caught up on it and am looking forward to seeing Season 3 on CBS Oct 18th.
You are a smart woman! Great way to recover from an uber busy week /

@fairywings Hugs are greatly appreciated, there isn't much else that can be done.

The first picture below is the "mother ship" with all of it's foliage removed, other than buds. That big pile of leaves and muck is the "satellite" that broke off, I'm sure during one of the nasty storms we had. You can see the broken rhizome in front. The satellite had anchored itself to the muck at the bottom of the pond. Wendell could hardly pull it free. It was so heavy, I couldn't drag it up onto my "workbench", I had to give it a hair cut at the bottom of the pot before I could work on it .20240923_115333-ed.jpg20240923_115325-ed.jpg


Love my O Family!
*blinks rapidly, shakes head a few times, blinks so more*
That can't be correct. It really is *not* the last day of September. Impossible. I know I am calendar-challenged but this feels a little unreal, right??
Unless the entire world is conspiring against me, it really is the last day of September and wow, it went by fast. Very, very fast.

I was reading Amanda's thread about the damage done by Helene and it's utterly mind-boggling. Thankfully, the few people I know that live in FL live on the eastern side but how terrible for the other areas affected. :brokenheart:
It reminds me to be thankful for only dealing with drizzle and light rain this past week. Even if I come home from work drenched ;)

The Girl Scout Badge program went well if I do say so myself. My coworker and I were 100% patting ourselves on the back when we wrapped up. Especially since nothing cooperated with us at the start. We couldn't find the Animal Cards we needed so we made our own. The rain was a bummer. Then one of the girls was going to be 15 minutes, then 30 minutes late so we flipped the schedule backwards so we would start the hike later. Because we did that, it threw off some of the other scheduled activities. We ran out of time to make music out of natural materials at the fire circle so we grabbed sticks, and rocks, and held a marching band parade as we hiked out of the woods. The intern I worked with is so easygoing and wonderful to work with. I told him how I was anxious before he got here but once we started, he kept me grounded. Then he said how well we work together too- Weis has the best staff. ♥
So whether the Troop thought we did a good job or not, who knows? We think we did, we hit all of the badge req's, no one got lost or hurt or cried... that is a win in my book :rotfl:

Today is my day off. So to speak because really, what is a day off anyway? :p I am working from home on the Fall Session 2 curriculum so I can get the overview to the director today. Then a bunch of housework (I tried ignoring that but it not working for me). Then some end-of-the-month CO stuff and that's it. :thud:

Love to you all!
Of COURSE you did well on the Badge program!!!
I hope you enjoyed your not-so-much-of-a-day-off day today! ;). Housework!!!! Who needs it?! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon,
Our pastor and our beloved pastor friend headed to the flood zone in western NC this morning. This is our pastor with the items donated by our church people, plus money in his pocket to buy cleaning supplies and other paper supplies, etc.

We have pouring rain again as we speak! I hope and pray they are not having more in the western part of the state!
I was up until 1 a.m. cleaning up all of the huge pots and pans I used this weekend for cooking food for the pit gathering. So I slept until 9. Got up and went to the park to walk (in the misty rain). Got a mile in as my back has been bothering me since Saturday's getting ready for the gathering. So this afternoon I have rested in the recliner, listening to an audio book and flipping through Somerset and Art Journaling magazines.
I need to catch up on my daily ATCs again since my weekend was crazy. And I finally got a new charge cord for my computer so I could move pictures from the camera to the EHD so I could finish up the September review pages. I cannot believe we are beginning the 10th month of the year tomorrow!
Time to feed Asher and for Mark to come home from work!
Have a wonderful evening!