
Daily Ooo's: Monday, September 1


The Loopy-O
Happy September 1, Happy Monday and Happy Labor Day to those who celebrate that. No day off for me, I am working (no Labor Unions for those cleaning houses under the table! tee hee! ), but that is all good, since I have to go food shopping tomorrow and need the money to do that. It seems to come up faster and faster, the food shopping. ick.

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty much ok, overall. I am only a few pages more to go for Leah's album, but now I am having a harder time finding photos. I have been stalking her FB page to get some more.

Then there was more chaos involved with family stuff. My friend sort of talked me into doing a Sweet 16 party for Cait. She really doesn't care or like her b-day so I wasn't planning on doing anything except with us for her. She finally accepted the idea as long as we did it like the last 2 years, September B-day Bash. I have many family B-days in Sept: Cait, Leah, MIL, SIL, FIL, and niece, so we combine them all into one party. I knew that my brother and his wife can't come on the 21st, Cait's actual day, they have a memorial service for their friend's parents.

But my MIL, FIL, SIL and family can't come on Saturday, so I email everyone to float the idea of Sunday. I get an email for SIL saying how thrilled she is that it will be on the Sunday, that is the one day that they have free from kids' sports. I call my parents to see if Sunday will work for them, but they are babysitting my nephew while brother is at the Service. I suggest they bring him with them, but my brother is a bit overprotective (Christopher is not even allowed in the kitchen while my brother is cooking-- he is 3 *eye roll*) so we don't know if they will go for the idea of that. I can't switch it to the following weekend, I have 2 potential things going on and I can't switch the the earlier weekend b/c I will never be able to pull a party together in 12 days.

Don't I go through this *every* year??? When will I learn???

Wow, that was a rant and a half from me.:blabla:

How about a Me Me Monday?
I am going to try to do something with my ratty nails today (after work of course!)


The Loopy-O
From Sunday:

Laurie- hope you enjoy the time, just you and YMG. Good luck selling your craft supplies. That means you have room to get more :D

I guess that was it for Sunday.
Hugs to everyone!


Feeling at hOme!
Happy Monday girls!
Can you believe we are already in September? Tomorrow is the back to school day in France, so that means the street will be noisier in the morning and the metro will be a total mess. Lucky me, I work at home, lol!

I had a nice time at the yard-sale yesterday and even found myself a pretty beautiful dress that has never been worn. It costed €30 instead of €155 in store, so I guess that's quite a good deal?!

Today I am starting a one-week job that should be quite entertaining: my mix-media teacher has hired me to help her prepare some DIY projects for her next workshops. So that means both money and nice time, which is what I need right now ;) On my way to be creative and have fun.

Chris, good luck in organizing the B-day party! Sounds like a headache!!
And yes, take that 'me time' for your nails, you deserve it. And don't forget to apply a colorful nail polish.

OK, have to go to work!
Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Chris, if i were you i'd throw my hands up in the air and shout "NEVER MIND!!!" but that's me. you would never do something like that, so good luck on your party planning. wow. nails. when i get adventurous, i put on clear polish....

Sabine, what a deal on the dress!! your new project sounds like fun, too. money and the opportunity to he creative. what could be better??

wow, is it humid here. the area where i live is, i swear, like a jungle. three big rivers, lots of greenery and bugs. whew. maybe an air-conditioner day today. i don't think it's going to be REALLY hot, but with all this humidity, even 80 degrees is so uncomfortable. been up since 4:30 (hi, Trudy!) and doing laundry and ironing. thinking about inviting my BIL and SIL for an impromptu cookout. we'll see.

enjoy Monday! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I woke up at 3am!! Got sick of lying there in bed staring at the ceiling!! I am off to bed again shortly to hopefully get a couple of more hours in :sleep: I was MIA yesterday as hubby and I were busy putting together the new shed we purchased. It still is not done and so we will tackle the rest today and then hopefully get the garage cleaned out too. We were supposed to be working on painting and repairing the back steps, but guess that job will wait until next weekend.

Chris - Yikes lots of birthdays coming up for you this month!! Sounds like you have a dilemma on your hands with planning Cait's birthday party!! Hope things work out for you and for Cait, sixteen is a special birthday! I remember mine, it was the year that my mom and dad gave me a beautiful pearl necklace, one gorgeous pearl on a lovely golden chain! I wore it on special days and then when DD turned sixteen I gave it to her and she adores it!

Sabine - Your one week job sounds like it will be a lot of fun!! You did get a fabulous deal on that dress, you will have to take a pic and show us what it looks like!

Ok I am off to bed again, wish I could just sleep through the night like normal people do, but then who ever said I was Normal?? :becky: :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi Phylis we posted together, I wish I could have joined you for a cup of coffee at 4:30 LOL


Well-Known Member
Good morning - I am getting the last of my packing done for my trip west. I will be back Wed the 17 and I will try to pop in once in a while. Have a great time here at the "O".


Well-Known Member
Nancy, bon voyage!!

Trudy, i was also up at 2:18 and stayed awake for a while. normal?? wazzzaaaat? :faint2: