
Daily Ooos: Monday, October 30


The Loopy-O
Good morning, O-zies!!!! Sure, it's Monday and sure, it's raining and suuuure-- I woke up at 4.40-- but it's all good.

I had a pretty productive day yesterday. I didn't get all that much done other than 2 loads of laundry and the meals picked out for the week. Considering that I didn't feel like doing much of anything, that was a decent start.
Scott popped in for coffee and invited me and Gary to his house tomorrow along with Gary's parents. They haven't seen the house yet and I know Scott is excited to show it off. They are going out for sushi for lunch but I think we are going to pass on that part. Scott is also coming here on Thursday for dinner- I hope this is going to be a regular thing :lovey3:

I had a bunch of things on my to-do list that didn't get touched but that's what I have today for. haha!
Actually, I am not sure how much I'll be able to do today since I am entering the 10th and 11th levels of Hell :devil2: Gary and I are going to Walmart *and* BJs. He needs compressed air and I need contact lens solution. Thankfully the stores are close enough to each other so it makes sense to hit them both. I am like a toddler. Gary is going to need to drag me inside, kicking and screaming and whining the entire time.
This afternoon, I'll head to the library for Coloring Crew.

Wishing all of you a fab day!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes I saw a weather map yesterday that almost the entire country, aside from FL, had the temps drop like that. I really hope that you didn't get any snow, or if there was, it all stayed in the mountains.
Whew, that was good timing with the bank!

I told Scott about my Terminator theory of the other couple on the hike. We:
1. Never saw them sweat or breathe hard.
2. They said it was a good "warm-up hike" for them.
3. They don't hike in the summer, only Fall and Winter.
4. (And this one is critical) No one saw them actually climbing up the rocks. They just appeared ahead of us.
He agrees with my theory. :floorlaugh:

@Cherylndesigns It must make you so happy to see Chuck's progress, physically and mentally, in the rehab. He has the whole group here cheering him on!
Your birthday is next week on the 8th, my dad's is on the 10th. :)

@vickyday I thought for sure I was going to fall at some point on the hike and that Scott was going to have to save me. And then blacklist from all of his future hikes :rotfl: This is the hike that he goes on at night to see the NYC skyline. How they make that trip in the dark is beyond my comprehension but he said that everyone falls at one point or another. In some of my photos, you can see the faint outline of the skyline. You couldn't see it in person because of the haze. But at night -- he says the view is incredible.
I am still getting tomatoes too! I have been picking the ones that are slightly ripe and letting them ripen the rest of the way on my counter. Last night I made pasta with roasted grape tomatoes and I grabbed a few more that were green and they were so good cooked that way.
I am in awe of how many you are still getting especially since they weren't from a nursery.
Do you think you'll be able to get on the bike before the season ends? Be careful if you do!


Love my O Family!
Good morning, O-zies!!!! Sure, it's Monday and sure, it's raining and suuuure-- I woke up at 4.40-- but it's all good.

I had a pretty productive day yesterday. I didn't get all that much done other than 2 loads of laundry and the meals picked out for the week. Considering that I didn't feel like doing much of anything, that was a decent start.
Scott popped in for coffee and invited me and Gary to his house tomorrow along with Gary's parents. They haven't seen the house yet and I know Scott is excited to show it off. They are going out for sushi for lunch but I think we are going to pass on that part. Scott is also coming here on Thursday for dinner- I hope this is going to be a regular thing :lovey3:

I had a bunch of things on my to-do list that didn't get touched but that's what I have today for. haha!
Actually, I am not sure how much I'll be able to do today since I am entering the 10th and 11th levels of Hell :devil2: Gary and I are going to Walmart *and* BJs. He needs compressed air and I need contact lens solution. Thankfully the stores are close enough to each other so it makes sense to hit them both. I am like a toddler. Gary is going to need to drag me inside, kicking and screaming and whining the entire time.
This afternoon, I'll head to the library for Coloring Crew.

Wishing all of you a fab day!
What's to hate about going to Walmart? Think of all the new fashions you see and can't wait to try! ;)


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes I saw a weather map yesterday that almost the entire country, aside from FL, had the temps drop like that. I really hope that you didn't get any snow, or if there was, it all stayed in the mountains.
Whew, that was good timing with the bank!

I told Scott about my Terminator theory of the other couple on the hike. We:
1. Never saw them sweat or breathe hard.
2. They said it was a good "warm-up hike" for them.
3. They don't hike in the summer, only Fall and Winter.
4. (And this one is critical) No one saw them actually climbing up the rocks. They just appeared ahead of us.
He agrees with my theory. :floorlaugh:

@Cherylndesigns It must make you so happy to see Chuck's progress, physically and mentally, in the rehab. He has the whole group here cheering him on!
Your birthday is next week on the 8th, my dad's is on the 10th. :)

@vickyday I thought for sure I was going to fall at some point on the hike and that Scott was going to have to save me. And then blacklist from all of his future hikes :rotfl: This is the hike that he goes on at night to see the NYC skyline. How they make that trip in the dark is beyond my comprehension but he said that everyone falls at one point or another. In some of my photos, you can see the faint outline of the skyline. You couldn't see it in person because of the haze. But at night -- he says the view is incredible.
I am still getting tomatoes too! I have been picking the ones that are slightly ripe and letting them ripen the rest of the way on my counter. Last night I made pasta with roasted grape tomatoes and I grabbed a few more that were green and they were so good cooked that way.
I am in awe of how many you are still getting especially since they weren't from a nursery.
Do you think you'll be able to get on the bike before the season ends? Be careful if you do!
I've been so clumsy lately that the only hiking at night I would do would be around the fire pit after driving out there! I love the NYC skyline they show on Blue Bloods from time to time, however, so I can see how it must be a wonderful site to behold! I'm glad you did not fall!
I'm hoping I can get Ilene to come and visit me today so she can take some of the tomatoes off our hands!
I think my biking season has come to a close this year, unfortunately. I don't want to take any chances.


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Mark is back to work today. I told him yesterday that I was sure going to miss his helping hands! When he kissed me goodbye this morning before leaving he told me to call if I need anything. It is comforting to know he is 5 minutes away.

I'm on the heating pad this morning for my back. It was pretty sore and stiff when I woke up. I will have to get dressed soon so I can go and pick up my grocery order. I'm glad the store is only 3 miles away.

Other than that I have no real plans for the day. Finish up CT stuff is about all the computer stuff I will be able to handle. I feel like a one-armed paper hanger!



Love my O Family!
BTW, according to the Almanac newsletter I get daily, "Today Is The Best Day To Do Nothing, Rest Up, Take A Nap, Enjoy!"


So glad I turned the heat on last night... it got down to 31*... and is staying at 32* until after nine this morning. So I dug out my 'winter' PJs and bed-socks. Had a bit of a shock as the PJs are loose around the waist/hips. As are some of my pants! Yep... the weight loss is more obvious there. Guess I need to buy some in a smaller size for this winter. Not sure if I should :strawberry:or be unhappy :eek:!

I talked to Sis yesterday... it was the anniversary of her DH's death. She was doing okay but glad I remembered. We talked about her trip over here for Thanksgiving. Looks like it will be Nov 18-26. She has doctor's appts right before and right after those dates. And we talked about food for when she is here. Neither one of us is up to cooking the 'whole feast' so we are going to scale back and maybe do a roast/potatoes dinner instead. I still plan on baking a pumpkin pie.

BBL for personals.


Had to go on-line and renew my driver's license as it expires tomorrow. This is the first year that it can be done like that in our state. Sure made it easier to sit at home in my PJs and to not have to get an appointment to go to the DMV office. I had tried to get an appointment over a week ago but there wasn't one to be had. I was keeping my fingers crossed as I filled out the form and so relieved to have it go so smoothly. Just got the email with my temporary license - printed it out and put in the wallet. Whew!!! :banana::cucumber:dance3:banana3: Since I am over 79 the license is free but only good for one year. It is a PITA to remember as it doesn't expire on the birthday any more... but on the day before it was renewed last. I have already 'lost' 3 weeks due to having to get an appointment in the past couple of years... and not being able to get one close to the birthday. Will have to mark it on the 2024 calendar to remind myself when it expires. Hope they keep the on-line renewal then, too.

Good morning, O-zies!!!! Sure, it's Monday and sure, it's raining and suuuure-- I woke up at 4.40-- but it's all good.

I had a pretty productive day yesterday. I didn't get all that much done other than 2 loads of laundry and the meals picked out for the week. Considering that I didn't feel like doing much of anything, that was a decent start.
Scott popped in for coffee and invited me and Gary to his house tomorrow along with Gary's parents. They haven't seen the house yet and I know Scott is excited to show it off. They are going out for sushi for lunch but I think we are going to pass on that part. Scott is also coming here on Thursday for dinner- I hope this is going to be a regular thing :lovey3:

I had a bunch of things on my to-do list that didn't get touched but that's what I have today for. haha!
Actually, I am not sure how much I'll be able to do today since I am entering the 10th and 11th levels of Hell :devil2: Gary and I are going to Walmart *and* BJs. He needs compressed air and I need contact lens solution. Thankfully the stores are close enough to each other so it makes sense to hit them both. I am like a toddler. Gary is going to need to drag me inside, kicking and screaming and whining the entire time.
This afternoon, I'll head to the library for Coloring Crew.

Wishing all of you a fab day!
I hope the trip to the stores go easy for you both. I need to pop into Sam's Club and see if they have any PJs I like. I have a love/hate with WM... one I will go to as they still have a few cashiers but the other one doesn't... only self-checkout.

Good morning!
Mark is back to work today. I told him yesterday that I was sure going to miss his helping hands! When he kissed me goodbye this morning before leaving he told me to call if I need anything. It is comforting to know he is 5 minutes away.

I'm on the heating pad this morning for my back. It was pretty sore and stiff when I woke up. I will have to get dressed soon so I can go and pick up my grocery order. I'm glad the store is only 3 miles away.

Other than that I have no real plans for the day. Finish up CT stuff is about all the computer stuff I will be able to handle. I feel like a one-armed paper hanger!

BTW, according to the Almanac newsletter I get daily, "Today Is The Best Day To Do Nothing, Rest Up, Take A Nap, Enjoy!"
:spinningchair: I hear you, Vicky... I think that is all I will do today... kick back and relax.
I am surprised that you are able to 1) get yourself dressed (I had to have DH help me dress when I had shoulder surgery... 2) drive to get your groceries. Glad it is close by.

I did peek out at the mountain... but the cloud cover was down to the foothills so couldn't see if there was snow. We only had a bit of rain/snow mix late yesterday afternoon and nothing this morning.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is so foggy I can hardly see the houses across the street!! Hope that means that the sun will come out soon and burn it all away! We had another busy weekend, with going to Costco and this time we actually came out of there without spending way too much! I also found a really cute outfit for Heather for Christmas, so I will get that in the mail this Tuesday. It will be the last free shipping Tuesday so I am glad I can take advantage of that. Sadly I did not find the items I was looking for, for Jonah and no luck finding the couple of things the boys had put on their gift list. Oh well there is always online shopping and hopefully free shipping. It would be nice to have Christmas gifts all done before the end of November! We had a chat with FIL before heading out to Costco. He came to pick up the wine we had for them and he was telling us that he is helping his neighbour pour a great big cement patio out the front of his house. REALLY?? The man is going to be 90 in April and his vision is poor, he still thinks he is in his 30's LOL. He was telling us how tired he is from all the work he is doing. :what!::banghead: give your head a shake man!! :shakingsense: Oh well he is too old to try to change now, even Gary just shook his head and laughed. We have not been able to get in the backyard to finish our fall cleanup and sadly we noticed our beautiful Japanese Maple tree has a very large branch that broke off from all the heavy snow that we had last week. We are planning on cleaning that up today when DH gets home from work. Lots of house cleaning yesterday and I spent some of the day making up treat bags for the neighbour kids for Halloween. I will take a photo when I am finished them today.

@faerywings - I am happy that you got out on the hike and even more happy that you did not fall! Yes there are some really fit hikers out there and some are a lot older than I am too. I do like your Terminator theory though LOL! I hope you get most of your to do list taken care of today, it sounds like it will be a good day to do that with the weather being the way it is for you today. I feel the same about going to Walmart and I might end up having to go there today as well, one last ditch effort to find what the boys want for Christmas Ugghh. ( I think I will look online first though) . How nice that Scott has invited you all to his place, so happy that he is enjoying his new digs and is proud to show it off to Gary's Parents.

@vickyday - Hope that your day goes ok without your DH around to help you out! Nice that he is not too far away if you do need him though! Sorry you are still having back pain, hopefully the heating pad will ease your discomfort! I like your Almanac prediction for the day! I might have to follow its advice LOL.

@BrightEyes - That is so great that you can renew your Drivers Licence online! We don't have that here yet, you can book your appointment to renew but you still have to go in to the office to have your photo taken. Can't say as I blame you for not wanting to cook a huge Thanksgiving meal for you and your sister, its an awful lot of work, although the leftovers are the best!! I imagine that you are looking forward to having your sister there with you, too bad she can not stay until Christmas.

Well I better get busy with some month end things here at the O and then get myself another cup of coffee. I will be spending the rest of the day puttering around in my craft room and prepping for Halloween :flyingwitch:. Have a great day everyone!! I hope the day brings you lots of happy surprises!! :cowwaving:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

It's absolutely gorgeous here today - but cold. It's only 43 right now, but at least the rain has stopped. Yesterday was rain all day - hard rain. We have freeze warnings out for the next couple of days, too and then it's supposed to warm up a bit. Chuck didn't feel up to company yesterday - he said it was Sunday and they wouldn't be bothering him, so he just wanted to rest. Adrienne got back from her business trip, and she wanted to go see him, so he said ok, (grugingly). Turns out, we never made it anyway. Her plane flew into Tulsa, which is a hike anyway, but it was supposed to get in at noon and kept getting delayed and then delayed again. It was going on 4 PM when we finally picked her up. She was exhausted (she had been up since 4 AM) and it worked out to Chuck's wishes. She was talking to him and he told us to just come today. SO, i got up at 8 am to be ready for Ava to pick me up at 10, then she called and said the plane was delayed, the first time, then I think we finally left here about 2. So, I was up and cleaned up early yesterday and then just waited. Haha I had stuff to do anyway, so it was ok. It poured down rain all the way to Tulsa. Flying is so much fun anymore.................................NOT!!!!! :mad::mad:

Chris @faerywings how funny about those hikers. And how cool would it be to see the NYC skyline at night? I would never try to hike in the dark, either because I can't see in the dark anyway and I'd probably do some major damage to myself. Speaking of Walmart, I don't hate to go there - I kind of like to go once in awhile. I do the curbside pickup quite a bit (if the items I want are available, that it.) Our Walmart is very clean and bright and being in a small town, the people who work there are all nice - unlike the Walmarts in the bigger cities. It's the only game in town as far as big box stores go. I DO hate going to the DMV - Kay @BrightEyes how lucky that you got to renew your license online! I used to say that the people who worked there took "nasty pills" before they came to work every day. When we got our drivers licenses here, again, I think because it's a small town, they were very nice. We had to go to the Sherriff's office to get ours. That's the DMV here. Chris @faerywings I know you'll remember this story. The guy started to take my picture and I started to lean back on what I thought was a wall - he stopped me in the kick of time and said "that's not a wall - it's just a curtain". He said so many people had done that and I thought, "why don't they put a wall there then"? I remember you said that was totally what you would have done. :floorlaugh: When our friend, Carey, was here, she did the same thing in a dressing room and actually fell through it. We laughed so hard. She didn't hurt herself and she's so crazy that she thought it was hysterical.

Hugs to everybody - gentle hugs to you, Vicky @vickyday.


Love my O Family!
Had to go on-line and renew my driver's license as it expires tomorrow. This is the first year that it can be done like that in our state. Sure made it easier to sit at home in my PJs and to not have to get an appointment to go to the DMV office. I had tried to get an appointment over a week ago but there wasn't one to be had. I was keeping my fingers crossed as I filled out the form and so relieved to have it go so smoothly. Just got the email with my temporary license - printed it out and put in the wallet. Whew!!! :banana::cucumber:dance3:banana3: Since I am over 79 the license is free but only good for one year. It is a PITA to remember as it doesn't expire on the birthday any more... but on the day before it was renewed last. I have already 'lost' 3 weeks due to having to get an appointment in the past couple of years... and not being able to get one close to the birthday. Will have to mark it on the 2024 calendar to remind myself when it expires. Hope they keep the on-line renewal then, too.

I hope the trip to the stores go easy for you both. I need to pop into Sam's Club and see if they have any PJs I like. I have a love/hate with WM... one I will go to as they still have a few cashiers but the other one doesn't... only self-checkout.

:spinningchair: I hear you, Vicky... I think that is all I will do today... kick back and relax.
I am surprised that you are able to 1) get yourself dressed (I had to have DH help me dress when I had shoulder surgery... 2) drive to get your groceries. Glad it is close by.

I did peek out at the mountain... but the cloud cover was down to the foothills so couldn't see if there was snow. We only had a bit of rain/snow mix late yesterday afternoon and nothing this morning.
I was able to renew my license on line the last time! It was great to be able to do it that way!
Hope you got to kick back and relax yesterday!


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! It is so foggy I can hardly see the houses across the street!! Hope that means that the sun will come out soon and burn it all away! We had another busy weekend, with going to Costco and this time we actually came out of there without spending way too much! I also found a really cute outfit for Heather for Christmas, so I will get that in the mail this Tuesday. It will be the last free shipping Tuesday so I am glad I can take advantage of that. Sadly I did not find the items I was looking for, for Jonah and no luck finding the couple of things the boys had put on their gift list. Oh well there is always online shopping and hopefully free shipping. It would be nice to have Christmas gifts all done before the end of November! We had a chat with FIL before heading out to Costco. He came to pick up the wine we had for them and he was telling us that he is helping his neighbour pour a great big cement patio out the front of his house. REALLY?? The man is going to be 90 in April and his vision is poor, he still thinks he is in his 30's LOL. He was telling us how tired he is from all the work he is doing. :what!::banghead: give your head a shake man!! :shakingsense: Oh well he is too old to try to change now, even Gary just shook his head and laughed. We have not been able to get in the backyard to finish our fall cleanup and sadly we noticed our beautiful Japanese Maple tree has a very large branch that broke off from all the heavy snow that we had last week. We are planning on cleaning that up today when DH gets home from work. Lots of house cleaning yesterday and I spent some of the day making up treat bags for the neighbour kids for Halloween. I will take a photo when I am finished them today.

@faerywings - I am happy that you got out on the hike and even more happy that you did not fall! Yes there are some really fit hikers out there and some are a lot older than I am too. I do like your Terminator theory though LOL! I hope you get most of your to do list taken care of today, it sounds like it will be a good day to do that with the weather being the way it is for you today. I feel the same about going to Walmart and I might end up having to go there today as well, one last ditch effort to find what the boys want for Christmas Ugghh. ( I think I will look online first though) . How nice that Scott has invited you all to his place, so happy that he is enjoying his new digs and is proud to show it off to Gary's Parents.

@vickyday - Hope that your day goes ok without your DH around to help you out! Nice that he is not too far away if you do need him though! Sorry you are still having back pain, hopefully the heating pad will ease your discomfort! I like your Almanac prediction for the day! I might have to follow its advice LOL.

@BrightEyes - That is so great that you can renew your Drivers Licence online! We don't have that here yet, you can book your appointment to renew but you still have to go in to the office to have your photo taken. Can't say as I blame you for not wanting to cook a huge Thanksgiving meal for you and your sister, its an awful lot of work, although the leftovers are the best!! I imagine that you are looking forward to having your sister there with you, too bad she can not stay until Christmas.

Well I better get busy with some month end things here at the O and then get myself another cup of coffee. I will be spending the rest of the day puttering around in my craft room and prepping for Halloween :flyingwitch:. Have a great day everyone!! I hope the day brings you lots of happy surprises!! :cowwaving:
I hope you got to kick back and relax yesterday! Playing in the craft room counts, if you ask me! ;)


Love my O Family!
Good morning all,

It's absolutely gorgeous here today - but cold. It's only 43 right now, but at least the rain has stopped. Yesterday was rain all day - hard rain. We have freeze warnings out for the next couple of days, too and then it's supposed to warm up a bit. Chuck didn't feel up to company yesterday - he said it was Sunday and they wouldn't be bothering him, so he just wanted to rest. Adrienne got back from her business trip, and she wanted to go see him, so he said ok, (grugingly). Turns out, we never made it anyway. Her plane flew into Tulsa, which is a hike anyway, but it was supposed to get in at noon and kept getting delayed and then delayed again. It was going on 4 PM when we finally picked her up. She was exhausted (she had been up since 4 AM) and it worked out to Chuck's wishes. She was talking to him and he told us to just come today. SO, i got up at 8 am to be ready for Ava to pick me up at 10, then she called and said the plane was delayed, the first time, then I think we finally left here about 2. So, I was up and cleaned up early yesterday and then just waited. Haha I had stuff to do anyway, so it was ok. It poured down rain all the way to Tulsa. Flying is so much fun anymore.................................NOT!!!!! :mad::mad:

Chris @faerywings how funny about those hikers. And how cool would it be to see the NYC skyline at night? I would never try to hike in the dark, either because I can't see in the dark anyway and I'd probably do some major damage to myself. Speaking of Walmart, I don't hate to go there - I kind of like to go once in awhile. I do the curbside pickup quite a bit (if the items I want are available, that it.) Our Walmart is very clean and bright and being in a small town, the people who work there are all nice - unlike the Walmarts in the bigger cities. It's the only game in town as far as big box stores go. I DO hate going to the DMV - Kay @BrightEyes how lucky that you got to renew your license online! I used to say that the people who worked there took "nasty pills" before they came to work every day. When we got our drivers licenses here, again, I think because it's a small town, they were very nice. We had to go to the Sherriff's office to get ours. That's the DMV here. Chris @faerywings I know you'll remember this story. The guy started to take my picture and I started to lean back on what I thought was a wall - he stopped me in the kick of time and said "that's not a wall - it's just a curtain". He said so many people had done that and I thought, "why don't they put a wall there then"? I remember you said that was totally what you would have done. :floorlaugh: When our friend, Carey, was here, she did the same thing in a dressing room and actually fell through it. We laughed so hard. She didn't hurt herself and she's so crazy that she thought it was hysterical.

Hugs to everybody - gentle hugs to you, Vicky @vickyday.
I used to say that the people who worked there took "nasty pills" before they came to work every day.
I got a kick out of that, Cheryl, because I totally agree!