
Daily Ooo's: Monday, October 27


The Loopy-O
It is the last week of October already? That is scarier than Halloween!

I thought that I might add a new twist to our Ooo-Chatter, a Question of the Day of sorts. If you are just popping in for a quick read, feel free to answer the QOTD! No need to do personals or anything like that, but just share your thoughts. It's been fun reading the comments on the oscraps facebook page so I thought it might be fun to do it here as well. It might not be every day that I think to ask something and *please* feel free to post your own questions too! The more, the merrier!!!

So-- first off--
QOTD:What scares you?

For me, it is driving over bridges where you can see the water right below. George Washington Bridge going into NYC, no problem, but a bridge over a lake that is low down-- nope, don't like that at all.

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good! Puttered a bit around the house, got some more raking done, found three more piles of hidden dog poop (its harder than Where's Waldo?!!!!), made a new recipe for dinner (Spaghetti with Wine wine and Garlic bread crumbs) that was very good, but needed more garlic. And then we all watched Hocus Pocus together. Its our "official" Halloween movie. ;)

Today is work and then pumpkin picking with the kids. Last year when we went, there were a few groups of little kids and then my two who were probably acting way more immature than any of them. But it makes me smile seeing them have fun and really, that is all that matters. :)

Me Me Monday- That is a tough one, I would love to say that I am going to lie in bed with a heat pack on my hip/back, but I don't think that will happen.

Hope you all have a fab day!!!



The Loopy-O
Jean- it *is* nice to hear that everyone seems to be having a good weekend! I felt the same way when I was trying to rake yesterday. I rake all of my leaves to the back yard, then my dad comes up and helps me blow them all into the woods behind my house.The darn wind was actually blowing *up* the side of my house so I had to bring them back and over. ha!!
Wonderful news about your article, and for scrapping!!

Trudy- did the sun ever come out? Hope so! So Gone Girl was good? Did you read the book? I did, but I don't remember all that much of it (go figure). I remember the end, but I don't remember how it all came about. That is awesome that you get tix for free!
I wish I could get all of my photos organized. I have actually been throwing out the bad ones that are duplicates so that lessens a little bit, but not enough.

Congrats on the new car Nancy!!!! Is the Focus a hybrid? I know that they are really cute!

Hope that all of you have a terrific day!


Well-Known Member
:behindsofa:hiya. out from under my rock i come! the weekend was uneventful,,except for measuring water in the cistern and trying not to use water. wow. this reminds me of the bad old days before we got the cistern. looks like we need a new well, so it's going to be a giant hit to the wallet. :faint2: i guess it's better to do it now than to find we have no water in January. dunno how the well guys deal with frozen ground when they have to drill a well!

reading about you all raking leaves is making me feel guilty! but, honestly, looking at 2 1/2 acres of leaves just discourages me. my Hubby has a way of NOT raking leaves that just enrages me: he runs the lawn tractor over them and calls it done-- which is killing off a lot of the grass. but i'm to the point in my life that, instead of going out there, swearing the whole time, and raking leaves for days and getting blisters in the process, i just look out there, sigh, and divert my attention by doing something else that doesn't involve days and blisters. i once tried using my leaf blower, but i end up with a mountain of leaves that is impossible to move into the woods. plus, the number of extension cords i'd have to use to reach everywhere is prohibitive. so. leaves. i always laugh when i drive though the plans near me and see people with their leaves in bags, out at the curb for the township to pick up. i'd need a thousand bags!

Chris, never thought of the hiding dog poop aspect of fall. at least i don't have that. it's so fun that your kids still like to go pumpkin picking! i'm going to miss Halloweening with The Grandmen and their sister this year. :hurt:

well, my answer to the QOTD won't surprise anyone: airplanes. nothing strikes terror into my heart like the prospect of having to get on an airplane. i am working on the idea of getting on a plane and going to see my son and fam next year. they live in a place that has one of the few things in the world i really want to see, in addition to seeing them. i'll keep you posted on the progress i make, if any. fear is a powerful motivator!! :scared:

hope everyone is starting off the week with a smile and some good weather! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Off to Chemanius today to have lunch with my SIL, I haven't seen her since she arrived back from her trip to Italy with an Aunt. It will be fun to see her photos and hear her stories. (Even though I am jealous that she got to go LOL) But it was great to see her actually go and hopefully she did not get depressed because this trip was not with her hubby who passed a few years ago. She is having a difficult time dealing with his loss still!!

Chris - I do not envy your scavenger hunt for dog poop!!! Or your massive job of having to rake leaves either!! We have a few trees around us but thankfully none of them are the massive maple trees that are common in this area, that would be a job I would not want to undertake as the leaves are gigantic!! I will have to see if I can find that movie to watch I rarely watch Halloween shows, but that one is a good one!

Phylis - How nice to see you come out of hiding!!
What bad news you have had about your well!! Ouch to the pocketbook!! No wonder you have been scarce here!! I sure hope that you are feeling much better now!! (besides the fact that you will take a hit to the bank account!) My DH deals with leaves the same way yours does, he just vacuums them up with the lawn mover.
I just look the other way!! Sad that you will not get to spend Halloween with the Grandmen and their sister! I am in the same boat, but will see two of the three grandkids shortly after Halloween as we are travelling to Alberta for a short visit with them and hubby will do some male bonding with DS while they hunt together. Have you ever thought of hypnosis for your fear of flying?? It would be wonderful if you could get yourself on an airplane for that visit!!

As for me... well I have a fear of heights, but only if I am looking over a cliff or something that does not have a railing, if I watch a movie when someone is on the outside of a building or climbing a mountain, my hands sweat immediately and I start to panic LOL . Although this fear has gotten much better over the years, probably because of the hiking I do now that we are back home, living on the flat prairie made it worse I think. And for some reason it doesn't bother me at all to fly on a plane?? :noidea: Anyway off to get ready for swimming and then to lunch, Chemainus is a fun little touristy spot with a great Christmas Store and other fun little shops, http://www.chemainus.com It should be a fun day with my SIL! Have an amazing Monday everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
good morning - I have a fear of heights. I go to the top of the skyscrapers here in NYC and I have a horrible time looking down. I can't go to the edge of the Grand Canyon and it took me a day before I could go down the wide path a Bryce and then I could only go so far. Twice on the trip my sister drove when the rode got to scary for me as I was near an edge in the mountains. So there are things I will never do like ride donkeys or hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon LOL. But Trudy like you flying does not bother me a bit. I love the photos from that high up. Weird! Had a good day yesterday as I did rake leaves. As we don't have a leaf blower it is all manual. It felt good to be out side even it a bit breezy. Today was up and out early to get all the cars correctly on the insurance policy. It is a cool start to the day but it was gorgeous walking. I love how my agent is right in my downtown. Off now to check on the new puppy.

Chris I can't believe this is the last week of Oct. Went so fast.

Phylis bummer about the well. Homes are a constant money pit! I am sorry you hate to fly makes travel easier but I love the driving too as you can see so much!

Trudy have fun at lunch with your sister! The pictures should be fun to look at!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
QOTD: Uh, oh, Chris, I'm with you on bridges, though slightly different. Can't stand when they are up in the air. Flying OTOH is a delight, especially some small planes I've been on. Don't fly anymore though cause I can't stand the hassle.

Phylis, yikes on the well! Sorry to hear it, but you're right, now is better than in the winter. Hope you can find a way to fly next year.

Nancy, sounds like your car situation is doing fine. It is nice to have people like the agent nearby.

Trudy, your lunch destination sounds enchanting. Hope you don't drool too much over the Italy photos.

Chris, pumpkin picking with the kids sounds like something I would like too!

Looks like another nice day here. Hope everyone is getting the week off to a good start.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! I haven't scrapped or visited Oscraps in forever! I took a picture today that I just have to scrap soon so I was in the shop. I was making my wish list on Pinterest. Before I buy anything, I know Digital Scrapbooking Day is right around my birthday. Any sales coming up?