
Daily Ooos: Monday, October 23


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday and a new week/fresh start to all!


I slept really well but I'm feeling a little cranky anyway. I am going to do the fake it 'til you make it and put myself into a better mood.
It was so cold here yesterday, the wind was whipping. The last 2 nights, transformers blew close enough where I could hear it. Thankfully, far enough away that we didn't lose power. I am not ready for that part of winter. Nope, no way. Actually, you all know that I am not ready for *any* part of winter. Someday I'll win a million dollars and become a snowbird. I'll need way more than a million for that, though.

I am still feeling bored with myself. I spent the morning cleaning out the bottom cabinet in. my kitchen. All of the cans and boxes of food get shoved to the back. It's a corner cabinet so I need to climb partway into it to reach all the way in it. Today I'm going to pull everything out of the pantry cabinet and make sense of what's in there. That doesn't involve much climbing, only a little for the top shelf. #shortgirlproblems
In the afternoon, I wasn't in the mood to scrap or work on the puzzle so I pulled out my crochet bag. I had started a mat for a cat bed a long time ago and it looked bad so I ripped it all out. Then I wanted to make a lap blanket but I didn't have enough yarn so after making the chain and halfway through the first row, I ripped that out too. Now I am working on a beanie. We'll see how far I get before I rip that out. I really stink at crochet and wish that the library had the knitting/crochet group instead of the coloring group. I know how to color. I don't know how to crochet. LOL

One good thing happened- I spoke to my parents and my dad is ok with me taking him to the hospital on Thursday. He has to be there around 10, and the surgery is scheduled for 12.30. I'll make sure he gets all registered and he can text or call me when he is ready to be picked up. So that's settled without me having to turn into a :flyingwitch:

Sending out big hugs to everyone! xo


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes your niece is coming this week to visit? I am sorry I can't remember. Sub rolls make excellent garlic bread.
You must be reading a good book. I wish I could read during the day. The only place I can is when I am in PA where I don't feel guilty for putting my feet up.

Speaking of reading, @LSlycord and @Cherylndesigns I finished Five Smooth Stones. It took me a long time, not only because of the length but because I couldn't read too much at once. What a story. TY for the recommendation. It's heartbreaking that it was written in 1966 and the same themes are still with us today.

@vickyday I hope that you are not in pain on the trip home but I imagine you will be happy to be in your own bed tonight.

@Cherylndesigns *happy dancing for you and Chuck* Sure, it seems strange to be super-excited that Chuck's doctor is in charge of his medical care but it is fantastic news! That has to be a huge relief to have a doctor that you know and trust overseeing this. And the cherry on top is to have him in the rehab closer to home. Whew!!!
That is a great sign that Chuck wants stuff to do and wants his laptop. All good things :hug3:
They didn't tell us when my mom's kidneys failed that she almost died until later too. That shook me up and at that point, she had been stabilized. Maybe it's better that we don't know in the moment.
Chuck= stubborn man name


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! DH and I had a busy day yesterday, we got all of our chores accomplished. We decided to head out to the Fall Home Show in the afternoon and spent quite some time browsing at all the venues there. We booked a free consultation for new blinds and the fellow will be here on Thursday morning to do that. If we decide to go with them then we will get 50% off for booking at the Home Show, BONUS!! We will see just how expensive they are first though. They are the same company that SIL Linda booked through and she had several consultations for new blinds and found this company had the best prices. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that soon we will have all new blinds in the house. DH has been very stubborn about getting upgrades done, but I think he is finally realizing that there are some things that just need to be replaced. Today is my do whatever I want to do day and I think I will be making some ButterNut Squash Soup, I made a batch of Buffallo Chicken soup on the weekend and froze half of it. I bought a ButterNut Squash at the Old Farm Market so I should get that off my counter and into the Instapot. I sure do love my Instapot for Soup making. I will need to use my bone broth for the soup and that should use up the last of my chicken bone broth. I might have to get a batch of that on the go today too. Guess I will be in the kitchen for most of the afternoon :giggle4: . I hope to get started on a layout, but I guess I will see how the day goes.

@faerywings - sorry you are feeling a bit cranky today! Somedays are like that and thats ok, you are allowed, especially when the weather is playing a major roll on how you are feeling! The winds haven't started here yet, but they will soon be on the way, as November is usually our windy month. Glad that your Dad is letting you take him to the hospital! Hoping that everything goes smoothly with his surgery and that he heals quickly! Glad you don't have to turn into that :flyingwitch: ! Hope you figure out what you want to make with your crocheting and that you don't have to rip it all up again LOL. I have seen so many patterns for knitting that I would love to do, but do I remember how to knit??? Do I really want to start another new project??? :hahano:.

Well the coffee cup is empty and I know that Heather will be facetiming me very soon, so I will sign off here and wish you all a fabulous day!! :cowwaving:


I managed to sleep in a little this morning. It could be because I was up reading until almost midnight! I am re-reading Suzanne Brockmann's Troubleshooters series of books. I used to wonder how my mom could read and re-read her books and now I understand. Re-reading a book is like visiting with an old friend - and doesn't take as much concentration as reading a new book.

@BrightEyes your niece is coming this week to visit? I am sorry I can't remember. Sub rolls make excellent garlic bread.
You must be reading a good book. I wish I could read during the day. The only place I can is when I am in PA where I don't feel guilty for putting my feet up.
Yes, Chris... my niece and her friend will arrive on Friday afternoon and will be in a KOA park close to where DD#3 lives. They have a motor home and tow a car. DD will visit with them that evening. They will come down to see me the next day and have lunch here. They leave the following morning and will stop to see my Sister in TX on their way to the east coast.

Yesterday was a productive day... I got my November Challenge and its LO done. Always glad to have it ready to go but especially since I am having company at the end of this week. I started out with one idea in mind... and it morphed into a different one as I worked on it. I was pleased with how it changed. And... this Friday will be the start of Color Play weekend and Halloween right after that. Then it is November and the start of the holiday season (here in the US).

@Cherylndesigns What good news that there is a rehab place nearby that Chuck will go to and his regular doctor has taken over his care. Sounds like he is improving since he is wanting his laptop. Glad your family is also watching out for you and giving you such good support.

@vickyday Praying your trip home is not too painful. I am sure you will be glad to be back home in your own bed as you recover. Sending you healing thoughts for a speedy recovery.

@LSlycord Have you heard any more about what/when the doctors will be working on the heart valve?? Thinking of you.

@taxed4ever Did you get to take the kayak out on the lake before putting it away for the winter??

Well, the hand is saying it is time to rest - so signing off for now. Hope everyone has a good ... and safe - no accidents week.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning, Lovelies.

Whew! Is it really Monday? I'm cranky today too Chris @faerywings - I didn't sleep well last night. That always makes me cranky. Would you believe I couldn't find my phone, which means I couldn't listen to my sleep music and Daisy was a bed hog; all in all, not a great night. I was so frustrated that I didn't think of "find my iphone" - until this morning. I tried the Find My app on my iPad,but I hadn't added my phone to it. Then I remembered my Apple watch! I used the app on my watch and voila! I found my phone bu following the beeping. It's a pretty cool feature with Apple devices. I had been cleaning out the big drawer in the kitchen last night and my phone was buried under a bunch of stuff. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

You know, Chris @faerywings I guess I'm glad that I didn't know how bad Chuck really was - the sepsis thing - that would have really flipped me out. I'm glad you shared that story about your mom and not knowing how bad she was until afterwards. Glad your dad agreed to let you take hm. Good call, Dad! :yourock:

Now you see why Linda @LSlycord and I love Five Smooth Stones so much. It's a tearjerker, that's for sure. I'm so happy you loved it as must as we do! Have you read Clan of The Cave Bear by Jean Auel or any of her Earth's Children series? Oh my, you should, if you haven't. My whole family was reading Clan of The Cave Bear at the same time. Whenever we got together, that's all we talked about.

Kay @BrightEyes how fun that you're having more company and yes, it was wonderful to hear Chuck ask for his laptop. I'm thrilled that he'll be local instead of at least an hour away.

Ava and I went up to see him yesterday, after getting coffee, then went grocery shopping. We always have so much fun together. Adrienne is out of town, for her job, for a few days, but she calls me every chance she gets. She hated to leave, but I told her I'd be just fine. I also have Alyssa here, too. I had Ava's dog Saturday and Saturday night while she went camping with some friends, then she came over about noon and we took off to see Chuck and left the two dogs here. They're so good together.

Well, I'd better get going and "fake it til I make it" as Chris said. I need to finish up my projects in the kitchen. Chris @faerywings sounds like we're doing the same thing. Chuck puts everything up so high because he's tall, so I'm moving things around so I can get to them easier. LOL

Hugs to everyone. XOXO


Love my O Family!
I managed to sleep in a little this morning. It could be because I was up reading until almost midnight! I am re-reading Suzanne Brockmann's Troubleshooters series of books. I used to wonder how my mom could read and re-read her books and now I understand. Re-reading a book is like visiting with an old friend - and doesn't take as much concentration as reading a new book.

Yes, Chris... my niece and her friend will arrive on Friday afternoon and will be in a KOA park close to where DD#3 lives. They have a motor home and tow a car. DD will visit with them that evening. They will come down to see me the next day and have lunch here. They leave the following morning and will stop to see my Sister in TX on their way to the east coast.

Yesterday was a productive day... I got my November Challenge and its LO done. Always glad to have it ready to go but especially since I am having company at the end of this week. I started out with one idea in mind... and it morphed into a different one as I worked on it. I was pleased with how it changed. And... this Friday will be the start of Color Play weekend and Halloween right after that. Then it is November and the start of the holiday season (here in the US).

@Cherylndesigns What good news that there is a rehab place nearby that Chuck will go to and his regular doctor has taken over his care. Sounds like he is improving since he is wanting his laptop. Glad your family is also watching out for you and giving you such good support.

@vickyday Praying your trip home is not too painful. I am sure you will be glad to be back home in your own bed as you recover. Sending you healing thoughts for a speedy recovery.

@LSlycord Have you heard any more about what/when the doctors will be working on the heart valve?? Thinking of you.

@taxed4ever Did you get to take the kayak out on the lake before putting it away for the winter??

Well, the hand is saying it is time to rest - so signing off for now. Hope everyone has a good ... and safe - no accidents week.
The trip has not been too bad pain wise. I can't wait to be home in less than 2 hours!


Love my O Family!
Happy Monday and a new week/fresh start to all!


I slept really well but I'm feeling a little cranky anyway. I am going to do the fake it 'til you make it and put myself into a better mood.
It was so cold here yesterday, the wind was whipping. The last 2 nights, transformers blew close enough where I could hear it. Thankfully, far enough away that we didn't lose power. I am not ready for that part of winter. Nope, no way. Actually, you all know that I am not ready for *any* part of winter. Someday I'll win a million dollars and become a snowbird. I'll need way more than a million for that, though.

I am still feeling bored with myself. I spent the morning cleaning out the bottom cabinet in. my kitchen. All of the cans and boxes of food get shoved to the back. It's a corner cabinet so I need to climb partway into it to reach all the way in it. Today I'm going to pull everything out of the pantry cabinet and make sense of what's in there. That doesn't involve much climbing, only a little for the top shelf. #shortgirlproblems
In the afternoon, I wasn't in the mood to scrap or work on the puzzle so I pulled out my crochet bag. I had started a mat for a cat bed a long time ago and it looked bad so I ripped it all out. Then I wanted to make a lap blanket but I didn't have enough yarn so after making the chain and halfway through the first row, I ripped that out too. Now I am working on a beanie. We'll see how far I get before I rip that out. I really stink at crochet and wish that the library had the knitting/crochet group instead of the coloring group. I know how to color. I don't know how to crochet. LOL

One good thing happened- I spoke to my parents and my dad is ok with me taking him to the hospital on Thursday. He has to be there around 10, and the surgery is scheduled for 12.30. I'll make sure he gets all registered and he can text or call me when he is ready to be picked up. So that's settled without me having to turn into a :flyingwitch:

Sending out big hugs to everyone! xo
Glad to hear your dad is going to let you take him to the hospital. Hope everything goes well for him!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes your niece is coming this week to visit? I am sorry I can't remember. Sub rolls make excellent garlic bread.
You must be reading a good book. I wish I could read during the day. The only place I can is when I am in PA where I don't feel guilty for putting my feet up.

Speaking of reading, @LSlycord and @Cherylndesigns I finished Five Smooth Stones. It took me a long time, not only because of the length but because I couldn't read too much at once. What a story. TY for the recommendation. It's heartbreaking that it was written in 1966 and the same themes are still with us today.

@vickyday I hope that you are not in pain on the trip home but I imagine you will be happy to be in your own bed tonight.

@Cherylndesigns *happy dancing for you and Chuck* Sure, it seems strange to be super-excited that Chuck's doctor is in charge of his medical care but it is fantastic news! That has to be a huge relief to have a doctor that you know and trust overseeing this. And the cherry on top is to have him in the rehab closer to home. Whew!!!
That is a great sign that Chuck wants stuff to do and wants his laptop. All good things :hug3:
They didn't tell us when my mom's kidneys failed that she almost died until later too. That shook me up and at that point, she had been stabilized. Maybe it's better that we don't know in the moment.
Chuck= stubborn man name
Yes, I will be glad to be in my own bed tonight.
Is the book you mentioned by Ann F something or another? I just found the 34+ hour audiobook.


Love my O Family!
Morning, Lovelies.

Whew! Is it really Monday? I'm cranky today too Chris @faerywings - I didn't sleep well last night. That always makes me cranky. Would you believe I couldn't find my phone, which means I couldn't listen to my sleep music and Daisy was a bed hog; all in all, not a great night. I was so frustrated that I didn't think of "find my iphone" - until this morning. I tried the Find My app on my iPad,but I hadn't added my phone to it. Then I remembered my Apple watch! I used the app on my watch and voila! I found my phone bu following the beeping. It's a pretty cool feature with Apple devices. I had been cleaning out the big drawer in the kitchen last night and my phone was buried under a bunch of stuff. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

You know, Chris @faerywings I guess I'm glad that I didn't know how bad Chuck really was - the sepsis thing - that would have really flipped me out. I'm glad you shared that story about your mom and not knowing how bad she was until afterwards. Glad your dad agreed to let you take hm. Good call, Dad! :yourock:

Now you see why Linda @LSlycord and I love Five Smooth Stones so much. It's a tearjerker, that's for sure. I'm so happy you loved it as must as we do! Have you read Clan of The Cave Bear by Jean Auel or any of her Earth's Children series? Oh my, you should, if you haven't. My whole family was reading Clan of The Cave Bear at the same time. Whenever we got together, that's all we talked about.

Kay @BrightEyes how fun that you're having more company and yes, it was wonderful to hear Chuck ask for his laptop. I'm thrilled that he'll be local instead of at least an hour away.

Ava and I went up to see him yesterday, after getting coffee, then went grocery shopping. We always have so much fun together. Adrienne is out of town, for her job, for a few days, but she calls me every chance she gets. She hated to leave, but I told her I'd be just fine. I also have Alyssa here, too. I had Ava's dog Saturday and Saturday night while she went camping with some friends, then she came over about noon and we took off to see Chuck and left the two dogs here. They're so good together.

Well, I'd better get going and "fake it til I make it" as Chris said. I need to finish up my projects in the kitchen. Chris @faerywings sounds like we're doing the same thing. Chuck puts everything up so high because he's tall, so I'm moving things around so I can get to them easier. LOL

Hugs to everyone. XOXO
I guess I have missed info about your DH the last week or so. What caused the sepsis? Nasty stuff! Glad he is doing better, sounds like.


Love my O Family!
We will be home in about 90 minutes and I will update you tomorrow when I can hunt and peck on the computer keyboard instead of the phone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I guess I have missed info about your DH the last week or so. What caused the sepsis? Nasty stuff! Glad he is doing better, sounds like.
He was in terrible pain all night last Saturday and we had to call the ambulance on Sunday morning. He had to have emergency gall bladder surgery and they said that he had passed at least one stone but one had gotten lodged and was cutting off his blood supply. His gall ladder was necrotic and he's been in the ICU ever since his surgery last Sunday.


Love my O Family!
He was in terrible pain all night last Saturday and we had to call the ambulance on Sunday morning. He had to have emergency gall bladder surgery and they said that he had passed at least one stone but one had gotten lodged and was cutting off his blood supply. His gall ladder was necrotic and he's been in the ICU ever since his surgery last Sunday.
Oh my! So glad he is feeling better!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh my! So glad he is feeling better!
He is feeling a little better, but he's still in ICU. They're transferring him to a special facility tomorrow so they can get him back on his feet and feeling (hopefully) as good as he was before all of this happened. I don't know how long he will be there.


Love my O Family!
He is feeling a little better, but he's still in ICU. They're transferring him to a special facility tomorrow so they can get him back on his feet and feeling (hopefully) as good as he was before all of this happened. I don't know how long he will be there.
Praying for quick healing!