
Daily Ooos: Monday, October 14


The Loopy-O
Ok, my lOves, the day and date are correct. For today at least-- don't expect that to last past the next few hours.

My brain is KA-put. My knees aren't too far behind. Yesterday, I logged over 15,000 steps, most of which were on very rocky terrain. The weather for the hike was wonderful—it was a little chilly for me, but clear skies made it feel warmer.
We hiked to an old reservoir:
The best part of the day was catching up with Scott. He and Sam just celebrated their official 2 years together anniversary. It feels longer than that since they spent about 6 months in that unnamed zone as they figured out what the right thing was for them, making sure it wasn't a rebound relationship for either. They went camping last week and had a good time, despite the cold nighttime temps.
I got home, showered, and washed and blew dry my hair. That's a huge chore in itself :D Started to work on my AJ challenge and then was off to Weis.

Weis is hosting a Wicked Walk this Friday and Saturday nights. The cabins are being decorated as mini-haunted houses and we are going to be leading the attendees to them and then loop through the woods for a short hike and back to the campfire. I thought I had signed up to help out at the fire circle but they had put me down as a guide. *gulps* Not in my wheelhouse but I will do my best. There's a script that we need to say as we take the groups to the cabins so it's one more thing for me to remember. Hence, my brain is kaput. A little more every day and soon, there won't be anything left but mush.

I have an appt with the cardiologist this morning for some more tests (echocardiogram and 24-hour heart monitor). It's right around the corner from my parents so I am going to visit with them. Put that heart monitor to the test, see if it can keep up with my heart rate as my parents make me batty.

I better find some time to chill between now and November or I am going to be entering the holiday season with no reserves. :spinningchair:

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!


The Loopy-O
@BoatLady IKWYM about the doers and the no-doers. That can be frustrating but it's not in our (the doers) nature to not "do." I hope that the doers are pacing themselves at the least. As you said, we are not 25 anymore LOL!
That's so awesome that G-DD's boyfriend passed the family approval test.
I am really happy your trees and gardens help up ok through the storm. I am cheering all of them on! More fruit, more fruit! :D

@Cherylndesigns I am LMBO about Daisy on the bed. You know that I feel the same with my dogs, love them on the bed, don't; love that they keep me awake. Caitlyn and Tom have been "stealing" Whisky many nights and I am sleeping better for sure-- but I miss her keeping me warm and cozy especially now that they nights are cold. Hahaha!
I agree withChris, moving things around IRL aren't always easier than moving them on a layout. I haven't tackled your layout yet, if that's a sign. :giggle4::giggle4:
Amy's challenge was *hard*!!! :rotfl:

Yeah, we could have but the environmentalist wouldn't allow us (the state) the cut them when the trees were usable. Had we been able to cut the trees when first infected we could have had lumber but it wasn't allowed. So now we have billions of dead trees, still standing cause we cant have them dead either, and when the wind blows, down they go. We could have stopped the massive infestation had precautions been taken but now its too late and we just have 90% of the spruce trees dead. It contributes to the massive size of forest fires too.
That is so frustrating! We have a terrible problem with emerald ash borers and most of the ash trees are dead or dying. It is such a difficult thing when something-- insect or plant- becomes invasive and throws the ecological balance off completely. We were talking on the hike yesterday about the drop in the hawk migration counts this year. One small (to us) thing can have enormous ripple-down effects. By the time the size of the problem is apparent, it's often too far gone to do anything concrete to fix it. And as a result, you have dead trees pulling down wires every time the wind blows. grr.
(sorry for the rant :oops: )

Hubs asked this morning if I was going to pick up his prescription tomorrow & I had to ask him what day today was ?
Only silly people have no idea what day it is. *points to myself* :rotfl:
Join the club - the club that never knows what day it is. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I rest my case!

You have been one busy lady! LOL-ing that your dgd wanting to see the VB photos immediately. Good luck to her team today and tomorrow (good luck to your butt on the bleachers ;))
Rachel Jeffries is so far out of my comfort zone, but I survived it,
You got this! Same principle as any scrap/AJ mixed media style page. Play around with everything-- You can't go wrong. And the messier, the better
Join the club - the club that never knows what day it is. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

@vickyday Glad that you had a nice weather day to be out and about on the bike!

Love your front door, Cheryl!

Have fun today! xoxo


Love my O Family!
Ok, my lOves, the day and date are correct. For today at least-- don't expect that to last past the next few hours.

My brain is KA-put. My knees aren't too far behind. Yesterday, I logged over 15,000 steps, most of which were on very rocky terrain. The weather for the hike was wonderful—it was a little chilly for me, but clear skies made it feel warmer.
We hiked to an old reservoir:
View attachment 430317
The best part of the day was catching up with Scott. He and Sam just celebrated their official 2 years together anniversary. It feels longer than that since they spent about 6 months in that unnamed zone as they figured out what the right thing was for them, making sure it wasn't a rebound relationship for either. They went camping last week and had a good time, despite the cold nighttime temps.
I got home, showered, and washed and blew dry my hair. That's a huge chore in itself :D Started to work on my AJ challenge and then was off to Weis.

Weis is hosting a Wicked Walk this Friday and Saturday nights. The cabins are being decorated as mini-haunted houses and we are going to be leading the attendees to them and then loop through the woods for a short hike and back to the campfire. I thought I had signed up to help out at the fire circle but they had put me down as a guide. *gulps* Not in my wheelhouse but I will do my best. There's a script that we need to say as we take the groups to the cabins so it's one more thing for me to remember. Hence, my brain is kaput. A little more every day and soon, there won't be anything left but mush.

I have an appt with the cardiologist this morning for some more tests (echocardiogram and 24-hour heart monitor). It's right around the corner from my parents so I am going to visit with them. Put that heart monitor to the test, see if it can keep up with my heart rate as my parents make me batty.

I better find some time to chill between now and November or I am going to be entering the holiday season with no reserves. :spinningchair:

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!
Weis is keeping you busy!
What a lovely picture.....for scrapping!
Hard to believe Scott and Sam have been officially a couple for 2 years!
Praying for good results from the cardio testing, etc!


Love my O Family!
Monday again??
My days just zip by!
Yesterday afternoon we took a bike ride with our pastor and wife. We went during the warmth of the day to get ice cream. Then we sat and chatted for at least an hour before the supper crowd started coming in. Then we left. They rode home a different way than us because they wanted to stop and see her sister who has been sick lately.
I spent the evening working on my ATCs. Got another set completed that I need to post.
I am going to get ready and go for a walk this morning, but I am waiting for the sunshine.
I need to do some picking up from the weekend and start some laundry.
I also need to post in the MIA thread as we are leaving for Alabama on Thursday and won't be back until late Monday. That is where my son lives. They have a beautiful home on top of a hill overlooking Lake Gunther. I think it is part of the Tennessee Valley Authority. It is a beautiful view! I hope they have more changing leaves than we have here! It is usually a beautiful trip, but the leaves just haven't changed yet this year! Plus I have to figure out a different route since I-40 is closed due to Helene damage. Bummer! We may end up having to go through Atlanta! I dread that! The traffic is CRAZY there!
Anywho.....I need to get my ATCs posted and then get ready for my walk.
Have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy @faerywings 2 years ago we were at our son's future retirement home in upstate NY. I kept hearing a noise so started pealing bark of the pile of trees that were cut down to make room for the McCabin, it was loaded with those killer beetles! Gross.
So our educated environmentalists have no common sense so they let the bugs take over and then make standing deadwood that is useless and dangerous. It's very sad.

@faerywings sorry to sound so dumb but what is Weiss? 15,000 steps...OMG My knees are sore just thinking about that many steps, Your photo is gorgeous, looking forward to seeing that on a page.

All you dog owners....I miss my Pirate (shih-tzu) so much but after 11 years I still cannot bring myself to get another. He slept in bed with us...Hubby said no until the first night when he cried then it was one night, two nights-then forever. He used to sleep in between us, on the boat he would always face the door being the guard dog.

So yesterday for the cleanup at the club...7 of us but 4 people had come by earlier to haul some branches to the dumpster- 200+ members so us 70 and 80 year olds worked for 4 hours cleaning up. Now we know who the doers are!!
Last night we went to the new Brazilian Steakhouse with our best friends (we have been friends for 46 years) to celebrate his 80th birthday. Such delicious food and a great time with his family.
Today more yard work and a grocery store trip.


Well-Known Member
Happy Monday!!!
I get to stay home!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!! Its house cleaning day and I am not gonna do it! :giggle4: I threatened hubs instead that I am gonna clean the kitchen counters and start putting up the glass tiles. HEHE That means he's gonna be laying tile today! :floorlaugh: I'm gonna try but straight isn't my strong suit.

hey had put me down as a guide. *gulps* Not in my wheelhouse but I will do my best.
I love this. Sorry Chris but I love this. With your love of spooky I can totally see you rocking the tour!!! Makes me wish I was there to attend. I bet its gonna be amazing.
I better find some time to chill between now and November or I am going to be entering the holiday season with no reserves. :spinningchair:
Now, you must find time! We cant have you going with no reserves!!! That wouldn't be good for you. :heartpumppink:
By the time the size of the problem is apparent, it's often too far gone to do anything concrete to fix it. And as a result, you have dead trees pulling down wires every time the wind blows. grr.
(sorry for the rant :oops: )
Yep, you hit the nail on the head. 100% accurate.
we are leaving for Alabama on Thursday and won't be back until late Monday. That is where my son lives. They have a beautiful home on top of a hill overlooking Lake Gunther.
This sounds fu and I hope the leaves are changing for you. Cant wait to see the photos you capture.
t was loaded with those killer beetles! Gross.
So our educated environmentalists have no common sense so they let the bugs take over and then make standing deadwood that is useless and dangerous. It's very sad.
Yes. They are so educated they're stupid. So many people could have used the trees in the beginning to make houses, cabins, sheds, garages, firewood but no cant kill the trees. So they let the beetles kill the trees instead. And in the last couple years when lightening strikes we get massive 10,000+ acre fires that are uncontrollable.
So yesterday for the cleanup at the club...7 of us but 4 people had come by earlier to haul some branches to the dumpster- 200+ members so us 70 and 80 year olds worked for 4 hours cleaning up.
Isn't it crazy. I dont know the age range of your community but at church, its the 60+ crowd mostly the 70+ crowd who's still working hard on maintenance and doing hard work while the 20's are sitting there looking like they deserve the pampering. Its like hello! We're gonna be gone one day and then how will you do this work? I'm amazed at the lack of motivation. I have a new co-worker and he's early 20's and actually said he wants a job where he doesn't have to work much but gets paid. WHAT? Yep, I'll step down off the :soapbox:
Sorry there are so few of you working Debby. Thats frustrating.

Off to grab more coffee and look at LO. Have a wonderful day!!!


Love my O Family!
Happy Monday!!!
I get to stay home!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!! Its house cleaning day and I am not gonna do it! :giggle4: I threatened hubs instead that I am gonna clean the kitchen counters and start putting up the glass tiles. HEHE That means he's gonna be laying tile today! :floorlaugh: I'm gonna try but straight isn't my strong suit.

I love this. Sorry Chris but I love this. With your love of spooky I can totally see you rocking the tour!!! Makes me wish I was there to attend. I bet its gonna be amazing.

Now, you must find time! We cant have you going with no reserves!!! That wouldn't be good for you. :heartpumppink:

Yep, you hit the nail on the head. 100% accurate.

This sounds fu and I hope the leaves are changing for you. Cant wait to see the photos you capture.

Yes. They are so educated they're stupid. So many people could have used the trees in the beginning to make houses, cabins, sheds, garages, firewood but no cant kill the trees. So they let the beetles kill the trees instead. And in the last couple years when lightening strikes we get massive 10,000+ acre fires that are uncontrollable.

Isn't it crazy. I dont know the age range of your community but at church, its the 60+ crowd mostly the 70+ crowd who's still working hard on maintenance and doing hard work while the 20's are sitting there looking like they deserve the pampering. Its like hello! We're gonna be gone one day and then how will you do this work? I'm amazed at the lack of motivation. I have a new co-worker and he's early 20's and actually said he wants a job where he doesn't have to work much but gets paid. WHAT? Yep, I'll step down off the :soapbox:
Sorry there are so few of you working Debby. Thats frustrating.

Off to grab more coffee and look at LO. Have a wonderful day!!!
It's all fun and games until I fall and break my wrist and my back like I did last October 21st while play pickle ball with him! HA! No more pickle ball for me! Fortunately, he isn't playing as much as he used to.....5 days a week! He is 26 years younger than me, however! Not sure what I was thinking last year, LOL!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Monday Morning and Happy Thanksgiving :dinner: to all of our Canadian friends here at the O!! Just popping in to say hello :waving3: and let you know that I am still around, but very busy as we are hosting dinner for the family and it should be a very busy day! I hope you are all having a great day and I will catch up with everyone tomorrow after the clean up.


Well-Known Member
Good Monday Morning and Happy Thanksgiving :dinner: to all of our Canadian friends here at the O!! Just popping in to say hello :waving3: and let you know that I am still around, but very busy as we are hosting dinner for the family and it should be a very busy day! I hope you are all having a great day and I will catch up with everyone tomorrow after the clean up.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Enjoy the time with family and food!!!


Real quick in and out... Managed to get Challenge 1 LO scrapped and uploaded. Still not up to par yet. Only had about 3 coughing spells yesterday but the tiredness is hanging on. Taking a PJ day today.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians!!!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I have an appt with the cardiologist this morning for some more tests (echocardiogram and 24-hour heart monitor). It's right around the corner from my parents so I am going to visit with them. Put that heart monitor to the test, see if it can keep up with my heart rate as my parents make me batty.
Sending prayers all goes well. I can relate to parents, doing things to your heart rate, for me it was my bp because of the rellies. I almost didn't get my dental work done because my bp was so high, it had been a bad rellies day, week .
thought I had signed up to help out at the fire circle but they had put me down as a guide. *gulps* Not in my wheelhouse but I will do my best. There's a script that we need to say as we take the groups to the cabins so it's one more thing for me to remember. Hence, my brain is kaput. A little more every day and soon, there won't be anything left but mush.
Ok, darlin', I suggest you reread your advice to me about Rachel Jeffries. I spent 35 years in education, I know what people who are born to teach & those who went into teaching to be a coach. You are the former, all you need is to believe what everyone who knows you has known forever.
Good luck to her team today and tomorrow (good luck to your butt on the bleachers ;))
As an 8th grades she plays in the older gym with auditorium seating. Tomorrow it's at the elementary school, a bleacher butt gym, hopefully we'll remember the bleacher cushions.
I need to do some picking up from the weekend and start some laundry.
I also need to post in the MIA thread as we are leaving for Alabama on Thursday and won't be back until late Monday. That is where my son lives. They have a beautiful home on top of a hill overlooking Lake Gunther. I think it is part of the Tennessee Valley Authority. It is a beautiful view! I hope they have more changing leaves than we have here! It is usually a beautiful trip, but the leaves just haven't changed yet this year! Plus I have to figure out a different route since I-40 is closed due to Helene damage. Bummer! We may end up having to go through Atlanta! I dread that! The traffic is CRAZY there!
I was there, Atlanta, once & crazy is the word, the airport even crazier. Enjoy your trip, it sounds like photo ops galore.
I get to stay home!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!! Its house cleaning day and I am not gonna do it! :giggle4: I threatened hubs instead that I am gonna clean the kitchen counters and start putting up the glass tiles. HEHE That means he's gonna be laying tile today! :floorlaugh: I'm gonna try but straight isn't my strong suit.
I saw stay home and was :woohoo::woohoo:then I saw house cleaning & was :gloomy::gloomy: then saw not doing and was :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:again, have a fun day.
Isn't it crazy. I dont know the age range of your community but at church, its the 60+ crowd mostly the 70+ crowd who's still working hard on maintenance and doing hard work while the 20's are sitting there looking like they deserve the pampering. Its like hello! We're gonna be gone one day and then how will you do this work? I'm amazed at the lack of motivation. I have a new co-worker and he's early 20's and actually said he wants a job where he doesn't have to work much but gets paid. WHAT? Yep, I'll step down off the
Sorry there are so few of you working Debby. Thats frustrating.
If I climb on this soapbox I'll be on it the rest of the week. Here are the Cliff Notes
It's oK to take unapproved vacation day I forget the justification.
It's ok to have a side gig & work on it at your regular paid job.
They want to wear pajamas to work because they will be more relaxed and their productivity will go up. They are so relaxed now they'll be taking naps if they are any more relaxed and their productivity has no where to go but up.
I will climb down now.

Good Monday Morning and Happy Thanksgiving :dinner: to all of our Canadian friends here at the O!!
Happy Thanksgiving !
Taking a PJ day today.
I think you should have a 2 day pj day.


Love my O Family!
Sending prayers all goes well. I can relate to parents, doing things to your heart rate, for me it was my bp because of the rellies. I almost didn't get my dental work done because my bp was so high, it had been a bad rellies day, week .

Ok, darlin', I suggest you reread your advice to me about Rachel Jeffries. I spent 35 years in education, I know what people who are born to teach & those who went into teaching to be a coach. You are the former, all you need is to believe what everyone who knows you has known forever.

As an 8th grades she plays in the older gym with auditorium seating. Tomorrow it's at the elementary school, a bleacher butt gym, hopefully we'll remember the bleacher cushions.

I was there, Atlanta, once & crazy is the word, the airport even crazier. Enjoy your trip, it sounds like photo ops galore.

I saw stay home and was :woohoo::woohoo:then I saw house cleaning & was :gloomy::gloomy: then saw not doing and was :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:again, have a fun day.

If I climb on this soapbox I'll be on it the rest of the week. Here are the Cliff Notes
It's oK to take unapproved vacation day I forget the justification.
It's ok to have a side gig & work on it at your regular paid job.
They want to wear pajamas to work because they will be more relaxed and their productivity will go up. They are so relaxed now they'll be taking naps if they are any more relaxed and their productivity has no where to go but up.
I will climb down now.

Happy Thanksgiving !

I think you should have a 2 day pj day.
I hope their foliage is prettier than ours but I doubt it will be.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I started this earlier (about 11 AM, and DUH just finishing it. That's kind of how my day has gone. Remember, I have been "off" on my days so this just puts the icing on it.

I didn't let Daisy sleep with me last night and she wasn't happy about that. Woke me up this morning by laying against my door and making sure I heard her out there. The cat came in early last night, which means I didn't have to get up and sleepwalk to the door and let him in. I got a full night's (uninterrupted) sleep. He usually waits until about 3 AM. I'm hoping with the weather change, he'll start staying in at night, but who knows? He's a cat - he does what he does. Not sure if I've updated everybody, but my cat thinks he's a dog. He goes outdoors to the bathroom like a dog. I trained him to ring his "kitty bells" when he needs to go out. I have little tinkling bells on all the doors, and he actually rings them if I'm busy and don't see him go to the door. :giggle4::giggle4:

Adrienne came down yesterday afternoon and brought left over goodies from the food she made for the football game Sat. They tasted really good -we reheated some of the dips and bread, she had a chocolate martini, and I had a glass of wine. It was 5 o'clock somewhere. :wine4:

Chris @faerywings you crack me up you were born for this stuff. You love the outdoors and all the "critters" so now GO GIRL and turn it into a career!!!! Maybe, in your spare time, you can even write a book. At the very least, you could write a guide for lesson plans - I know you got this, girl.

Well, I always say "It's Groundhog Day" and it always is. Every morning, when I get up and raise my blinds, I say that. SO, today was Groundhog Day again. Adrienne and the "girls" just left - her big ole Marley loves my little Sam and won't leave him alone. He was trying to love on me and then Adrienne, but Marley wasn't having it. The poor guy (the ONLY guy) finally ran and hid under my bed.

I think the weather change/season change is getting to me. I laid down on the ouch with Daisy and took a VERY long nap today. That's not like me, but it sure felt good. When I got up, it was 4:30.

I'm just now catching up - just did the "scrap a different size" challenge and of course, it's a picture of Chuck when he went to Texas to watch his two grandsons play football. He IS the King of my heart. What a fun challenge - scrap a "playing card". I've also been "dabbling" with the two AJ Challenges that we have left for this month.

Hugs to ALL of you and XOXO.


Well-Known Member
HI Everyone, Just a quick check in tonight. Gunner had surgery today, two cyst like spots that came off. Neither are cancerous! Hooray. One of the incisions is on his neck line so he can't wear an ecollar. After dinner tonight I ran to the store (well, I drove actually, no running here!)and picked up one of those full body recovery suits. He looks completely indignant with it, and it's not the greatest fit. A little tight around the chest and a little droppy in the drawers. He looks like a toddler running around with a full diaper. :rotfl:I ordered a different one from Chewy. Hopefully that one will fit better but at least he's got something tonight to keep him from chewing. Over the weekend he actually chewed one of the two spot completely open. Mark went to PT today, and his PT guy told him he was doing too much. Big surprise.
Work was very busy today in the most fulfilling way! I'm pretty tired so no personals today, but I love you all and hope you've had a great day.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
HI Everyone, Just a quick check in tonight. Gunner had surgery today, two cyst like spots that came off. Neither are cancerous! Hooray. One of the incisions is on his neck line so he can't wear an ecollar. After dinner tonight I ran to the store (well, I drove actually, no running here!)and picked up one of those full body recovery suits. He looks completely indignant with it, and it's not the greatest fit. A little tight around the chest and a little droppy in the drawers. He looks like a toddler running around with a full diaper. :rotfl:I ordered a different one from Chewy. Hopefully that one will fit better but at least he's got something tonight to keep him from chewing. Over the weekend he actually chewed one of the two spot completely open. Mark went to PT today, and his PT guy told him he was doing too much. Big surprise.
Work was very busy today in the most fulfilling way! I'm pretty tired so no personals today, but I love you all and hope you've had a great day.
Awwwww, poor Gunner. I'm sure he hates anything like that - they're so indignant whenever we put anything on them. Give him a big hug from me and of course, Mark is doing too much. What can we do? Men.


Well-Known Member
I saw stay home and was :woohoo::woohoo:then I saw house cleaning & was :gloomy::gloomy: then saw not doing and was :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:again, have a fun day.
This totally cracked me up!!!! :floorlaugh: I had fun but totally worn out. Tiling the kitchen was way more work then expected. One wall done, counter to cabinet, next week will be second wall then we grout. It looks so amazing. I cant wait for it to be done.
He looks like a toddler running around with a full diaper. :rotfl: