
Daily Ooos: Monday, November 6


The Loopy-O
Who else woke up way too early?:thud:
It sure didn't help that Whisky was still on the same schedule as DST. She started whining at 4.30. I had already been struggling to get back to sleep since 4, so I gave up and took her out, then took Jaida out, and then got coffee. Finally. :coffeedrinker:

I tried the "sunshine and exercise tip" that I had heard about and was able to stick to my regular dinner and bedtime. But the waking up part. pfft. That didn't make a lick of difference. I guess in a way it is just as well that I am up early. I have a ton of work to do this morning. I missed last week's Coloring Crew so I would like to get there this afternoon. But first, I need to get desk work, phone calls, and appts taken care of. I still haven't been able to get in touch with the state regarding my property tax rebate. I can't select a GP through my new health insurance website. Plus I need to schedule my mammogram and I desperately need a haircut. And... guess who is hosting Thanksgiving? In 2.5 weeks! :bouncing:

I got this.
It's more important that the family is together than it is for the house to be spotless.
Keep reminding me of that, please.

What fun plans do you all have today? Make it a great one! :hug4:


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes That was very smart not getting on the stepladder to change the clock. No point in risking your bones.
I already had the therapy light on this morning, I hate the dark and cold weather. It truly affects my mood so drastically.
The risotto recipe was super easy other than cutting up the squash but if you get it precut, all you have to do is roast it. The rice was also baked at the same time, no need to stir and stir. And stir. :D
I have a ton of white rice and my dad's b-day is Friday. One of his favorite things is my rice pudding, thank you for suggesting that, especially since he keeps saying he doesn't want a gift.
I hope the weather is perfect for traveling when your sister comes to stay.

@vickyday I am proud of you for resting when you know you need to. That isn't always easy to do. Hope that your stomach is much better today.

@bcgal00 You must be all sorts of jeg-lagged, hope it doesn't take long to get straightened out.
OMG, how happy were the dogs to see you? Bet they had the Zoomies! ♥

@Cherylndesigns I was the same all day yesterday. Early morning today is what killed me with the time change. I hope that between you and the furbabies, you all stayed in bed long enough to feel good when you got up.
My BBF's cat (now gone) would do the same thing as Sam. When Scott would stay over dogsitting, he used to get so frustrated because of Mel got into the bedroom, he would wake you up by knocking over anything and everything on the end table.
Cats :shakingsense: LOL!

Good luck to Chuck when he talks to his doctors about coming home.

@pachimac Sorry that you had to get up early yesterday to deal with laundry. It never ends. :(
I have been looking at the AJ pages and I adore that 4 part template. I have to work on a page soon.
Has Meli heard anything back about the job applications? My kids will be the first to agree that adulting is the *pits.* They got somewhat spoiled during Covid lockdowns. They had remote classes and both graduated in May. No jobs that summer and nowhere they needed to go. So for a few months, it was like there were no responsibilities at all. We stayed in sweats, had family game nights, and made fun cocktails. Now they complain about having to work every day :D
That's fantastic news that you are healing well and can start to exercise. Go nice and slow!
Good thoughts to your brother!! ♥


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Before I forget, you know what is creepy, @Cherylndesigns ? On my blog today there is an ad asking the question, "How much should you pay for housekeeping?" You can't tell me "Big Brother" ain't watching, reading, and listening! Makes me want to unplug everything electronic!

I got up before Mark left for work today. I was actually awake about an hour before he gets up but didn't want to get up before the crack of dawn. I got up because of the back ache and a headache. I took some Tylenol which helped the back, but the head.....not so much, yet! Hopefully the coffee will help! :coffeedrinker:

No real plans for today. I need to order some groceries and do a load of laundry, but other than that, I may just do some scrapping and stay in my pj's all day. Unless Ilene calls and motivates me into something more! ;)

HAGD! :waving1


Love my O Family!
Who else woke up way too early?:thud:
It sure didn't help that Whisky was still on the same schedule as DST. She started whining at 4.30. I had already been struggling to get back to sleep since 4, so I gave up and took her out, then took Jaida out, and then got coffee. Finally. :coffeedrinker:

I tried the "sunshine and exercise tip" that I had heard about and was able to stick to my regular dinner and bedtime. But the waking up part. pfft. That didn't make a lick of difference. I guess in a way it is just as well that I am up early. I have a ton of work to do this morning. I missed last week's Coloring Crew so I would like to get there this afternoon. But first, I need to get desk work, phone calls, and appts taken care of. I still haven't been able to get in touch with the state regarding my property tax rebate. I can't select a GP through my new health insurance website. Plus I need to schedule my mammogram and I desperately need a haircut. And... guess who is hosting Thanksgiving? In 2.5 weeks! :bouncing:

I got this.
It's more important that the family is together than it is for the house to be spotless.
Keep reminding me of that, please.

What fun plans do you all have today? Make it a great one! :hug4:
Don't start thinking about Thanksgiving already! You are so right! The family time is way more important than a dustless, spot-free house! Just make sure enough of the "stuff" is done so you get to enjoy family time that day, too! Says I who is bad about that!
I sure hope you can get through to talk to someone about your tax rebate!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes That was very smart not getting on the stepladder to change the clock. No point in risking your bones.
I already had the therapy light on this morning, I hate the dark and cold weather. It truly affects my mood so drastically.
The risotto recipe was super easy other than cutting up the squash but if you get it precut, all you have to do is roast it. The rice was also baked at the same time, no need to stir and stir. And stir. :D
I have a ton of white rice and my dad's b-day is Friday. One of his favorite things is my rice pudding, thank you for suggesting that, especially since he keeps saying he doesn't want a gift.
I hope the weather is perfect for traveling when your sister comes to stay.

@vickyday I am proud of you for resting when you know you need to. That isn't always easy to do. Hope that your stomach is much better today.

@bcgal00 You must be all sorts of jeg-lagged, hope it doesn't take long to get straightened out.
OMG, how happy were the dogs to see you? Bet they had the Zoomies! ♥

@Cherylndesigns I was the same all day yesterday. Early morning today is what killed me with the time change. I hope that between you and the furbabies, you all stayed in bed long enough to feel good when you got up.
My BBF's cat (now gone) would do the same thing as Sam. When Scott would stay over dogsitting, he used to get so frustrated because of Mel got into the bedroom, he would wake you up by knocking over anything and everything on the end table.
Cats :shakingsense: LOL!

Good luck to Chuck when he talks to his doctors about coming home.

@pachimac Sorry that you had to get up early yesterday to deal with laundry. It never ends. :(
I have been looking at the AJ pages and I adore that 4 part template. I have to work on a page soon.
Has Meli heard anything back about the job applications? My kids will be the first to agree that adulting is the *pits.* They got somewhat spoiled during Covid lockdowns. They had remote classes and both graduated in May. No jobs that summer and nowhere they needed to go. So for a few months, it was like there were no responsibilities at all. We stayed in sweats, had family game nights, and made fun cocktails. Now they complain about having to work every day :D
That's fantastic news that you are healing well and can start to exercise. Go nice and slow!
Good thoughts to your brother!! ♥
Thanks! No stomach issues today, so far! Hoping it stays that way, too! ;)


Morning, gals. Had a pleasant surprise yesterday afternoon... DD#3 stopped in for a visit. She was nearby getting her hair cut and stopped in to see me. We had a great visit - almost 3 hours! She was trilled to get the 3 pair of new pants that were too big for me. She has lost some weight and was going to have to buy some. It was a win for both of us. I really need to go through the closet and winnow out the 'too big for me now' pants... I am sure there are some she could use. I had DD#3 get on the stepladder and get the big kitchen clock down, changed the time on it and she put it back in place. So glad as that is the largest clock and is the one I look at the most.

Wow... the next two days are expected to be in the high 70's - Indian summer is back again! Then the cold front will arrive and back to winter clothes. Have a couple of errands to run so will try to get them done today and tomorrow while the weather is nice. Have a couple more stores to check out for PJs and sweats while I am out and about.

Need some more coffee... will be back for personals a bit later.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Monday everyone! It is a rainy grey day here. Yesterday I was busy with cleaning the entire house from top to bottom and got the backyard halfway cleaned up. Took all the garden waste to Bings Creek and even got DH's hair cut. Made a lovely supper of stuffed chicken breast, stuffed with ham, cheese and asparagus, so yummy!! We had had a nice snack late in the afternoon of coconut shrimp, so we didn't eat anything other than the chicken breast for supper. It is nice to have the house clean and all the laundry done, so I don't have any of that to do during the week. I am planning on organizing and sorting through my craft room stash, that could take up a good portion of the day!! Worked on my October Calendar page, it could be a long process as I have to merge all the grands into one and make it look like they were together for a Halloween Fantasy page LOL. So I will be going through a bunch of my scrapping stash to find some great Halloween papers etc. Other than that I don't have much on the go today. Should be hearing soon from Heather, it will be nice to catch up after the weekend and find out what they were all up to. Oh and Friday I had a lovely chat with Sadie (granddaughter). We talked for quite awhile about things she has been doing, how she is now in Jazz Band and playing the trombone and what she was wanting for Christmas. So nice to have just a one on one with her!! It doesn't happen often enough!

@faerywings - Sounds like you are going to have a busy day on the phone today, hope that you get your appointments made and you catch up on your desk work etc. So far the time change has not affected me, I do wish that the powers to be would just stop all this nonsense and stick to one time though!! What a pain changing all the clocks we have around the house! I know first world problems right?!! How nice that you are hosting Thanksgiving, you are right it is more important that you are all together, no one is going to notice if your house isn't clean and tidy. (ha, ha, I can talk I am the worst for putting that kind of pressure on myself). I am not sure who will be hosting Christmas this year, most likely me Ugh!! But Linda hosted last year in her new place that she had just moved in to and had so much work to do. So I guess we can't expect her to do it again this year. Next year we will be in Ottawa for Christmas and hopefully DH and son will get to go to the world Juniors Championship Hockey games. It will be like trying to go to a Taylor Swift Concert though and we will all have to register so hopefully one of us will be able to purchase tickets! There has to be a better way!!

@vickyday - Yup big brother is listening to us!! I often talk to DH about things that I am looking for and then have them show up on my facebook page or get emails about the subject. Google is always listening to me I am sure!! SPOOKY!! Glad to hear that your tummy is not bothering you today! Sorry that your headache is back!! Hope that the Tylenol kicks in and helps you out with that!

@BrightEyes - Lucky you to have Indian Summer back, it is mild here but still very rainy again today. The forecast is for sunshine tomorrow, so I hope to get out for a nice walk in the sunshine instead of having to dress in my raincoat and umbrella. Glad that your DD was able to get your clock changed and that she was happy to receive the pants!! So nice that you got in such a great surprise visit, those are the best!!

Well I have already finished my second cup of coffee and my DD will be calling very soon, so I will go and get showered :showering:before she does. Need to take out the trash :takingouttrash: as DH forgot to do it this morning also. LOL I love that emoji!! Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I feel a bit more normal this morning. I sure was tired, napping off and on, since we got home on Saturday. Jen has a cold, I have a bit of sore throat but don't feel sick, I think it is quite an irritated throat/sinuses from the airplane circulating air. We leave this house in exactly 3 wks now. Then into a hotel for 4 days as we finish up paperwork and cleaning. The movers should be done on the 28th and the new owners take possession at noon on the 29th. Then we'll head out to Calgary and stay in a hotel there until the 5th when the moving truck will arrive to unload.

Darrell goes in for a wart removal today. So glad its finally happening. He has had this for a few years and it was slowly growing so it needed to come off. I'll take Remi to the park while I wait for D to finish his appt. She watched me shower and dress this morning and was quietly whining at me, as if to say "don't leave me again" LOL. She has been even more of a velcro dog than usual. She woke me up about 4 times last night, softly kissing my cheek and nuzzling into my neck with her tail thumping loudly. Taz was just happy to have his spot on the bed again with me to snooze the night away.

@faerywings Remi has actually been fairly quiet since coming home, I think she is just happy to relax and be with me. I expect she'll perk up by tomorrow and be back to her usual energetic self. The kennel said she really came out of her shell and was running and playing constantly with all the dogs. She was very social with everyone. Have fun coloring this afternoon.

@vickyday Have a fun PJ day, I love those kind of days.

@BrightEyes So nice that you were able to pass on some pants to your daughter. Jen and I often switch clothes back and forth too.

@taxed4ever Have fun in your craft room today, organizing and puttering.

I better go, it's almost time to take D to the hospital for his appt. Have a good day everyone.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
We just ordered the Honey Baked Ham for Thanksgiving dinner, so those plans are starting already. I have to decide what side I am going to make. I'm thinking of home made from scratch au gratin potatoes. My sister in law always makes the green bean casserole (which no one likes but my FIL...but we deal) and we make a huge salad. I want to have a really distinct fun hot veggie dish ... any ideas?

Some sad family news happened yesterday. My nephew Dillon (26) was just served divorce papers. They had gotten married a few years ago, and within 2 months she had a fling with his best friend. They worked through that and he was finally letting his guard down and healed from the affair. They just celebrated their 5th anniversary and they adopted a cat. Out of the blue she showed up with papers yesterday and her brother to take all her belongings. She just said she has no feelings for him anymore and she needs to move on. He is devastated. He is the type who feels deeply but doesn't show his hurt easily. I'm worried for him. I have a feeling it's going to get nasty as she was yelling at him as he was crying and she called my SIL a bitch to her face. :(

I'm headed to the gym after a 2 week absence. Hopefully it won't be bad on my bum!

@faerywings no, nothing yet from any of the jobs she applied for. She's got 10 applications out there.


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I feel a bit more normal this morning. I sure was tired, napping off and on, since we got home on Saturday. Jen has a cold, I have a bit of sore throat but don't feel sick, I think it is quite an irritated throat/sinuses from the airplane circulating air. We leave this house in exactly 3 wks now. Then into a hotel for 4 days as we finish up paperwork and cleaning. The movers should be done on the 28th and the new owners take possession at noon on the 29th. Then we'll head out to Calgary and stay in a hotel there until the 5th when the moving truck will arrive to unload.

Darrell goes in for a wart removal today. So glad its finally happening. He has had this for a few years and it was slowly growing so it needed to come off. I'll take Remi to the park while I wait for D to finish his appt. She watched me shower and dress this morning and was quietly whining at me, as if to say "don't leave me again" LOL. She has been even more of a velcro dog than usual. She woke me up about 4 times last night, softly kissing my cheek and nuzzling into my neck with her tail thumping loudly. Taz was just happy to have his spot on the bed again with me to snooze the night away.

@faerywings Remi has actually been fairly quiet since coming home, I think she is just happy to relax and be with me. I expect she'll perk up by tomorrow and be back to her usual energetic self. The kennel said she really came out of her shell and was running and playing constantly with all the dogs. She was very social with everyone. Have fun coloring this afternoon.

@vickyday Have a fun PJ day, I love those kind of days.

@BrightEyes So nice that you were able to pass on some pants to your daughter. Jen and I often switch clothes back and forth too.

@taxed4ever Have fun in your craft room today, organizing and puttering.

I better go, it's almost time to take D to the hospital for his appt. Have a good day everyone.
Thanks! I ended up changing out of my pjs so I could go to the mailbox, lol! That's ok as the clothes I changed into are quite comfy!
Glad you are feeling and getting closer to normal again! Hope the sore throat is just from the plane trip!


Love my O Family!
We just ordered the Honey Baked Ham for Thanksgiving dinner, so those plans are starting already. I have to decide what side I am going to make. I'm thinking of home made from scratch au gratin potatoes. My sister in law always makes the green bean casserole (which no one likes but my FIL...but we deal) and we make a huge salad. I want to have a really distinct fun hot veggie dish ... any ideas?

Some sad family news happened yesterday. My nephew Dillon (26) was just served divorce papers. They had gotten married a few years ago, and within 2 months she had a fling with his best friend. They worked through that and he was finally letting his guard down and healed from the affair. They just celebrated their 5th anniversary and they adopted a cat. Out of the blue she showed up with papers yesterday and her brother to take all her belongings. She just said she has no feelings for him anymore and she needs to move on. He is devastated. He is the type who feels deeply but doesn't show his hurt easily. I'm worried for him. I have a feeling it's going to get nasty as she was yelling at him as he was crying and she called my SIL a bitch to her face. :(

I'm headed to the gym after a 2 week absence. Hopefully it won't be bad on my bum!

@faerywings no, nothing yet from any of the jobs she applied for. She's got 10 applications out there.
No ideas for the veggie! So sorry to hear the news about the divorce papers being served to your brother! ;(


Love my O Family!
Happy Monday everyone! It is a rainy grey day here. Yesterday I was busy with cleaning the entire house from top to bottom and got the backyard halfway cleaned up. Took all the garden waste to Bings Creek and even got DH's hair cut. Made a lovely supper of stuffed chicken breast, stuffed with ham, cheese and asparagus, so yummy!! We had had a nice snack late in the afternoon of coconut shrimp, so we didn't eat anything other than the chicken breast for supper. It is nice to have the house clean and all the laundry done, so I don't have any of that to do during the week. I am planning on organizing and sorting through my craft room stash, that could take up a good portion of the day!! Worked on my October Calendar page, it could be a long process as I have to merge all the grands into one and make it look like they were together for a Halloween Fantasy page LOL. So I will be going through a bunch of my scrapping stash to find some great Halloween papers etc. Other than that I don't have much on the go today. Should be hearing soon from Heather, it will be nice to catch up after the weekend and find out what they were all up to. Oh and Friday I had a lovely chat with Sadie (granddaughter). We talked for quite awhile about things she has been doing, how she is now in Jazz Band and playing the trombone and what she was wanting for Christmas. So nice to have just a one on one with her!! It doesn't happen often enough!

@faerywings - Sounds like you are going to have a busy day on the phone today, hope that you get your appointments made and you catch up on your desk work etc. So far the time change has not affected me, I do wish that the powers to be would just stop all this nonsense and stick to one time though!! What a pain changing all the clocks we have around the house! I know first world problems right?!! How nice that you are hosting Thanksgiving, you are right it is more important that you are all together, no one is going to notice if your house isn't clean and tidy. (ha, ha, I can talk I am the worst for putting that kind of pressure on myself). I am not sure who will be hosting Christmas this year, most likely me Ugh!! But Linda hosted last year in her new place that she had just moved in to and had so much work to do. So I guess we can't expect her to do it again this year. Next year we will be in Ottawa for Christmas and hopefully DH and son will get to go to the world Juniors Championship Hockey games. It will be like trying to go to a Taylor Swift Concert though and we will all have to register so hopefully one of us will be able to purchase tickets! There has to be a better way!!

@vickyday - Yup big brother is listening to us!! I often talk to DH about things that I am looking for and then have them show up on my facebook page or get emails about the subject. Google is always listening to me I am sure!! SPOOKY!! Glad to hear that your tummy is not bothering you today! Sorry that your headache is back!! Hope that the Tylenol kicks in and helps you out with that!

@BrightEyes - Lucky you to have Indian Summer back, it is mild here but still very rainy again today. The forecast is for sunshine tomorrow, so I hope to get out for a nice walk in the sunshine instead of having to dress in my raincoat and umbrella. Glad that your DD was able to get your clock changed and that she was happy to receive the pants!! So nice that you got in such a great surprise visit, those are the best!!

Well I have already finished my second cup of coffee and my DD will be calling very soon, so I will go and get showered :showering:before she does. Need to take out the trash :takingouttrash: as DH forgot to do it this morning also. LOL I love that emoji!! Have a great day everyone!
Yes, creepy spooky big brother, for sure!
The headache went away, thankfully! And the tummy is better! Thanks! :heartpumpred:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all.

Well, Chris @faerywings the time change hit me today too. I'm exhausted and the two dogs and the cat amd I all just got up from a nap. That's a bed full, but everybody "took their spot". I must be the time change, because I'm dragging today. Adrienne wants me to go with them to a little get together tonight and I don't want to do anything. I'm sure I'll get it together and go. I've got no other plans. My social calendar isn't too booked up these days. :floorlaugh: Here's reminder #1: It's more important for the family to be together than for the house to be spotless.

Or, as my grandma used to say "I clean AFTER you all leave." When the kids were little, especially, she didn't knock herself out and their little handprints were all over her furniture. She always said she left them there for a couple of days just to look at, then she cleaned. (Her house was always "clean" but she just didn't go crazy cleaning.

Well, I only have one dog. Ava just came to pick up Bailee. It will seem quiet in here and Daisy is flopped on the floor - exhausted. LOL They get along well, but Bailee has a lot of energy and Daisy is like an old lady trying to keep her controlled. It's pretty funny.

Susie @pachimac so sad about your nephew. She sounds like a real piece of work though. Hope your brother of still getting along as well as can be expected.

It is 80 degrees here!!! I just went out with Ava and it's hot!

Gotta run - IF I decide to go tonight, I need to wash my hair. That's a time consuming process in itself.

Hugs to all.


While I was getting my coffee refill, DD#1 called to chat for awhile. She filled me in on how everyone out there is doing. She is still at the tail end of her cold - with a stuffy nose. The granddaughter and family had drove up to Flagstaff, AZ last weekend. The poor great-granddaughters were freezing and wearing 3 layers of sweats to try to stay warm. It has been over 4 years since they lived here so they have outgrown all their 'winter' clothes/jackets/coats'. From 91 in Phoenix to 35 in Flagstaff was a huge change.

Wow.... it hit 81* around one then settled back down to 79* by 3 PM. It was so delightful to be out in the warm weather with clear blue skies. I am so glad I chose today to do errand running. First stop was to get my hair cut... YES... it is like my avatar again! Since WM#2 is in the same parking lot... I popped in there. I ended up getting a blue sweat top and sweat pants. Alas... when I tried them on when I got home... the pants are too long - should have got the pants with the elastic cuffs... and the top was too big. They have changed brands from the ones I got last year so they didn't fit like the prior brand. :no::rolleyes::tongue3: Will take them to WM#1 and exchange them for the right style and size... it I can find them there. But... on the really bright side... I stopped at Kohls and ran into a Black Friday Sale. Found 2 sets of medium weight winter PJs with sleep socks (on sale from $43 down to $30) and noticed in small letters under the sale price on the placard "ask associate/cashier for an additional 15% off" .... I did and got the additional discount! Plus I got $5 in Kohls Cash to use next week!!! BTW... if you are a senior - 6o or over, Kohls gives a 15% discount on Wednesdays if you ask for it and show your license. I think you have to put it on your Kohls Charge Card.

I am worn out so going to sit in the recliner and read.