
Daily Ooos: Monday, November 27


The Loopy-O
Today is the Faery is Stressed Out Edition. Not a new concept but it's a different one today. I am flipping myself out over this Jury Duty Summons. I am so nervous that 1. I am not going to be able to work the webcam/Zoom part of it. And 2. that I'll be picked as a Juror. I simply cannot get picked. Everyone is giving me tips on things I can say to get dismissed. Gary suggested that I tell them that I have police friends. My dad's long-time best friend is a retired PO. My neighbor across the street works in the sheriff's dept. All pretty tenuous at best. ;)
My biggest problem with that is that I cannot lie. I really can't, you can see it in my face when I try :rotfl:
Maybe they will bring up stress/anxiety/lack of decision-making skills. *That* I can work with. hahahah!!

Yesterday was such a boring, dragged-out day which didn't help my stress and anxiety. I couldn't;t keep myself busy but didn't want to do anything at the same time. It didn't make it easier since I have no idea what my plans for this week are. I am dreading Thursday's vet appt.

I am going to post this and then I am off to take a shower. At least I don't have to drive anywhere today. That's a big plus.



Slept in again this morning... it is getting to be a habit!! :floorlaugh: Was rudely awakened by what I thought was the doorbell. Threw off the covers and made a mad dash to the front door.... no one was there. Staggered back to the bedroom and heard the sound again... it was my cell phone. Turns out it was a bunch of Today's messages on the Hub! Groan!!! Guess I had not heard them on other days because I was usually up and in another room away from my cell phone when they came in. I really need my coffee before I do much. Debating whether to run a couple of errands today or wait until tomorrow. It is on 27* right now so not in any hurry to go anywhere.

I have read about half of "Inheritance" by Nora Roberts. Will finish it sometime today. Got side-tracked from that after dinner. I was binge-watching 'Designated Survivor' series. Not through the 1st season and don't know how many seasons there is but it has got me hooked. ;) Which reminds me I need to get something out for dinner tonight. Hmmmm... porkchops sounds good.

@faerywings Hope all goes well with Zoom and you don't get picked for jury duty.


Love my O Family!
Today is the Faery is Stressed Out Edition. Not a new concept but it's a different one today. I am flipping myself out over this Jury Duty Summons. I am so nervous that 1. I am not going to be able to work the webcam/Zoom part of it. And 2. that I'll be picked as a Juror. I simply cannot get picked. Everyone is giving me tips on things I can say to get dismissed. Gary suggested that I tell them that I have police friends. My dad's long-time best friend is a retired PO. My neighbor across the street works in the sheriff's dept. All pretty tenuous at best. ;)
My biggest problem with that is that I cannot lie. I really can't, you can see it in my face when I try :rotfl:
Maybe they will bring up stress/anxiety/lack of decision-making skills. *That* I can work with. hahahah!!

Yesterday was such a boring, dragged-out day which didn't help my stress and anxiety. I couldn't;t keep myself busy but didn't want to do anything at the same time. It didn't make it easier since I have no idea what my plans for this week are. I am dreading Thursday's vet appt.

I am going to post this and then I am off to take a shower. At least I don't have to drive anywhere today. That's a big plus.

I could always tell when my second child was lying! He had this "look" that gave him away every time! He is 42 and still has that look, but when he is lying to me now, it is just to see if I still can catch him in the lie, lol!
I hope you don't have to be on the jury!


Love my O Family!
Slept in again this morning... it is getting to be a habit!! :floorlaugh: Was rudely awakened by what I thought was the doorbell. Threw off the covers and made a mad dash to the front door.... no one was there. Staggered back to the bedroom and heard the sound again... it was my cell phone. Turns out it was a bunch of Today's messages on the Hub! Groan!!! Guess I had not heard them on other days because I was usually up and in another room away from my cell phone when they came in. I really need my coffee before I do much. Debating whether to run a couple of errands today or wait until tomorrow. It is on 27* right now so not in any hurry to go anywhere.

I have read about half of "Inheritance" by Nora Roberts. Will finish it sometime today. Got side-tracked from that after dinner. I was binge-watching 'Designated Survivor' series. Not through the 1st season and don't know how many seasons there is but it has got me hooked. ;) Which reminds me I need to get something out for dinner tonight. Hmmmm... porkchops sounds good.

@faerywings Hope all goes well with Zoom and you don't get picked for jury duty.
I really enjoyed the Designated Survivor series but for the life of me I don't remember how many seasons there were. I want to say only 2 but I don't know for sure.
Upper 30's here this morning. Yesterday the birdbath water was frozen however!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, it is like pea soup out there today! The fog has been hanging in here for two days now and I sure wish it would go away!! DH and I went with the In-Laws to a memorial service for their old neighbour. It was very nicely done and so many photos of her, she was always laughing and enjoying life! MIL phoned later when they got home to say that they arrived safely and how much she appreciated us being there at the service. The fog was bad for them until they got over Hill 60 and then it was beautiful blue sunny sky. Had bad news after the service when SIL Linda phoned to say that her boyfriend Mark's Mother had been admitted to the Hospital and about 2 hours later we got news that she had passed away :sad2: . She was a lovely woman and SIL had gotten quite attached to her. She was 90 years young. DH spent about an hour raking up some leaves in the back yard after the service, it looks so much better out there now. I wanted to help but it was so cold and damp and I knew that my fingers would give me grief if I was out there. Dam Raynauds Syndrome!!

@faerywings - I hope your Zoom meeting goes well, but that you do not get picked for Jury Duty! You might tell them that it will just stress you out too much to be of any good on a Jury, that is not lying is it?!! Hope that the vet visit is not all bad news for J and that it won't max out your credit card either!!

@BrightEyes - Ohhh how nice to have the long sleep in!! I had one this morning too and could not believe my eyes when I saw that it was almost 8am when I woke up! I have been woken up by what I thought was the doorbell a couple of times, but I think I was just dreaming as I don't have my phone on or even in the same room when I go to bed at night.

@vickyday - Hope you are enjoying a nice morning and that your DH is feeling well today! How long does he have to keep taking the Ozempic??

Ok I gotta re-fill my coffee cup and get a few things done before Heather calls me to catch up on the weekend. Have a great Monday everyone! :sunnyeyes:Send me some sunshine please!!


Love my O Family!
Went with Mark to his endoscopy consult this morning. He has had so much acid reflux that it has damaged his esophagus to the point of Barrett's esophagus, which "is associated with an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer. Although the risk of developing esophageal cancer is small, it's important to have regular checkups with careful imaging and extensive biopsies of the esophagus to check for precancerous cells (dysplasia). If precancerous cells are discovered, they can be treated to prevent esophageal cancer." There was so much irritation when the endoscopy was done about 3 months ago that the doctor wants to do another endoscopy, now that Mark has been on Omeprazole to stop the acid and help in the healing process for the last 3 months. He is hoping to get a "cleaner" biopsy to test for cancer cells possibly beginning to develop. That endoscopy is scheduled for a week from Friday, so I'm glad we could get it quickly!

I think today I will run to Kohl's to pick up my online order that they are going to give me $5 Kohl's cash to do! It's only about 15 minutes away. I had to order online because the store doesn't carry Tall size.

Downloaded the 12 Days collaboration today, so I will play with that this afternoon. I thought about going to Ilene's but she is still out of town for Thanksgiving with her kids.



Love my O Family!
Morning everyone, it is like pea soup out there today! The fog has been hanging in here for two days now and I sure wish it would go away!! DH and I went with the In-Laws to a memorial service for their old neighbour. It was very nicely done and so many photos of her, she was always laughing and enjoying life! MIL phoned later when they got home to say that they arrived safely and how much she appreciated us being there at the service. The fog was bad for them until they got over Hill 60 and then it was beautiful blue sunny sky. Had bad news after the service when SIL Linda phoned to say that her boyfriend Mark's Mother had been admitted to the Hospital and about 2 hours later we got news that she had passed away :sad2: . She was a lovely woman and SIL had gotten quite attached to her. She was 90 years young. DH spent about an hour raking up some leaves in the back yard after the service, it looks so much better out there now. I wanted to help but it was so cold and damp and I knew that my fingers would give me grief if I was out there. Dam Raynauds Syndrome!!

@faerywings - I hope your Zoom meeting goes well, but that you do not get picked for Jury Duty! You might tell them that it will just stress you out too much to be of any good on a Jury, that is not lying is it?!! Hope that the vet visit is not all bad news for J and that it won't max out your credit card either!!

@BrightEyes - Ohhh how nice to have the long sleep in!! I had one this morning too and could not believe my eyes when I saw that it was almost 8am when I woke up! I have been woken up by what I thought was the doorbell a couple of times, but I think I was just dreaming as I don't have my phone on or even in the same room when I go to bed at night.

@vickyday - Hope you are enjoying a nice morning and that your DH is feeling well today! How long does he have to keep taking the Ozempic??

Ok I gotta re-fill my coffee cup and get a few things done before Heather calls me to catch up on the weekend. Have a great Monday everyone! :sunnyeyes:Send me some sunshine please!!
Mark may be on Ozempic the rest of his life. The doc wants to wean him off the Metformin and the other one he is on that starts with a J but I can't recall the exact name. She said Ozempic has more health benefits than the others, especially for the heart, I believe!
Sending you lots of sunshine hugs today! :sunnyeyes:


I really enjoyed the Designated Survivor series but for the life of me I don't remember how many seasons there were. I want to say only 2 but I don't know for sure.
Upper 30's here this morning. Yesterday the birdbath water was frozen however!
Just checked and there are 3 seasons of Designated Survivor. Guess I will be watching it for awhile!!! :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Today is the Faery is Stressed Out Edition. Not a new concept but it's a different one today. I am flipping myself out over this Jury Duty Summons. I am so nervous that 1. I am not going to be able to work the webcam/Zoom part of it. And 2. that I'll be picked as a Juror. I simply cannot get picked. Everyone is giving me tips on things I can say to get dismissed. Gary suggested that I tell them that I have police friends. My dad's long-time best friend is a retired PO. My neighbor across the street works in the sheriff's dept. All pretty tenuous at best. ;)
My biggest problem with that is that I cannot lie. I really can't, you can see it in my face when I try :rotfl:
Maybe they will bring up stress/anxiety/lack of decision-making skills. *That* I can work with. hahahah!!

Yesterday was such a boring, dragged-out day which didn't help my stress and anxiety. I couldn't;t keep myself busy but didn't want to do anything at the same time. It didn't make it easier since I have no idea what my plans for this week are. I am dreading Thursday's vet appt.

I am going to post this and then I am off to take a shower. At least I don't have to drive anywhere today. That's a big plus.

Now I have to check quickly what drove into you! :thinking2:

Are you nervous about a zoom meeting? Why? Do not know the history.
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Well-Known Member
Morning everyone, it is like pea soup out there today! The fog has been hanging in here for two days now and I sure wish it would go away!! DH and I went with the In-Laws to a memorial service for their old neighbour. It was very nicely done and so many photos of her, she was always laughing and enjoying life! MIL phoned later when they got home to say that they arrived safely and how much she appreciated us being there at the service. The fog was bad for them until they got over Hill 60 and then it was beautiful blue sunny sky. Had bad news after the service when SIL Linda phoned to say that her boyfriend Mark's Mother had been admitted to the Hospital and about 2 hours later we got news that she had passed away :sad2: . She was a lovely woman and SIL had gotten quite attached to her. She was 90 years young. DH spent about an hour raking up some leaves in the back yard after the service, it looks so much better out there now. I wanted to help but it was so cold and damp and I knew that my fingers would give me grief if I was out there. Dam Raynauds Syndrome!!

@faerywings - I hope your Zoom meeting goes well, but that you do not get picked for Jury Duty! You might tell them that it will just stress you out too much to be of any good on a Jury, that is not lying is it?!! Hope that the vet visit is not all bad news for J and that it won't max out your credit card either!!

@BrightEyes - Ohhh how nice to have the long sleep in!! I had one this morning too and could not believe my eyes when I saw that it was almost 8am when I woke up! I have been woken up by what I thought was the doorbell a couple of times, but I think I was just dreaming as I don't have my phone on or even in the same room when I go to bed at night.

@vickyday - Hope you are enjoying a nice morning and that your DH is feeling well today! How long does he have to keep taking the Ozempic??

Ok I gotta re-fill my coffee cup and get a few things done before Heather calls me to catch up on the weekend. Have a great Monday everyone! :sunnyeyes:Send me some sunshine please!!
Sorry, Trudy! I only have to offer November rain and some snow! :waving3:


Love my O Family!
Just checked and there are 3 seasons of Designated Survivor. Guess I will be watching it for awhile!!! :floorlaugh:
I'm not sure what years it was on and whether it was with DH#1 or DH#2 that I watched it. I will have to ask Mark and maybe revisit them!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all.

It's 3 o'clock and I'm just getting back from Walmart and finished putting all of the groceries away. Adrienne, Ava and I went over there for a quick in and out, because they were both on their lunch break. It was definitely a quick shopping trip. I got everything I needed, I thought, but forgot yogurt. UGH. I put yogurt in Chuck's smoothies, so I'll have to go get some at The Dollar General. Not going back to Wally's for yogurt. But, hey, I've come across something nutritious that he loves, and he wants at least one every day. They have oats, protein powder, milk, spinach, mixed fruit and yogurt in them. He still doesn't have much of an appetite, but these go down easy. The protein powder is marshmallow flavored so the smooties and nice and sweet.

Chris @faerywings hope your zoom meeting is going well and you go on with no problems. I hate being called for jury duty and have always managed to get out of them each time. It's just a PITA anyway you look at it. At least you don't have to go to a big courthouse and sit in a room with a ton of strangers and wait to be called in front of the judge, the defendant and the attorneys. When you state that you might have an "issue" and might not be able to make an impartial decision, they (used to) call you up to the judge's bench and the defendant and the attorneys stood up there with you, while you talked to the judge.

Vicky @vickyday that test result has to be worrisome to you and Mark. I'm glad they're going to repeat the test. I take Omeprazole too. It really helps my stomach.

Kay @BrightEyes that's so weird about hearing the doorbell. I have a great dream life, too though. Like the over night oats story that I told yesterday that probably nobody read because I posted it late yesterday evening. :floorlaugh:

Trudy @taxed4ever condolences on the deaths and I'm happy that the service was nice. I'd much rather go to those than a funeral. "Celebration of Life" - very appropriately named.

I'm going to go and try to get something done. I downloaded another Christmas kit, so I'd better work on that. Hugs


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon all.

It's 3 o'clock and I'm just getting back from Walmart and finished putting all of the groceries away. Adrienne, Ava and I went over there for a quick in and out, because they were both on their lunch break. It was definitely a quick shopping trip. I got everything I needed, I thought, but forgot yogurt. UGH. I put yogurt in Chuck's smoothies, so I'll have to go get some at The Dollar General. Not going back to Wally's for yogurt. But, hey, I've come across something nutritious that he loves, and he wants at least one every day. They have oats, protein powder, milk, spinach, mixed fruit and yogurt in them. He still doesn't have much of an appetite, but these go down easy. The protein powder is marshmallow flavored so the smooties and nice and sweet.

Chris @faerywings hope your zoom meeting is going well and you go on with no problems. I hate being called for jury duty and have always managed to get out of them each time. It's just a PITA anyway you look at it. At least you don't have to go to a big courthouse and sit in a room with a ton of strangers and wait to be called in front of the judge, the defendant and the attorneys. When you state that you might have an "issue" and might not be able to make an impartial decision, they (used to) call you up to the judge's bench and the defendant and the attorneys stood up there with you, while you talked to the judge.

Vicky @vickyday that test result has to be worrisome to you and Mark. I'm glad they're going to repeat the test. I take Omeprazole too. It really helps my stomach.

Kay @BrightEyes that's so weird about hearing the doorbell. I have a great dream life, too though. Like the over night oats story that I told yesterday that probably nobody read because I posted it late yesterday evening. :floorlaugh:

Trudy @taxed4ever condolences on the deaths and I'm happy that the service was nice. I'd much rather go to those than a funeral. "Celebration of Life" - very appropriately named.

I'm going to go and try to get something done. I downloaded another Christmas kit, so I'd better work on that. Hugs
I took it when they found ulcer(s) in my stomach, too. But they are going to keep him on it permanently. I was only on it for about 6 months, I think.