
Daily Ooo's: Monday, November 19


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday!!!! How are all of you lovely ladies??
Did everyone have a great weekend? Too fast, as always. I always feel like I need one more day.
The good news for me is that I got two more pages scrapped yesterday for my mom's album. That is a total of 5 this weekend (:ranger: ) and 9 of 20 for the book. The most amazing part of that total is the ones I did this weekend-- I didn't use templates or scraplift. All from my little own brain. :) I am not so happy with how they came out-- the photos are from negatives from the 1940's and they are faded. I have been trying to boost the contrast on them a bit, but at the same time, I want to keep them as "authentic" to how my grandpa shot them. I just hope that they print nice. I was able to get a free 8x8 book from shutterfly and I am never 100% pleased with their printing/binding. Artscow is great, especially for the price and Persnickety Prints is just outstanding. But when you live on a budget, you scrap on a budget LOL

I am off to go food shopping this morning (please help me to think of menus that my picky fam will eat!!!!!

Side story: My kids are now semi-vegetarian. No red meat, minimal chicken and pork. However they both like tacos. I have made tacos with Boca ground soy/meat substitute, with ground turkey and with ground beef. The ground Boca stuff- the kids ate it but not crazy. I didn't like it either although it cooks up really easily. The ground turkey- Cait didn;'t like. Ground beef-- Cait ate 4 tacos that night and Scott wouldn't touch it. So the one meal that both kids like, I can't get them to settle on one filling.... And myself- I am not crazy about tacos at all, but I'll make them if I could get them to eat. They make me crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!:boom:

Ok, so that's my morning-- dealing with expensive crappy food that no one likes. :)
Then my mom is coming over. Every year we go through this routine:

Me: Mom you are too old to be going to the mall every day searching for one item when all you have to do is go to Amazon.Its easier and cheaper.
Mom: But I won't put my credit card into the computer.
Me: But if you go to a site like amazon, you are safe.
Mom: I still won't do it. Can I use your credit card?

We'll go shopping on my computer today. That should be fun. :mod:

My dad was supposed to come up and help me with leaves, but his leaf blower is in the shop.

Kids have early dismissal days all this week and its a 3 day week here too. Can't belive that Thanksgiving is almost here.
Guess what my kids eat on Thanksgiving?

Cait: Sweet potatoes, bread, corn and/or broccoli
Scott: Used to eat turkey- doubt he will this year-- mashed potatoes and veggies.

I am so happy that I am not the one cooking that meal....
PS: I will bitch and moan about their eating habits, but in full dsclosure... I am the same way. Its just easier for me cuz I know what I'll eat and what I won't bwuahahaha!!!

Me Me Monday- gonna try and scrap another page or two for my mom!
Laurie- happy vaca!

Linda S- thanks for the good thoughts re: Gary. I know it sounds so little and trivial, but it really is a victory! Gotta take what you can get, right??
How was the wedding, I saw the photo of the kids on FB and I hope that you are using that for Christmas cards! Gorgeous!!!

Nancy- sounds like a perfect Lazy Day of movies! I think I saw the Vow and Crazy Stupid Love but I can't remember. I am so bad with names... If I didn't, I'll have to add them to my Netflix queue.

Trudy- hope you got better sleep last night!!


Phyllis- Darryl Hall has been a great spokesperson for Lyme Awareness. Amy Tan too.
morning - need to go put my workout clothes on and actually get a workout in today. I plan to spend time with my camera and my husband as well!
Chris, i didn't know that Amy Tan had Lyme, too! whoa.

you know what i'd do if i had pickey eater/ vegetarians at home? i woud tell them that i would happily cook for them and shop for stuff, but they are responsible for telling me what it is they want for dinner and for providing me with recipes for what they want. to HECK with running around in a circle, Chris, trying to read their minds and adding another layer of stress for YOU. just smile :becky: and tell them the above. then stick to it. they're not going to starve. they'll either come around and do their own research, or they'll make their own food. either way, you've taken yourself out of the equation as much as possible.

Mean Mommy. that's me. :rant: don't drive yourself crazy. :der:

Laurie, have a wonderful Vacation Day!

i have to bake bread for Thanksgiving today. a few years ago it occurred to me that i could bake bread IN ADVANCE and freeze it, instead of waking up at 4 a.m. on the day of the Holiday dinner and baking all morning. took me long enough! :brick: then, if i feel like it, i'll brave the grocery store. i might wait until tomorrow, though. man, i just LOVE going to someone ELSE'S house for a Holiday dinner. i am tired of being the Maker of Feasts for this family. i am SO interested to see what happens with Christmas this year, since i am not doing the Giant Family Dinner here. hmmmmm.....do i hear crickets??

hope your week gets off to a great start. do stuff for yourself, as well as for others.

Morning ladies... :rain: here again today and man did we have a big wind storm last night! Branches and crap all over the back yard AGAIN!! Too sloppy to go out there and try to clean it up though, it will have to wait! Spent some time yesterday making up some meals to take to my poor brother :sad: MG was asked to be a speaker at the service, so we are getting together with my brother on Thursday to find out exactly what he would like. Then because I did not get any sleep the other night, I of course now have a sore throat and stuffy nose :mmph:

Chris - ITA with Phylis, if your kids will only eat certain things than they should be the ones to come up with the menu for you. Shessh woman, don't you have enough to do without having to be a short order cook too??? Hope they give you a break! That's great that you got a free book from shutter fly, I got a good deal on one from Picaboo prints. Not sure what they are like as this will be the first photo book I have ever done. Have fun shopping on line with your mom!! LOL!

Laurie - Hope you are enjoying your time off!

Phylis - Oh I bet it smells so good in your house when you bake bread!! I have not done that for such a long time, it gives me such bad heartburn that I refuse to bake it anymore. Darn it!! Why is it the best things in life always give you heartburn?? LOL Hope your day is great!

Well gotta put in another work day and then I really hope I can be here for a bit today, I have neglected the gallery so much this month and I am feeling very guilty about it!! See you all later today I hope! :wave:
Well, I got my workout in- feeling more like me- I didn't workout this weekend- I think I cheated myself. I probably need to work out 2X day being as there are way too many good foods to eat at Thanksgiving!! I'm getting the Christmas card lists out today and giving my camera a workout- except it is cloudy here today, but that makes colors more dramatic- maybe!!
Trudy, fresh-baked bread gave me heartburn, too, when i used to eat bread. i could never understand that. well, now everything gives me heartburn. all day long.... :hurt:
good morning - yesterday was too funny! We celebrated my son's birthday taking him to one of our favorite Greek restaurants. Yummy! I love it when I get to laugh so hard I cry. My husband really does not embrace new technology very well. So when we got our new cars they are push buttons to unlock. My DH thinks this is crazy just use a key LOL. So after dinner he went to put the doggie bags in the truck and the car seemed to go crazy beeping and locking and unlocking. Another car's alarm went off. My birthday boy was trying to explain to his dad which buttons did what while you youngest son, myself and Amanda were laughing so hard because we knew that the youngest also had a key to the car and he was the one creating they havoc. My DH was getting so angry as the birthday boy was explaining. We had to let them in on the joke. My DH is rarely the one punked and to see his youngest be the one that got him really makes me smile. It was the perfect end to the weekend. I did rake all my front yard. Whew what a job. Now feeling that good soreness. Also found out that my husband has invited an extra 10 people to our Thanksgiving dinner. We were just having Zach, Amanda and Amanda's parents. But as a professor he has several students who have no place to go for Thanksgiving and have not really had the American version. OH my! Good thing my DH does most of the cooking. Luckily we are having it on Sunday so have plenty of time to get ready.

Phylis - love the smell of baking bread.

Chris - let them help with the menu for sure.

Trudy - take care of yourself. Thinking about you and your family at this time.

Have a great day!
a rutabaga!! it looks like an enormous cheese! i was liking it as a cheese. dunno about a rutabaga, though....
So today I actually dragged my husband out shopping, and he bought more clothes than me- the man rarely shops for himself! I bought my first bare minerals- we shall see how it looks when I apply it tomorrow!
hey kids!!! Just a quick pop in to say hi!!! I'm up to my eyeballs in Thanksgiving prep, decorations, cleaning, dishes, scrapping, working, and other fun stuff!! Life is wild!! We are having 20 over at our house (well, the 20 includes the 6 of us!!). soooo fun!! Can't wait! I love everything about Thanksgiving...and this year, all of our football teams are playing!! So awesome!!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!!! ♥