
Daily Ooo's: Monday, November 10


The Loopy-O
It's my dad's birthday!:bday

What a fun time I had at his dinner yesterday. My godson (he's 3 now) is the funniest thing!!! He had us all laughing so hard. He was having up play hide and seek, and would tell us where to hide, then give us a blanket to cover ourselves. He'd then run around the house finding us. I know it doesn't sound funny here, but he was really cracking himself up and all of us too.

Scott and my dad had a nice weekend too. They were done with the work early on Saturday and my parents offered to drive him back home. He said that he was having a nice time hanging with them so he stayed Sat night too. He is going to go down to help my dad again in 2 weeks and apparently, my dad pays him pretty well. :)
This reinforces that we all made the right decision to not force him to find a PT job. He can focus on school and health and get some spending money working for the g-parents.

Today I am working and then I have to plastic over the windows and AC unit.It really makes such a difference, especially with the drafty old windows in the house. I wish we could weather strip the front door better but for some reason that I cannot remember, we can't.

QOTDWhat kind of printer do you have? Do you use it to print photos/LO's?
Mine is an Epson Photosmart 7760. It is pretty old by tech standards. I have been having trouble with the colors printing properly, even though the ink is new and I clean the nozzles etc. I am thinking I might have to get a new one for Christmas.

Me Me Monday:
I am already looking forward to coming home from work and putting comfy sweats and fuzzy socks on :)


The Loopy-O
Laurie-- oh man, that girltime sounds like soooo much fun! The bowling pin/initials was a great idea!

Nancy- your day sounds perfect for you! All good things rolled into one. 76 isn't old, but I have that mental block towards ages. I'll read an article in the paper and if the person is 45-46 or so, it immediately jumps into my head-- "old." Then I realize that is who I am! Cait called me middle aged the other day, and while 100% true- it sounds so much older than I think I am.

Jean- I hope you got everything done that you needed to. I am big on procrastinating on things that I don't really want to deal with.
Yup, 76 isn't old when it comes to my dad. He is off to Lake Ontario again to go fishing. He uses a guide now, but he still gets out there and does a catch and release for salmon and steelhead.
I hope I am that active when I am in my 70's.

Hugs and love to all of you!


Well-Known Member
hiya. i'm back again. not much to report. life is slow and calm-ish. i've been making my Christmas cards and trying to get the stuff that needs mailed wrapped and packed. my house is a disaster area. paper and tape and magic markers and Pop Dots and scissors and paper scraps everywhere. gotta go grocery shopping-Super Ugh...- no doubt half the shelves will still be empty and i'll just get annoyed by the experience. so. not looking forward to that. at least the Arctic air hasn't arrived here yet. it's going up to 61 today and 67 tomorrow. but THEN...:faint2:

Chris, i had to laugh at your comment about 76 being old. yeah. i used to think that until i hit around 50. now, from my vantage point, 76 looks pretty good to me. the hide and seek game? i can just picture it. a 3-year-old being able to direct adults in a game had to be so funny and fun to him!

QOTD: i have an HP Envy 5530. so far, so good. it can do wireless printing, but i never do. i still can't figure out why ink cartridges need to cost $35 apiece. i know they practically GIVE printers away, but honestly, how long would it take a company to recoup the price of the printer from the cost of the ink? not long. so why not spread out the recoup out over a longer time with lower prices??

hope everybody uas a lovely day. i'm off to the Supermarket Wars.... :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - The sun is shining and it should be a lovely day! Got in a good walk with my girlfriend. On the way home I passed a young man having a raffle for endangered animals especially owls. So I had to enter. Too fun! My husband made dinner roast chicken and stuffing. My son said thanks but I really wanted prime rib and I don't like stuffing. Poor baby my DH and I ate and enjoyed our dinner. Got some scrapping done.
The best is my son figured out how to get my iPad hocked to the TV so that I can watch ON demand shows while I still use my laptop. It is awesome!

Chris Happy Birthday to your dad! The dinner sounds so fun! Hide and seek must have been such fun! Laughter is the best! I think Scott is so lucky to have his grandparents to hang with.

Jean I procrastinate a lot and most of the time I don't feel guilty because I like what I am doing so much more that what I should be doing.

Phylis I too have to go to the store and I am not looking forward to it at all! I must work on my cards soon.

printer is an HP B8850 wide format printer and I love it. It prints my 12x12 pages. And yes ink is so expensive but I find that the return policy to Staples brings down the cost considerably.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
It is beautiful today but as Phylis said, will soon be getting cold here. This afternoon taking my sister shopping again as she needs things for Friday (one of her group's potluck) that we didn't get last week. DH when he gets home from usual Monday morning activities will be raking leaves again. The city has cut down on leaf collection. We just get two days this fall and tomorrow is the first.

QOTD: mostly I use an old HP laser printer (black ink only) but also have a wireless HP inkjet. The color ink drives me nuts running out so quickly. I do, rarely, print a LO 8x8 on it.

Chris, glad your Dad has Scott and a fun day to celebrate. It does sound pretty funny to have a three-year-old directing play that way. Hope you get home to the comfy stuff quickly.

Nancy and Phylis, guess we're all going to be in the stores today. Phylis, the mayhem in the house sounds kind of nice as it is connected to Christmas and your family.

Hope everyone takes advantage of this Monday!