
Daily Ooo's: Monday, June 8


The Loopy-O
happy Monday!!! Last night at dinner, I joked that I was about to ask everyone if it felt like a Saturday to them too. Saturday, Sunday? What difference? :noidea:

It was a beautiful day if a bit chilly. We had a nice visit with my parents who gave me money to buy some pizzas for dinner. They seem to be doing well, they were going to a deck-visit at my brother's later on. I did a bunch of weeding and trimming the edges of the rock garden, cleaned a bit more of the patio. It will get there eventually. I enjoy the cleaning of outside much, much more than inside. I want to be out there a lot again today. Caitlyn and I are trying to encourage each other to take the dogs for walks again. We have gotten so lazy about that.

I feel like I am hitting that "wall" again. Discouraged that we will be in quarantine for three months on Friday and still no idea when life will get back to "normal."

So let me get to gratitudes and then personals, that will help cheer me up. :)

-sunshine, plants, and critters (did I tell you that I found a baby yellow ringneck snake? He was teeny tiny!
Here is a photo- not sure if this will show up, but it's worth a shot.

Actually, let me not share in case you don't like snakes. The photo that I found was of a hatchling and looked to be the same size as the one I found.
3" long.

Man, I get going when it comes to nature. hah :madgrin:

-pizza for dinner last night
-seeing my parents
-Leah is here for a day or two
-all of you here at the O!


The Loopy-O
Trudy- Bwuahahah!!!!
picked up some white silicone caulking and a neat little tool that makes it look like someone who knows what they are doing did the caulking
That made me literally laugh out loud. That is my kind of tool. It is too bad that you hit that snag but good that it was a semi-easy fix. I know that you really wanted the project done, but you will get there.
That is both good and surprising that FIL called for help again. That is the second time in a month? Were you able to have a nice visit with them afterward?
Anytime you feel the need to scream- let me know, we can scream together :yell:
I am worried about and for Scott. Since day camps are going to be allowed to open up in July, I asked if he was going to call his job to see if he could start. But he is concerned about being around kids who don't have any sense of personal space, even if they are outdoors. And I have no answer for that.
what did Mason think of his turtle?? Did he name it yet?

Nancy- good luck to your DH today! You are reading these books so quickly, do you have one to read in the car while you for him?
My dad was telling me what his barbershop is doing when they reopen. There are only four chairs open and they have plexiglass between, disposable capes, no one in the waiting area (they wait outside like a Dr's office), masks and gloves required. Hopefully, this means our reopening will go smoothly. I am proud that NJ is doing this all through science. Science is good. *nods*
Marigolds are supposed to keep bugs away but if you want to plant something that that really does and smells great- lemongrass is the way to go. Mmm!!!

Kay- how has your BP been doing, stable? Oh wow, your temps really are high. I think we are supposed to get near 90* tomorrow but the humidity is what makes it more disgusting. I really need my library to open up... I should start putting books on hold so when it does I will have some close to being ready.
Did the Zoom app work better for your family? I am glad that you are able to do that. It has to be hard to be on your own especially since you were so active in your Red Hat group.
Your store doesn't have frozen food for online shopping? That is so weird! I guess they don't have freezer storage space? The store I have been shopping at even has beer and hard seltzer- I got "carded" last week when I picked it up. hahaha!

Felis- sending good thoughts to you as you remember your lost family members and loved ones. How nice to have a little garden party with guests and cats :D
Gary uses GIMP most of the time and he seems to like it too. Hopefully, it won't come to that, losing Photoshop *fingers crossed*
How much does your orange kitty weigh? Kib/Heather/Catzilla was 17 lbs at one point. Even when she died and had lost so much weight she was still over 11 lbs.
Good suggestions for being active and supportive of the protests. We need to get more face masks and Cait sent me links this morning to several black-owned stores to buy them from, so yes, small ways to help.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Monday morning everyone! Another week into COVID way of life, sheesh is it ever going to end? I guess not, at least until there is a vaccine :noidea: We had a lovely visit with the In-Laws and had hotdogs around the large fire pit down by the lake, it was nice and warm for a bit and then the wind started to pick up and the breeze off of the lake was quite chilly. By then it was time to go anyway as we still had things to get done back at home. Poor MIL is having a terrible time getting around, she needs help to do the stairs going down to the fire pit, so I am not sure how many more times we will be doing that. She loves to sit at the fire, but I think it is becoming to difficult for her. Anyway we got the new furniture moved into the house and it did not take long, so that was good. It looks very nice in the living room with the new sectional! So today I will be working on the final cupboard with the glass front and then I will tackle the range hood. Hopefully DH will be able to take the range hood apart so it will be easier to paint.

Chris - Ha, Ha I am glad that I gave you a bit of a laugh this morning! I suppose that I was a bit too optimistic that I would have the kitchen done by the weekend, it has been a lot more work than I originally thought LOL. It will get done eventually and really there isn't a big hurry to do it. After all who am going to entertain?? Hope that you and Cait will be able to get out to walk the dogs! I am sure that will make everyone feel better and make the dogs happy too! Poor Scott it must be so frustrating for him to not be out there and doing his part, but he is smart to perhaps wait until things are a bit more normal and there isn't the worry so much about social distancing. Would the counsellors perhaps have to wear masks and gloves or would that scare the kids?? Yes Mason got his turtle and one for Hunter too, they are having fun with them and have a little place in the backyard to keep them safe. They have named them Little foot and Begum LOL Begum is what Hunter calls Mason and Little foot is because the one turtle has the shape of a foot on his belly. Too funny!!

Ok I will get busy with my morning chores and then get to sanding and priming once again. I hope to be here in the afternoon and will pop in to say hey to everyone else. Oh and I am excited to find out that our first hike is this Wednesday and it is very near by Hooray!!! Have a great morning everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
It's another beautiful day and DH is hosting H&S at the moment. Yesterday we went to some natural area/park spots south of here. One is a grassland where I hoped to see and especially hear Bobolinks. We didn't find any, but there were birds and a good time. Too many folks were in the parks and almost none wearing masks which didn't feel right. The last place we went we encountered mosquitoes so today I've got some itchy bites. Best news is that the computer is fixed and we're going to pick it up soon. DH turned out to be right that what went was the power supply and the repair bill isn't that high.

Chris my scrapping program is Paint Shop Pro (PSP) that I started using before PSE existed. It is not as pricey as PS but does what I need. But you do not want it at this point. I had GIMP at one point but never got into it.

If your library is taking holds now, by all means start getting books on hold. Scott is surely right about kids not distancing as what we saw was nobody really doing it.

Looks like H&S is ending, so I'd better sign off for now.