
Daily Ooos: Monday, June 17


The Loopy-O
GoooOd morning, O-zies!!!
How was everyone's weekend? I hope it was lovely and relaxing. Mine was and I am extremely grateful for that. The weather was good, the family behaved, and I spent time in my yard. Can't ask for more than that. :D
Well. Of course, I can! How about some rain? Everything is so dry and no rain in the forecast for the next 10 days. It's not a good way to start the summer. All of us with well water get a little nervous.

My dad seemed to be in a decent mood, if nothing else he adored being around the grandkids. He still isn't sleeping well and nodded off more than once at the table. Usually, he falls asleep on the sofa so I made sure that Scott kept an eye he didn't tip off the chair LOL!
I spent a little time searching on Pinterest for some bridal shower gifts and I got nothin' :/ I am going shopping with my mom tomorrow to look for an outfit for her, so maybe I'll see something there. Trying to not stress over it but--- well, I can't seem to help myself. :tongueout1:
If anyone is wondering if I taught Caitlyn how to stress, you won't be surprised that I did. She came into my room last night 100% stressed over her wedding. Not the marriage part, she is great with that. But she is comparing her wedding plans to other people's and thinks her's is coming up short. She isn't happy with the venue since there is nowhere to take photos. She thinks the centerpieces look skimpy. Etc etc. I wish I had something to say to help other than the people who are attending will be there because they love her and Tom and that is all it boils down to.
Any thoughts?

I am spreading out all of the shower things I have in boxes and will be taking inventory so I know exactly what else I need to buy. If I get that done, yard work might be set for this afternoon.



The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes tech is the biggest PITB. Hope that the modem isn't giving you any more trouble. Sending some more hugs to lift you up as you remember your family ♥ I will bet your call to your sister was helpful and fun.

@bitzee The one constant in my life is how much my kids (and nephew) make my parents laugh. They can bust on my parents in a way that my brother and I would never, not in a million years, get away with :floorlaugh:

@alsoartysa Welcome to the Ooos, Andrea!! Glad that you are joining in the fun and wackiness of this place. I heard that broken ribs are one of the most painful breaks- it's not like you can stop breathing while it heals. I mean you *can,* only that causes additional health issues :p
Will you have internet/scrapping ability while you are in Maine? If you need any help finding your way around here, just ask for help. You have a lot of the SG family here to help too.

@AK_Tracy Ooooh, I like that idea of connection to the sun as a theme for your AJ page. (Note to self: finish the week four challenge prep today or Theryl's gonna :whip3: your butt!)
That is awesome that your mom spent time with the kids playing board games. Bonus points if she played Monopoly. I freaking *hate* Monopoly. :mad:
Speaking of sad and starving puppy faces, you should see Jaida right now. She hasn't eaten in 12 hours, oh nos!

Give her 5 minutes and she is going to be begging to go outside. She likes to eat before she goes potty. :rolleyes:

@Terri M Confession time: Caitlyn leaves the spider friends in one corner of the room alone. She keeps her room neat as a pin, but the spider that lives there is kind of a roomie :D
Sending you hugs too- I imagine it takes a long time to get used to losing a parent. Finding the Father's Day card must have been a gut punch for a few moments.
I have two birthday LOs started and am not happy with either. Only one monthly challenge is done too. The mojo has left the building. :bawling:
Hope you and DH had a blast at the winery!

@Cherylndesigns The pool must be super refreshing to hang at, are you wearing your hat when you are there? The girl I worked with on Friday was wearing the cutest bucket hat, wish I could pull off wearing a hat like that. I'm like you, a baseball cap is my kind of hat.
Weis has a partnership with a natural pool next to its property. It used to be part of Weis years ago before they both changed ownership. As employees, we have access to it but I am not sure I'll go. It's natural- so no chemicals which is awesome, but also natural that frogs and snakes sometimes are in it. Frogs and snakes on a hike-- also awesome, but when I am swimming-- nope!!!!
OTOH, we are going to be hitting 95* and humid this week, so maybe I will rethink that :D
I wrote all of that just to say that I wish I could hang out at the pool with your and your girls.


hugs and love to you!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
She came into my room last night 100% stressed over her wedding. Not the marriage part, she is great with that. But she is comparing her wedding plans to other people's and thinks her's is coming up short. She isn't happy with the venue since there is nowhere to take photos. She thinks the centerpieces look skimpy. Etc etc. I wish I had something to say to help other than the people who are attending will be there because they love her and Tom and that is all it boils down to.
Any thoughts?
From what I've seen on the TV - American weddings are INSANE! The over-spending is just so weird. Throwing money on a wedding that last a couple of hours - money that could be spent on the marriage (like a home, furniture to the home, food, candlelit dinners, movie nights, lube (just kidding, wanted to see if you were still reading LOL) ... and on and on and on).

Now I know, I'm extreme on the other side. I think our wedding costs landed around $200. We told no one about the wedding, besides the people at church. We bought new clothes, but sensible ones that could be used for other occasions. We went out for dinner that evening. And then I sent out letters to everyone to inform them I had a new name.

I understand it must sound lame to an American - but the day was OURS.
(I know if my mom would have know the entire wedding would have been about her.)

To sum my rant off - it should be about LOVE and nothing else. :beatingheart:


Love my O Family!
GoooOd morning, O-zies!!!
How was everyone's weekend? I hope it was lovely and relaxing. Mine was and I am extremely grateful for that. The weather was good, the family behaved, and I spent time in my yard. Can't ask for more than that. :D
Well. Of course, I can! How about some rain? Everything is so dry and no rain in the forecast for the next 10 days. It's not a good way to start the summer. All of us with well water get a little nervous.

My dad seemed to be in a decent mood, if nothing else he adored being around the grandkids. He still isn't sleeping well and nodded off more than once at the table. Usually, he falls asleep on the sofa so I made sure that Scott kept an eye he didn't tip off the chair LOL!
I spent a little time searching on Pinterest for some bridal shower gifts and I got nothin' :/ I am going shopping with my mom tomorrow to look for an outfit for her, so maybe I'll see something there. Trying to not stress over it but--- well, I can't seem to help myself. :tongueout1:
If anyone is wondering if I taught Caitlyn how to stress, you won't be surprised that I did. She came into my room last night 100% stressed over her wedding. Not the marriage part, she is great with that. But she is comparing her wedding plans to other people's and thinks her's is coming up short. She isn't happy with the venue since there is nowhere to take photos. She thinks the centerpieces look skimpy. Etc etc. I wish I had something to say to help other than the people who are attending will be there because they love her and Tom and that is all it boils down to.
Any thoughts?

I am spreading out all of the shower things I have in boxes and will be taking inventory so I know exactly what else I need to buy. If I get that done, yard work might be set for this afternoon.

Thoughts on Caitlyn's stressing.....this is HER wedding not someone else's and I agree with you. The people that are going to be there are the people that love her and will not care about Caitlyn's "perceived" lack! They will be there to support her not criticize!
I know plenty of people who have gone to other places before the wedding to get the photos taken. It is a little bit of extra work, but all the ones I've seen have turned out beautifully!


Love my O Family!
From what I've seen on the TV - American weddings are INSANE! The over-spending is just so weird. Throwing money on a wedding that last a couple of hours - money that could be spent on the marriage (like a home, furniture to the home, food, candlelit dinners, movie nights, lube (just kidding, wanted to see if you were still reading LOL) ... and on and on and on).

Now I know, I'm extreme on the other side. I think our wedding costs landed around $200. We told no one about the wedding, besides the people at church. We bought new clothes, but sensible ones that could be used for other occasions. We went out for dinner that evening. And then I sent out letters to everyone to inform them I had a new name.

I understand it must sound lame to an American - but the day was OURS.
(I know if my mom would have know the entire wedding would have been about her.)

To sum my rant off - it should be about LOVE and nothing else. :beatingheart:
I agree with you, Eva! My first wedding cost less then $200! We had a Justice of the Peace come to the apartment that we would be living in and in attendance were our parents, siblings, and the witnesses! That's it! And we were just as married and happily so as if we had spent thousands of dollars! Maybe even happier since we didn't have any bills to catch up on paying!
My second wedding was done at the court house with only our witnesses present! I cost Mark $20, LOL!


Love my O Family!
Happy Monday to all,
I slowed it down on my walk this morning since I took the weekend off. I got my 2 miles walked in just under 40 minutes.
Got back home and spent a few minutes outside taking some pictures of the gladiolus, sun flowers and canas growing like crazy out by my she shed. And I caught some cute bunny pictures, too, as he meandered through the clover.
I had determined to clean out the veggie drawers in my fridge today, so I pulled out all of the dead and dying stuff and chopped up what I could salvage and put it in a pot on the stove to cook for supper tonight with some rice and pork.
I drank my bone broth and am waiting to see if Mark wants to go to lunch later.
His daughter came over with steaks, potatoes and salad yesterday to spend Father's Day with her dad. Mark cooked the steaks while we fixed the baked potatoes at the house. The Caesar salad had all the ingredients in the bag. We ate down in the cabin in the woods. With the fans blowing it was quite pleasant! We played a game of Qwirkle so she could learn how to play. I don't think she was crazy about it.....not yet anyway! ;)
It was misty rain when I left the house this morning, but that seems to have cleared out mostly. It is going to be hot, Hot, HOT this week! I'll have to do my walking early, Early, EARLY to avoid the heat!
No real plans this week other than doing some much needed housework. I still have no scrapping mojo to speak of! I need to find it this week because I want to be back to CT work full time next week! Someone PLEASE sent me some mojo!
Have a great day!


Morning, all. Well, I paid for waking up so early yesterday... ended up in bed and asleep by 7:30PM last night and slept until almost 7AM!!! The body has a mind of its own as I almost fell asleep while reading in the recliner. I am learning to listen to it and go to bed when it tells me it is time! :lol23: I called DD#3 yesterday and heard this strange voice answering... poor gal... she caught a cold Friday night so closed up the garage sale after an hour on Saturday morning and went to bed. Summer colds seem to be the worse... and she is really down with it. Hope the rest of the family stays well.

I am all caught up on the Birthday challenges and games... Only 3 more days before they are all revealed. <sniff, sniff, sniff> Have you seen all the fabulous cakes (Day 4 template challenge)??? WOW... The gallery is exploding with great LOs.

Will be back in a bit... time to sort the laundry and get it going. Electric company peak hours start at 11AM and run until 8PM - so I limit the laundry chores to the off peak hours. BBL

Terri M

Well-Known Member
No one else could bike with me this morning so I made a longer ride (20 miles) out to Sugar Hollow. If you ever saw the movie "Evan Almighty", it was filmed around here and the breaking dam in the movie is at the end of the road in Sugar Hollow. Also, the scene of the ark and the animals coming was filmed in town here before that area was developed into new houses. People still talk about it. Anyway, it was a beautiful morning for a bike ride and I got some nice pictures.

Glads are starting to bloom. Hydrangeas keep coming. And David's favorite zinnias are bright and cheery. But I agree, we definitely could use some rain. Looks like this week will just keep getting hotter.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... its a windy but sunny day. SIL Linda and I were going to go for a kayak this morning, but its just too rough out there on the Lake. Maybe tomorrow? It was another busy weekend and my Gary and I spent all day yesterday painting the inside of MIL's sewing shed. She picked a really pretty colour for the walls a soft yellow/green it sure has brightened up the whole shed. We still have the shelves to paint, but we need some different paint for that. So today will be spent cleaning my house and doing laundry :housekeeping::laundry:. My house has been neglected for the past couple of weeks. It will be good to have it clean again. I have to get a card out in the mail for Hunter's birthday, he will be 7 years old on the 9th of July. The way our mail service has been lately I want to get it out soon so it arrives in time. I slept in until 7:30 this morning, it was nice to sleep in a bit! Long days of constantly doing this and that for the In-Laws finally caught up with me last night and I crashed and burned LOL. I hope to partake a bit more in the birthday party fun, but I need to get my house in order first. I hope that you all have a great Monday! Heather is calling on facetime so I gotta run :runningdog:.


Well-Known Member
lube (just kidding, wanted to see if you were still reading LOL) ... and on and on and on).
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: This Eva totally made my day!!!!! Thankful I wasn't drinking my coffee when I read it!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Good Morning everyone!!! Today is over cast and windy. Will be a good day to clean house. I wont feel the need to be outside. Looks like Trudy @taxed4ever and I will be doing the same thing today. House cleaning. @BrightEyes Kays already on the job and will be done before I ever start. :giggle4:

@faerywings Chris I have no advice for your daughter. Wedding planning is stressful. However one thing I have noticed, the cheaper the wedding, the longer the marriage. I am sure its NOT true but that's how it seems. A family member spent thousands on her wedding, lasted 9 months. I spent $500 and that's cause the photographer was last minute and I had a cake, here we are over 30 years later. My daughter spent $50 and that was on venue (visitors center conference room). Her wedding was outside (in December) and she and groom went to the beach with photographer for additional photos. The only person who needs to be happy is Caitlyn and Tom. You dont have to spend a lot of money to be happy. I loved walking away from our wedding and knowing its was done and paid for with no debt. Perfection and grand are overrated and only for TV. Those wedding are paid for by networks who want to film them. Her wedding will be beautiful because its about the happy couple in love, not food/decor.

@Terri M your bike ride sounds amazing. Sometimes my alone bike rides are the best. Sometimes (not often) I like being alone and no one to talk with or match pace with. I bet the view was amazing though. Sounds so fun. I need to air up my tires and get out but so far its either been rain or I've been at work. Maybe tomorrow when I drop the dogs off at the groomers I'll take my bike and hit the path.

Whew, I am rambling on this morning. Yep, coffee working great!
Off to check out all the layouts I have missed the last couple days. If you need me I'll be in the gallery. I know I missed a ton of layouts.


Quick check-in... got the laundry sorted, first load is now in dryer, 2nd load in washer and 1 more load to do after those are done. I even got my shower and dressed for the day. Temp is over 81F and climbing fast! Ugh!!! Hope to change the bed sheets tomorrow and that will be the last of the 'cleaning' chores for the week. :housekeeping: :claphands: Decided it was going to be too hot to clean the windows on the outside. Need to see if I still have the cleaner set-up that attaches to the hose to do the job...It did a great job on them last year.

@faerywings I understand how Cait can get stressed out of the wedding plans... but as all have mentioned - the friends and family are going to be there because they love Cait and Tom. They won't be comparing it to "other weddings". It is Cait's wedding and they will enjoy celebrating the day with her and Tom. Photos can be taken earlier at another location - 3 of my kids did that at parks before their wedding at the church. The photos were beautiful and there was no long wait between the ceremony and the reception.
I had to LOL over why you won't be swimming at the pool by the Weis property.... frogs, snakes and other things in the water would keep me far away that pool!!!

@Cherylndesigns Bet swimming with just the 2 of you was so relaxing and delightful!!! You were smart to by-pass on that huge brimmed hat. Did you decide what plant you are going to put on the arch yet?? And BTW, have you got the bench and Totem put together and in place, yet??

@AK_Tracy Saw your LO with grandpa's shirt... what a wonderful thing to receive - know you will treasure it forever.

@taxed4ever Sounds like things are finally getting more settled for the inlaws. Too bad the weather on the lake was too unsettled for you to go out on it. Hope you find some time to just rest and recover from all you have been doing lately.

Need to close this out and get the clothes from the 1 load folded and put away. HAGD


Well-Known Member
My mom and her sisters are getting up there in age. Mid 70's which is huge for that side of the family. My Grandma didn't make 70 and Grandpa was maybe 70/71. So its a big deal they've made it this far. But while they were all together last month, they went through a ton of photos of their childhood. They gifted me some amazing photos of my grandparents as 20 year olds. Their birth photos and just wonderful black and white photos from the 1950's. I cant wait to get them scanned in and scrap them!!! I am honored they chose me to preserve these, since I am the scrapper of the family, and yet terrified I wont do these photos justice. Its so crazy to see the family resemblance since I just knew them as "old". I am sure some of them will end up here. And the AJ connect challenge I might have to change my idea of what to scrap. I just got them yesterday!! And the stories and details are written on sticky notes or the back of the photos. So I have all the details.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. I was out at a friends for a doggie playdate. All the dogs love to go play at my friend's home, she is on a 2-3 acre lot and the dogs have a lot of room to run.

Last night we watched the first episode of season 2 of The House of Dragon, loved it. Also watched the last 3 episodes of Deal Or No Deal Island, such a fun show.

3 baby birds came out of the nest this morning, only one left. It's amazing how quickly the baby robins grew in the last couple of days.

I'm going to go hang out at the party for a bit before some chores.

@faerywings Sorry to hear that C is stressing about some of the wedding details, that's par for the course tho, isn't it? Is there a bride anywhere that doesn't stress over something? Has she hired a photographer? They will figure out some good spots to take photos. If not, I'm here if you want to go over the location with me and I might be able to come up with some creative ideas. Will they be able to photograph outside? That is the best IMO. Talk to me later.


Well-Known Member
Chris @faerywings I want to add my 2 cents to the wedding comments. I think I've said before how bare bones mine was and it was a lovely day and here we are over 56 years later. Not too long ago I told my cousin's wife how impressed I was with their wedding when I was 12. It was very simple. She told me it was that simple as it was all they could afford. But it was so nice. I liked it so much better than those of my sister and brother that were more of a big deal. Don't suppose that all our comments will end her stressing, but I sure wish they could.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings Those over-the-top weddings give most regular Americans a bad name & TV makes it worse. You are being so involved with the wedding to make it special for the bride & groom, not for you, but for them. Our wedding was for my mother, it wasn't the dress I'd dreamed of, that was $200 one, mine was OK, it was cheaper, so I got it, I was a poor teacher & they were paying for it. I had to eliminate some of my friends so all the bowling friends, post office people & neighbors could be there. We've been married 46 years this July, it's not because of that which was fine, but the years since. it doesn't need to be compared to anyone else if it comes from the heart for them not for anyone else.

I've been obsessed with a layout all weekend, based on a message I sent to my cousin when we were in Key West. I'll get my tush back in the gallery this week. Saturday it rained, yesterday was 90° & 97% humidity so we just hung out, inside & I scrapped & it's easier to do it to Doc instead of Gunsmoke. Billy Ray Cyrus was such a babe then, not into his scruffy look of the last years. Wild storm this morning, crazy wind, no hail. It's rained most of the day, we've had over 2" in the last 2 days. Saturday it rained, yesterday it was 90° & 97% humidity, so we just spent time together inside, I scrapped & it's easier to do it to Doc instead of Gunsmoke. Billy Ray Cyrus was such a babe then, not into his scrufty look of the last years. Wild storm this morning, crazy wind, no hail. It's rained most of the day, we've had over 2" in the last 2 days. We've had 3 summers of drought;
I feel guilty that I'm getting tired of it. More rain tonight and off & on the rest of the week.

The first lily of the season opened today, when there was a break in the rain, I thought about getting dressed & by the time I got around to it, it was raining again so this pic is from the sunroom window.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening, again.

I've been cleanng and organizing all day - I was very far behind in my household chores and today was the day. I've been busy doing other "fun" things and it was getting out of hand. I did get the birthday cake template challenge done, but that's about all I've gotten done scrap wise.

Have I ever told you that housework is evil??? Well, it is but I don't have a little fairy who comes in and cleans for me, unfortunately. :fairy2::fairy1:I did have a "fairy" who cleaned my house, but she got freaked out when Chuck passed away - Roger said yesterday that maybe she "had a thing for him". We're SO wrong on every level. :floorlaugh: I honestly think it was because he passed away here in the house and it freaked her out. There, I've said it - some of you Chris @faerywings Kay @BrightEyesand Trudy @taxed4ever, Vicky @vickyday, you all remember how "tight" we were. Casey was like a daughter to me. I'm not sure I've really laid that out here. It was SO weird. I haven't heard from her since I let her know about Chuck. People are so strange, aren't they? She used to bring him cookies and pies and was always calling me to see if we needed anything. This falls in the "life is strange" category. She also cleaned for Adrienne and Ava so of course, because we're a really small gang, they let her go so she lost 3 customers. Sorry, if this is TMI. I'm feeling very nostalgic tonight. Well, it's because I just downloaded a designer's collection and it's a "year in review" kind of thing and of course, January was a hard hit. I wish I hadn't downloaded it now. :(

Jeanne @JeanneMN the lily pads are SO beautiful. They totally amaze me and it must be so wonderful to sit and gaze at them.

Tracy @AK_Tracy that's wonderful that you got some pictures of your mom and her sisters to scrap. Wonderful!

Kay @BrightEyes it was wonderful hanging out with the girls at the pool yesterday - it was just the three of us - Adrienne, Aly and me. We all had on out big floppy hats. I didn't dare not show up w/o mine. It's finally warm enough at night to put the bench and totem together, I just have to corral the kids to do it now. Braden is busy from dawn to dusk working for Roger and Ava and her GF have just returned from a trip. I'm getting so anxious to get it put together and put it in my garden so i can sit out there and meditate. I already have my new windchimes (hummingbirds) hanging right beside where I want the bench.

I'm going to say "goodbye" now and get out into the forum and see what I've missed. Hugs to everybody.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ohhh Cheryl yes people are strange and some do not handle grief and loss very well I have had a couple of whom I thought were very good friends suddenly disown me for the simple fact that we moved away because of my DH being transferred very hurtful but like I said they could not handle the loss


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Ohhh Cheryl yes people are strange and some do not handle grief and loss very well I have had a couple of whom I thought were very good friends suddenly disown me for the simple fact that we moved away because of my DH being transferred very hurtful but like I said they could not handle the loss
I'm so sorry, Trudy. I just never expected this from Casey. People are VERY strange, indeed. It's so hurtful. :(


Well-Known Member
@cherylindesigns I'm so sorry Cheryl, people are strange, and particulary so when you feel so much depth and then suddenly poof it's gone at when you are at your lowest. I totally understand how a scapping kit can trigger it, you can't set aside the hurt, but maybe set aside the kit and download something with bright colors and scap something that makes you happy. Sending hugs and love :hug4::hug4::hug4::hug4::hug4:


Love my O Family!
Good evening, again.

I've been cleanng and organizing all day - I was very far behind in my household chores and today was the day. I've been busy doing other "fun" things and it was getting out of hand. I did get the birthday cake template challenge done, but that's about all I've gotten done scrap wise.

Have I ever told you that housework is evil??? Well, it is but I don't have a little fairy who comes in and cleans for me, unfortunately. :fairy2::fairy1:I did have a "fairy" who cleaned my house, but she got freaked out when Chuck passed away - Roger said yesterday that maybe she "had a thing for him". We're SO wrong on every level. :floorlaugh: I honestly think it was because he passed away here in the house and it freaked her out. There, I've said it - some of you Chris @faerywings Kay @BrightEyesand Trudy @taxed4ever, Vicky @vickyday, you all remember how "tight" we were. Casey was like a daughter to me. I'm not sure I've really laid that out here. It was SO weird. I haven't heard from her since I let her know about Chuck. People are so strange, aren't they? She used to bring him cookies and pies and was always calling me to see if we needed anything. This falls in the "life is strange" category. She also cleaned for Adrienne and Ava so of course, because we're a really small gang, they let her go so she lost 3 customers. Sorry, if this is TMI. I'm feeling very nostalgic tonight. Well, it's because I just downloaded a designer's collection and it's a "year in review" kind of thing and of course, January was a hard hit. I wish I hadn't downloaded it now. :(

Jeanne @JeanneMN the lily pads are SO beautiful. They totally amaze me and it must be so wonderful to sit and gaze at them.

Tracy @AK_Tracy that's wonderful that you got some pictures of your mom and her sisters to scrap. Wonderful!

Kay @BrightEyes it was wonderful hanging out with the girls at the pool yesterday - it was just the three of us - Adrienne, Aly and me. We all had on out big floppy hats. I didn't dare not show up w/o mine. It's finally warm enough at night to put the bench and totem together, I just have to corral the kids to do it now. Braden is busy from dawn to dusk working for Roger and Ava and her GF have just returned from a trip. I'm getting so anxious to get it put together and put it in my garden so i can sit out there and meditate. I already have my new windchimes (hummingbirds) hanging right beside where I want the bench.

I'm going to say "goodbye" now and get out into the forum and see what I've missed. Hugs to everybody.
I still have not gone back to the parsonage to clean after I moved out and in with Ilene. There is still some of mine and Tim's stuff there, too. The furniture in his "man cave" is still there and a few other things. The church is in no hurry for me to clean it out as long as it sits empty. They plan to remodel it at some point so that missionaries that are home on furlow can stay there as a home base while traveling in the USA.


Love my O Family!
My mom and her sisters are getting up there in age. Mid 70's which is huge for that side of the family. My Grandma didn't make 70 and Grandpa was maybe 70/71. So its a big deal they've made it this far. But while they were all together last month, they went through a ton of photos of their childhood. They gifted me some amazing photos of my grandparents as 20 year olds. Their birth photos and just wonderful black and white photos from the 1950's. I cant wait to get them scanned in and scrap them!!! I am honored they chose me to preserve these, since I am the scrapper of the family, and yet terrified I wont do these photos justice. Its so crazy to see the family resemblance since I just knew them as "old". I am sure some of them will end up here. And the AJ connect challenge I might have to change my idea of what to scrap. I just got them yesterday!! And the stories and details are written on sticky notes or the back of the photos. So I have all the details.
WOW! That's FANTASTIC, Tracy! Such a wonderful gift!


Love my O Family!
@faerywings Those over-the-top weddings give most regular Americans a bad name & TV makes it worse. You are being so involved with the wedding to make it special for the bride & groom, not for you, but for them. Our wedding was for my mother, it wasn't the dress I'd dreamed of, that was $200 one, mine was OK, it was cheaper, so I got it, I was a poor teacher & they were paying for it. I had to eliminate some of my friends so all the bowling friends, post office people & neighbors could be there. We've been married 46 years this July, it's not because of that which was fine, but the years since. it doesn't need to be compared to anyone else if it comes from the heart for them not for anyone else.

I've been obsessed with a layout all weekend, based on a message I sent to my cousin when we were in Key West. I'll get my tush back in the gallery this week. Saturday it rained, yesterday was 90° & 97% humidity so we just hung out, inside & I scrapped & it's easier to do it to Doc instead of Gunsmoke. Billy Ray Cyrus was such a babe then, not into his scruffy look of the last years. Wild storm this morning, crazy wind, no hail. It's rained most of the day, we've had over 2" in the last 2 days. Saturday it rained, yesterday it was 90° & 97% humidity, so we just spent time together inside, I scrapped & it's easier to do it to Doc instead of Gunsmoke. Billy Ray Cyrus was such a babe then, not into his scrufty look of the last years. Wild storm this morning, crazy wind, no hail. It's rained most of the day, we've had over 2" in the last 2 days. We've had 3 summers of drought;
I feel guilty that I'm getting tired of it. More rain tonight and off & on the rest of the week.

The first lily of the season opened today, when there was a break in the rain, I thought about getting dressed & by the time I got around to it, it was raining again so this pic is from the sunroom window.
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What a pretty color of water lily!