
Daily Ooos: Monday, July 8


The Loopy-O
*happy sighs*
It somehow managed to cool off overnight and we have the AC turned off and fresh air coming in. It's not going to last long (expected temps in the 90s and Heat Index >100 F* ) so I am enjoying it while I can. And NO! I AM NOT SHARING!
Sorry. That is pretty mean of me. *blows a tiny bit of cooler air in all directions* I hope you caught that small breeze from me. :fan:

How was your weekend?
It was another boring day although I did get some light housework done and a little scrapping too. I broke my rule of "No More New Kits" until I tagged what I already had and made a page for an upcoming release. The highlight of my day was watching a hawk soar above my house, which was joined by 4 or 5 turkey vultures. I couldn't see the color of its tail but my guess is red-tailed hawk.
My parents came up for a very short visit. My dad doesn't want to leave the house and my mom's worried. He didn't say too much but Caitlyn and Tom chatted with him. Tom lived near where my dad spent a lot of his adult life fishing so he was describing what that area looked like before it became overdeveloped. Lots and lots of dairy farms and now it's big box stores and car dealerships. :/

I am doing a few things here in the morning and then working this afternoon. My knee is down to an ache instead of pain when I walk so that's a good sign. Let's all hope that Faery gets her act together and doesn't do anything stupid... That's a goal for every day but this is more focused on my physical well-being. Bwuahahaha!!

Since we were talking about books-- this is what I am reading now:
The Ministry of Time

It must have been a recommendation from somewhere/someone because I had put a Hold on it. I am about halfway through and it's starting to drop hints that things are not what they seem. It's different than most books I read so that has me interested more than the crime/family drama ones I end up with most often.

Better get the day started, I need to place my grocery order and make a vet appt for Jaida. She is due for vaccines and I hate bringing her to the vet, the poor thing is a mess when she is there.

wishing everyone a fabulous day!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@mimes1 Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's off to work you go. LOVED the party pictures! What a sweet boy, and he doesn't look old at all, a couple of wrinkles, but we all have those. So fun to know your arrival at work is eagerly anticipated. You are so organized, they will love you!

@faerywings I'd send you a smart pill, but I'm all out. Confucious say play today, pay tomorrow, and the the faery is wrapped in sorrow. Don't be eeeeee-dddddd-ut be smart butt, this is a different smart butt than the one you usually are.


The Loopy-O
@AK_Tracy Not a stalker?? You made me laugh! :coffeescreen: The funniest thing is that who in their right mind would want to quote me on *anything?*
Oh. Asked and answered. :lol23: (And she calls me the crazy tribe leader hehe)
That's the truth, you can't be 100% cranky getting a hug. Unless....... it is before coffee. A long time ago, Gary tried to hug me before I had coffee and I snapped at him, "Don't hug me." Now that is family canon. *G*
So sorry about the fasting, I hope you stayed semi-sane until you were allowed to eat.

@Cherylndesigns I had to start on page two of the weekend thread so I saw that you didn't get to golf, but yay for the rain!
I am really glad that Alyssa knows where she is comfortable and is taking classes locally. She is gonna do great!

@BrightEyes This weather is bonkers, I hope that the wind wasn't too bad and nothing outside got blown away.
What a wonderful plan for the family reunion. I bet you and your sister will work on the family tree so you can bring your info.
Whew! Wonderful news that SIL#2 is out of the hospital.
Take it easy on your arm and shoulder today.
(*snickers and snorts* How in the world can any of you take me seriously?? Pot-kettle and all that :greengrin: )

@vickyday Did you get any sort of cooling down last night too? I'm not sure how we lucked out but I'll take it.
I can see you and Mark cheering the rain on, yay!

@JeanneMN Tinkerbell was a b****! LOL!
I love all of the big hugs! TY! I was honestly expecting a post-party letdown but all I felt was relief. That was a pleasant surprise.
Although, maybe some of the irritation last week was partly from not feeling pressured to do *something.*
I bet the flowers were happy to get a small haircut. My tiger lilies need trimming too.
That paragraph about your plants and your mutterings is hysterical- you have such a fab way with words. Keep the tangents coming!

@Cherylndesigns you love the shenanigans and you know it. :potstirrer:
Sorry that you didn't get your cheese omelet but at least you didn't put ketchup on said omelet.
How long did you scrap on the laptop and download kits at your "office?" Feels like lifetimes ago to me.

@mimes1 :birthaydog: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IKE!!

He is such a good boy!! I love the birthday decor and his bandana is the Best! Can you give him a treat from me? And a belly rub or ear scratch, whichever he prefers. ♥
Good luck today! You got this! If you start to get butterflies just remember that your O-Fam is there with you. We are so proud!

And I am just ignoring the mess that Cheryl and Tracy made. My goodness, leave the two of you alone for a minute.
At least you used to wait until I left before you acted up! Sheesh!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
After not walking the last 4 days since Mark was off (my excuse, lol) it was good to get 2 miles in.....even with the humidity thick enough to cut!
I've been working on scrapbook stuff all weekend.....scanning, editing, and posting to FB marketplace. I am so done with it all, but I have lots more to get rid of! So I can't quit yet! Guess I'll continue in between laundry loads.
Hope everyone has a great Monday!

I need to place my grocery order
Thanks for the reminder! I need to get that done today, too!
My knee is down to an ache instead of pain when I walk
Good news! Just don't mess it up again this afternoon!
Did you get any sort of cooling down last night too?
NO! If it did you couldn't tell it because of the humidity! It looks like we might get more rain today! I sure hope so!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning ladies... I finally have a day all to myself :yesss: My DH is back to work and there are no more boxes or things to put away over at the In-Laws. I really need this day all to myself. We had a very busy week, but we finally are at the end of all the hard work. It's been a struggle to say the least, but I won't bore you with all of the drama and craziness we have been dealing with. I will tell you that SIL Linda has parted ways with her boyfriend Mark, so we have not heard much from her lately as I am sure she is dealing with the sadness that comes with being alone once again. I will have to see if she is up for a kayak in the next day or two. Yesterday we spent the afternoon and my brother's place on the river and my Sister Wendy and her husband came with us. We had a great time together and I even went in swimming a couple of times (the water was chilly). It was so very refreshing as we are also experiencing a heat wave here. So today I am just enjoying the peace and quiet and I will attempt to open my photoshop up and start making a layout finally. Please forgive me for not doing personals, I just need a day or two to unwind and catch my breath!! I miss you all and hope that you are enjoying a beautiful summer!! :waving1


Up and dressed at 6:30AM and opened the house up even though the outside temp was already in the 70's... Had to close it back up in less than an hour. The winds last night blew some leaves and blossoms off of the trees in the front yard. The plum tree in the back yard lost some leaves and some plums. Need to go out and pick-up the plums with my reacher. There are many that I can't get to as the tree is on the slope and I won't climb up it any more since I took my fall on it last year. Bet the rabbit and the roadrunner and some of the birds will eat the ones on the slope.

This is going to be another resting and vegging as the left arm is still aching alot. Started my "walk the wall" exercises yesterday. Forgot to put some AsperCream on it before doing it... so it wasn't happy.

So glad that we are no longer living on North Padre Island (by Corpus Christi) as Beryl slams into the Texas coast. Brings back memories of shuttering up our house and evacuating across the causeway ahead of a couple of storms. 1 of my great-granddaughters (in AZ) was suppose to fly into Houston to visit relatives there tomorrow... but think that trip just got cancelled due to the storm.

Better close this out and get busy picking up the plums in the backyard.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!!!!!

@AK_Tracy Not a stalker?? You made me laugh! :coffeescreen: The funniest thing is that who in their right mind would want to quote me on *anything?*
Oh. Asked and answered. :lol23: (And she calls me the crazy tribe leader hehe)
That's the truth, you can't be 100% cranky getting a hug. Unless....... it is before coffee. A long time ago, Gary tried to hug me before I had coffee and I snapped at him, "Don't hug me." Now that is family canon. *G*
So sorry about the fasting, I hope you stayed semi-sane until you were allowed to eat.
Yep, went Christ quote crazy again. Its so fun. But no I am not a stalker :floorlaugh: I just sit here watching your every move and comment but that's not a stalker right!? Fasting is always fun. For no reason then to help the inflammation. Doing it again today. And black coffee isn't my fav. 18 hours is all I can do. But I have to get off the snack foods eating just to eat and over eating. Yesterday was great. Lunch was small.No snacks. Dinner was good then trail mix while watching tv. Need to cut out the snacks. So round two lets do this.
(*snickers and snorts* How in the world can any of you take me seriously?? Pot-kettle and all that :greengrin: )
Well............ cause its fun Pot. :giggle4:
And I am just ignoring the mess that Cheryl and Tracy made. My goodness, leave the two of you alone for a minute.
At least you used to wait until I left before you acted up! Sheesh!
Uummmmmm we did wait till you left. You had gone to bed like a good leader and the minions (just for you Twin) went a little crazy while you slept.


Well-Known Member
I just need a day or two to unwind and catch my breath!! I miss you all and hope that you are enjoying a beautiful summer!! :waving1
Trudy I hope you have a wonderful day relaxing and spending time doing what you want. You are a saint for all you have done for your ........ need coffee.... was it parents or inlaw? Either way you are a saint! You deserve a vacation where no-one can reach you and all you have to do is snap fingers to get snacks and drinks. :heartpumppink: Enjoy your time.
This is going to be another resting and vegging as the left arm is still aching alot. Started my "walk the wall" exercises yesterday. Forgot to put some AsperCream on it before doing it... so it wasn't happy.
Kay that sounds painful! Be careful out there picking up lawn debris. Dont over do things. These darn bodies sure do let us know when we over do it.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
It sure is summer! I envy those of you who have had rain and/or opened windows, even if only for a few minutes. We got put into drought watch last week, I expect we'll hit actual drought status this week, which will mostly impact watering. No one I know is actually watering lawns anyway. I've been watering flowers from our 2 rain barrels which are getting low again -- you can tell because the water comes out slower and slower as you get near the bottom. One of my friends puts a bucket under the drip from her air conditioner and gets at least a couple gallons a day to delight a bush. We are allowed to do watering of plants but we're all trying to be frugal. I was hoping that Hurricane Beryl would send rain this direction but it looks like it will be going straight north.

I actually planned ahead for meals and made a batch of shredded chicken in the Instant Pot, part of it will be tonight's tacos and part was last night's sandwiches. I have been using the Instant Pot more and more and it sure is convenient. I remember my mom having a pressure cooker back when I was a kid. It had a little metal cap on the top that would wiggle around and I was always convinced it was on the verge of exploding. For the life of me, though, I can't remember what she made in it. I'll have to ask her.

It's only 3 weeks until our granddaughters come. I bought a Jacks set to play with. Anyone remember that? 60 years ago I know I spent hours playing Jacks at my grandma's house. I wonder if I can still do it. Or more to the point, can I get back up off the floor afterwards? I also got some supplies to make soap. I think I can take the kids to Michaels and they can pick out a scent that they want, maybe some ribbon to wrap some up for their mom and auntie when they go home.

Everyone keep cool and have a great day!
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Terri M

Well-Known Member
So glad that we are no longer living on North Padre Island (by Corpus Christi) as Beryl slams into the Texas coast. Brings back memories of shuttering up our house and evacuating across the causeway ahead of a couple of storms. 1 of my great-granddaughters (in AZ) was suppose to fly into Houston to visit relatives there tomorrow... but think that trip just got cancelled due to the storm.
Kay - I have cousins near the Texas coast bracing for tropical storm force winds, so they must be a bit farther from the storm path. These weather events just mess everything up, don't they? It just reminds us of how much we can't control!


I went outside right after this morning's post. Took my long-handled reacher and a bucket. Just in case you don't know what a reacher looks like:71RaeSrqqUL._AC_SX679_PIbundle-2,TopRight,0,0_SH20_.jpg It sure saves me from having to bend over to pick things up Ended up with over 5 dozen plums/pits from around the lower slope. Started to take a step up the slope but the foot slid a bit on the rocks so I called it quits at what I had already gathered up. The wind was starting up again so decided it was time to head back inside. Ended up with a sandwich for lunch then sat down to read and dozed off for a bit. For some reason the body and legs are stiff and sore so guess I had better take some Tylenol (and eat a cookie or two with it). :lol23:
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I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OMGosh - SO SO far behind. We got the tail end of that hurricane today. I went out to work in my front garden - boots and all and all of a sudden, here it came. I made a video, but of course, I don't know how to post it on here. It was terrible wind - things were blowing around - that's when it gets scary. I know that something passed by us - anyway, all it left in it's path was rain, which we can always use.

Meanwhile, Ava called and told me to get inside (she knew I was outside working) but I already had. She said the outer bands of the Texas hurricane were coming through.

I got a bunch of solar lights yesterday and I was outside putting them in the ground so they might catch a little bit of light. We'll see if it does any good - they need 8 hours of sunlight, so good luck. LOL I got some low lights to put along my front walk and along the front of the garden. I also got some solar strands to put on my garden arch. I had no idea how many I was getting, but it was a lot. I have twinkle lights for miles (IF they work). I haven't had amazing luck with solar lights so we'll see.

I'll try to come back and do personals - I've been working on a LO for a long time today. I don't very often have problems with a LO, but I get an idea in my head and a "vision" and sometimes, I can't let go of it. I have remade this one several times. NO, I didn't trash it - just kept changing it. Finally called it a day and hope it's okay. I'm exhausted now.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I went outside right after this morning's post. Took my long-handled reacher and a bucket. Just in case you don't know what a reacher looks like:View attachment 423638 It sure saves me from having to bend over to pick things up Ended up with over 5 dozen plums/pits from around the lower slope. Started to take a step up the slope but the foot slid a bit on the rocks so I called it quits at what I had already gathered up. The wind was starting up again so decided it was time to head back inside. Ended up with a sandwich for lunch then sat down to read and dozed off for a bit. For some reason the body and legs are stiff and sore so guess I had better take some Tylenol (and eat a cookie or two with it). :lol23:
Kay, I just ordered something like this - the "grabber" - not sure it's the same thing. I can't get things that are up high and I'm tired of waiting for my GK's or other "tall people" to come over.


Well-Known Member
HI Everyone, I'm sooo tired!! Work today was wonderful and exciting and busy and exhausting! I worked 10 hours! From zero - 100 in 3 minutes. And every minute was wonderful. They had a giant gift basket on my desk, they brought lunch in for everyone to celebrate my onboarding, and my laptop has not one but two big screens attached to it!! I met dozens of people, and everyone was as welcoming as the last. I'm excited, and exhausted. I'm sorry, too tired read all the goings on from today but was excited to tell you all about today. Heading to bed, and hopefully can catch up a little better tomorrow!

@BrightEyes @Cherylndesigns My mom was a pro at those grabbers. The dexterity with which she could manipulate items off the top shelves was impressive. They work well.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
HI Everyone, I'm sooo tired!! Work today was wonderful and exciting and busy and exhausting! I worked 10 hours! From zero - 100 in 3 minutes. And every minute was wonderful. They had a giant gift basket on my desk, they brought lunch in for everyone to celebrate my onboarding, and my laptop has not one but two big screens attached to it!! I met dozens of people, and everyone was as welcoming as the last. I'm excited, and exhausted. I'm sorry, too tired read all the goings on from today but was excited to tell you all about today. Heading to bed, and hopefully can catch up a little better tomorrow!

@BrightEyes @Cherylndesigns My mom was a pro at those grabbers. The dexterity with which she could manipulate items off the top shelves was impressive. They work well.
Glad to hear your first day went so well, Amy.

My dad had a grabber and he loved it. I was trying to get some glasses (real glass) down from a top shelf tonight and thought "I'm going to go order one of those right now" - Kay @BrightEyes reminded me that I needed one. I hope I can master it.

BTW - Alyssa and her GF just brought me dinner (a sweet surprise) but they went out and yelled "Your solar lights are working, Cici!" - YAY