
Daily Ooos: Monday, July 22


The Loopy-O
Happy new week and a fresh start to everyone and to Faery's awful mood. Perhaps I can get my act together and be a little more positive than I had been the last few weeks. Getting outside for a couple of hours yesterday made my outlook better, too bad I tripped over my kneeling mat and re-hurt my knee. Didn't I warn myself about that?
In other words, Faery- don't mess it up.
why yes, yes, I did. :oops2:
The weather was amazing and the sun felt simply fantastic; not too hot, not too humid. The yard looks tidier too. I wanted to keep working after I tripped but I was smart- for once- and iced my knee instead.
One thing that had been stressing me out was food shopping and meal prep. I spent 2 hours online looking for inexpensive dinner recipes. I gave myself a ginormous headache. And that isn't even the cooking part of dinners, it's just the decision on what to make (and how to pay for it. That's the biggest issue).

I am off to work and we are doing a field trip for 9-12 yos. Should be fun! I promise to be careful and watch my step on the hiking portion. It's only on the Weis Center trials, much easier than the one I messed the knee up on previously.

Wishing all of you a very happy and joyful day ahead!


The Loopy-O
@tanteva I am sorry that you are not feeling that great. If it makes you feel better, you can throw some ketchup bottles at me. :duckdown:
This is how my summer seems to be going:
It's been a busy weekend & I've got nothing to show to prove it
It's frustrating. I'm like you too, I don't well with mess and chaos in my house. That's awful that you haven't been able to knit or crochet, that's your *thing.* Is the pain from arthritis? Can you take any meds or use heat on your joints to ease the stiffness? My LLMD suggested sticking my hands in warmed uncooked rice. It's easier to use a rice-filled heat pack but the concept is the same.
We used to watch a bunch of TV shows from NZ TV and they were so much funnier than American tv. I bet BirtBox is a good subscription to have.

@alsoartysa OMgoodness, that's awful that you feel and broke your leg, even more while on vacation :(
It must not have been pleasant at all trying to fly home. *gentle hugs to you*
I find that if I want to get my mojo back, I find one of my older layouts that I love, and scraplift it
I find that almost all of my LOs follow the same design. One photo, in a corner, and lots of paint around it. I am so bored with all of my pages LOL

@BrightEyes I can't believe that you are still finding so many more photos. Your house is being held up with wood, sheetrock, and photo boxes :p
Hope that the weather stays pleasant for you!

@Cherylndesigns What did you and Adrienne get up to yesterday? Were you able to get out in the yard at all or did you go shopping and to Nancy's?
I'm still missing SO many of my pictures.
That is awful! Even worse than "losing" the sweeper and safe :(

its a 5' diameter net and you scoop them up. Its just for Alaskans and its to fill the freezer, not sport.
Not your leisurely throw-a-line and muse about the weather and cloud formations, I see. It sounds more like an Extreme Sport LOL

as we had eloped and never had a wedding cake.
Did we know this??? I don't think I knew that you eloped. So romantic!
And the wonderful thing is #1) there are more photos in it that I haven't scanned and 2) I wrote the names of everyone in each photo.. with the date!!! And... YES... our cousin we couldn't ID... found her name on a couple of those photos!!! And to make it even sweeter - found her listed on Daddy's family Descendants list!!! Whoop-whee!!
:wow: :woohoo: That is fantastic!!!

@bcgal00 hehe, I love that you distracted yourself with more coffee. You deserved a nice relaxing morning with coffee and a book!

@vickyday Whew, I bet the rain was very welcome in your town. Hopefully, once the clouds are gone the humidity will come down too.
Have you been able to get any photos of the birds at your feeders?

@mimes1 It's always nice when a movie or TV show lives up to its hype, what a nice night out for you.
Oooh, I can't wait to see your challenge using that photo of the deer.

I didn't know this, and have been frustrated working with mile long quotes.
Same!!!!! I've been here since the beginning of time and had no clue until last week! :rotfl:
Oh, she can yell at the newbie because I think I only did too. I can't imagine Ona, yelling at anyone, so I'll take the punishment for y'all .
Thank you :jail1: *giggles*

Tracy-- how in the world do you handle those nets? And how many fish do you typically catch in a day's run?



Talk about sleeping in.... it was 8AM before I stirred this morning. I was having some type of crazy dream that I was back in college and they wanted to hire me to work there!!! Crazy!!! Kept drifting in and out of the dream but couldn't seem to wake up completely.... finally turned over to my side and woke up. It is really cool... only 67*F at 9AM... It rained off and on last night so that cooled everything down. I might even sit out on the patio today!!!

Decided to put the photo stuff away for the next few days until Sister gets here. Need to gear up for Color Play at the end of this week. Where has July gone??? I am way behind on LOs this month. I have looked at the Art Journaling challenges but the mind can't seem to come up anything right now... sorry gals.

@faerywings - so sorry you tripped over your kneeling pad and hit your knee!!! Glad you iced it right away. Be careful on the hike today, gal.

Need more coffee... BBL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is cloudy and much cooler this morning, we actually had a few sprinkles of rain yesterday. Certainly not enough to count, but hey it cooled the temps down a bit. It will be nice to have normal temps this week!! I might even be able to go on my hike on Wednesday. I feel like its been so long since I last hiked and I am afraid I won't be able to keep up with everyone. Oh well that's ok I just need to get out there again. It was a busy weekend for my Gary and myself, however with the dry weather we have gone into Stage 3 watering restrictions so no more watering the lawn, so no more cutting it either. Everything will soon be brown and dead. We can at least hand water all of our plants. DH's truck was filthy dirty from parking next to a construction zone at work, so we took it to the car wash and got it cleaned, the car will have to wait for another day. No more washing the vehicles in the driveway anymore probably for the rest of the summer. I hate a dirty car!! I am going to try to get my layout finished today, struggled so much with it that I think I have to start over again. Other than that not much happening for me today, which is nice and no housework to do as I got all that done on the weekend. I do have to make some cauliflower wraps today and should get that done right away before it gets warmer.

I am off to work and we are doing a field trip for 9-12 yos. Should be fun! I promise to be careful and watch my step on the hiking portion. It's only on the Weis Center trials, much easier than the one I messed the knee up on previously.
How nice that you get to spend the day outdoors with the kids!! It should be enjoyable and hopefully not too hard on your knee! Sorry that you aggravated it again. Still looking for my mojo and yours too, hopefully we find them together and get them back where they belong! BTW I love the shoes that you chose, good pick!!

Opps Heather is calling so I gotta run, catch up with all of you later on! :waving1


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone!
too bad I tripped over my kneeling mat and re-hurt my knee. Didn't I warn myself about that?
Ummmm......... are you my twin?????? I can trip over a shadow! Its my super power. I'm sorry you hurt yourself though. That's not good and you have to go to work and hike. Stay safe.
I bet BirtBox is a good subscription to have.
Its the best subscription to have and less then $10! Its amazing. We watch a lot of BritBox.
Tracy-- how in the world do you handle those nets? And how many fish do you typically catch in a day's run?
With a lot of stumbling and tripping and no grace. its a learning curve for sure. But you learn real quick how to move fast so as to not loose the fish. The amount depends on so many things, how many fish entered the river, did you catch the right tide, did your tongue hang out right while concentrating. The number your allowed depends on household size. Since its subsistence fishing for filling the freezer its pretty high. Starts at 25 fish for head of house then an additional 10 per person in the house. We've never limited out as we wouldn't use that many fish. We shoot for 20 as that is enough to get us through the year. They're anywhere from 8-15 pounds per fish. I think the most we ever caught was 22 in a day. Other friends have gotten 30-60. Just depends on the fish. Some days we've been out there and gotten one.

Talk about sleeping in.... it was 8AM before I stirred this morning
Glad you were able to sleep in! You needed it after all the sorting and scanning you have been doing!!
I might even be able to go on my hike on Wednesday.
Hope you get to go!!! Glad youre having cooler temps which makes it possible for the hike. Nothing like being over hot and trying to hike. Not that I hike LOL I tried it once. :giggle4: I was always a good half mile behind and felt I held everyone up.


Love my O Family!
Happy new week and a fresh start to everyone and to Faery's awful mood. Perhaps I can get my act together and be a little more positive than I had been the last few weeks. Getting outside for a couple of hours yesterday made my outlook better, too bad I tripped over my kneeling mat and re-hurt my knee. Didn't I warn myself about that?

why yes, yes, I did. :oops2:
The weather was amazing and the sun felt simply fantastic; not too hot, not too humid. The yard looks tidier too. I wanted to keep working after I tripped but I was smart- for once- and iced my knee instead.
One thing that had been stressing me out was food shopping and meal prep. I spent 2 hours online looking for inexpensive dinner recipes. I gave myself a ginormous headache. And that isn't even the cooking part of dinners, it's just the decision on what to make (and how to pay for it. That's the biggest issue).

I am off to work and we are doing a field trip for 9-12 yos. Should be fun! I promise to be careful and watch my step on the hiking portion. It's only on the Weis Center trials, much easier than the one I messed the knee up on previously.

Wishing all of you a very happy and joyful day ahead!
Oh, NO! I hope you didn't hurt your knee too much!


Love my O Family!
@tanteva I am sorry that you are not feeling that great. If it makes you feel better, you can throw some ketchup bottles at me. :duckdown:
This is how my summer seems to be going:

It's frustrating. I'm like you too, I don't well with mess and chaos in my house. That's awful that you haven't been able to knit or crochet, that's your *thing.* Is the pain from arthritis? Can you take any meds or use heat on your joints to ease the stiffness? My LLMD suggested sticking my hands in warmed uncooked rice. It's easier to use a rice-filled heat pack but the concept is the same.
We used to watch a bunch of TV shows from NZ TV and they were so much funnier than American tv. I bet BirtBox is a good subscription to have.

@alsoartysa OMgoodness, that's awful that you feel and broke your leg, even more while on vacation :(
It must not have been pleasant at all trying to fly home. *gentle hugs to you*

I find that almost all of my LOs follow the same design. One photo, in a corner, and lots of paint around it. I am so bored with all of my pages LOL

@BrightEyes I can't believe that you are still finding so many more photos. Your house is being held up with wood, sheetrock, and photo boxes :p
Hope that the weather stays pleasant for you!

@Cherylndesigns What did you and Adrienne get up to yesterday? Were you able to get out in the yard at all or did you go shopping and to Nancy's?

That is awful! Even worse than "losing" the sweeper and safe :(

Not your leisurely throw-a-line and muse about the weather and cloud formations, I see. It sounds more like an Extreme Sport LOL

Did we know this??? I don't think I knew that you eloped. So romantic!

:wow: :woohoo: That is fantastic!!!

@bcgal00 hehe, I love that you distracted yourself with more coffee. You deserved a nice relaxing morning with coffee and a book!

@vickyday Whew, I bet the rain was very welcome in your town. Hopefully, once the clouds are gone the humidity will come down too.
Have you been able to get any photos of the birds at your feeders?

@mimes1 It's always nice when a movie or TV show lives up to its hype, what a nice night out for you.
Oooh, I can't wait to see your challenge using that photo of the deer.

Same!!!!! I've been here since the beginning of time and had no clue until last week! :rotfl:

Thank you :jail1: *giggles*

Tracy-- how in the world do you handle those nets? And how many fish do you typically catch in a day's run?

The humidity was a bit better when I walked this morning! Clouds and misting rain and all! ;)


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
We signed up for Britbox when they had a campaign. One whole year for about $25. Not sure how many krona it was, and I'm unsure about the current exchange rate, but something like that. 50% off their regular yearly fee. They mainly have older shows, but TV was best in the 80s and 90s any way. In the case of Call the Widwife, they have 11 seasons, and I believe there are 15 in total. But they are adding new seasons to other shows, I'm guessing there will be more coming for that show as well. If you like British crime, BritBox is a gold mine.


Well-Known Member
If you like British crime, BritBox is a gold mine.
Death in Paradise!!!!! BEST show ever! McDonald and Dodds!!!!! Shakespeare and Hathaway! Escape to the County! Those are our go to shows and so many more! Shetland. So many fun shows and oh they are good!!!!! We watch Britbox most.


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Death in Paradise!!!!! BEST show ever! McDonald and Dodds!!!!! Shakespeare and Hathaway! Escape to the County! Those are our go to shows and so many more! Shetland. So many fun shows and oh they are good!!!!! We watch Britbox most.
I love Morse, Lewis and Endeavour. Haven't seen all seasons of Endeavour yet. Shetland is good to. Have you seen Vera?


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. I swear, the hours just go...poof...and then the day is over LOL. Remi is loving the early morning dog play at the park. Looks like this heat will last pretty much the next few months so this is our new normal. By the time we are driving home, I can't wait to get back and get a few more cups of coffee. It's weird to go out without showering/doing my hair but its just so much easier to get out first with Remi (I just put on a ball cap) and then come home to shower. At that point, she is ready to chill, she lays outside the bathroom and then when I am dressed, she'll come downstairs and sleep in my office.

I have been putting together some low calorie/low fat recipes for entertaining. Seems weird after being low carb for so many years, to be looking at higher carb foods. Hopefully this pays off with better blood work the next time my GP tests. My BP is better, in the normal range now. It's crazy how what works for our bodies can all of a sudden stop working and then what didn't work for a long time now does. But, I am happy that I have adapted and seem to be doing well with the changes. I'm going to make gluten free breaded pickles for game night this week. Last night I made a drizzle for a banana with de-fatted peanut butter powder, stevia and FF greek yogurt. It was good, I'll be making this again.

Remi is sprawled on the floor behind me, in the office, has her head tucked under the curtain, and is sound asleep. She does get tired (sometimes) LOL.

@faerywings Glad you are taking care of your body, not pushing yourself. Especially with knees, you want to be careful.

@tanteva I liked Britbox but gave it up b/c we have so many streaming services that we just don't have time to watch everything...but...I do agree, it is a good service.

@taxed4ever We are starting water restrictions here too. We run our underground system a few nights a week. We are allowed to use a hose to rinse off car or water gardens but that may change in a few wks as we have no rain in sight, probably for the rest of the summer now.

I'm getting off my chair now, need to do laundry and house chores before figuring out what to have for lunch. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
I love Morse, Lewis and Endeavour. Haven't seen all seasons of Endeavour yet. Shetland is good to. Have you seen Vera?
Yes, half way through Vera! My mom loved her!!!! Okay maybe no half way but I think season 4 or 5 is where I am. I usually watch in the winter when I have more time.