
Daily Ooos: Monday , July 15: Clean Up On Aisles 9 to 21!


The Loopy-O
My goodness, what a mess. :no: I leave everyone with strict instructions to behave and this is what I come back to. How did you get ketchup on the roof???? And on the birdfeeders and inside the washing machine? :laundry:


How was your weekend other than mischievous? Up to no good? I hope that everyone is hanging in as best they can. It's been a weird time - everything is just "off."
It was a mixed bag up in PA. It was cooler there than here so it felt amazing for the nice breeze. The AC repair was taken care of which was a huge relief. It took over 2 hours to get it right. It's a ductless AC so it's just the single unit in the LR and the drain was completely clogged. The water was leaking inside the house since it couldn't drain outside. But my mom wasn't feeling well so we stayed home the whole time. That was fine, my knee is still not great. My mood hasn't been great so it worked out. While my mom rested I read --and finished-- a book. I can't tell you the last time I read a book in three days.

I need to catch up on things that I didn't do this past week or so today. Gary did a fantastic job with laundry and dishes so that was a nice surprise. Lucky me, I get to take Jaida to the vet for a heartworm test and vaccines. Thankfully, I remembered to dose her with Trazodone last night and will give her another this morning.
Sam won't be there (she works at my vet) because she and her family have to be in court for a hearing about the car accident. If you all can send her family good thoughts and prayers or whatever you do, appreciate it, They will need every last bit of that.
[For the newer Ooos, her brother was killed in a car accident in 2020. The driver was charged with vehicular manslaughter]
However, they got an update from the prosecutors on Friday and it isn't good news at all. Even though there is plenty of evidence of wrongdoing, ( I mean, the car took out a street sign, telephone wires, flipped 4 times, and *then* hit the ground at 47 mph) they can't actually prove what speed he was traveling at before they flipped. The other passenger suffered a severe TBI so they can't use his testimony. Caitlyn gave me that update when I got home last night and I can't even breathe when I think about it.
So yeah--- please send the family any good thoughts you can. :brokenheart:

It might take me some time to wade through the pools of ketchup before I can "ketchup" ( :sick: ) with everyone's posts from the weekend.




The Loopy-O
@scrap-genie Thanks for starting the weekend thread!
I was excited when I sat on my mom's deck - I got to see and hear some new birds. I wish I had the patience to sit still and enjoy the sights and sounds more but I'm getting better at it :D

@tanteva ketchdown cracked me up!

@BrightEyes I am going to read over how you all save files.
Wet noodle whips for sure-- :whip3: Doesn't feel like that threat helped at all :hahano:
New coffee pot???? Do you like it? Where'd ya get it??? Ours is still acting up and I dread having to research that all over again.

@AK_Tracy I would love to send you some sun and heat in return for some rain. Still utterly brutal and dry here.

@bitzee hope you had a lovely weekend! Isn't this the best place to get information/advice/support and ketchup in your hair? :giggle4:

@Nonni F Odin and Otta are out of this world gorgeous! Are they as soft as they look? I want to pet them! It has to be heartwarming to have a little extra piece of Oliver with you ♥
How many babies do you have now, you had four IIRC, does this make six? Scritches and belly rubs -if they allow it- to all of them. If not, then an extra treat or sprinkle if catnip from me.:)

J needs to go outside, so I'm going to post and BRB!


The Loopy-O
@Cherylndesigns Sorry that you didn't have a "productive" eye dr appt. Every time I go to a new one, I always think that maybe, just maybe they'll have the answer and the *perfect* prescription. The one I went to last week, gave me two new lenses to try but so far the first combo isn't doing it.
LOL-ing at the :brrr: That is how I am at the LLMD. I freeze my butt off in her office and we are usually there for a couple of hours.

@Nonni F I can't wait to hear more stories about the kitties and their shenanigans LOL!

@JeanneMN Lynne's fantasy kits are nothing short of amazing. Being outside in the heat takes a lot out of you, not surprised that your get up and go went *poof*
Hey, you can always let it all out here no matter how cranky you are feeling. It helps so much to know you aren't alone in the malaise-y feelings.
If it wasn't for weeds, I wouldn't have a lawn. Moss too. And rocks. LOL
*grumbles* at PS when it misbehaves* Between PS and ACDSee it's amazing that I ever get a scrap page down. You get that?
Oooh boy, the family drama sounds awful. Good luck and don't forget to take nice deep breaths, just not so deep yu pass out, K?

Drat, Kay- I was hoping you had good results with the coffee pot :/ For both of us! LOL

Eva :lalala:

@bcgal00 Hope you had a wonderful and relaxing day and caught up on your sleep

@AK_Tracy hahah! It would be amazing to get everyone together, we would have so much fun! :groupchat:

@Terri M Its the same here in NJ, the temps/humidity themselves aren't that crazy above normal, it's the non-stop-edness (yes, it's a word ;) hahaha!!!) of it.
OMG, I adore that you took a picture of a ketchup bottle. It's tragic but true. Once you get the O-Crazies you can't get rid of them, we become a permanent fixture in your brain.
(Oh. Should we have disclosed that in our welcome threads? :oops2: My bad.)

Cheryl-- take care of yourself and be gentle. You don't have to be "on" for us. We love you malaise-y and exhausted too.

Tracy- love what you wrote to your Twin ♥

Big hugs to everyone! :cloud9:


Welcome home, @faerywings .... sorry about all the ketchup all over the place but @tanteva was trying to show us the ketchdown bottle and the lid came off as she was putting in place and SPLAT.... and some how we all managed to get splattered. :rotfl: Glad you had time to just sit and read (and rest that poor knee). Sorry about the water leak from the A/C. Sorry your mom wasn't feeling well.

The new coffeepot is a Black and Decker one from Kohls... it was on sale and I had an additional discount coupon. Seems like most of the standard coffeepots are made in China - no matter if they are from WM or a high end store. I haven't used it yet but will pretty soon as my old pot is taking longer and longer to brew a pot. Seems like most of the standard coffee pots only last a year or two regardless of the brand or where you buy them.

Today is going to be another scorcher,,,, 100+ so I am heading to the base early and hope to be back home before it gets too hot! This is the 3rd day in a row with heat advisory. Will wait until after the going-to-work traffic is over (around nine) before heading that way.


Love my O Family!
Good morning everyone,
Gonna be another hot day so I'm gonna stay in and get the laundry done.
Lazy afternoon after church yesterday watching car races, Cold Case, and playing Rummikub with my sister.
Will probably go to Ilene's tomorrow.


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. My friend is gone to Tofino for her daughter's wedding for 2 wks so no Monday doggie date this morning or next week. The following wk they get home but they'll be getting ready for a reception they are hosting at their property at the end of that wk so maybe no meetup that week either. Poor Remi is going to be in withdrawal after 3 wks of not playing with her doggie friend Bella. I'll take the dogs to the river today, maybe take my landscape lens and snap a few photos along the way.

The inspector is coming back today so we'll see what he says about the work so far on the deck/stairs. I hope that the gates will go up today, fingers crossed. I've harvested lots of the dill weed and frozen it. I'll have scrambled eggs/chili sauce along with fried potatoes with dill for dinner tomorrow, can't wait to try out the dill. Tonight though we'll have leftovers, I have leftovers from the meatballs I made on Saturday for game night.

Other than that, maybe some scrapping today, want to finish my book as the digital loan is finished today and need to get a bit of housework and laundry done.

The days fly by.

@faerywings Sounds like a quiet time with your mom was what you both needed. Just wanted to let you know I had nothing to do with the ketchup fiasco :) That was all EVA!

@BrightEyes You can keep that heat. We are going to be 80ish for a few days and then 90ish for most of the month. That is hot enough for me. I agree about the coffee pot (and most other small appliances) usually only lasting a few years. My toaster is failing, was a mid price one, but two yrs later the element is burning out.

I better get on with my day. Want to get dressed before the inspector comes which should be soon. HAGD everyone.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
We skipped our morning bike ride because it would have been 90 by the time we got home and we're all just sick and tired of it. I'll make up the exercise with energetic vacuuming and dusting. Right. I have to go cajole David to come in from the heat in a few minutes, he's determined to get these new gutter guards installed. Why are they important in the middle of a drought? Don't ask me.

I have a piece of word art I bought at least a decade ago, just "Hot hot hot" in a column. I have used it so many times that I really need something new. Can't find anything just right yet. I'll keep looking and try not to be overly judgmental. Nothing on the calendar the next couple days so if I really can chase out the spider webs and dust bunnies from the house I will have time for some reading and scrapping. I wish I were faster at making pages but that's just my "gotta be productive" personality; I actually enjoy the process.

I have been watching "Presumed Innocent" on Apple TV and have caught up to the released episodes. That gets me frustrated, when I want to keep going with the story and I can't. It doesn't bother me on regular network TV so I don't know why it should on a streaming service. So anyway now I have to find something else to watch until the next episode drops.

Everyone keep cool!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is going to be another hot one today! The whole weekend was a scorcher and so DH and I had to get all the yard work done before the afternoon heat. That was hard to do seeing as now we have two front yards and two backyards to work on. We are now on Stage 2 water restrictions, so the grass will be getting dry and brown and at least we won't have to cut it so often. Our sprinkler system in the back was on the fritz for a few days, so a few of our bushes have suffered without water and I hope that we have not killed them!! On Friday SIL Linda and I had a wonderful outing to Denman Island to visit a potter there and her husband, whom went to school with both of us. What a great couple, so friendly and charming we spent a few hours just chatting and having tea on their lovely deck. First of course was the tour of the pottery shed and all the gorgeous vases and other useful things, she is very talented!! I need to go through my photos of the day and get a layout done with them. The weather was perfect, not too hot and a nice cool breeze from the ocean. We had lunch at an old Pub that I haven't been to in years. "The Fanny Bay Inn" or the FBI which the locals call it. Wish I would have bought a T-Shirt from there for my DH he would have loved it. Then on we went to Nanaimo and did a bit of other shopping. Got home just in time for dinner and showed my DH my purchases for the day. He didn't even ask how much I spent LOL and I did not tell him :giggle4: . It was my day away and it was all about me :princess:. So today is an alone day and there is some :laundry: to get done and I need to chat with the neighbours about the quote for the fence replacement. Seems it all needs to be re-done and it will cost both of us a lot of $$. Oh well its their fault that the fence is falling over and they are lucky that we are willing to pay for half. I have to call the window/door company today also and see if they have a timeline for our new screen doors for us and the In-Laws.

@faerywings - So glad you had some quiet time with your Mom and that the temps were cooler than they were at your place! WTG to your Gary for doing such a great job while you were away!! So nice to come home to clean house! I missed all the ketchup shenanigans, but pretty sure we know who got Ketchup everywhere :giggle4:.

@BrightEyes - Yup going to be another hot day here too!! Good idea to just stay where its cool and putter around the house hope you get your running around done early, before the heat hits you. Enjoy your new coffee pot!

@vickyday - Seems we are all in a big heat wave, say hi to Ilene from all of us tomorrow!

@tanteva - LOL what a mischief maker you are! You know darn well no one could stay mad at you!!

@bcgal00 - Your friend sure picked a great time to go to Tofino, the weather will be sunny and warm for sure, hope she has a great time at the wedding. Such a gorgeous place to put on a party! Hope that the inspection goes well and the rest of the work get completed!

@Terri M - Yup too warm for a bike ride!! We have been watching Presumed Innocent also, love it!! However frustrating when you have to wait for the next episode. My son always waits until the season is complete and then just bing watches, so we can't talk to him about it until after he has watched it all LOL.

Well its time to get busy with my day, get in the shower and get dressed before Heather and the boys call, it will be nice to catch up with what they have done over the weekend! Have a lovely day everyone! :waving1


Well-Known Member
Good Morning All my Lovely O Ladies

I am a touch worried about all of you! That heat wave isn't good. @faerywings @BrightEyes @vickyday @Terri M @taxed4ever I need you all to stay cool and dont get hot hot. We are cool today and I wish I could share it. Feels like fall weather already here. I'm so not ready for cool and rain. Wish I could share it.

And on the birdfeeders and inside the washing machine? :laundry:
Well my. dear, if we tried to clean up, then of course it got on the machine! :floorlaugh: We cleaned it all up like good toddlers. Swiped it all over and said look ma I done it gooder.

Once you get the O-Crazies you can't get rid of them, we become a permanent fixture in your brain.
(Oh. Should we have disclosed that in our welcome threads? :oops2: My bad.)
Yeah, I think I warning label would be good. But it really wouldn't matter as we're still here playing with :ketchup:

exercise with energetic vacuuming and dusting.
:floorlaugh: This sounds similar to rage cleaning! I love it! Energetic vacuuming and dusting. Maybe that's what I'll do today.
That gets me frustrated, when I want to keep going with the story and I can't. It doesn't bother me on regular network TV so I don't know why it should on a streaming service
Yep I agree. Trudy's son has it right. Wait for it all to release then binge. Its weird how streaming we expect all episodes at once but we do. We watch a lot of BritBox and its so frustrating to have to wait a week or two for the next episode. One show, they took two months off in the middle of the season. Four episodes, then a two months break and then four more. Most shows only have 4-10 episodes per season so to have a two month break was super crazy.
It was my day away and it was all about me :princess:.
I love and adore this statement!!! I am SO SO SO SOSO happy to read that you took the day 100% for you and about you!!! Well done Trudy! You so needed that day. I hope youre able to have a bit of that every day now and things start to slow down.

Today I get to see a chiropractor for the first time. I'm a bit nervous but excited too. And I have Chris's comments in my mind for when I go. Be gentle and test the area before you adjust. The paperwork said this is what will happen too at this assessment appointment. So that made me feel better but then you have to read all the "worse case" warnings and woop up went the stress level again. I'm just ready for my back to not hurt, shouldn't to be less painful and no headache from it all being outta wack.

Off to see what else is going on and the gallery. Have a wonderful day!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi all,

Chris @faerywings welcome back - we missed you and of course, Eva showed up and we ALL got pretty mischievous. You would have been shocked and disappointed if we hadn't - :dancingbfly::dancing6::rotfl::floorlaugh: We all l tried to behave, but nah - how much fun would that have been??? "When the cat's away and all that stuff". :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Glad you had a relaxing time and you read an entire book? Was it one of the new Prime freebies? Sending lots of good vibes (that doesn't sound exactly right) but whatever good I can send to the family as they go to court. Just going to court is so daunting, but in this case - wow.

I have to go back to the eye doctor sometime now and get some new glasses. I was bummed that I couldn't get all of that done at one time, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Can't win 'em all. Thanks for your hug and encouragement. I've been a little down but I always get back up. It just takes me a little longer some times. If it wasn't so danged hot, I could go out and get some garden therapy but it's just too hot. I tried waiting until evening, but then the bugs got me. I can't stand that.

Hugs to all and I hope you're all having a good day.


Yes, I am back home and made it before the temp hit 99*F.... it may even go over 100*F!!! Got to the base just after 9:15AM but it took 10 minutes to get checked through the gate... and noticed that the outbound cars were not leaving the base. Turns out the Base went on "lock-down" just as I arrived. We were allowed on but were told we had to wait until it was lifted to leave. By the time I got my meds and did the commissary/grocery run, it was lifted. Traffic all over town was heavier than usual so the 40 minute trip home took an hour! Sure glad my car has good A/C and tinted windows!!! Got the groceries put away and I am pooped!!! Glad I got a few frozen dinners so I won't have to cook.

Got a big glass of ice water. my book, and I am headed for the massager and recliner.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes, I am back home and made it before the temp hit 99*F.... it may even go over 100*F!!! Got to the base just after 9:15AM but it took 10 minutes to get checked through the gate... and noticed that the outbound cars were not leaving the base. Turns out the Base went on "lock-down" just as I arrived. We were allowed on but were told we had to wait until it was lifted to leave. By the time I got my meds and did the commissary/grocery run, it was lifted. Traffic all over town was heavier than usual so the 40 minute trip home took an hour! Sure glad my car has good A/C and tinted windows!!! Got the groceries put away and I am pooped!!! Glad I got a few frozen dinners so I won't have to cook.

Got a big glass of ice water. my book, and I am headed for the massager and recliner.
That's scary, Kay! Glad you got out - it's crazy out there. Glad you're home with your ice water and book and massage chair.


That's scary, Kay! Glad you got out - it's crazy out there. Glad you're home with your ice water and book and massage chair.
Did not scare me a bit as I have been on base when a "lock-down" happened more than once. It could be a 'training exercise', an alarm set off somewhere on base, or who knows what triggered it. People were able to go in and out of the Base Exchange and the commissary so I wasn't unduly concerned about it. Have been on the base once when we were "locked down" where we were and couldn't leave the building... that was a much more concerning incident. After the attack on Trump - I would not be surprised if security measures are tightened up and drills are being held all over.


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! It is going to be another hot one today! The whole weekend was a scorcher and so DH and I had to get all the yard work done before the afternoon heat. That was hard to do seeing as now we have two front yards and two backyards to work on. We are now on Stage 2 water restrictions, so the grass will be getting dry and brown and at least we won't have to cut it so often. Our sprinkler system in the back was on the fritz for a few days, so a few of our bushes have suffered without water and I hope that we have not killed them!! On Friday SIL Linda and I had a wonderful outing to Denman Island to visit a potter there and her husband, whom went to school with both of us. What a great couple, so friendly and charming we spent a few hours just chatting and having tea on their lovely deck. First of course was the tour of the pottery shed and all the gorgeous vases and other useful things, she is very talented!! I need to go through my photos of the day and get a layout done with them. The weather was perfect, not too hot and a nice cool breeze from the ocean. We had lunch at an old Pub that I haven't been to in years. "The Fanny Bay Inn" or the FBI which the locals call it. Wish I would have bought a T-Shirt from there for my DH he would have loved it. Then on we went to Nanaimo and did a bit of other shopping. Got home just in time for dinner and showed my DH my purchases for the day. He didn't even ask how much I spent LOL and I did not tell him :giggle4: . It was my day away and it was all about me :princess:. So today is an alone day and there is some :laundry: to get done and I need to chat with the neighbours about the quote for the fence replacement. Seems it all needs to be re-done and it will cost both of us a lot of $$. Oh well its their fault that the fence is falling over and they are lucky that we are willing to pay for half. I have to call the window/door company today also and see if they have a timeline for our new screen doors for us and the In-Laws.

@faerywings - So glad you had some quiet time with your Mom and that the temps were cooler than they were at your place! WTG to your Gary for doing such a great job while you were away!! So nice to come home to clean house! I missed all the ketchup shenanigans, but pretty sure we know who got Ketchup everywhere :giggle4:.

@BrightEyes - Yup going to be another hot day here too!! Good idea to just stay where its cool and putter around the house hope you get your running around done early, before the heat hits you. Enjoy your new coffee pot!

@vickyday - Seems we are all in a big heat wave, say hi to Ilene from all of us tomorrow!

@tanteva - LOL what a mischief maker you are! You know darn well no one could stay mad at you!!

@bcgal00 - Your friend sure picked a great time to go to Tofino, the weather will be sunny and warm for sure, hope she has a great time at the wedding. Such a gorgeous place to put on a party! Hope that the inspection goes well and the rest of the work get completed!

@Terri M - Yup too warm for a bike ride!! We have been watching Presumed Innocent also, love it!! However frustrating when you have to wait for the next episode. My son always waits until the season is complete and then just bing watches, so we can't talk to him about it until after he has watched it all LOL.

Well its time to get busy with my day, get in the shower and get dressed before Heather and the boys call, it will be nice to catch up with what they have done over the weekend! Have a lovely day everyone! :waving1
Yes, the heat wave is relentless! Over 100 today!